Bought this game Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z about a week ago for my psvita, been playing it these past few days. It's probably the only dragon ball
game I like, its kiddish but fun brings me back to the days when I used to wait for school to be over so I can go home and watch the new dragon ball
movie with my friends, or waiting for the weekend to watch the new episodes.
Which generally dragged on and on, it was usually a fight, after that a lot of talking and backstory, then suddenly a new twist is thrown in...And
then! Oh tune in for next week kiddies to see the rest. Bummer! It dragged on like that every dam week. And I like a sucker waited for it every dam
week, even when I knew how it was likely to be.
Till eventually I grew out of it. Which is another bummer.
The intro song does not start till the 0:30 mark. The original intro song in japanese-- Hikaru, something something, fly away, fly away, something
something something, chala head chala, something something, fly away. That song.
And because there needs to be more dragon ball vids in this post.