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Barack Obama does not give birthday presents to children

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posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by solo1
the only that suggests to me is that he and his wife are wise people that do not believe in spoiling or raising their kids like most spoiled American kids are

If that were truely the case, then i doubt they would be spending HUNDREDS of dollars on a sleepover. Most Americans don't spend that kind of money on a sleepover, birthday or not, and if they do i'm betting the kid is definately spoiled.

I mean, really what do you need for a sleepover, maybe a pizza, rent a couple movies, chips, soda, and maybe some ice cream ? That hardly takes hundreds of dollars to put together.

It just sounds contradictory to me, i don't give my children birthday, or Christmas gifts because i want to set limits for them, but i spend Hundreds of dollars on birthday sleepovers. I also give them gifts throughout the year, but i want to set limits, yeah right ! What limits is he setting? You don't get a gift on your birthday, you just get them all year long. I'm sorry i just don't see any limits being set, at least not in the way that he's trying to make it seem.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:10 AM

not important, or probaly even relevent...

But definatly intresting...

I could make alot of jokes here about this... but... im still kinda confused about it...

This isnt a major issue, but its an intresting fact...

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:14 AM
This whole thing may seem strange to most Americans, but it's his life, it's not hurting you, and it has nothing to do with his ability to be our president. He clearly has the ability to get in touch with the average American--look at his support.

This is just a ridiculous detail that really means nothing in the end. Kind of like McCain not using computers, although I would say that is a little more worrying than not celebrating consumerist holidays.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by TKainZero

You're right it isn't major. It also isn't important, or relavent, except to those who place an importance on his religion. To people that are concerned with his politics and nothing else it holds no importance. But i'm sure the thread will be bouncin soon enough regardless of it's importance.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:32 AM
Its just more evidence that Obama is not a Christian, as birthday gift giving is a Christian tradition, that follow the Jewish practice of honoring people on their birthday. Muslims do not give birthday presents, at least not on the birthday, nor clebrate in honor of the person on their birthday.

Its just more evidence that niether Barrack or Michelle are Christian, and most likely Muslims.

I wonder if they set up the Christmas tree and follow the normal holiday traditions of the U.S.?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by solo1
the only that suggests to me is that he and his wife are wise people that do not believe in spoiling or raising their kids like most spoiled American kids are

Is that why he is spending hundreds of dollars of sleepovers and giving them gifts throughout the year.
Sounds like spoiling to me.

You are willing to support his ideals yet criticize the American tradition of giving gifts which is a christian tradition and he is supposed to be christian.

BTW, giving christmas and birthday gifts to do spoil children. Good grief!

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by pluckynoonez
Stories like this, and the posters here that prop them, are every indication that we are going down soon. Such a lull in doom threads and a rise of slap-nanny news tib-bits such is all the warning we need: let the bombing begin....

You would be correct if this was the only story. Your logic soon becomes faulty because this is one of numerous little tib-bits as you put it, which shows that Obama is something different other than what he wants us to believe.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by clay2 baraka
I have a co-worker who is a Jehovah Witness. No birthday or Christmas celebration there. He is a very decent, good-moraled individual.

Is my co-worker out of touch with America? Or just your beliefs? Is intolerance of other people's ideals and traditions "mainstream?"

Obama is not a Jehovah Witness. He already said he is a praticing Christian. So you bring up a point that he might not be telling the truth. Thanks!

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Misfit
Nor do many thousands of Native Americans give xmas gifts because it's not their celebration. Does that make them bad, as you are implying?

Obama is not a native American. He already said he is a practicing Christian.
Thanks for bringing up the point that he might not be telling the truth about himself.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by Lethil
lol ohhh noo! he doesnt give christmas presents! burn him! freak!
Yes,really...its just a silly thing to say is right or wrong..

Nor does he give birthday presents. You forgot to mention that.

You would have a point if this was the only wierd thing but we all know that there are numerous little tid-bits like this story which start to add up and show a candidate who is not being truthful.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by kneebiter42
He clearly has the ability to get in touch with the average American--look at his support.

Is that why he get under 50% in every poll.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by poet1b
Obama is a closet muslim, Christians celebrate Christmas and birthdays and such, I wonder if Obama's little muslim babies even get a birthday cake?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 08:18 AM
The report is a total contradiction in itself. In the 1st paragraph it states that they don't give Christmas or birthday presents to their daughters and the 2nd paragraph reads that they 'spend hundreds of $$ on slumber bday parties' and 'Santa is still permitted to deliver seasonal gifts'. Am I missing something here?
I see no problem with parents who curtail frivolous and unnecessary spending on their children, God knows We need more of it. I'm just as guilty. My daughter has Her American Girl dolls (yes, DOLLS, as in plural) At about $100 buck a pc, not to mention all of the xtras, it gets pretty pricey. I did take into consideration the quality of the dolls and that they will hopefully be passed down to any grandkids I may be fortunate enough to spoil. My son does have His DS and new Guitar Hero but had to receive top honors in school to get them. For most things I make them 'earn' 1/2 of the $ for their stuff. As far as no gifts for bdays and xmas, I enjoy giving to them more than they do receiving. I have on occasion jokingly said I was converting to Judaism or JW to forego that $$ crunch during holidays.

Peace. K*

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
Let me explain why this matters at all to some of us. Taken by itself, it wouldn't mean squat. It's just a single drop of rain on a parched tract of land. However, we're not dealing with this by itself, we're dealing with a deluge of little drops of water alongside intermitant downpours when you actually look at his policies and ideas. Take all that falling water together and suddenly our little tract of land is flooded and we're standing on the roof waving at FEMA choppers.

I totally agree with you burdman. Every new bit of information we get about Barack Obama is like a small piece to a much larger puzzle which defines who he really is, and what he truly believes. Alone they seem inconsequential, but when put together, they're damning. This man is the personification of ambition and deceit.

He will do or say whatever's necessary to achieve his goal of becoming the next President of the United States. It has been his lifelong ambition since early childhood. The media stunt his campaign staged at the Western wall should be more than enough evidence of just how desperate he is to win..

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:41 AM
OMG, SO WHAT!! It's there business not yours or the press or the public in general.
This kind of petty nit picking drives me crazy. So ##%^%#$#$%&^&&#$ off.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by merky
OMG, SO WHAT!! It's there business not yours or the press or the public in general.

Umm...yes it is our business when he want to be President of the United States. Character and his beliefs are very important issues. It's sad that you don't understand.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by WhatTheory
Obama is not a Jehovah Witness. He already said he is a praticing Christian. So you bring up a point that he might not be telling the truth. Thanks!

Um, newsflash update. Jehovah's Witnesses ARE CHRISTIANS. Obama isn't a JW though, they don't get involved in politics.

As to this thread?

They best one from either side yet. Great chuckle on a totally unimportant issue. Hmm, that's too strong, this ISN'T an issue.

A question. Where in the Bible does it state that birthdays are to be celebrated? Where is the reference to Christmas in the scriptures? Oops, 2 questions.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:01 AM
I do believe that all this nitpicking is only putting Obama in a greater light. Not many people like to condemn the practices of raising children. They are his children, they are loved, and with a father like him I'm sure they will become one of the better children history has seen (due to the very nature of Obama's leadership, kindness, and intelligence).

We have to remember that with George W. Bush's daughters although Christians were out getting drunk, showing their lack of faith by adultery, and many other supposed Christian "Sins"

I don't know what is worse...allowing your daughters to get blasted and whacked out with alcohol or giving your children a chance to see the reality of being materialistic in life?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:08 AM
Wow! Cool! My husband and I do the same thing!

We decided long ago to forego the whole obligatory Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary gift thing ourselves. But, like the Obamas, we give gifts and meaningful specialty thoughts, cards and favors throughout the year.

The Obamas sound like outstanding parents to me. From the original source:

The couple explained that they spend "hundreds" on birthday slumber parties and want to "teach some limits". Santa Claus is still permitted to deliver seasonal gifts however.

The girls are also given an allowance of just $1 (50p) a week for performing household chores, according to People magazine. Those chores include making their own bed, setting and clearing the dinner table and putting themselves to bed by 8.30pm.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
Um, newsflash update. Jehovah's Witnesses ARE CHRISTIANS. Obama isn't a JW though, they don't get involved in politics.

Yes, I know this. I did not type correctly. When I was typing christians I was actually thinking of catholics.

They best one from either side yet. Great chuckle on a totally unimportant issue.

It's ok that you think it's unimportant. However, others think otherwise because all these little pieces are fitting together to show that Hussein has not been truthful and will say and do anything to get elected. Hell, if you twists anymore, his is going to break.

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