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9/11-What witnesses really saw

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posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by PammyK

"It has been so long since this happened."

It has been hardly any time since this happened and yes the pain and horror of it live inside many Americans who saw it and lived it that day. It takes much, much, much longer than 7 years to forget or get over something this horrific and suggesting otherwise seem naive. There are WWII vets who still have nightmares about what they saw in that war and it has been far longer than the horrible events on 9-11. When the American people forget what happened is a very sad day in my book, our memories make us vigilant and our eyes are now wide open to the people who hate us in this world.

on a general note:
I agree that the past administrations are equally guilty in neglect as to what happened on 9-11 but that doesn't negate the fact that we were attacked and yes, we were attacked by planes that were flown into buildings. All the amateur videos on youtube and other places will never convince me that thousands of people who saw this horror unfold in living color in front of their eyes are wrong.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by xtradimensions]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by xtradimensions
All the amateur videos on youtube and other places will never convince me that thousands of people who saw this horror unfold in living color in front of their eyes are wrong.

they aren't meant to convince you of anything. the purpose of these videos and all this noise about small planes, cessnas, holograms, missiles etc are meant to divert the eyes. magician's sleight of hand to keep you from seeing when he hides the ball or pulls something out of his pocket.

in this case, the last thing these people want is for the discussion to focus on the how.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

I agree that may be the case for some of them. But I also think that some of the people who post these videos truly believe, due to ignorance and their inability to filter through propaganda, that planes did not crash into the Twin Towers. I also think there are groups who have a very logical interest in attempting to convince the U.S. public and even more so others in the world that the events did not happen as they really did.

I am not disagreeing with you in whole, as I am sure you are right about the intent of some of the 9-11 conspiracist theory people.

Most importantly, your post made me stop and think and I see the logic in what you are saying so
to that. It is always a good thing to see something filtered thru a different lens than ones' own.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
the purpose of these videos and all this noise about small planes, cessnas, holograms, missiles etc are meant to divert the eyes. magician's sleight of hand to keep you from seeing when he hides the ball or pulls something out of his pocket.

So what is the 9/11 magician hiding and how was the trick done?

Oh yeah, who is the magician?

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

the questions that should be asked center on how the current and past administrations failed to protect us. how on earth did this get to the point of no return. how many ways did they screw up in protecting us.

all this crap, yes crap, about what witnesses did or didn't see is merely a distraction.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by xtradimensions
I agree that the past administrations are equally guilty in neglect as to what happened on 9-11 but that doesn't negate the fact that we were attacked and yes, we were attacked by planes that were flown into buildings.

That's not in dispute. But who were the "terrorists"? Was it really 19 Arabs and their cave-dwelling former CIA employee boss "Tim Osman", none of whom appeared on any initial airline passenger manifest or government autopsy report, none of whom were competent enough to fly a commercial jet (1 in particular who couldn't even rent a Cessna the month before because he "could not fly at all") and 6 or 7 of whom were reportedly still alive?

Or was there a reason that nobody ever heard about those 5 dancing, uh, "middle eastern" types who were arrested on 9/11 driving a van "packed with tons of explosives", in possession of box cutters, phony passports, wads of cash, circled maps of the terrorist sites, of whom police said, "It looked like they're hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park." [taking photos of each other flicking lighters and celebrating the collapse of the WTC towers.] Oh yeah, they also confessed on "middle-eastern" TV that they were sent to America to "document the event." Not to mention the "middle-eastern" owned pager company that warned other "middle easterners" to stay away from the WTC towers on the morning of 9/11 before the first attack took place.

Now THAT'S a talented magician who can make all that evidence disappear!

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

as I said, it has nothing to do with who. this thread claims that the witnesses didn't see passenger jets hit the buildings. if the topic were about Bin Laden's supposed CIA connections or the israeli connection etc we'd be talking about that.

we are talking about the claims made by some that the people in and around NYC who were here that day and how they didn't see passenger jets.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur

You're basing your argument on the belief that terrorists from other another country are to blame for the events. It's almost 7 years later and you still believe this? I feel sorry for you 'cause you are either to scared to wake up and realize that your(and mine) government was behind all the planning and carrying out. Or you're just too blind to see the offical story has way too many problems to be true. This includes EVERYTHING in 9/11 "Omission" Report. Terrorists hijacking planes, planes hitting the towers, a plane hitting the Pentagon, a plane crashing in Shanksville, the collaspes were a reuslt of fire(including WTC7)--it's all a BS story to cover us from the real truth--our government doesn't care. They didn't try to protect us! They are the criminals!

Earlier, I believed you when you said you saw the plane hit the South Tower, but since you have yet to answer my question about the color or the type of plane, I'm doubting you now.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
we are talking about the claims made by some that the people in and around NYC who were here that day and how they didn't see passenger jets.

Don't forget, their was even a witness that stated they did not see what hit the Pentagon they were told later it was a 757.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Niobis

I told you, I saw the hologram with Princess Leia where she was aiming the plane at the building.

the very reason there will never be any answers as to what really happened lies with the folks muddying the waters with nonsense about what hit the buildings.

it's very simple. two passenger jets were flown into the buildings.

plain and simple.

who was flying them, who was behind the attack etc is a different topic for a different thread. there are plenty of them on the site.

what hit the towers
passenger jets.

Was it the NWO or the Bush Adminsitration or The Reptilians?
different thread.

Again, the topic. what the witnesses really saw.
I am a witness. I didn't see who was flying the plane. I didn't see who made the call to put the plan in action. I did, however, see the plane.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur

Originally posted by pmexplorer
Why wouldn't the NYSE open on 9/11???
It was a day of business just like any other working day in Manhattan.
What is your point?

my wife works somewhat close to where the towers stood and her offices were closed for 2 weeks, if my memory serves me right. she got a call a couple of days after the 11th, from one of her clients in PA. they wanted a status report. she told them the office was closed and the client was confused. he said something to the effect of "the whole world can't be put on hold" or something.

business as usual outside the city.

That is appalling but I can't say I'm surprised, in this day and age nothing really surprises me anymore when it comes to people and their selfish
and careless attitudes towards others.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
it would surprise me to find that there was some politically backed group out there feeding people this garbage with the hopes that people will, eventually, stop caring about the how as in how did the white house (bush and clinton before him) fail to see the signs? how did they allow this to happen?

You mean it wouldn't surprise you, right? But I don't know what politically-backed group that would be.

Would it surprise you if it was a U.S. government or NWO military-industrial psy-ops peddling this hologram nonsense (which I thought was supposed to be confined to a single thread) in order to make the entire 9/11 truth movement easy to dismiss?

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

I don't know who is behind the nonsense videos claiming the witnesses didn't see the planes hit. whomever it is has an agenda to keep us from looking into the aspects of the event that need investigation.

I actually find it hard to believe that anyone in their right mind could believe that all of us here in NYC didn't see what we say we saw. If you think about it, they are, basically, claiming either the whole city hallucinated or we're all in on the attack.

either option is ludicrous.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

Except for my personal belief that it really was some type of a missile that hit the Pentagon (and downed Flight 93), I couldn't agree with you more.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

well, by infusing such inane ideas as holograms in NYC, they turn the topic away from things like the pentagon or what really happened in PA (shot down). they post these videos on youtube and around the net and they try to get us to not discuss how it was allowed to happen or what happened in PA or at the pentagon etc.

by wiping his brow with his left hand, the magician draws the eyes of his audience away from his left hand which is quickly throwing the assistant's watch under the table and out of view.

same concept.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:31 PM
In my mind I have no doubt that on 9/11 that terrorist flying planes hit the WTC towers. I have no doubt in my mind that Bin Laden was behind it. I feel very confident that the questions of “Who did it”, “How they did it” and “Why they did it” have been answered. These questions may not have been as fully answered as some people would like, but they have been answered.

I would agree with Crakeur, that the questions of “Who dropped the ball”, “How they dropped the ball” and “Why they dropped the ball” have not been fully answered. I think the answers lie in the fact that multiple administrations, congress and many in the military and Intel communities failed in the run up to 9/11.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Crakeur

Again, more sarcasm from you about the planes. I'm not asking the square root of a matrix here. I'm simply interested in what color plane you saw hit the WTC. I'm interested for two main reasons: A: eye-witness accounts on the news that day covered many flying objects-from airbuses, to helicopters, to missiles. B: the surviving videos of a plane crashing into the South Tower have big problems, as I've mentioned throughout this thread. There's only one video of a plane crashing into the North Tower and it also has big problems.

You could very well be the one that changes my entire outlook on what hit the towers, because you was there and I was not. Instead you keep throwing down these sarcastic comments about holograms.

Originally posted by Crakeur
it's very simple. two passenger jets were flown into the buildings.

plain and simple.

No, it's not simple. Seems to me, if the people in NYC saw a passenger plane crash into the South Tower, so would all of the artificial eyes(cameras). But instead we are given conflicting videos, odd photos, and a wide range of eye-witness accounts.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Niobis
No, it's not simple. Seems to me, if the people in NYC saw a passenger plane crash into the South Tower, so would all of the artificial eyes(cameras). But instead we are given conflicting videos, odd photos, and a wide range of eye-witness accounts.

no, we aren't given conflicting anything. you are looking at youtube videos made with the sole purpose of distracting the public.

Let's say, on the low side, that there were 10,000 eyewitnesses in NYC that day and they all saw the second plane hit. are you saying that some video, made by some unknown person, with people you cannot prove were even in the United States on 9/11, let alone in NYC, on camera claiming to have seen other things, and you are taking this as more likely than the 10,000 eyewitnesses?

if you actually take the youtube video over all of NYC, I have a bridge I want to sell you.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Niobis


No, it's not simple. Seems to me, if the people in NYC saw a passenger plane crash into the South Tower, so would all of the artificial eyes(cameras). But instead we are given conflicting videos, odd photos, and a wide range of eye-witness accounts.

Take a moment to read through the accounts of eyewitnesses
to the events of 9/11 here:

These are conclusive first hand accounts of eyewitnesses who were in the immediate vicinity like Crakeur was.

There are some who saw the approach, some who heard the plane and many who actually saw the plane strike the building.

I'm not sure what your reply will be to this information but if you're still going to try and argue that all these people were deceived or that it was not a commercial airliner that they witnessed then quite frankly its all the same.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by pmexplorer]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

no, we aren't given conflicting anything.

Oh, really? Then why did the artificial eyes show different flight paths, different color planes, black blobs with no details, or no plane at all? And even in one case, a missile heat trail(which was obviously, quickly dealt with)?

Eye-witnesses also offer conflicts. "The plane appeared to be in trouble." "The plane didn't appear to be in any trouble." "I did not see a plane." "It was a small plane." "It was a 767." "It was a missile." "I heard a loud sonic boom." "I heard a dull thud."
(Obviously, those are not actual full quotes, but those are words we heard on the news.)

Sounds like conflicts to me...

you are looking at youtube videos made with the sole purpose of distracting the public.

Let's say, on the low side, that there were 10,000 eyewitnesses in NYC that day and they all saw the second plane hit. are you saying that some video, made by some unknown person, with people you cannot prove were even in the United States on 9/11, let alone in NYC, on camera claiming to have seen other things, and you are taking this as more likely than the 10,000 eyewitnesses?

if you actually take the youtube video over all of NYC, I have a bridge I want to sell you.

You shouldn't assume where I get my information. While I have viewed YouTube and GoogleVideo videos showing how the "live" and "amateur" videos are fake, I do not take everything said to be truth, as most of them have errors. I have been researching the videos for a few years now, and I always study the originals before coming to a conclusion. That includes eye-witness accounts. Isn't the media coverage of 9/11 supposed to be real? After all, they showed "planes", too. Look how they have deleted, manipulated, or "lost" the videos since 2001... I sense a cover-up!

if you actually take the youtube video over all of NYC, I have a bridge I want to sell you.

Is it the Verrazzano bridge? 'Cause I've always wanted a bridge that moves by itself. However, it doesn't seem to do that all the time-only on 9/11(more than once, might I add).

I give up on asking you about the color of the "plane" "you saw". If you actually did see a plane, you would have no problem sharing your account with us. I'm gonna take a shot in the dark(since I can't get an answer)-I bet it was small to medium size, black and very loud.

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