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6th Man On Moon Announces Were Not Alone On Kerrang Radio?

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posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:21 PM
Again, he may not be lying, he's probably actually been told aliens exist and there has been a massive cover-up, but who told him?

It's all speculation and rumor, it has always been all speculation and rumor, and it will always be speculation and rumor.

lack of gravity messes with the mind

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

Wait. Do they ever call back? Seriously.
I've harassed them about some very specific things and with some "tenured" backing, so-to-speak, for the inquiries. They still ignore me.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:25 PM
I consider Mitchell to be a highly credible source, so I'll take him at his word that what he's saying is something that he believes to be true.

Fair enough, but the beginning of disclosure? It's going to take a lot more than his comments, and said comments spattered across the media. Larry King has also had highly reputable and credible people on his show saying the same kind of things. But what ever comes of it? Nothing, really. It might have some buzz for a little while, and then it will go away. Just like the Stephenville Lights thing did. It will always go away.

I don't think disclosure will ever happen. Not unless the ETs communicate to the govts that they're going to make their presence known, so they better prepare the Earthlings for that eventuality.

Maybe that's what's happening right now, and what's been happening, a little spoon full at a time. Who knows, but I really don't see any govt coming forward with information unless they have to.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by djerwulfe
If there were "evidence" we wouldn't be having any of these discussions.

I concur.

You mean there used to be abunch of hard evidence for UFOs and ETs on ATS, but now there isn't?
All of us johnny-come-latelys missed the Evidence Boat?

Nope, it's just that there seemed to be a much higher quality in the posts that used to be made here. Folks used to do actual research, and demand something more than heresay before jumping on the bandwagon.

Is someone going to try to argue with me that this is a worthwhile topic for discussion? You either believe his heresay or not. Without evidence to back up his claims, we are left with nothing more than what we had before he made these claims the first time.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by COOL HAND

You're worse than Bill Nye

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by David9176

I agree with the sentiment, b
ut I think you overestimate the level of consensus and homogeneity alreay at work in human communities.

We are all on different pages. Consensus is hard-earned, but when it's real, it is VERY powerful. Quantum, you might say, in scope.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by djerwulfe

Well like I said he's writing books, he needs publicity. He isn't writing books about little green men however, but all publicity is good publicity, as the saying goes.

I agree the man is highly qualified, and has moved in the relevant circles. This allows him the potential to be in the know, this also affords him credibility to be believed, whether he is using that to his advantage or not, is for us to guess.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by COOL HAND

Sorry I jumped, but everyday I exercise patience and attempt to have an open mind. I attempt to encourage people to raise the bar by example. I know that's arrogant, but it's a tough thing to do.

These fringe topics are havens for the unreasonable, but let's not get all biased because of lacking physical ET tech.
This is another drop in this bucket that's so big I guess we can't even see it all... nvrmnd.

But, sources and data are of the utmost importance, but you know as well as I, that even the best materials on these topics are used for inference and educated (hopefully) guesses.

Most Americans are starting to suspect something. Something weird. Either super weapon tests on citizens, ET's, foreign intelligence technology or something. Something threatening if for no other reason that the governement's irrational, ever-shifting stance on these subjects.

Sorry. Patience. Try to raise the bar. Discourage silliness, but not creative speculation. We need unique thoughts. People must feel comfortable sharing sources, even if some of us may find fault. At least they try.

[edit on 24-7-2008 by djerwulfe]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:44 PM
Even though this is indeed old news - and frankly heresay - as he does not claim to have directly seen, nor been involved in any project working on, Aliens - it appears to be a revelation to many of the uniformed.

Although Gordon Cooper testified to an actual 1st person sighting, as have several former Cosmonauts, their testimony has, unfortunately, been largely dissmissed/ignored over the years.

His claim that the truth is leaking out faster and faster now - is probably the most interesting statement during this new interview - as I do see the internet as being a driving force towards forcing at least a limited disclosure from the U.S. Govt.

However - very few here - or certainly anywhere else - are taking measures to resist or even taking very seriously - the extensive plans being oh so gradually implemented to neuter and control the freedom of communication on the net.

If we can keep the Internet going and free - then we will - through collaporative effort - get the truth out about UFO's and many many other suppresed subjects.

If we fail in this task - then we will remain subject to the whims of our various authoritarian rulers.

So spread the word - send this interview (and NASA'a non response) to everyone you know - keep the ball rolling while we still have the will and the power to speak the truth and set peoples minds free.

But beware a time is coming soon when the rug will be pulled out from unders us - if we are not vigilant - and everything we have built these last 10+ years will be utterly lost.

Viva la Revolution!! - Keep knowledge FREE!!!

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by jamesder

I agree that in the public mind to admit to a paranormal healing is akin to saying you are losing it.
Yes he's a brilliant academic but so too are millions of born-again Christians and when they talk about Jesus returning in the sky, we don't expect the media to report that as front page news.
There is a common public 'bogle factor' similar to a personal one and I'm not sure pople are ready to believe in UFOs from a guy who does telepathy experiments from the moon and claims he had a lost tiepin materialise form the past when he met Uri Geller.
It matrters not whether I believe him - I do actually - but I have studied psychic stuff all my life - most people haven't.
Ed Mitchell was saying these things years ago - I have personal emails from him discussing that very story written for a UK paper somebody posted a few pages back - by a reporter called Earl I think.
Mitchell was a bit more picky then and said the reporter had assumed things which weren't true but when questioned via the emails about it, it seemed the story was pretty accurate.
In short I think I'm saying that Mitchell for all his credentials is woo woo enough for most media people to think that he's just going a bit eccentric. If all the astronauts came out and said this - it would make waves but one psychic researcher into consciousness......not a chance of a change in paradigm or public belief.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:56 PM
The replay is HERE


posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by yeti101
Edgar mitchell also belives a spiritual crystal healer stopped him getting cancer. Do you beleive that too? I think that trip to the moon was just too much for him.

Yes... don't you? And if not, why not? And your lack of knowledge and understanding in this field qualifies you to make character evaluation?

Originally posted by unnamedninja

People hold astronauts and air force in such high regard, these people imo are no more heroes than people who climb mountains. People become astronauts because they want to, not to better humanity. Sure they better humanity...

In the full length interview Mitchell states he is 'just flying the machine' when asked "what was it like... going to the moon?" He mentions check lists
It seems he never once looked out the window and said... :WOW I'm really going to the MOON"

I do not think them heros they have done nothing 'heroic' they got picked by the luck of the draw from many... and what did they accomplish for mankind? We haven't even been back... what benefits are there from the Moon trips? Did they warn us or fight off an Alien invasion? No they went on a rock collecting feild trip... just a little further away than the average rockhound on Earth

But of course... no one in the military would ever lie
Don't forget the Astronauts were military FIRST

Originally posted by prionace glauca
Well the Russian Cosmonauts have been yelling "fire" in the past few years and many have not focused on their claims to be so convincing, but when NASA astronauts yell "fire" its very convincing.

Americans not listening to Russians? Say it isn't so!!!

Thanks for the links I was looking for stuff from the Cosmonauts... just no time yet

[edit on 24-7-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:12 PM

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by David9176I swear it seems like they are in competition with one another.

I agree with you on your post... but the above line is EXACTLY the problem..

The majority of researchers have become exactly what they denounce in the main stream media...

They jealously hold 'exclusive' revelations that you need to pay a subscription for or buy the book or CD.. You can see it on most sites that "EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW" banner glaring and flashing

I have seen people put their 'copyright' or 'watermark' on documents and photos that are in the public domain... Look around at many of the older sites they have gone 'subscription only'

Look at the hype generated with he Ken Johnson "Washington Press Release" No disclosure came of it... but MANY book sales at $50.00 a pop

So you are right there would be great power in joining forces... but I doubt this will ever happen...

Sorry Folkes No disclosure today...

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:23 PM

lack of gravity messes with the mind

I suspect it messes with more than the mind.

How bout this: As an observer moves farther from a cnter of gravity (something massive like earth, which is our habitual abode at least for the last few million years) perhaps the "rules" bend slightly as well.

To put it another way, maybe reality itself becomes alittle less "real" with increasing distance from a massive body. Certian things are overtly affected on the EM level by this. It's bound to mess with your head, too!!

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by ufo reality
I just left a phone message with NASA Public Affairs. Lets see if they call me back and what they have to say...

Hehe I hope you asked him if they had someone that spoke on the radio station...

The whole world is assuming the station ACTUALLY spoke to a NASA official...

People are willing to accept THAT as official response from NASA without even a name of the NASA official... who if he were a NASA PR spokesman would have NO PROBLEM giving his name...

yet people are denying what Mitchell has to say?

Someone call the radio station... I demand proof they spoke to NASA... could have been an actor... for dramatic effect... I bet listeners to that station have increased... not to mention the world wide free publicity...

I bet that DJ gets a bonus next paycheck

[edit on 24-7-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:27 PM
One of Sweden's tabloids has now written about it.


As always they have a poll, this time: Do you believe earth has been visited by aliens. The result right now: Yes 53.5 %, No 46.5 %.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:34 PM
This corresponds with this old link:
Apollo UFO Photos

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:36 PM
Wouldnt it be mindblowing to have Edgar Mitchell on ATS?

now if someone knew how to contact him and send out an invite this may happen.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by djerwulfe

Big fat liars are not the personality types usually found in astronaut materials. I very much doubt that is the case. If he were a politician...

Sure, there is that possibility, but my personal experience is technical career types are more trustworthy due to the fact that they have to deal routinely with hard data to a point searching for truth becomes burnt into their neurons

Only when we get into administrative types and creative types does the proportion of liars and unethical people rise significantly, again in my own experience.

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