posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:35 PM
Good gosh... The ridiculousness of the scientific process needing to confirm even the most obvious sh17 drives me crazy.
We run low on resources and we fight and kill eachother and... it's like the time in Europe prior to the discovery of the new world when people
thought the world was flat...
we have built between us and russia almost 60,000 Rockets capable of reaching orbit.... for the purposes of killing ourselves over stinking scraps of
while people without "proof" and dollar per dollar compared to destruction attempts to even get the proof nothing is spent to do so, the attempts
are pathetic...
and the OBVIOUS, simple reality...that just like we weren't the center of the universe lol and the world wasn't flat....
People... It's habitable world after habitable world ad infinitum all the way out into the vast reaches of space there aren't any actually gaps
there are habitable places the whole way...
If it's not habitable it can be made habitable... the Moon sure would make a great spacestation wouldn't it?
Start sending ships and drilling holes in there is no lack of resources or places to live...
Mars is filled with caves, the moon could probably eventually hold a billion people within it by itself...
Jupiter and Saturn have... 80 Moons just about between them? 80 friggin moons... Europa a giant ocean world and Titan full of Fuel and lol...
Build shutles go, go, go, go, go, go, go....
Get past Pluto there's a Kupier belt, more worlds tons of ice and water...
get past that we find an Oort cloud ...oooo since coments get tossed in anyone want to bet without "proof" we will find more worlds in the oort
cloud... Lol, people are all so stupid...
Anyone think that maybe between here and A Centauri there are... more worlds? small ones that got thrown off during solar system formations? Big ones
like Jupiter that didn't heave nearly enough mass to form a star? ... Maybe with lots of moons like Jupiter ...Worlds heated from within by
This is Some Big Shock... lol... that the Ice we can see with a backyard telescope is Water... Yay we have proof...
Maybe next they will inform us that the trees we saw from orbit are Frackin Trees...... woah, what a revelation!
Maybe, just maybe one day in another 20 years of retarded unmanned missions I'll get to find out that the ice, melts underground and there is liquid
water under the surface... and things are living in it because the air pressure around the lakes in the caves is higher
and....... arrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh aaarrrrgg eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (pulling my hair) Maybe Just maybe if it occours that way everywhere in nature and we
know the basics about the planet we can just Assume that.... arrrrrg