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School To Put Students In 'Prison Jumpsuits' As Punishment

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posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:14 AM

School To Put Students In 'Prison Jumpsuits' As Punishment

GONZALES, Texas. -- A school in Texas will force students who don't follow the rules to wear prison-like jumpsuits in a controversial move this coming school year.

Gonzales High School has new navy blue jumpsuits that students will wear if they break the dress code
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:14 AM

Perhaps they should invest in some sporty leg-irons and hand-cuffs while they're at it!

Sounds like more obedience and conditioning societal rituals, which sadly enough, ALWAYS begins in our class rooms.


Violators will be forced to wear the jumpsuit for the day, the report said.

Some parents said the jumpsuits will make students feel like prisoners but the district said it's just a way to keep the children dressed appropriately for school.

A school board official said it's "worth a try" because it's a way to keep the district's conservative values intact.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I can believe this is happening in a Texas school district. This is the reason why Texas schools aren't nearly as good as they should be based on the quality of students they are given and based on the quantity of money they recieve.You can safely bet every dollar you have in the bank that the child of the wealthy car dealership owner/drug money launderer will never be made to suffer one of those jump suits no matter how behaviorally challenged. Also rest assured that some underfed child of a dirt poor family will be forced to wear one of those suits often no matter how hard they try to behave. It is the profound hope of the idiot who came up with the jumpsuit idea that children will follow through with the programing and end up in prison. People should homeschool their children.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:32 AM
This could backfire. Some kids will see the jumpsuits as trophies for being a badass.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:39 AM
I am sorry but I have to go along with this. Not everything has a sinister motive. Kids who flaunt the dress code to wear gang clothing especially should be "suited up". Sometimes you have to conform.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:16 AM
I think it's a reasonable solution. Where I work all of our residents are required to wear a uniform and it doesn't hurt them a bit.

When a student comes to school in violation of the dress code, what are they supposed to do? Send the kid home to change? Whole list of problems I see with that, especially if both parents work and the kid rides the bus ... So if that's not an option, then, what .. they get to wear the inappropriate clothing all day and get a note sent home? Yeah, that'll work. Suspension? The kids love it.

I think the jumpsuits are a great idea, and if the parents don't like it then they should supervise their children properly and make sure they have on appropriate attire for school.

And eradown, I don't see where you're coming up with the rich/poor thing. It's gang affiliated clothing, indecent exposure, obscenities printed on the clothing, and lewd or obscene pictures on the clothing that are usually the problem, not clothing which is "poor," well-worn, or out of style. Even rips and holes don't usually violate codes unless they reveal inappropriate portions of the student's anatomy.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:24 AM
I agree with this actually.

If you break the dress code now, instead of being sent home and missing school, you are provided something to wear and you can stay in class.

Schools have dress codes for a reason and students need to abide by them. If not, this is what you get.

Good for them.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Heike
It's fine and good to expect children to obey the dress code but you should pay attention to the wording. It says rule breakers. School officials will eventually work their way up to forcing the students who had the audacity to touch the arm of one of the high caste children to wear that stupid prison suit. I also find its resemblance to a prison jumpsuit highly offensive. I am sure the ugly prison suit costs more than extra uniforms. Sorry, I can not agree with humiliating little children by making them dress up like prisoners because they violated a petty school rule. I am a do unto others as I would have done unto myself sort of person.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:41 AM
Dress them up in jump suits, send them to a secure compound and waterboard them - it's the only way they'll learn to follow the rules

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by eradown
It's fine and good to expect children to obey the dress code but you should pay attention to the wording. It says rule breakers.

No, it doesn't. Here's what it says.

Gonzales High School has new navy blue jumpsuits that students will wear if they break the dress code.
(underline mine)

Sorry, I can not agree with humiliating little children by making them dress up like prisoners because they violated a petty school rule.

Rules that prevent teenagers from appearing in school wearing GANG clothing that incites violence, inappropriately revealing clothing, and obscenities are hardly petty in my opinion. Furthermore, these are not "little children." This is a HIGH SCHOOL.

Perhaps you should have paid more attention to the wording.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:57 AM
No big whoop.
Many students are already wearing their jeans the way inmates do, way down low, loose and dragging.

Sagging pants was never meant to be fashionable. Prisoners wear their pants this low because belts are a popular way to commit suicide by hanging oneself, to hang others, or to use as a weapon in fights. Prisoners are also not allowed to have shoestrings for the same reasons. But there is an even more obvious reason why pants are sagging in prison. If the pants are below a man's bottom, it is to introduce to other men that he is homosexual. As Eazy E once said about women in skirts, "For easy access, baby."


Prison attire

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

Wah, makes you wonder what Martha Stewart did with prison styles during her incarceration.

I've got a song stuck in my head now, lol, star to the first who guesses it.
"they're tryin' to build a prison...
they're tryin' to build a prison...
they're tryin' to build a prison...
for you and me to live in..."

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by johnsky
reply to post by Alxandro

Wah, makes you wonder what Martha Stewart did with prison styles during her incarceration.

I've got a song stuck in my head now, lol, star to the first who guesses it.
"they're tryin' to build a prison...
they're tryin' to build a prison...
they're tryin' to build a prison...
for you and me to live in..."

It's by System of a Down but I forgot the name.

I find an issue with a dress code period. Students should be allowed to wear what they want. The only ban that we had in high school where I went were bandanas. Which makes sense to me because back then they would often be affiliated with gangs.

Some teachers were offended by some of the clothing but overall it really didn't cause any problems.

Think about it, we're allowed to wear what we want when out in the street, school shouldn't be any different.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by InSanE1

reply to post by Alxandro

Think about it, we're allowed to wear what we want when out in the street, school shouldn't be any different.

I disagree on 2 counts.

One, we are not allowed to wear 'anything we want' out in the street. If too much of your anatomy is visible, you will get a nice ride downtown in a cop car.

Two, that is an invalid analogy. School is not leisure time, school is preparation for your working career. We can not wear what we want at work, we must abide by our employer's dress code. Therefore I find it perfectly reasonable that students - particularly older high school students who may already be working part time - be asked to abide by a dress code in school.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 12:42 PM
Sorry perhaps I shouldn't have been so broad with my terminology. I understand that if you have your genitals showing it's indecent exposure however aside from that, there are really no limits.

I do agree that high school is preparation for adult life, however they should not be limited to what they wear simply because of it. After all, during high school they are still teenagers. They should be allowed to enjoy those freedoms while they still can.

As I stated before if it's gang related, sure don't allow it to prevent potential violence, but aside from that and clothing that shows your privates there should not be any restrictions.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:46 PM
As a teacher, I find uniforms unappealing. We should be encouraging individuality in students. I do, however, approve of dress codes. They're vital to maintaining an atmosphere conducive to learning. Teachers have enough trouble maintaining the attention of their students as it is. We don't need the distractions inappropriate clothing would cause.
This jumpsuit idea is perfect. I would, however, recommend a different style. As was posted earlier, some students may take it as a point of pride. A sign of their rebelliousness. These jumpsuits aren't ugly enough. At the very least you can put the boys in a soft, pink jumpsuit decorated with cute cartoon characters. In Thailand they're using cute armbands to mark misbehaving police officers.
Something for the girls? Legs flared at the ankles. Really shiny polyester, maybe corduroy. Break out the old avocado green and harvest gold. Maybe some burgundy.
Peer pressure is a powerful thing with students in high school. A little embarassment will go a long way.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by nyk537

I had to send one student to the office because she was wearing a tight white t-shirt with no bra last school year. Lets just say she was distracting the class.

Even us teachers have to be conformed to the dress code. I do get to dress tennis shoes since I tend to walk around the classroom all day while giving out lectures and lesson plans.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by eradown
I also find its resemblance to a prison jumpsuit highly offensive.

I find it funny

Little punks need to be taught some respect!!

Parents don't like it? Then they can take their kids out and homeschool them or pay for private education.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:00 PM
Apparently the Gonzales Independent School District disagrees!

Here is the actual dress code:

Gonzales Dress Code

and here is the actual statement of policy:

Dress code violations: Secondary Campuses (5-12) *Beginning on the first day of school, students will be sent home and parent contact will be made. Students must be escorted by parents and in dress code upon return to school. *After the first day of school, students in dress code violations will be required to wear a jumpsuit provided by GISD. On the following day, students must be escorted by parents and in dress code upon return to school. Parents may bring an acceptable change of clothing to the school. *After three violations with a required jumpsuit, the student dress code will be treated as disruptive behavior and/or defiance of school authority. The campus administrators will use other form of disciplinary action for repeaters in addition to the parent escorting the student and in dress code upon return to school.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Heike

HAHA in school the kids are not getting paid to do their work. At a job they are, so yea it makes sense that they would wear a uniform then.

I had to wear a uniform my entire schooling. I hated every second of it. It just made me go all out as soon as got out of the "prison". Lets just say i don't dress like a normal person.

And the fact that they are jumpsuits is just sickening. If you're employer said everyone needed to wear JUMPSUITS, i'm sure there would be alot of outcry.

Come on do you people really think that making the kids look like prisoners is good for them?

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