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Evidence of Video Manipulation in "Live" News Reports on 9/11

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posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by philjwolf

Is it more likely the NTSB provided false information in the accident report? Please see this thread:
So, do you think a 767 took off from a heli pad, or do you think what ever hit the tower was not what we saw on the "live" feeds?

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 08:26 PM
What i find interesting;in the 1st video,when there is a long distance shot from the helicopter,there is no plane in site,yet as soon as it zooms in close there's a plane.

Shouldn't you have been able to see the approaching plane in the long distance shot??

At 4.00min you get a great view,yet no plane.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by jakyll

Excellent Point.

There are soooo many good points brought up here that I fail to see how anyone looking at these videos with an open mind (i dont really care if you believe what I do or not, I DO care about being open-minded) and still fail to see at least ONE of the very conclusive points that are brought up in these vids concerning the fact (imo thats what it is now) that even the media were complicit to SOME extent in these events...

sudden plane appearances...
17 second delay...
nose cone...
black out at exact moment of impact...

(that explaination alone could have been easily attempted by the media but they have remained eerily silent on the matter... why not come out and say 'technical problems, sorry guys")

I dont know whos behind 911 or why or even if this doesnt all addd up out of shear coincidence but i do know that its just one more piece to the evergrowing 911 puzzle...

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 12:51 AM
Here is some more evidence to support my OP.

Scholars for 911 truth even agree -

New studies provide substantial evidence that TV channels were broadcasting manipulated images in real time on 9/11. The on-line series "September Clues" and a detailed analysis of the live WNYW (Fox 5) helicopter video of UA 175 hitting the South Tower demonstrate the problems. The evidence of media duplicity on 9/11, which depends upon a time lag between the occurrence of an event and the time it is broadcast, is mounting.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 07:50 PM
wow i know you made this thread a while ago but very good find. i believed in the whole 9/11 inside job but i never questioned the planes actually going into the towers. these videos bring up some very good undeniable points.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Shocka
wow i know you made this thread a while ago but very good find. i believed in the whole 9/11 inside job but i never questioned the planes actually going into the towers. these videos bring up some very good undeniable points.

I so totally agree 100%.

Thats the reason that i feel THIS little piece of information should not be lost among the many other mysterious pieces of this truely crazy puzzle, many more people should be aware of this (whether they agree or not)...

[edit on 11-12-2008 by Grock]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:11 PM
If you've ever looked at the "live video" of the suppposed plane strikes on 9/11 and thought they looked off, these videos demonstrate why.

Documented evidence of video image manipulation as well staged "eye witnesss" testimony.

The fifth video on this page, "The 9/11 Solution," was produced by Brasscheck TV earlier this year and makes a good companion piece to this series entitled "September Clues."

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