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The White House is Briefed: Phoenix About to Announce "Potential For Life" on Mars

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:50 PM
I was hoping that they may be announcing that Mars had a breathable atmosphere...oh well, I guess a thriving bacteria may be just as good.

with the possibility of forzen water under the martian surface, couldnt the lander or some form of robot, heat the soil to create a pool of water????

also, I think, like mentioned previously most of the data that NASA knows about Mars is old data that they are slowly brining out to the public....dont forget, that NASA was created as a public front company for military projects run by Werner Von Braun....that says it all dont you think?

I wouldnt be surprised if we already have some black projects going on Mars with a base and all that stuff aswell.

by the way, from Mars, would you be able to see the dark side of earths moon? if something was on the dark side of our moon, wouldnt that help the case for not wanting humans on Mars because we could possible see whats there?

Just thinking out loud.....will be watching this space.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by soup_sandwich

reply to post by soup_sandwich

No, I'm not a skeptic nor do I flinch at troll bait. I do however try and eliminate flawed evidence quickly. Otherwise we would be the nut's people think we are.

I've had both frames of the .gif in PS since you posted it. Nothing is bubbling. It is two shots from differing times of the day. Your bubbling is just the light source, the Sun, being in a different location from the first frame to the second frame. I located the edges of some of the more prominent features to see if they changed in size or location and they do not. Only the light source changes. Nothing new appears.

The quality of what you posted is not in the ball park of images from NASA and I'm curious where the originals are stored and their real titles so others can find them? Whoever made the animated gif compressed the image too far eliminating detail. Bad idea as that method is often used to hide details on purpose that do not fit a theory.

It would seem your source, group or whatever, needs people with basic knowledge of imaging and post-processing. All your images should be cataloged at the highest resolution possible and the original name should be kept.

Again, what is your source for the image with the supposed protein strand? Please post the original or a link to it?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:11 PM
While many people want some fantasy disclosure here, please consider just how fantastic it would be to know that life can flourish beyond the confines of earth. It opens up the increased likelyhood that we are not unique.

If even simple life, maybe hitching a ride on a lander, can grow on Mars, in a place it has never been before, then to quote Jurrasic Park, "Life will find a way". It means that due to meteor impacts, the idea of panspermia gets a boost.

We would know once and for all, no matter the route, life can adapt on far shores. It would mean that the chance of this island in the sky being the only place life as we know it could thrive is finally put to rest.

And even if there is no indeginous life on Mars now, it would mean that the chance of it in the past has just increased exponentially.

No, even at the basics, this would be big news. The implications would be enormous.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by Lethil

boo! i got worked up for nothing....seems they wont be announcing life...oh well ill be back under my rock if anyone needs me...

If they say it can support life, its almost guaranteed that there was life or still could be.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by NGC2736

I could not agree more. In fact, if they were to find evidence of rudimentary life and announce it I would not be surprised. I half expect it to happen. I think it will actually happen when they are able to return samples to study here or land a manned mission with an appropriate lab.

If something survived the trip from Earth it might be even more amazing as I think it is more unlikely than a native life form on Mars. It would open a whole new set of possibilities though. Anything is possible.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:35 PM
Good gosh... The ridiculousness of the scientific process needing to confirm even the most obvious sh17 drives me crazy.

We run low on resources and we fight and kill eachother and... it's like the time in Europe prior to the discovery of the new world when people thought the world was flat...

we have built between us and russia almost 60,000 Rockets capable of reaching orbit.... for the purposes of killing ourselves over stinking scraps of territory...

while people without "proof" and dollar per dollar compared to destruction attempts to even get the proof nothing is spent to do so, the attempts are pathetic...

and the OBVIOUS, simple reality...that just like we weren't the center of the universe lol and the world wasn't flat....

People... It's habitable world after habitable world ad infinitum all the way out into the vast reaches of space there aren't any actually gaps there are habitable places the whole way...

If it's not habitable it can be made habitable... the Moon sure would make a great spacestation wouldn't it?

Start sending ships and drilling holes in there is no lack of resources or places to live...

Mars is filled with caves, the moon could probably eventually hold a billion people within it by itself...

Jupiter and Saturn have... 80 Moons just about between them? 80 friggin moons... Europa a giant ocean world and Titan full of Fuel and lol...

Build shutles go, go, go, go, go, go, go....

Get past Pluto there's a Kupier belt, more worlds tons of ice and water...

get past that we find an Oort cloud ...oooo since coments get tossed in anyone want to bet without "proof" we will find more worlds in the oort cloud... Lol, people are all so stupid...

Anyone think that maybe between here and A Centauri there are... more worlds? small ones that got thrown off during solar system formations? Big ones like Jupiter that didn't heave nearly enough mass to form a star? ... Maybe with lots of moons like Jupiter ...Worlds heated from within by Gravity?

This is Some Big Shock... lol... that the Ice we can see with a backyard telescope is Water... Yay we have proof...

Maybe next they will inform us that the trees we saw from orbit are Frackin Trees...... woah, what a revelation!

Maybe, just maybe one day in another 20 years of retarded unmanned missions I'll get to find out that the ice, melts underground and there is liquid water under the surface... and things are living in it because the air pressure around the lakes in the caves is higher

and....... arrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh aaarrrrgg eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (pulling my hair) Maybe Just maybe if it occours that way everywhere in nature and we know the basics about the planet we can just Assume that.... arrrrrg

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:47 PM
okay i'm breathing again...

Here's the horror... this probe to find water... cost 350 Million Dollars...

We spend 1 Billion a day In Iraq

That means for the same price, we could have sent 3 probes a day or 21 a week or over 80 a month or over.... 1,000 probes and rovers to mars to chart it and dominate the landscape with cameras and mapping equipment and even...heaven forbid...seeds sent with them...

Just for the cost of thew first year

After 6 years if you figure in mass production... 2 Billion for each manned ship and 1.5 Billion for each cargo ship...

We could have for this 7 Trillion dollars sent Thousands of people to mars with tons of supplies

lol, in the cold war alone... Us and Russia built 60,000 orbital capable rockets...

So for the cost of the War in Iraq... America could have conquered Mars

and here's the worst part...

Mars, the lander has stuff growing on it, just from landing... I have never seen a Tank in Iraq grow anything in that dry disgusting desert...

so this means that Mars... is more hospitable than Iraq is to human life...


I so want to beat the crap out of the kind of scientists who... need to test the most basic and obvious things....

what did they think? Chemistry and Biology and Physics work different there...

There is an Ocean under the surface helllloooo some one please smack the head of nasa with his own hand....

water flows bewlow the surface it's water it does the same things here as there..

It would be like me.... sending a probe into my bathroom to determine if the water I see coming out of my faucet is actually h2o or something else entirely....

How can these people be so retarded?


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by soup_sandwich

i have my IRC client open , can I join your channel ?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 08:00 PM
concerning the supposed figure on mars:
if you cover the "head" of the "creature" you'll see that its a rock just like all of the surrounding rocks. also the arm extends into one of the many dunes in the picture.

as far as saying "ive seen life on nasas images", first of all there are MANY MANY MANY MANY people here who seem to want to believe REALLY REALLY bad. their speculation is without limits. there have been endless threads ive seen, where the evidence presented is really outrageous! like the forest on mars thread, it was flagged and everything, everybody was like "wow these pictures are awesome" and i was thinking "are you guys serious??" there was really nothing to see!

the pics are published by professionals, those people aren't idiots, yet some people here want to act like they'll "accidentally" publish pics of a freakin forest on mars??

get real!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by kennedysmith

Why not, they published a photo showing aliens and Mogellons on mars. I know a lot of you will think this is just another photoshopped images that debris765nju screwed the colors up again, but, i know what and who it is an that is more than anyone on the earth can say. I have 12 threads dealing with these entities, live with them and have Morgellons, so those are my qualifications. Before the government and president Bush panic, i want to point out that these entities are present with us here and now,. They were also present on Mars before we took them there. I think everyone has the right to know, not just political hacks and politicians.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 08:32 PM
99% of the images people say are artifacts on mars are indeed bunk and wishful thinking...

There are however a few anomolies that beg attention...

The "Trees" are almost certainly organic... in some form or at the very least, given the fractal nature some sort of artifact of ice...water, which could hold life... they appear to be highly organic in structure and... given that Mars has passed through the debris tail of the earth for Millions of years and there is water and some air, it is most likely and probable that some life has taken hold on mars...

If the trees are some ice artifcat of sort maybe a result of water coming up from the surface and freesing when it breaks through...the dark color must be indicitive of something,... it could very well be that the coloration is bacteria or algae of sorts...

which makes the particular location a Must for exploration and worthy of alot of stars in a thread because Ice and Algae to me spells Human base camp potential...

and the potential that it is some sort of organic root structure poping through from under the surface to collect air... is a very likely possibility as well...

The Second "artifact" would be the worm... again my guess is this is some sort of ice, frozen something or even glass made by an impact or mineral deposit... hard to say exactly...

Given it's size if it's Ice...once again...base camp potential very highly worthy of serious attention... it overhangs could provide shelter and water...

If the dark spots are nothing more than algae in thes areas...we have food water and air in one spot at these locations... to Not star and flag these discoveries would be an insult... to ignore them just plain stupid...

You can't let the flights of fancy of people imagination deter you from knowing that these are potentially signs of life supporting regions....

That alien "rock" lol is moronic I don't know how people believe junk that that either...

But with that said... it is Not beyond the realm of possibility that there were once structures and visitation on Mars...

It is in the end blatantly obvious at this [point that there are Billions of worlds out there... we have a handful in our system alone that might support life already in one form or another without our help...

The writing is on the wall...

so keep fighting here on earth over religion...

and never bother to understand what it was that Christ Told mary magdalene...the words he gave to her that...he did not tell the other apostles... that they were in such denial over that they didn't include them in the Bible

"Armageddon is a choice for mankind, to fight here on Earth or go into the heavens and become the Conquerer of stars"

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:12 PM
Well thats awesome, I think they need to find someone with some balls to go land on mars and take their spacesuit off, that'd be revolutionary if they find out they can actually breath the mars atmosphere, but besides that the whole worlds been tellin you there was water on mars for years, think about total recall that was like in the 80's lol...

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:16 PM
If this is indeed something growing on the lander brought to Mars from earth, would that not constitute THE BIGGEST scientific foul - up in the solar system? It seems pretty amateurish to forget to wipe the landers legs before liftoff.
(Presenting NASA's Mars Lander. Brought to you by Church Basement Productions)

How can any results from here on out be verified accurately? If the lander is contaminated, there goes the farm, Martha.
Sure it's an unexpected but highly significant discovery of life supporting conditions, but pretty much renders further "discovery" of life null and void, doesn't it?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:25 PM
Here are two images that show there is much more than water, algae and possibley trees on Mars.

The above image shows a building complex located in the Hale Crater region. A huge multi-level complex with columns and what appear to be storage tanks behing the complex. A massive civilization site was found here on official ESA photos beneath image tampering .

The above image shows some sort of industrial plant underneath a clear dome. Do you see the puff of vapor shooting from the vertically configured exhaust pipe? It's amazing how the building conforms to the curved shape of the dome. Sorry for the blurry picture quality, this was found underneath yet more image tampering and enlarged like the previous picture. This picture was derived from Viking data. Both images can be downloaded from NASA and the ESA and clearly show (at least the second one) evidence of an advanced active civilization on Mars.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:40 PM
This is all great. What I don't understand though, is why most everyone jumps on this chance when most everyone here believes that NASA/Gov has been lieing for a long time. Why believe them now? I'm not saying I don't believe them. It just seems odd to me thats all.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Do you see the puff of vapor shooting from the vertically configured exhaust pipe?

Do you mean the thing next to the "Holiday Inn" sign?
I thought that was exhaust from their indoor pool.

Sorry, but all I see is pixelated, small, blurry shadows.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus

what did they think? Chemistry and Biology and Physics work different there...

Actually there are thoughts of that very thing.

Some theories postulate different times in our univierse that physics has worked differently. Others postulate other areas work differently due to gravitational forces etc.

For example, take why do we do so many tests in zero-G, because things work differently up there than down here, enough to make it a factor anyhow.

Either way, I still want to know what this is!

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Quazga]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:03 PM
So... what is the discovery, have they announced it? Or if not, what's the biggest chance of it being?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by solo32_98
Im with you solo I see nothing but a fuzzy image of what I dont even know for sure is even Mars. I think people want to believe in something so badly that their imaginations start getting the better of them. I have seen NOTHING so far that really proves anything. I must admit though that the image of the glass tunnels has me a bit intrigued. That is the only image that I have seen that looks artificial. I must say however that even that structure could be formed from natural processes much like the layers seen in sedimentary rock. They could be naturally formed lava tubes also. The insistance on the proof being the sunlight reflecting off of the surface of the structure is only speculation. Have they never heard of obsidian?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 10:08 PM
I just wonder if this has anything to do with that mysterious white anomaly among the very 1st images sent back by the lander.

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