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Obamania grips Europe ahead of visit by "John Kennedy of our time"

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posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 05:05 PM

The fact is the world supports our mission in Afghanistan, and largely sees it as a just response to an attack. Not so in Iraq.

So, how do you think we're going to win Afghanistan after retreating from Iraq? Our enemies will flood back in to Iraq and get everyone fighting each other again. The propaganda will come out daily and because of that, the Taliban will be emboldened. Foreign fighters will flood in to Afghanistan (since there is not a need in Iraq) and they will use the tactics that drove the US from Iraq.

We are in a world of dookie if we start using your logic.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Dronetek

The fact is the world supports our mission in Afghanistan, and largely sees it as a just response to an attack. Not so in Iraq.

So, how do you think we're going to win Afghanistan after retreating from Iraq? Our enemies will flood back in to Iraq and get everyone fighting each other again. The propaganda will come out daily and because of that, the Taliban will be emboldened. Foreign fighters will flood in to Afghanistan (since there is not a need in Iraq) and they will use the tactics that drove the US from Iraq.

We are in a world of dookie if we start using your logic.

Win what?
The world doesn't even know what the hell your doing in Iraq or Afghanistan. You want Bin Laden? Well two wars haven't helped so if we follow your logic the US needs to kill everyone everywhere until Bin Laden is found?
Bin Laden could be anywhere, there is no intelligence about him being anywhere in Afghanistan, they would have got him by now. Invading Afghanistan is useless, invading Iraq was a mindless thing, you want to stay? Well pack YOUR bags and go.
The problem is that in the US you have a problem where you are not as enthusiastic as you should be..the rest of the world is extremely happy, so you are not on the same wave length and that IS a worry. If Obama wins then at least there is hope, that is how the rest of the world thinks. The US is seen as a dangerous liability but you just don't want to do anything about it. Beleive it or not that man (Obama) is your ticket to the future, if the Neocons win then...well there are Russian bombers patrolling the Atlantic as we type...Note ow the UK and the US see Obama not as favourabily..that is where Zionist media has a monopoly and that is where the world problems are the product of Zionism and it's not pretty.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by yankeerose
Many Europeans see Obama as a very different kind of politician

Then they obviously are BLIND and don't realize that he's just the same tired old politician but is using sugar coated rhetoric to cover the corruption and lies.

He is actually spoken of as "the Kennedy of our Generation" by them.

That's pretty damn pathetic.
Looks like the obama-koolaide is flowing in Europe.

Now if we can just make more Americans see him in this sort of light.

What light?? That fake halo that the MSM has glued to Obama's head?

:shk: Pathetic. Simply pathetic.

Originally posted by RRconservative
Anti-Christ situation.

At the very least he's a rock-star wanna be.
At the worst - anti-christ.

And yes .. he's definately starting to fit the anti-christ bill.
And his disciples are fitting their nefarious roll as well.

Flame away. It's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.

Originally posted by vor78
I think its definitely just a campaign rally,

So do I. When McCain went overseas recently for his 16 nation tour (or however many it was) .. he met with leaders to discuss trade and defense, etc Obama, on the other hand, goes and has rockstar beer fests.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:58 PM
i thought i heard that Obama is going to visit Iraq...

oh well,
Obama the candidate cannot be anywhere compared to JFK (Ich bin eine Berliner) the President.
the only flimsy point may be the hope of a promising term of office....

the kind of optomistic hope that the JFK administration (& the Peace Corps) presented to the world.

the only other similarity is that JFK had Nixon as his 'foil' and Obasma has a similar one in McCain as the 2008 'foil'

this obama love is perposterious, the pupet is going to regulate, bigbrother, & ration card, us all into a fascist state of affairs if elected

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:58 PM
nobody cares about americans in the EU, we head towards ASIA now south korea japan etc

usa has become a evil empire which nobody wants to remember or blowdry anymore

by the way, the articals came from , uk, these are american / british compays, which dont represnt europa at all,

visit poland and ask if they support obama lol no i got better country for you, go into sweden ask if they know who obama is lol

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:59 PM
When its all said and done,we will all find out that this obama mainia has been the biggest media scam in history.I belive at best in a true poll that obama might be 30%.Obama has brought the raceisem card with him,he has destoryed bridges that other Black activest have built.The is his campaign to loose,he started well and his ego will be his down fall.He will loose badly in Nov "IF" he even gets the nomination,there is still a convention to get through.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 11:47 PM
Who Would The World Elect for the President of the United States?

See the Results

According to this site... The GOP screwed up BIG time by casting off Ron Paul. Obama is in 2nd place after Ron Paul. McCain isn't even in the running.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by yankeerose]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:18 AM
John F. Kennedy of our time?

More like the Jimmy Carter of our time! This guy is a joke. The more people learn about him the more they realize that. He's already made up his mind about Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't know why he even bothers. Just more of that showboating crap I guess. I really wish he'd get caught in a windstorm and is swept away by his enormous ears.

PS: I might be a little biased. Please note; biased does not mean "racist". This disclaimer is necessary due to the obvious if you happen to not like Osama Bin Obama's views or lack of political experience. (Unfortunately, wet behind the ears has new meaning with those pancakes!) You are no doubt labeled a racist if you hate him for every OTHER reason!

......Just my honest opinion!

[edit on 20-7-2008 by CreeWolf]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by yankeerose

Many of us Republicans think we got totally screwed. The majority did not get who we wanted and many feel the media picked our candidate.

They talked up McCain during the whole primary process, than as soon as he becomes the nominee they stopped all that and either ignore him or attack.

The media is controlling every aspect of this election. Like I've said many times, they are a threat to our democracy.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 06:48 AM
Europe has a very good reason to be opposed to war.

Unless you are a veteran of foreign war, most people here in the U.S. simply can not imagine
what it was like to have entire cities, massive population areas, leveled to the ground.

When we went into Afghanistan to support a police action to capture Bin Laden, the entire
world felt it was justified, but for Bush et al to outright lie to get us into a War with Iraq
was unimaginable for a nation once respected.

Obama represents a breath of fresh air, while McCain represents The Old Guard, the deeply
entrenched corruption in the current Republican party.

I still can not believe that Bush was not removed from office after what happened at Tora Bora.

Bush's " resolve " to capture Bin Laden dead or alive ended only six months after public enemy
#1, the man reported to have caused nearly 3000 deaths on American soil, was deliberately
allowed to escape.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 06:51 AM

Bush's " resolve " to capture Bin Laden dead or alive ended only six months after public enemy
#1, the man reported to have caused nearly 3000 deaths on American soil, was deliberately
allowed to escape.

At least he tired, unlike the last administration.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 11:40 AM
As a Brit i've kept a keen eye on the US election race and watched a programme recently which gave a comprehensive and unbiased comparison of Obama and Mcains policies on the climate, war on terror and economic policies and my reaction to Mcain was complete and utter distaste.
This guy is an extension of George W Bush on an even more fundamental scale, just thinking of the impact another hawk would have on the precarious melting pot of the middle east is extremely worrying.

Whilst a lot of Obama's policies seem to be aimed at pleasing the media and the public and plain rhetoric I hope that he can deliver a more diplomatic solution and change to America's foreign policy.

The polls on the popularity of Obama don't suprise me at all, the world is crying out for a shift in attitude in US policy making, the sham that is George Bush and his administration is apparent to the world, people are becoming more apathetic to politics because of all the lies, insidious dealings and fear mongering perpertrated by it's leaders.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Quazga
reply to post by yankeerose

Yep, If we Elect Obama, we will definitely get our reputation back as a benevolent super power.

Nope it would be more like "Benevolent superwimp and pushover"
and the easiest target on the planet.
doesn't it bother you that our enemies want this guy to become president?

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:29 PM
Bush had no choice to announce he was going after the mastermind of 9/11

He used allied Afghan warlords to do his dirty work, rather than sending every
police agency on the planet to capture him.

Bush tried really hard spending the 1st 7 months of his administration ON VACATION
in Crawford. Tennet and Clark tried for months to get Bush to pay attention to
alarm bells going off, but the spoiled brat from Crawford was too busy
" having the time of his life.

George Bush has spent more than 2 years (in collective days) ON VACATION while
our brave troops spill their blood and return home with life altering injuries.

Bush and anyone who empowers this worthless human being are accessories to treason.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
nobody cares about americans in the EU, we head towards ASIA now south korea japan etc

usa has become a evil empire which nobody wants to remember or blowdry anymore

by the way, the articals came from , uk, these are american / british compays, which dont represnt europa at all,

visit poland and ask if they support obama lol no i got better country for you, go into sweden ask if they know who obama is lol

Where i live in the EU the American Primers 2008 where the Coverage of many newspapers. Also in 2004 the Presidential Election was broadcasted live, all day long ... well more like a bunch off people talking about what they think and with the scores thrown in from time to time.
Everyone was talking about it.
As far as it goes for western EU countries like the Netherlands (where i live) , France or Germany the US presidential elections are considered almost as important as our own government elections because the path that America takes still has a large impact on the world. And it's just difficult to escape the election fever American elections are much more fun than our own even if i can't vote in them.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 01:32 PM
Europe is only about chasing the money. China and India are "it" now.

Europe doesn't like war (allegedly
yet they're trying for their own army!), so it doesn't like the US. It doesn't even like us, but we're a major cash-cow and offer military backing to the EU - that's why they like us. They'd sling us out tomorrow for backing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq if it wasn't for the above benefits to Europe of our membership.

The only candidate I support is one who who tells the most truths and does the right thing for its people, not profit.

[edit on 20-7-2008 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 01:41 PM
This is more cult-of-personality BS. He will do nothing different in the world(from Bush), but he won't be blamed for it. In fact he will be praised.

If this religious zealotry keeps up, he could do anything and be praised for it.


posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by yankeerose

Obama is very popular in European countries it seems...

Don't believe everything you read.

The vast majority of people couldn't care less about him or any other president/political candidate.
As it is usually the case, most don't even know about his visit.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 02:17 PM
If we were able to run opinion polls, I'd like to see National results of a poll asking

U.S. Citizens and Iraqis Citizens this question.

Which U.S. Presidential candidate would be the safest
walking, unarmed through the streets of Baghdad?

[edit on 20-7-2008 by FallenFromTheTree]

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:20 AM
Who is going to tell obama what to do when he is president?
He has no experience running anything so how can he run the country. He has always worked for someone else and been told what to do.
The only paycheck he has ever received has been from taxpayers i.e. the government. Same with McCain.
Just another Bureaucrat.
All I want from the Government is to LEAVE ME ALONE!

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