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6th Man On Moon Announces Were Not Alone On Kerrang Radio?

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posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

It's actually 89%, just some people don't like to think they've been lied to
I personally think the majority of Aussies actually have had a UFO sighting or at least a relative / friend who has.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Sparky63
It just seems humorous to me that many here on ATS seem to think that the credibility of Mitchells story is somehow related to the number of times it appears in the media. It's almost like, "Wow! He was on Larry King! It must be true!".

That is not the point at all... Peopleespecially skeptics here are always saying "I will believe it if an Astronaut comes forward" or "I will believe it when the main stream media talk about it"

THAT is the point... that day is here... and the number of headlines shows that people are LISTENING

Now wait and see what happens when he gets on OPRAH

[edit on 26-7-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by ufo reality
Edgar on Fox News:

COOL Doesn't sound like he is recanting

BUT The very end he butts back in SPECIFICALLY to say ITS NOT NASA

He has been talked to... definitely... He is only speaking of non NASA issues... just like Cooper did

Can anyone record a copy of this Fox video?


posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 01:21 AM
now its on AOL

its gettin everywhere!!! i hope this opens up more HOPE of a disclosure, but unlikely...

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
i cant find the interview...i guess it doesnt exist anymore?

all i can find is a Ton of crappy

anyone got a link for me so i could Listen to this too??

For any late comers that just refuse to read threads

Here is the summary collection up to date...

pr0metheu5 recorded the FULL interview and its here in MP3

I find some of the stuff he says about the trip to the moon extremely fascinating.... but later on that

The interview is now also on YouTube

Youtube: July 23, 2008
Edgar Mitchell UFO interview on Kerrang Radio

Nasa Response re: Edgar Mitchell interview on Kerrang Radio

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by Nohup
as well as the Church's general stance against such things, would add at least some weight to his statements.

And the Walls of Jerico came tumbling down as the priest blows his horn...

A lot of Horn Blowing going on these days... well Whistle, Horn whats the diff?

Vatican scientist says belief in God and aliens is OK
REUTERS MAY 14, 2008

Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real
Monsignor Corrado Balducci

Vatican says aliens could exist
BBC News

Seems its getting 'heavier'

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by jamamiss
I wish some of you would go to digg. I seem to be the only one there who takes this seriously.

LET digg come to US

Is there anywhere else?

To UFO reality...

CNN dang I can't post the stuff fast enough... at this rate I will be updating all night

CNN Listings... Not bad...

So where is Johnny and the Rabbit???

Lets get him on ATS

[edit on 26-7-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by ufo reality
There are several videos you can watch under Edgar Mitchell's picture!

I like the one "His Global Attention"

He seems quite surprised that he got so much attention in 24 hours since he has been saying it for 10 years... but he repeats here again "NOT NASA"

But he is much calmer in this interview... must be something about talking to those guys at FOX

Especially when they do THIS on the same page... the lousy back stabbers

FOX - 1001 reasons NOT to Talk to Them

Hmmm can't link...


Fox Video Page
Video title "We Have Contact"

How can one company hire so many morons?

Astronaut Claims Alien Cover-Up
AOL News
posted: 9 HOURS 35 MINUTES AGO comments: 1364
filed under: Science News

[edit on 26-7-2008 by zorgon]

[edit on 26-7-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 04:15 AM
In a recent thread (now mostly dormant) “ATS Team In Roswell, NM”, former Sgt. Clifford Stone provided access to documents he had collected over the years, based on FOIA requests, to Springer and Crackeur. These documents apparently show a “paper trail” proving the existence and possession of an “artifact” determined by government officials to be “not of Earth”.

Based on details of the artifact, as described in the documents, and the provenance of the FOIA documents as Mr. Stone avails, Springer and Crackeur are convinced of the authenticity of the documents, and conclude that (at least some) “UFO’s are from outer space” is, in fact, a valid statement, acknowledged, though not publicly, by the US government.

The “ATS Roswell Team” then began a process whereby this data, and the conclusions drawn from said data, could be made public via the MSM. This effort is continuing.

Meanwhile, MUFON has released its findings regarding the recent UFO sightings in Stephensville, TX. They conclude that the reports of eyewitnesses in Stephensville of UFO’s appearing during January 2008 are supported by radar return data made available to MUFON via FOIA requests.

MUFON also concludes that at least one UFO witnessed during this episode flew in a direction that would have allowed it to encroach upon the restricted airspace above the US President’s ranch in Crawford, TX: and, in fact the object’s last radar return showed it approximately 10 miles from the restricted zone before it disappeared from the radar.

Disturbingly, military and security forces, however, took no apparent action to either positively identify or intercept this obvious and potential threat.

It should be noted that this curious “Lack of Response” on the part of military and/or security forces is similar in character to an incident also involving a UFO in 2007. That incident involved the incursion of an unresponsive UFO into the restricted airspace over O’Hare International airport. Despite “hovering” over the airport for 30-45 minutes, there is no report of officials attempting to identify or intercept the object; despite the obvious threat to public safety is presence in that location posed.

Now we have former astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, on record, claiming that he believes that the famous incident in Roswell, NM involved the crash and recovery of a UFO from outer space. He also asserts that at least some UFO’s are not from Earth, and that the US government, as well as other governments of the world, know that “UFO’s are Real”, have known this for decades, and have been keeping this knowledge from the public.

Both Dr. Mitchell and Sgt. Stone hail from Roswell, NM. Dr Mitchell grew up in Roswell; Sgt. Stone currently lives in Roswell.

In researching the “Stone Documents”, Crackeur and Springer requested the assistance of ATS members in determining the maximum payload for launch vehicles available during the ‘60’s and ‘70’s. Springer also mentioned that the documents they were reviewing showed that gov’t officials, having determined that an object in their possession was, in fact, extra-terrestrial in origin, then documented the shipment of the object to a location in the US; whereupon no further trace of the object can be located.

If the source of Springer’s “Maximum Payload” query and the “lost” artifact are one in the same, might the object in question have been too large to ship by aircraft?

That would mean that the object would have had to been handled by either ground transport or by sea.

An object too large to be shipped by aircraft would have likely had many witnesses when it landed (crashed?) if it were to have done so anywhere within the US/Canada. Its “arrival” would likely have been the source of media coverage and speculation. But a very large object landing/crashing outside the US/Canada confines would be difficult and impractical to trans-ship by ground vehicle.

If the object in question was recovered from somewhere other than the US/ Canada, the most logical means of returning it to the US for further study would be by sea: US Navy, perhaps?

One of the incident Sgt. Stone claims to have been dispatched to involved a crashed US B-52 bomber in Vietnam that he said, “looked like it had been placed on the ground” in the jungle “by a large hand”.

Question: Could this incident have actually been a UFO recovery operation – “Masked” as an airplane crash memory?

Dr. Mitchell’s assertions regarding the reality of UFO’s arise not just from his faith in the “old timers” he’s spoken to in Roswell, but also from other sources he’s been privy to: He specifically mentions the influence an interview he had with an Admiral in the Pentagon.

If a “B-52 -sized” UFO crashed in Vietnam, was recovered by US forces, and shipped back to the US for further study by the US Navy, who better to know about it than an admiral in the Pentagon?

The possible relationship between/among Sgt. Clifford Stone and his FOIA documents, the “ATS Roswell Team”, the incidents at O’Hare and Stephensville, and now Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s assertions is intriguing to say the least.

Is AboveTopSecret playing a bigger role in “Disclosure” than they have been letting on?

A much bigger role than any of us have, or could possibly, imagine?

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
reply to post by ufo reality

It's actually 89%, just some people don't like to think they've been lied to
I personally think the majority of Aussies actually have had a UFO sighting or at least a relative / friend who has.

90% is probably a really innacurate number. If you consider that it's mostly people like us who were watching Larry King in the first place, those are the ones who voted in the poll. People who are not interested in the subject wouldn't have voted.

It's like going into a church and asking who believes in Jesus.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Bhadhidar

It should be noted that this curious “Lack of Response” on the part of military and/or security forces is similar in character to an incident also involving a UFO in 2007. That incident involved the incursion of an unresponsive UFO into the restricted airspace over O’Hare International airport. Despite “hovering” over the airport for 30-45 minutes, there is no report of officials attempting to identify or intercept the object; despite the obvious threat to public safety is presence in that location posed.

I was recently relistening to the Stanton Friedman interview by Rabbit and Anonymous here on this site, and he mentioned that back in the 50's and/or 60's the US airforce had a shoot on site policy for UFO's instated. Apparently there are over 200 military fighter jet crash reported over said period, some of which are said to disintegrate, and at least 3 of which are Korea aces.

It is not unreasonable to think the US airforce got the message and backed off trying to shoot down immensely superior technology, is it?

UFO's are by all accounts not hostile, but there is more than enough evidence to suggest they can indeed defend themselves effectively. And no need for preemptive strikes even...

[edit on 26-7-2008 by Zepherian]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 08:02 AM
The 6th man is a major flip-flopper and has many masters to serve. They were the best and the Bravest but not the brightest! And.. I agree with the hands off theory. I'm thinking that the earth is under UFO quarantine as far as manned exploration goes. The spacemen and women have always only gone up to 300 miles since the 1970's and since then, billions have been wasted on a series of "manned' Space Stations. We watch them and they watch us! Space unity always, even as the Soviet Union collapsed, the space station remained "manned" with a lone Russian. The night video is now censored from NASA shuttle video down-links, because what looked like stars were not stars. Low light cameras with UV filters and all the other bells and whistles, were showing the fake stars and not the normal B & W cameras and the tether caused them to stop showing night shots completely. If one bit of video "slippes" out now, NASA will cause fake video noise and red green color smearing to take place. Still, The Jamie and Santiago partnership caught a few seconds of a water dump on the STS-124! And it shows an "object", different than they water- to- ice particles, also being seen! I am a skeptic of NASA conventional wisdom and the things their Space pilots tell us! Even the new line from #6, that started this thread.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by TH3ON3
I hate to mention this, but man I have to..If this is the first time he has said Roswell happened and the government knows about the aliens and they are covering it up...well he needs protection. Sad to say that but we all know it's true.

I really dont think folks on the inside that know of the reality of ET visitation and UFO projects need to hide any longer. I believe the ones that have controlled the information for so long are beginning to release it. Im sure its getting to be a pain in the butt to conceal it all and they realize folks will find out eventually.

The information seems to be getting more credible, there are more sightings with better documentation from video etc. As for the CGI stuff, some I believe are intentionally created to get folks use to what they look like up close and personal rather from a distorted camera perspective.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Bhadhidar

MUFON also concludes that at least one UFO witnessed during this episode flew in a direction that would have allowed it to encroach upon the restricted airspace above the US President’s ranch in Crawford, TX: and, in fact the object’s last radar return showed it approximately 10 miles from the restricted zone before it disappeared from the radar.

Disturbingly, military and security forces, however, took no apparent action to either positively identify or intercept this obvious and potential threat.

I found this quite was also on the segment that the Larry King show aired on the Stephensville, TX UFO.....but not discussed in much depth that I noticed.

If there was no military response, could the craft have been 'expected' at Crawford??

Originally posted by secretnasaman
The night video is now censored from NASA shuttle video down-links, because what looked like stars were not stars. Low light cameras with UV filters and all the other bells and whistles, were showing the fake stars .......

You don't quite say, so just to be you mean that these 'fake' stars are actually craft or have the videos been faked with lights for 'stars'??

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by Zepherian

Its obvious why mil aircraft are shot down by these things. If I had a few f18s locking onto me with weapons Id blast the f18s myself. As for commercial airliners, you will notice there have been tons of arm length passes during flight with no accidents.

As far as military scrambles when one is spotted. They dont always scramble jets because it usually ends up with the same result. The UFO plays the flight pattern game with the mil jets and goes from 500- 9,000mph in 1 second...big waste of time and resources.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 09:54 AM
I just saw a brief interview on MSNBC with Mr. Mitchell talking about this. I'm wondering now how the media is going to react.

Typically, it's the playing of the theme from the X-Files, talking about green men by the newscaster, and making a joke of it.

At least for this short (< 1 minute) play on MSNBC, I didn't see that.



posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Edgar never said NASA was covering it up in the original Kerrang interview. It was FOX News and CNN that posted that false information in their articles. He said "the government" was covering it up. Edgar isn't backing off of what he said about Roswell. People involved did tell him the truth.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 10:01 AM
The radio host is calling the people that know what is going on "UFO nuts"... I wonder what that makes him. Clueless nut?

Thanks for those youtube links, listening to them now. Its nice to see that the so called "credible" people step forward since even people like this radio host will then be able to listen.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by ufo reality
reply to post by zorgon

Edgar never said NASA was covering it up in the original Kerrang interview. It was FOX News and CNN that posted that false information in their articles. He said "the government" was covering it up. Edgar isn't backing off of what he said about Roswell. People involved did tell him the truth.

The same thing happens here... people are always saying NASA this NASA that yet over and over I have shown that its the Military's "other" space program and that is what NOVA showed as well with "Astrospies" and Clementine was a purely DoD mission

But hey I am one of those "nuts" and have no fame so why would anyone listen to me

I did like the part about the 'disclosure agreement' where he is very adamant
about the fact that in those days there was no paper... you were just given a very convincing speech... not the first time I have heard this... but the way he clearly states this is confirmation for me...

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 12:11 PM

reply to post by OMFGitsJack

You're an excitable bunch here at ATS aren't you? Edgar Mitchell has been saying these type of things for a decade or more. What he's saying is nothing new! It seems that people think that because he's walked on the moon his ideas and theories about extraterrestrial life visiting the Earth must be based wholy on fact... He is just as open to personal bias on this subject as anyone else.

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