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The True Barack Obama Revealed.

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posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:40 PM
It's funny too how these same Obamatrons will tell you that Obama's online Certificate of Birth is authentic.

In spite of all the overwhelming knowledge otherwise, including new evidence from a Computer Forensic Image Analyst, they'll still tell you it's authentic. It's rediculous because Obama has yet to provide a paper copy to the State Dept. So instead, he takes an image tampered by bloggers from DailyKos (a far left Liberal website) and posts the image on his own "Fight the Smears" website. A rediculous attempt to quiet things down about his more than highly questionable natural born citizenship.

It's laughable as he trys to get you already thinking he's President by planting images of an illegal forgery of the Presidental Seal in yourmind and by other means.

Yet, his gulliable supporters keep eating it up, though he has let them down time and time again, all for his image and Narcissitc ego.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by jetxnet]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by jetxnet

Which has what to do with the topic? Parroted, preprogrammed tripe to derail the fact that THIS "smear" was complete bunk?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:20 PM
Gonna have to say this: Benevolent Heretic you are truly confused here. Why, if the e-mail was a lie, would Porter have sent it to his family???

You mean to say that he did see or know that Obama did in fact meet with the troops, yet lied to his family, knowing that perhaps Obama does support the troops and is a such a great person?

So then he publicly disclaims himself by saying,"some of the information was inaccurate," as well as," the e-mail was intended for my family only and not to be fowarded." So what was the information that was real? And the fake?

And he is not facing any punishment. Sorry BH but that is because whoever is in charge over there knows that he wasn't full of it, and that he was not in the wrong. But, they told him he had to discredit himself, hmm why might that be? There not going to demote him, or punish him in any way, yet they won't let the so called bashing of Obama stand as any kind of evidence.

You need to settle down BH.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:31 PM
As far as I'm concerned, the only way the letter could be false is if what was said in the letter didn't take place. If Obama truly supported troops and did actually embrace them, there would be no reason to write such a letter. There would be confirmations from other troops and members of the Armed Forces in Afghanistan that Obama actually did embrace the troops, which would be enough evidence to refute what was said in the letter. As far as I'm concerned, the letter is true until proven to be false.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by jmilla
Benevolent Heretic you are truly confused here. Why, if the e-mail was a lie, would Porter have sent it to his family???

Nope. I'm not confused.
That's a very good question. This was intended to be a viral email. He no doubt told his wife to copy it to her entire email list, but she forgot to remove his name at the bottom.

Maybe This Will Clear it up For YOU.

The Army confirmed that Barack Obama never even visited the "clamshell" at Bagram Airbase, to work out, or play basketball there. That's according to Bagram spokesman Lt. Col. Rumi Nielson-Green, who called the email contents “inappropriate and factually incorrect,” and "added that such political commentary is barred for uniformed personnel," which means that he may have violated military regulations.
Jeffrey S. Porter--a man who is obviously unfit to carry a commission in the armed forces of the United States, intended this false e-mail to be mass e-mailed anonymously so that Barack Obama would never get the opportunity to confront his false accuser. But Porter's wife made the mistake of forwarding the e-mail under his real name to friends and family, who soon forwarded it on to complete strangers. In only a few days, the e-mail was tracked back to Porter. When confronted by his superior officers, Porter admitted that the allegations he made in the e-mail were false.

Oops. And Tiff included her own name as well:

I don't know each of your personal political convictions, and apologize if anyone finds this offensive. I thought it was important enough to share.

This is Jeff's first hand view of Senator Obama.


You mean to say that he did see or know that Obama did in fact meet with the troops, yet lied to his family, knowing that perhaps Obama does support the troops and is a such a great person?

According to A Soldier that WAS there, Porter wasn't even there.

So what was the information that was real?

That Obama was in Afghanistan

And the fake?

Everything else.

You need to settle down BH.

Nah, I'm fine, thanks.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:03 PM
And besides the pictures in the above link, here are some more pictures of Obama "ignoring" the troops:

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3

Oh, and here's FactCheck's take on the subject.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by rjmelter

That email is a lie. My mother was there working on the same base he visited and I had asked her if she saw him. She said lots of people wanted to take pictures with him, but their superiors prohibited coming into too close of a contact. The only time they were allowed by their superiors to be near him was when he sat down with them at the "chow-hall" (cafeteria) to answer questions.

She said that he wanted to shake hands with them all, but the soldiers would have been yelled at if they broke their superior's order.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by DJMessiah]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:22 PM
Well people will continue to make up lies and bash Obama because we still have a lot of racists. People will say anything not to have a black president, and a short email like that is the least of our problems.
Do you guys really believe this crappy chain letter that had poorly misspelled words in it?

Your vote really doesn't count for much anymore and please remember, your not voting for a real president ruler, your only voting for a puppet face to talk and take the blame for whatever the real government rulers are doing.

It's not going to make much difference who wins because the next president will be just as helpless as a civilian, probably more helpless as if he doesn't do as he's told he would probably get shot.

Secondly WHO CARES about "supporting the troops" there all a bunch of brainwashed retards putting their lives on the line for Bush's oil and opium.
Let Bush send his daughters to Iraq. The world would be a better place with out the damn US army.
For every retard that joins the army for Iraq there's a tax payer supporting that ass.
Most of them are just there to slaughter.
All the photo images that were released a few years back of prisoners of war from Iraq and where ever being abused, where they had them naked and in strange poises/positions where all Satanic Ritual Torture positions.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:26 PM

Well people will continue to make up lies and bash Obama because we still have a lot of racists. People will say anything not to have a black president, and a short email like that is the least of our problems.

Oh that's it! Because he's Black! Yes.

Not because he's the most Liberal Senator to date, or that he is the most inexperienced man for this job or has highly questionable natural-born citizenship or does massive flip-flops on major issues like the Patriot Act, Iraq War, Public Financing, Gun Control etc.

No, the latter has nothing to do with it at all. It must because he's Black then I guess.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by jetxnet]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:29 PM

No one asked for an opinion from me but since everyone else is throwing opinions left and right here is mine.

I believe that politicians are for the most part bought and paid for. Some of them are still able to hold on to their convictions and integrity despite influence from donors and special interests. None of them are completely untainted. None.

I follow politics because it is one of those games in life that we play although most of us are not really playing at the level that we think we are. Often times we have to chose the lesser of two evils so I can understand why some will gravitate towards a negative stance towards certain candidates even if they don't really have on to believe in themselves.

I have a certain political leaning yet I remain to seek information from every angle. This is what I do to keep informed. If an event turns up that scandalizes, discredits or provides speculation of outright hypocrisy of someone that I favor or disfavor I will look at all sources and admit to whatever the facts provide.

I short, this was a terrible attempt by someone to start a viral message that got busted and shut down. End of story. Those that persist on denying the proof are only kidding themselves. I would not be so self righteous if some of you were not pulling stuff out of thin air and defending themselves and others with complete speculation while others are presenting facts AND sources that don't seem to be good enough because your minds are already made up.

I wish that all of us would be able to form more of our own opinions and not be swayed by those that could care less about us and that goes for both ends of the spectrum. Ignoring facts can be bad for your mental health.



posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by jetxnet

Well people will continue to make up lies and bash Obama because we still have a lot of racists. People will say anything not to have a black president, and a short email like that is the least of our problems.

Oh that's it! Because he's Black! Yes.

Not because he's the most Liberal Senator to date, or that he is the most inexperienced man for this job or has highly questionable natural-born citizenship or does massive flip-flops on major issues like the Patriot Act, Iraq War, Public Financing, Gun Control etc.

No, the latter has nothing to do with it at all. It must because he's Black then I guess.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by jetxnet]

How is this any different from any other US president?
What makes you think Obama is calling all those shot himself?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:41 PM

I wish that all of us would be able to form more of our own opinions and not be swayed by those that could care less about us and that goes for both ends of the spectrum. Ignoring facts can be bad for your mental health.

And such is the case for Obama's fake online Certificate of Birth, which has been more than "busted" and is even worse than "virual".

While there are dozens of these types of debates, one thing is for certain, they all follow a pattern:

-- Something big comes out that may sway votes for Obama

-- Story is leaked on Internet across Blogsphere but not carried by MSM

-- Source of story changes result to "Neutral" or un-intended or mis-represented

It's no wonder why Obama wanted Private funding for his campaign. 380 Million can go a long, long way in changing things.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:43 PM

The real reason Obambomb was in Afghanistan, was to come collect his share of Kharzai's Special Dope Licence.....Dope is big business.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by Dubyakadubla]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 07:12 PM
Nothing burns my cookies like these hoax, junk emails!!! I got this piece of junk letter from someone I know, just the other day. Ironically, the subject line said, "Read and THINK." It was sent, sounding like it came from the person's real friend who had this son, bla, bla, bla.... I took a snip out of it and Googled it, which gave me a link to Snopes, that determined it was a hoax. How easy that was! No sooner had finished ripping the sender a new one and telling her to email all those people she had just sent it to and LIED to, than I received it AGAIN from another person. I told them that I was cutting/pasting the other email to them that I had just sent.

If you receive something, whose source seems to be a general email, or it starts off with something like, "My friend told me.... My friend sent me this.... I just received this...." I can bet you a hundred bucks it will be a hoax. Just copy a few lines, do a search on it, and see what you come up with.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 07:21 PM


posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 07:26 PM


posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by rjmelter

Snopes website are there to create spin and lie through their sharp teeth. Don't trust a word they push. Obama is just another pawn of the NWO, as if you don't already know the game is rigged. Don't even waste your time arguing about it! ACT and ACT LOUDLY AND QUICKLY!

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:02 PM
This thread is NOT for discussing Obama's Birth Certificate or Certificate of Birth or anything else to do with his birth. It is for discussing the email that was sent by a member of the US Military about Obama's trip to Afghanistan.

Please stick to the subject at hand.

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:56 PM

Come on, people, grow up!

I mean really.

People are really reaching aren't they??

Good job Benevolent Heretic and Quazga. I have to admit, for me, I've always found it pointless to combat such garbage, disinfo.; but I see here how important it is to scrutinize and debunk it because it then highlights how ridiculous such a claim is.

You two rock! The truth is the best medicine.

light and love

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 10:21 PM
Its amazing how much Flame throwing is getting done over this.

The moderators had said I made a T & C violation which is absurd.


Please do your job.

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