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Unbelievable event just happened to me

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posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 04:33 PM

.stand in the window with a mask of some animal on(gorilla, tiger, etc.), smearing cheez whiz on your person, masturbating with feces, while jumping on one leg in a circular motion...

reply to post by daddymax

Well that WAS my original plan...but after a bit of careful consideration I decided against it

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

I don't know if it's good for me, or bad for you that we think alike...

I was only pointing out this would most certainly warrant a response from the agency this guy reports too...not to be used as a favored past time, as you will eventually de-sensitize yourself to feces...

Don't want that!!!

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by daddymax

That kind of behavior will guarantee you a visit from the guys in the OTHER color of attire... one hopes your not talking from experience

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 05:32 PM
Absolutely not...all in fun! I just don't believe that this kind of action would go unmentioned, and whoever this guy works for would ultimately go out of their way to make mention of it...identity problem solved. Also the mask part was for plausible deniability..."wasn't me" type of thing.

I assure you feces holds no enticement for me, or the other members of the sock puppet pornography clientele. I was just attempting at throwing a humorous suggestion into the mix...

By the you say Nee?

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 08:12 PM
hmm very disconcerting, you have little information to go on. There could be many reasons for it. My course of action would be counter-intelligence, if you notice this behavior again note the license plate, get pictures of him and his car if you can, even follow him if possible. Also do not be afraid to let him know you are watching him. Judging by your description of his age i think it unlikely he is "casing" the place for a robbery, he could be a private investigator, have you had any legal disputes recently? Most notably any property disputes? It may be worth stopping by your local police station and making a report for future reference in case of any incidents. If it is "spooks" then a report at the police station will be a message to them that they are not as sly as they think.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 08:32 PM
Guys, please keep in mind he said it was an old guy with gray hair in a SATURN for god sake. Not exactly the most frightening sight in the world.
Last time I checked "MIB's" weren't 74 y.o. men wearing depends driving Plymouth K's

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 09:58 PM
I haven't read all of the replies, but I'd bet you money it was a real estate appraiser. That place was probably sold within the last year and being used as a comparable property in the neighborhood, or it was the county tax appraiser.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 12:13 AM
Getting a surveillance system set up in your home would be pointless imo.
i have tried that route, doesn't work, sure you catch everyday activity, but if THEY were to visit, and want to gain entry all THEY do is cut the power, hence no video proof, then turn it back on when they leave, but one thing you could do if you have this set up is to set a digital clock one with out battery back up, set it up some where that is out of site, then check it every time you get home, if its flashing you know that your power has been turned of during the day while you were away. the leaf in the door jam is a good idea, but once again if they cotton on to it, all THEY do is replace it when THEY leave.

F.Y.I: A 160 gig hard drive system will record on motion for twelve hours and continuous for twelve hours out of every day, and you get about 3 months of activity on it, then if you like back it up and format the drive then start again.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by daddymax
By the you say Nee?

No that's those guys from the House of York... they are a little off the wall, n'est pas? But people steer clear of my place when the see me tree trimming with my claymore...

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 07:05 AM
There is no doubt in my mind that the government, or other "organizations" keep tabs on certain people for various reasons. But to be perfectly honest, unless you are some sort of highly trained "james bond" sort of individual, there isn't much you can do to thwart their activities. Basically, your options are either (1) Quit becoming interested in researching aliens, and government cover-ups, etc., or (2) Continue researching these topics thereby becoming more aware of the things that they DON'T want you to be aware of.......and continue to be on their "radar screens".
Me personally, I enjoy not being led down the naive path by the supposed "powers that be", a.k.a. "government". My opinion is, watch me all you want but i'm going to continue to seek the truth. I don't believe that you or I could even stop them from doing whatever they choose to do to us anyways.
If you see anybody outside your house again, just stare at them, give them a nice wave hello, with a friendly little smirk on your face. Give THEM something to wonder about for a change.........LOL.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 07:28 AM
maybe he likes the design of your house and was embarrassed to ask about it...?
the truck... im not sure about... is it for sale?

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 07:36 AM
Sorry if this has already been suggested. But it might have been a contract worker for google or yahoo. If you search your address now on either sites mapping systems you'll often time see street-level pictures of your home. We caught someone taking a picture of my mom's house one day only to see the pictures from that angle end up on google later. I'm pretty sure if they stay on the street it is legal for them to take the photo. Definitely unnerving though.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 08:01 AM
I find it interesting that so many people on this thread have had the exact same thing happen to them. Purely coincidence, I'm sure. After all, don't the quilting website mention the same thing? No? How about the dog-show websites? No?

Always look for the big picture. A thread on here is advising people to prepare for Sit-x, in another thread it is being reported that in a behind closed doors session of Congress, they were told our economy is going to collapse, and to prepare for civil war. Dissenters would have to be put in "camps". On yet another thread, there appear to be people being followed, and photographed.

It would be interesting to check out which threads the people saying they are being followed have recently (or not so recently) posted in, comparing to see if they have ever posted in the same threads. If so, then it would be interesting to see what they have stated that is common to all of them. That would tell you (if anything) what the nefarious types are most worried about.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by trekker

You can also use an UPS to set up a system. Only a noob would use house current!

Of course the big boys can defeat that, but let's hope you never have to deal with that level.

If you want to catch something on vid you don't set up the vid in your house. And there's some other obvious stuff you do if you're serious about catching someone which I won't mention here.

Lots of things you see on TV where they use guys to 'hack into' someone's account are possible, but many people don't realize the hackers don't do it like that. They use far more low-tech methods.

Here's a trivial example.

You want to hack into the red light tracking cams and see shots of traffic. What do you do?

Post your answers and when you do, I'll reveal some ways that are actually used.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

The community police in all the cities in the US and Canada are involved in the surveillance of citizens. The gray haired fellow who was taking a pic of Black ops home and car was probaly a retired person and in his spare time volunteers for his local community police. These people are 'used' to do closer surveillance of a target. The community police are lied to and they actually think that they are doing a good thing for their community.
All those who have become a target of covert stalking and harassment have been slandered in the community and the community police are presented false files about the target.
Where do these false files come from?

Here is a link to an FBI community outreach program called C.O.P.

and here is a link to where the community police in this district are now armed.

When I started to see that I was stalked, I noticed that my stalkers were not the men in black type of individual, but just ordinary people. I began to pay attention to my surroundings and the people. One day my stalkers had a breakfast meeting in a cafe I frequented and one of the community police was so bold to give a three cheers for the citizens on patrol...that was when I started to connect the dots and do much research on this. In addition, I started to put signs on my car and ask the question: Why are community police stalking people?
This caused a major decrease in the community police stalking me and a noticeable increase in the paid vigilantes stalking me. The paid vigilantes are the private security/investigation companies that do contract work for the RCMP.

To Black ops....the community police are used and abused by the system and they are expendable. They are the ones used to do the initial leg work by photographing the targets car, home and sometimes even your friends and family.

My oldest son reported to me a year ago that he was photographed by a young woman while he sat a bus stop. The woman did not get a good enough pic so she walked closer and took another pic of him. The next day my son told me that he was noticeably stalked at his university. They did this to him in an attempt to shut me up and scare me. I did not shut up and talked even more... my son was a little doubtful this was happening to me but this attempt to scare me/him convinced my son that indeed this was happening to me.

I am very vocal in my community and have appeared on my local radio station to talk about this on two occasions....the radio show host reported to me that he experienced some weird crap after both broadcasts.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:18 AM
Oh for cry out loud ... this thread has morphed into an epic over a camera.

1) property might be in foreclosure. The servicing lender has to do drive by
inspections which requires that the person to take a photo of the property.
2) a private investigation ... x spouse or some litigation

You should have grabbed your own camera and taken a photo of him.

[edit on 21-7-2008 by Skydancer]

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by sir_chancealot
I find it interesting that so many people on this thread have had the exact same thing happen to them. Purely coincidence, I'm sure. After all, don't the quilting website mention the same thing? No? How about the dog-show websites? No?

Always look for the big picture. A thread on here is advising people to prepare for Sit-x, in another thread it is being reported that in a behind closed doors session of Congress, they were told our economy is going to collapse, and to prepare for civil war. Dissenters would have to be put in "camps". On yet another thread, there appear to be people being followed, and photographed.

It would be interesting to check out which threads the people saying they are being followed have recently (or not so recently) posted in, comparing to see if they have ever posted in the same threads. If so, then it would be interesting to see what they have stated that is common to all of them. That would tell you (if anything) what the nefarious types are most worried about.

That is sort of what bothers me about all of this, the sheer number of people who are witnessing and experiencing wierd events like this one. Could all of it be tied in together, Im not sure.

I will say this though, if I were interested in being covert about getting info or photos of someone, I think it would make more sense to use someone less assuming and non threatening like an older person.

Think, who would get alarmed or frightened by an old guy in a car who looks like anybodys dad or grand dad? He could have had the perfect hidden identity, the only mistake he made was allowing me to actually see him and catch him in the act of taking photos.

Otherwise I would have never assumed anything to be wrong at all. Makes one think now doesn't it?

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 03:10 PM
In my mis-spent youth, some 30+ years ago, I had the job of subtly intimidating certain federal and contractor employees who were inclined to give classified information to the "progressive press" and other anti-establishment organizations. One of the mildest forms of intimidation was exactly what you described - being obvious about taking photos of the subject, the subject's house, kids, etc. Of course we didn't give a damn about the photos. Most of the time there was no film in the camera, and if we had really wanted photos, the subject would never have known he was under survellance.

having said that, based on your disclaimers about your connections and life, I'd be willing to bet that it has something to do with the rental property or some genious just got the wrong address. Hey, it happens.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Badge01

not being a hacker of any type i wouldn't know were to start.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by sir_chancealot

"It would be interesting to check out which threads the people saying they are being followed have recently (or not so recently) posted in, comparing to see if they have ever posted in the same threads. If so, then it would be interesting to see what they have stated that is common to all of them. That would tell you (if anything) what the nefarious types are most worried about."

It would be interesting to compare notes, but I know there is no connection to posting on ATS and organized stalking.
What we all have in common is that we are stalked, we have our lives messed with, and we all can get no help from our respective community officials.
There is no good reason for the average Joe to be stalked. In my city of Nanaimo BC there are 12 of us who are all stalked and harassed in the community. I am the only one of the 12 who can come up with a reason for being stalked, the others have no good reason why they are stalked and harassed in the community.

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