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Fox News! Disclosure! Edgar Mitchell! Yesterday!

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posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:11 PM
hmm.. i think this is just strategy to derive attention from important stuff happening not on the sky.. but right here on earth.. one more thing for the shepple talk about when NWO is doing its dark work..

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:30 PM
Ya know... I'd really like to find out that there are, in reality, other life forms out there. I wouldn't even mind if they were more advanced than us. From my standpoint, however, this "news" is like the shows they present on SciFi Channel, about UFOs, ghosts, and unexplained monsters. They always, almost show something concrete, or draw some conclusions, but then at the end, simply coming up short.

After sixty or a hundred years, or even several thousand, if you buy into possible biblical allegories, there ought to be just one smoking gun, if not more. And there never is. Every example of what ought to be evidence seems to come up tainted by lack of credibility, lack of intell, withholding information, or just too many dumb/goofy things that can happen to keep the proof from being forthcoming.

The government may be behind all the stonewalling, but sometimes I think the government is so doofy, that they can't get policies and procedures right in dealing with Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, or the economy, etc... How could they possibly be so devious and clever as to keep the truth from us for so long on something like the UFO question.

I tend to believe that the obfuscation is brought about by a) The dollars that some folks make out of the UFO phenom b) the government/military only giving it short shrift. No doubt there are people/groups in the military who want to keep the "secret", whatever it may be, but c'mon. There's really no reason for the government(s) to keep truth from us, unless it is a keep them in power type of thing. Even then, it doesn't make sense. If the UFO folks are real, and if they are interested in us, it wouldn't be hard for them to come down and make an open declaration to all the peoples of Earth about their presence, and their powers.

I'm more inclined to believe that the UFOs, if they do exist, and are from other planets, or whatever, are simply passing through, and we are a curiosity, which they occasionally observe, like a herd of cows along the highway while you drive through the country. They might be interesting to look at and comment on, but not exciting enough to stop and communicate with.

But... Having said all that, I think there are enough "investigators", who don't simply sit on forums, whacking their wiggies, salivating, and ranting against skeptics, that there should be ample proof of the reality, were it not for said investigators making a good living out of the "almost" type of hypothesis.

I guess I am writing this, because it seems that skeptics take all the heat. And the "true believers" want our scalps on their lodge poles. My question is, how many of the people slapping on skeptics on this board are out there doing something positive to find proof beside wrapping themselves in a cloak of self righteousness, and beating on skeptics with pseudo-logic? Or, perhaps, simply trying to bolster each other in their beliefs that stand in the place of iron-clad proof?

To draw a baser example... It's easy to read Playboy Magazine and surf the web for porn for self gratification. It's a whole 'nother gig to go out to the street and bag a real date that can turn into a relationship... Well, hopefully, you get the gist.

I doubt seriously, if many or any of the true believers will read this far, if you do... It would be fun to get a count of those open minded folks by sending me a U2U. You can even call me rude names if you want, and I won't be offended. I know it makes some folks feel good.

If I have offended anyone, I apologize, but you "true believers" may want to begin to get off the dime and go digging for that proof. Most particularly, you should, if you want to be able to give us skeptics a pie in the face.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Picao84

Of course only I don't think it has to be either/or. It can be both a real alien presence and a government false flag operation going on. Those in charge of the NWO would certainly have found a way to use the alien presence to their advantage.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by sigung86

Maybe we should go digging for the truth?!
You don't know us very well, do you. What do you think we ufology geeks do? We dig up and unearth information that would never see the light of day if it weren't for us. And it's not one definitive piece of evidence that we have but a whole vast history of information stretching back literally thousands of years that leads us to the conclusions we come to.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by MsSmartypants
reply to post by Picao84

Of course only I don't think it has to be either/or. It can be both a real alien presence and a government false flag operation going on. Those in charge of the NWO would certainly have found a way to use the alien presence to their advantage.

only the possibility of an NWO elite is much more reasonable.
dont belive in FOX disinfo TV, forgot who spread lies over 911 ?.

[edit on 27-7-2008 by anti72]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by re22666

i do not have to prove my credibility.

Sure you do... this guy already did...

i am not the one making my money from running around talking about hearsay.

How much money is he making? Does he even need money?
Hes an American hero, a celebrity even, one of less than 10 people who have walked on the moon... hes been looked after.
He's a Dr. as well... I say again, money is not a concern he has.. especially when this type of attention would only garnish his credibility... as it has with you.

i say again, his job means nothing.

and I say again, his job means everything when it comes to credibility.

for one thing, no matter what it takes to become an astronaut, he is now an old man. do you know any old men that are not nearly as ok up top as they were decades ago?

Hes not senile... My grandfather is 88yrs old and still in great health both physically and mentally... sure his opinions may be out of date, but that doesnt mean hes not credible...
And Albert Einstein was older when he was researching the theory of relativity.

i do, plenty. extremely high IQ's correlate perfectly with insanity so somene who excels academically does is not just reliable because he is so smart or did so well in school.

He doesnt sound senile to me... frustrated maybe.
And i said that school was just the half of becoming an Astronaut...
You have to take countless psychological tests to make sure you dont go nutso in space.

your argument is your opinion. you trust him because he was an astronaut. ok fine.
i do not believe him because as an astronaut, he never saw any ufo's himself. he only "heard" about them.

ok... well how about another astronaut that HAS seen them... even better, how about one of the FIRST astronauts to walk on the moon?
Buzz Aldrin...

how do you know his source's are credible?? he will not say who they are. so he could be sane, honest, and willing to believe something someone else told him, maybe because they had a high ranking job and people like that wouldnt lie.

again, I dont know his source's are credible, just as I dont know yours are... I just know that HE is credible... so I take his word on it... thats what I stated in my last post.

btw, know what it takes to become president of the U.S.????
do you???
actually that job is supposed to focus far more on honesty and integrity than an astronaut...and yet, take your pick, repub or dem, bush or clinton. LIARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all of them. but they got those good grades in school just like niel armstrong right?

at this point in yout argument I seriously doubt your credibility... maybe your young.
Bush was known to have C grades in college...
He went to an IV league school because of daddy.
Its like a MILLION times harder to be an astronaut than the president...
there have been 43 presidents... how many people have walked on the moon eh?
Presidents come from rich blood. its a game... you dont have to even pass an IQ test! that goes for members of congress too...
Astronauts are not picked because they come from rich and powerful families. They are hand picked, usually through the military, for being outstanding individuals...

you are entitled to your opinion. this is mine. i am entitled as well, am i not?

yes, you are... just as I am entitles to try and change your opinion...

[edit on 27-7-2008 by Odessy]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

Actually, as nearly as I can figure, with all the lack of smoking gun proof, I suspect that a great many of the true believers are building their "proof" on the back of other folks work.

So far, most, if not all of the "published" on ATS material, Youtube, etc. has been found to be a hoax of one sort or another.

Don't get me wrong Bubba, as a skeptic, I do not deny you out of hand. I am merely suggesting that for as many examples we supposedly have, the proof isn't there. If you, the believers, were police, and all the evidence that is had, were for murders, the solved rate would be pretty dismal.

Didn't mean to make you feel insulted. Perhaps, if you would outline how you investigate, and where you get your leads, etc. I might very well become more enlightened?

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by re22666

Please stop bashing "old" guys, we may loose a little sharpness over the years, but at 60, my brain function is about the same as when I was in my 20's and 30's. Would you like to try me out?

The best thing about getting older is the fact that as you age, you gain life experiences which gets integrated with your knowledge/intelligence. As we age, we loose a lttle sharpness on the front end, but gain experience and wisdom on the back end. An extremely good trade off as far I am concerned. In other words, from what I've seen, most young people are long on smarts, but short on experiences and wisdom. I believe the act of gaining life experiences and hopefully a little wisdom with it, is called aging.

Regarding Ed Mitchell, during the Apollo Program he is one of the few that had reach the pinnicle of human space exploration. The amount of intelligence, skill, intestinal fortitude, and flying experience required to go to, land, walk on the Moon and return, is beyond the comprehension of most people. Most of these guys were test pilots flying experimental aircraft.

About ten years ago I had the opportunity to listen to Mercury/Gemini/Apollo astronauts speak at a NASA function. Many of them were in the late 60's & 70's. Let me tell ya, these gentlemen had not lost much of their "edge" over the years and as they talked about their experiences in space, it was if it had happened yesterday.

Another item to take into consideration is the fact that many people have witnessed events in their lives which they have had to keep to themselves. They may not have liked it, but kept quiet to save their jobs, careers, and possibly the lives of themselves and their families. But as these "old" guys reach the later stages of life, they want to unburden themselves of the secrets they were involved with. An example of this is George Whitaker, Sr., Glass Shop Manager, Ford Motor Company, Rouge Plant, Dearborn, MI. They have to talk about what they had seen before they pass on.

For you to discredit Ed Mitchell just because he is an "old" guy, is a little short-sighted, to say the least. Ed Mitchell could loose 25% of his mental capacities and still retain more than most folks aquire in their entire lifetime. Just read some of the posts here on ATS.

Edgar Mitchell's info may be second hand, and "heresay", as far as you are concerned, but he must have great faith in his sources to set himself up for all the ridicule his "disclosure" will cause him. Who knows, he may have first hand experiences that he is still keeping to himself. So if you don't mind, for the time being, I'll side with the 'Old" guy and wait for more disclosures and see what happens.

[edit on 27-7-2008 by Oldnslo]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:41 PM
It really astounds me that some of the posts in reply of Mr. Mitchell's story. When one is selected for astronaut training you are subjected to the most intensive and complete examinations possible. These include physical and psychological. These guys and gals are selected for their intelligence, mental stability and the ability to work under pressures that we could never understand. NASA is a space agency, full of scientists and engineers who like nothing better than a good puzzle. If NASA had complete control of these types of matters, we'd all be peacefully co-existing with XT's. But, like in Roswell, the Pentagon has the task of defending our country. They have directed the Air Force to take the lead in any matters dealing with Space defense, this includes UFO's. Did NASA run the Project Blue Book? No, it was the Air Force. NASA was directed to focus on science, not aliens. Their budget depends on it. Why does the shuttle had NSA Type EAL 7 encryption capabilities? It's so if/when the crew spot something out of the ordinary, they have to go secure to report it. I guess what I am trying to say is that NASA knows that they exist but are prevented to disclose anything. The DoD is a paranoid agency. In 47, they thought they had something of soviet design. Once they figured out it wasn't, do you think they were really going to say "hey, we found aliens" this is the same agency that tested biological, nuclear and chemical agents on soldiers and civilians and still won't completely divulge all the details. This is the same agency that will blow up one of their own ships to justify going to war (gulf of tonkin). Why is it that lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumann, and all the rest of the prime defense contractors have all this amazing technology? What is going on in Area 51 that these guys won't let NASA play? new aircraft? Ha! Take a look at any aircraft magazine, it's full of stories about new NASA aircraft, new propulsion systems, etc. Why re-invent the wheel at area 51? Just a glance at Popular Mechanics or Popular Science shows that NASA is developing all sorts of exotic aircraft. And yet, when inquired, they claim that they are doing the same thing at area 51, but the details are super duper top secret? ha! What about the infamous NSA? Go to their museum at Ft Meade, you will see computers that are capable of petaflop calculations! in their museum! Just imagine what the 14 underground acres there at Meade have! In the book crystal palace, the author states that nsa has 10 years on the rest of the world on technology. And yet they couldn't figure out that these guys were going to blow up some towers? I have no doubt that our defense department has contact with other world life. Thankfully like mr. Mitchell has indicated, they are mostly benign. But do you think that would stop our government from taking avantage of the situation? Sorry for the long rant! But I for one do believe and know what is really going on. It all boils down to paranoia and greed on the part of our department of defense.

Gordon Cooper, another "old, senile" astronaut also believed:

[edit on 27-7-2008 by redarrow]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by redarrow

First, it would be much nicer for readers if you did some paragraphing.

Secondly, according to your paradigm all you say is true, however, it might be possible in the regular stream of reality that everything your poohing at is, in fact, true....

Yeah... I don't think I buy that either, but I'm thinking that somewhere between your paradigm and mine, there is a truth that neither of us is expecting.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:26 PM
Rather strange that it was NASA that issued an official response to Mitchell's claims & comments. Why? He mentions "military circles," but NASA is not military nor did they exist back when he claims contact & the cover up began. IF there was back-engineering one would think that it would be assigned to DARPA or some other unknown agency w/a small number of employees & a massive budget.

I'll speculate that a few within the government do not want the average citizen to know or understand that there really are other agencies beyond NASA. If anyone else, any other agency, issued a statement, it might suggest that, contrary to past claims, the U.S. really does get involved in investigating the enigma or already know the reality.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:30 PM
I've always been on the fence about the whole alien visitation, abductions, commandeered technologies, etc.

I just want to point out that it isn't sane to just agree with what this guy says because of this history and background. It adds credibility, but not absolute credibility. Mind games can do wonders on your psyche, just look at the poor lady wearing a diaper and hell bent on murder. She was also a well trained, hand selected, and heavily stressed out astronaught. What happened? She flipped her lid because of emotional stress likely out of her control.

It would be really nice to know what kinds of external influences he has. What is manipulating *his* current state of mind. Why is he bringing this up now? Why, again, does everything have to go only so far without actually proving a bloody thing. Is he wearing a diaper or is he absolutely sincear and in a good state of mind? Beats the heck out of me.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by re22666

You know what? I see where you are going with this. I understand why you are posing these questions. I too felt a little let down when I listened to him on this Fox report.

However, you are forgetting one pretty important detail. He's NOT the only astronaut to come forth with some statement like this. Heck, there are recordings of actual flights where the atronauts flat out state there is something out there.

You have a post later on where you kind of imply that if you get a group of astronauts together that Dr. Mitchell would be the odd man out in a way. Sorry to spoil that, or maybe not since I also seem to think that you are hoping for a true disclosure, but there are quite a few big names that have made statements about non-terrestrial beings.

Having one person come forth, regardless of their credentials, without giving actual names or proof is tough to swallow.

Just look at this link, even though I question some of the stuff on here (I tried to find one place instead of going to each one individually and there are things here that I don't quite buy, just trying to give you the examples). There have been MANY reports by our astronauts.

Link to source

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:58 PM
Well for my money i think this is a nother stepping stone on the road to disclourse. Something big is comming, and it is comming soon, probbaly in the next few years. How will disclosure occur? probably with the announcement that an ailen signal has been found by SETI. It will be a safe way to disclose without getting the hands dirty. Mind you i would love to see a Full Scale Contact take place but i dont think that will happen for another decade or so. It's gonna be the radio signal route first i'm convinced of that.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:40 PM
no, there are no aliens.
have you seen one personally?

the NWO elite is preparin for their final takeover.
..even if the are close to break down..

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by tasteslikethunder
Why is the fact that alien life exists not fire sweeping ATS?

I for one find it a bit strange that this revelation is not completely fire sweeping this forum and ATS in general. Edgar mitchell, a respected doctor and astronaut has revealed that yes in fact there is life out there and everything we have been talking about is true. Is he lying? What more do we need? this is like the government admitting that 911 was an inside job or that sasquatch does indeed exist. There is life out there! This man is putting his reputation and his legacy on the line to say so. This is what we've been waiting for- no? I dont feel the excitement.

Edgar Mitchell, a well resepected and creditable source, isn't the only well respected and creditable source to have stated this. His is just another voice ontop of many voices. It isn't exciting at all. I knew before he said so, and his saying "so" didn't ad any clarity to my personal understanding of events within the historic avenues of the UFO/Alien phenomenon.

I don't think I am alone in my understanding of this. It would take alot more to get me, and I assume others, excited. As Ed's speaking out did very little to curb the fears of those that keep the secrets. I still see daily people claiming consparicy of the government to keep secrets that were well within the rights of our government to keep in the idealisim of national security.

If you want to understand who is truly keeping the full disclosure from happening, it is YOU if you've ever thought that your government has commited a crime for keeping this info away from you.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 07:41 PM

If you want to understand who is truly keeping the full disclosure from happening, it is YOU if you've ever thought that your government has commited a crime for keeping this info away from you.

huh ?...

so thinking the gov. hiding info is a crime and that has stopped disclosure ?

are you saying they are scared to admit it now because we will see them as already guilty ?

just trying to understand what you meant

edit for spelling

[edit on 28-7-2008 by easynow]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 10:00 PM
Clearly, CNN's Larry King also gives a lot of weight to what Edgar Mitchell says, since in Larry's July 4th UFO discussion show, after Dr. Mitchell weighed in for a few minutes, Larry spoke of his plan to invite Dr. Mitchell back on LarryKingLive in order to give Dr. Mitchell more time to share what he knows on the subject of UFOs. Sounds good.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

Gretchen... and I can't stand her. She is always sarcastic and opinionated.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:06 PM
Well to be fair, I must say that I didn't get much out of that interview. Dr. Edgar said it himself that he was not a first hand witness to any of his claims but received the information form someone else which he refuses to identify or give any names.

I wouldn't be surprised if people are questioning the credibility of what he is saying.

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