posted on Jan, 17 2003 @ 02:15 PM
Look the entire thing is the fact that tatically, economically, weaponry, or anything that China is inferior to the US. Don't get me wrong I am not
saying that Americans are better than China, and you can play all the what if's but the only chance that China could defeat us is with Nuclear
weapons, but we all know that they wouldn't do that.(Let's Hope NOT!!
the last thing we need is a global nuclear winter.) China right now isn't
ready to fight any kind of war. Economically they can barely cover themselves and since their communistic ways they aren't doing anything but to hurt
themselves. Technologically speaking they are no further advanced than anyone else. Like Mt69 said they can't produce anything that will
revolutionize the way things are done, basically b/c they don't have the money to do it. When you talk about turning all there factorys to mass
produce J-10.
1. They don't have the money. They have the raw resources but money wise they're about as poor as your local squater.
2. Even if they do produce a mass amount it would be like shooting fish in a barrel. A plane with radar is like flying blind. You might as well just
fly your plane straight to the ground and save our ammunition.
There is always the possibility that they could win. you should always prepare for the worse and not be full of yourself, but the fact that they
would actually win is very slight.
Once again I mean no prejudice or racisim.(Ever since one of my English papers when I write certain things I am forced to put a disclosure on ceratin
things b/c of the fact that they might sound Anarchist or prejudice or one of the many Political Incorrect things. GGGRRrrrrr David GGRRRRR