posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 09:25 AM
It is either a young child, or an uneducated adult (somebody that had some kind of learning disability)
I have had experiences from the age of four, including with the 'Greys'. All they took from me was some genetic material. I was not physically
harmed, except for an infection that developed that was treated with a strong course of antibiotics. Apart from that there was no real long-term
damage to my health,as a result of them taking genetic material.
Also, the reason they needed my genetic material, along with others, is that they have cloned their genetic material to the point that there is
reduced genetic material to sustain them.
Earth given the number of people, and different cultures means a wealth in genetic material to stop their species from dying out completely. In
summary: They have cloned to near extinction levels.
However, as there are many different cultures of humans, the same goes for the 'Greys'. We have violent and non-violent individuals, and there are
cold-blooded killers amongst us. We send armies to battle to commit atrocities in the name of the Lord.
So, if there are a group that is in fact doing to us to feed themselves; think about the cannibals, serial killers, and all those who feed and thrive
on blood shed.
I, for one, have a strong faith in the Lord, who has sustained me through some difficult times. I know that I am not going to be alien food. If that
were the case that would have happened in the late 80's, and I would not be here now.
No doubt there are beings that have a disdain for the human race, but then look how we portray them in films. Our television transmissions have no
doubt been picked up by many of our visitors. They know of our governments intolerance of outside species through films. Most of our films show our
governments attacking them, even when Earth is under suppression. So you can conclude that their opinion, if they have any of us isn't very high.
Personally, they just want to make sure that we don't take our poison to their worlds. We will one day get to travel, as they do, only when we learn
to contain our aggression for other people and beings that are not like us.
The email looks like it was something thrown together, after coming across some info on the internet.
As for the reptoids , I have never had the experience per se, although when I was taken at around 12/13 years of age, there were humanoids and another
being a hominid, but without looking at my regression video, I can't recall off hand if he was a reptoid. I just remember that he was piloting the
craft and that he was different from the other two.
I am 45 this October, so trying to remember exact details of that experience will be difficult to say the least. Under regression, I was able to give
more detail and told of the events of 9/11 back in 1993/4. I just have to save up and get a VHS-DVD recorder. I don't trust it in a strangers
I will find a way to get it transferred to DVD and get it enhanced digitally,so it is easier to hear and understand. A news reporter was going to run
a story on the tape, but the story got a 'D' notice slapped on it. They didn't want it published even in the newspaper, 'The Sunday People'.
The reporter was from Suffolk, and knew that my experiences were on the up, when the government slapped a 'D' notice on it with no hesitation.
A 'D' notice means that the government stops a news story from breaking that they may feel with undermine their authority, or they feel that it
might have some impact that would cause panic to the mainstream public. There are several other reasons, but they have to be strong reasons for a
'D' notice to be slapped on a news story. Hence, they know more than what they are telling.
A friend, who saw my video was the one who rung the reporter. He use to be in the Army and served in Borneo. When I showed him the video, he said that
the public needed to hear the bit pertaining to 9/11. I was reluctant to do the story with the tragedy, and there was no money in it for me (I
didn't do it for money). Our friend felt strongly that the story needed to be in the public domain.
There are good and bad other world beings, as there are the same in humans.
As for the email like I said, it wasn't intellectually constructed. Although, there is some emotion invoked by the email, it is contradictory in
Also, why would Icke be a reptoid, when he produces films on the reptoids in power, even stating that the Queen's family is of reptoid bloodline? A
contradictory statement, if I ever heard one.