posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 03:07 AM
I JUST switched all of my normal-care products, from Shampoo, Soap, Toothpaste and yes, deoderant. My dad has been urging me to switch toothpastes for
a while...but I have sensitive teeth and was pretty reluctant to switch from the Blessed Sensodyne. But, the other day I ran out of toothpaste and I
made the swtich. I'm sure there has to be something in the Sensodyne that MAKES your teeth MORE sensitive. So far - Flouride Free for One week!
While I was at it, I switched to an Organic Paraban-Free Shampoo & Conditioner, Organic Soap, and I'm looking for a deoderant that doesn't need to
be re-applied every five seconds.
I was using Secret, and switched to a brand called JASON, however, I'm not finding it to work very well...Us ladies like to smell nice sometimes you
know...I'll be out searching for another brand tomorrow.
Any suggestions for the ladies
- Carrot