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Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex And You!

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posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by BASSPLYR

That's terrible!

Ive never heard of this, sounds like a slow hell....


posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 10:46 PM
i've never heard of any of this before. It's all scary - you can't use anything now unless you have done extensive research on it....but who knew that antiperspirants were such a terrible thing???

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 10:46 PM

Thank you very much for the head's up. The way you wrote the OP was quite clever in that it had me hooked at the beginning and built up like a crescendo! 60% probability with constant aluminum intake... is pretty darn high

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:00 PM
I know that large shipments of this stuff was shipped out of alaska to siberia russia, to the prisons there. It was put in the water to keep
the inmates dumbed down.

scary stuff!

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by IMAdamnALIEN

thanks for sharing this info bro...

we all should be label readers(ingrediants list)

i know the gov is all about pop control and they are using many tactics...from global warming and chemtrails to pharmacueticals/flouride in the water.

what i'm starting to ask is...where is the justice?

[edit on 21-7-2008 by Skipper1975]

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:04 PM
Meet Aluminum's best friend: Fluoride!

I hope this really blows your mind:

You know how a lot of our community water is Fluoridated? And we brush our teeth with Sodium Fluoride? And we get our teeth bombarded with Fluoride to make them hard, strong and clean?!

Well it turns out:

- Fluoride is more toxic than lead
- It degrades the brain
- It makes humans more docile
- Makes bones and teeth more brittle
- Was first used in the drinking water of Holocaust victims by the Nazis

In 1998, a fluoride study published in Brain Research reported damage to rat kidneys and brain at very low doses. Rats were given 1 ppm fluoride in doubly distilled and de-ionized water for 52 weeks. In other words they were given the same levels as we get in fluoridated water, albeit without the other ions present in tap water. One group of rats was given aluminum-fluoride (AlF3) and another, sodium fluoride (NaF). In both cases amyloid deposits were found in the rat brains. Amyloid deposits are tangles in the brain and are associated with Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia. Scientists do not know why they form. The rats in the control did not have them. The authors of the study speculate that fluoride enables aluminum to cross the blood brain barrier (Varner et al). This paper has caused quite a stir in regulatory circles and has prompted both the NIEHS and the EPA to nominate aluminum fluoride for comprehensive study by the National Toxicology Program.

Rats administered fluoride have been shown to have more aluminum in the brain, twice as much as the control rats

This reminds me of the first Batman with Michael Keaton. Remember how it wasn't the one chemical that made people sick? It was two chemicals combined that started killing Gotham.

If you want to hide something, hide it in plain sight...

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by BASSPLYR

The effects on the lymphs are totally true. About 10 years ago, I got a huge 'lump' on one of my armpits after continual use of a particular antiperspirant, I thought it might be an allergic reaction to that specific brand. So, I changed brands, but it only got larger.
I soon went to our family GP (fearing Cancer), and he recognized it right any and asked if I used antiperspirant, when I told him yes, he said to STOP IMMEDIATELY.

We recommended I use an organic deodorant from a health store (which I did) or worst case a regular deodorant.

The lump was gone within a week'ish.

Next time I saw him (about 8 months later), we discussed the missing lymph lump, antiperspirants and he talked about a bunch of different things he 'recommended' I stay away from - aspirtine, fluoride mouthwash (we had it in our water there - and here)... I can't remember the list but I'll try to hunt it down again.

I've brought this up with our new GP, and his attitude was, "they" wouldn't sell it; if it wasn't safe. That was my welcome to big city medicine.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:13 PM
I feel it's important to note that the deodorant is not that much better.

Sure it does not have aluminium compunds, but if you read the Ingredients of a deodorant (one I have handy right here): Propylene Glycol, Water, Sodium Stearate, Fragrance, Triclosan, Yellow 8, Blue 1

I am putting links for Yellow 8 and Blue 1 separately because they are "special"

FDA Colour Additive List cross-reference that with Wikipedia List of Food Additives

I have read somewhere that many colour additives, especially the ones that only have a colour and the number (such as Yellow 8, Blue 1) are carcinogens and that we should stay the hell away from them, if possible.

Just some food for thought...

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:14 PM
I been sayin it for's a good thing I have a glandular problem that doesn't allow me to perspire as much..but I rarely use deodorant. a friend of mine said baby powder and baking soda would work just fine.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:15 PM
thanks for the post...just checked what i use, and its 20% aluminum zirconium! kinda freaked me out after reading some of this stuff...time to find a few deoderant!

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by leira7

When a person sweats as much as I do -- and it's a LOT -- baking soda and/or baby powder just makes a nasty mud
However, for all of you normal people, like my darlin', these are fine choices. I use a magnesium salt compound........ it's sold as a "crystal" oooooooo, but it's really just a blob of stuff. Still, it keeps the bacterial stinkies away. I know, TMI.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:25 PM
Actually, aluminum can be found in a lot more than only your antiperspirant.

Aluminum can also be found in many foods (alot of baked goods/snacks - e.g. baking powders), antacids, some cold medicines, aluminum cans (beer & soda etc.). Also many store bought prepared meals come in aluminum trays.

Municipal drinking water can contain aluminum. Also bleached flour, processed cheese & some table salts. As well as many cooking pans are aluminum or contain it.

Don't forget to never cook food in aluminum foil either or store or buy food in it.

The less aluminum you have around you the better, so read those food labels and avoid it as much as possible.


posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by argentus
reply to post by leira7

When a person sweats as much as I do -- and it's a LOT -- baking soda and/or baby powder just makes a nasty mud
However, for all of you normal people, like my darlin', these are fine choices. I use a magnesium salt compound........ it's sold as a "crystal" oooooooo, but it's really just a blob of stuff. Still, it keeps the bacterial stinkies away. I know, TMI.

Something came to mind just now, have you tried using Silver Colloid, I think I read somewhere that people use it as a deodorant/antiperspirant?

Of course you might need to apply it more often because as a mist it will dry pretty fast. I suppose you could make a gel from it and apply it that way, would probably last longer...

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:43 PM
Offensive B.O. or alzheimers?

I'll take the alzheimers...when I'm old, I dont plan on living long anyway.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 12:27 AM
Thanks for the informative replies people!

This thread is moving along better than I hoped for!

If anyone has any other personal experiences to share, feel free to do so.

You know, this all started from me looking at a label. I looked at the main active ingredient and found a rather large word (AZT) and wondered if google knew anything about it......Sure enough, its bad for you! Just like I thought it would be.....

Whats not anymore?

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 12:35 AM
There is no justice Skipper. Only slow death and dementia. My Mom once said I would die hard in jest. Apparently she was correct.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by amigo

I don't know about topical use, but if you ingest colloidal silver over a period of time it can cause you're skin to turn bluish gray and it's irreversible (a condition called argyria). Other than skin discoloration it doesn't appear to have any other ill-effects. However I'm not too keen on looking like a living dead smurf. I believe I read a post on ATS about this recently.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 01:34 AM
Research "Fluoride & Aluminum"

Meet Aluminum's best friend: Fluoride!

I hope this really blows your mind:

You know how a lot of our community water is Fluoridated? And we brush our teeth with Sodium Fluoride? And we get our teeth bombarded with Fluoride to make them hard, strong and clean?!

Well it turns out:

- Fluoride is more toxic than lead
- It degrades the brain
- It makes humans more docile
- Makes bones and teeth more brittle
- Was first used in the drinking water of Holocaust victims by the Nazis

In 1998, a fluoride study published in Brain Research reported damage to rat kidneys and brain at very low doses. Rats were given 1 ppm fluoride in doubly distilled and de-ionized water for 52 weeks. In other words they were given the same levels as we get in fluoridated water, albeit without the other ions present in tap water. One group of rats was given aluminum-fluoride (AlF3) and another, sodium fluoride (NaF). In both cases amyloid deposits were found in the rat brains. Amyloid deposits are tangles in the brain and are associated with Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia. Scientists do not know why they form. The rats in the control did not have them. The authors of the study speculate that fluoride enables aluminum to cross the blood brain barrier (Varner et al). This paper has caused quite a stir in regulatory circles and has prompted both the NIEHS and the EPA to nominate aluminum fluoride for comprehensive study by the National Toxicology Program.

Rats administered fluoride have been shown to have more aluminum in the brain, twice as much as the control rats.

This reminds me of the first Batman with Michael Keaton. Remember how it wasn't the one chemical that made people sick? It was two chemicals combined that started killing Gotham. Fluoride in water and in toothpaste; Aluminum in pots and pans and Aluminum Oxide in Chemtrails...?!!!!!

If you want to hide something, hide it in plain sight...

[edit on 22-7-2008 by compsen]

[edit on 22-7-2008 by compsen]

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 02:09 AM
The slow steady death. So we have been warned. One less useless eater to sustain.

[edit on 7/22/2008 by jpm1602]

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 02:10 AM
Evil ass Old Spice. I knew that old man with the catchy whistle was the anti-Christ
Bet you are also part of the crowd thinking I am going to drive a eco friendly car and trade the SUV. Well, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Just had blood work, and guess what. HOLY CRAP I am Ok. I vote Republican, have health insurance, a good job, guns, smoke cigars, use Old Spice. Drink diet Coke too.

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