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Some girl sent me this message and told me to spread it.Do you think it's disinformation ?

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posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:06 PM
"Its like this only way to get rid of those tall greys that hurt people kill people and lie to govt These tall greys have control There running from these reps cause their nothing but dangerous The reps are like police control of this area and wouldnt hurt us These tall greys flee from them and finally they caught up with them a little late but their going to help us get rid of them completely in the warIII amagedon and this is true read the bible the bible was written then the tall greys put out a new version about in every language they could to hide the real truth of the real bible these white beings put here and were to go by BUT now thats it messed up WE dont know who is good but these tall greys are telling us that in control are evil reps so we will fight them for them and it will come down to it These people icke ect his assistant is the qweens relative and he talks about the qween alot as a reptillian He is putting this out NOW because it is close to time that the reptillians in mass are coming to help us and the story is that their putting out is a flat lie tall greys tell these people what to do its all psycho and were falling for it just a bit UNTIL I came along and now Im waking up everyone We will loose people and great in loss but YOU have to pass this on to many so if we do then our jobs will be done and the bible will come Peace at last the woman in purple bible marrys the beast read the bible somewhat but this is what im told and pass it on to people who do not know reptillians I know the tall greys attitude and they will control us and make us work as workers to fit their needs but now its coming to an end Their the ones who came up with oh lets charge for electric and all what we need charge for make it a system I have seen a reptillian and they are not evil they come in peace and few are here but they will not hurt you I hate to say it but if we live long enough we will see it its up to people to fight and get rid of this mindblowing creatures that we talk about Good luck and pass it on T. Icke arizona collier Kane and many others are put up by the govts to lie and scare these people Do your best to pass on whats it going to hurt but you must pass it on about Icke cause God save the qween she is in distress just like the other govts and this is the only way to get help to psych turn it around and let the greys think we helping them as we did to get the technology they have to protect this world Pass it on about Icke and what I have said She is a smart qween"

I don't know whether what she said was true or not but, tell me what you think ?

+12 more 
posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:08 PM
ugh. just ugh.

no punctuation

grammar of a 12 year old

complete fail all around

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:08 PM
If she told you to pass it on, it is most likely false. Just like those stupid chain mails. I would say this is completely made up.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:10 PM
I think she needs to learn how to use a period.

Sorry, dude. But that was just mindless rambling to me.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:11 PM
Oh wow

I can't read that wall of text fully.
Too much bad spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Was that off a MSN chat?

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:12 PM
Huh? What?

Punctuation, sentences and paragraphs are your friends.

[edit on 24-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:13 PM
as austin powers would say...


posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:14 PM

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:16 PM
I think that it is a steamy load of B.S.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Ggurl777

OK then...I think it's complete and total B.S.

And here's why...

A) It's rambling - there's no's just "BLAH BLAH BLAH"

B) I would assume anyone who supposedly had this knowledge would also know how to spell Queen.

C) Their taking sole credit for an "awakening" while throwing other researchers under the bus with no evidence whatsoever.

D) It is completely obvious that this was written by a 14 year old girl.


posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:22 PM
Well, considering the bad grammar and poor set up of the text and my partly disbelief in what the text says I would conclude that it's just something thrown together without much truth in it.

Ofcrouse you should allways keep an open mind, but in the light of the bad setup of the text alone I just get the feeling of straigt up worthless information. Sorry man, wouldn't count on that text beeing worth a cent.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:33 PM
I have had a crack at punctuating and correcting some of the spelling, (boy it was hard and still doesn't make a whole lotta sense!)

Its like this, [the] only way to get rid of those tall greys that hurt people, kill people and lie to govt.
These tall greys have control [They are] running from these reps cause their nothing but dangerous.

The reps are like police control of this area and wouldn’t hurt us.
These tall greys flee from them and finally they caught up with them, a little late, but they are going to help us get rid of them completely.

In the war III, Armageddon, and this is true read the bible, (the bible was written)
Then the tall greys put out a new version about in every language they could to hide the real truth of the real bible these white beings put here and were to go by.

BUT now that it’s messed up, WE don’t know who is good, but these tall greys are telling us that in control are evil reps so we will fight them for them and it will come down to it.

These people Icke, ect, his assistant is the Queens relative and he talks about the Queen a lot as a reptilian.

He is putting this out NOW because it is close to time that the reptilians in mass are coming to help us, and the story is that their putting out is a flat lie.

Tall greys tell these people what to do, it’s all psycho and were falling for it just a bit, UNTIL I came along and now I’m waking up everyone.

We will loose people and great in loss, but YOU have to pass this on to many so if we do then our jobs will be done and the bible will come.
Peace at last.
The woman in purple, bible marries the beast, read the bible somewhat, but this is what I’m told and pass it on to people who do not know reptilians.

I know the tall greys attitude and they will control us and make us work as workers to fit their needs, but now its coming to an end.
They’re the ones who came up with “Oh, lets charge for electric” and all what we need charge for make it a system.
I have seen reptilians and they are not evil, they come in peace and few are here but they will not hurt you.

I hate to say it but if we live long enough we will see it it’s up to people to fight and get rid of this mind blowing creatures that we talk about.

Good luck and pass it on T.Icke, Arizona, Collier, Kane and many others are put up by the govt’s to lie and scare these people.

Do your best to pass on. What’s it going to hurt? but you must pass it on about Icke ‘cause God save the Queen, she is in distress just like the other govt’s.
This is the only way to get help to psych turn it around and let the greys think we helping them, as we did to get the technology they have, to protect this world. Pass it on about Icke and what I have said, She is a smart Queen"


posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:34 PM
I don't know if you should believe all of this. However the part where it says Icke gets paid to lie is true..He lies, and people who are genuinely looking for some purpose in life pay him for it.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Havalon

wow thqansk for the restructure, but i couldn't bring myself to read this again.

to me it seems there isn't much information at all in the rambelings.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

What exactly does Icke lie about?

He lies about 9/11 being an inside job?
And that the Illuminati exists?
Bush family really is looking for weapons of mass destruction all along?

Well damn guys we can all go home now a 14 year old girl just disproved all of David Ickes work.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:49 PM
I wouldnt say disinformation, I would say wild accusation and rumor punctuated (
get it? Punctuated?) with folklore, mythology, and urban legands.

It has no facts, it has no coherant thought.

reply to post by careface

I absolutely hate that term fail what have people become? Evil grade school teachers?

[edit on 7/24/2008 by whatukno]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:52 PM
My little rule of thumb: I take very little stock in 'drive-by threads'. Threads created by people who post on the day of or week of creating an account. 99.99% of that content is not worth the time I invest in reading it. Now I have wasted even more time explaining it. I have a feeling that you are probably male and in your early 20's. Just my opinion.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 11:19 PM

First of all...The Title bugs me "Some Girl sent me this message and told me to spread it.Do you think its disinformation?"

Some Girl? You don't know the girl? How did she send you this informaiton?

Second...The fact that the OP joined a couple of days ago, makes me think that this isn't really something to take seriously. Sure, some people join and start great threads right off the bat, however, there are many threads that get started, which aren't very "serious."

Third...The writing style, lack of spelling, lack of punctuation, and lack of sentence structure makes me want to poke my eyes out. Its difficult to read. If someone REALLY wanted this to be read, it would be better written... in my opinion of course.

- Carrot

[edit on 7/24/2008 by CA_Orot]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by buds84
reply to post by projectvxn

What exactly does Icke lie about?

He lies about 9/11 being an inside job?
And that the Illuminati exists?
Bush family really is looking for weapons of mass destruction all along?

Well damn guys we can all go home now a 14 year old girl just disproved all of David Ickes work.

How about government conspiracy to keep us all slaves(Which I personally believe) which turned to Reptilian Overlords creating government conspiracy to keep us all slaves(Which is quite a leap without any proof) which morphed into Reptilian Overlords creating secret government conspiracy to keep us all slaves in The Matrix(Oh come on!). And people believe this crap.

9/11 is an inside job, you'd have to know absolutely nothing about the CIA and the government in order to not catch the earmarks(Or be in denial). The Illuminati does exist I won't refute that either. And I am not some right wing nutcase either. I'd love to see that jerk tried for war crimes and treason like the war-criminal-traitor that he is. Please don't assume things it isn't fair for either of us to prejudge without the facts(And yes I've read everything Icke has ever put into print). I do my research, and many here on ATS can attest to this.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 11:40 PM
Yeah, I'm going to quote some of it...

Originally posted by Ggurl777

"...These people icke ect his assistant is the qweens relative and he talks about the qween alot as a reptillian He is putting this out NOW because it is close to time that the reptillians in mass are coming to help us..."

"T. Icke arizona collier Kane and many others are put up by the govts to lie and scare these people Do your best to pass on whats it going to hurt but you must pass it on about Icke cause God save the qween"

For one thing, Icke has been saying that the Queen, is a Shape-Shifting, Hierarchically-Powerful, Lower-Fourth Dimensional Reptilian, whom occasionally participates in Sacrificial-Blood-Ritual-Death-Ceremonies, for quite a long while now. So, it's not like Icke is just now making these claims.

Seems that the Author is trying to convey the notions that; Icke is 'bad', Greys are 'bad', Reptilians are 'good, and the Queen is 'good'.

(off to dismantle my combination David Icke/Alien-Grey Shrine)

[edit on 24-7-2008 by FewWorldOrder]

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