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Obamania grips Europe ahead of visit by "John Kennedy of our time"

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posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:08 AM

BERLIN (AFP) - Obamania is all the rage ahead of next week's visit to Berlin, Paris and London by a man described in newspapers as a "John Kennedy of our time" and Europe's champion in the race for the White House.

Obama is very popular in European countries it seems...

Seventy percent of Italians, 67 percent of Germans, 65 percent of the French and 49 percent of Britons would vote Obama.

This compared to just 15 percent in Italy, 6 percent in Germany, 8 percent in France, and 14 percent in Britain for Obama's Republican rival, John McCain, whose support for the war in Iraq is seen as a continuation of the policy of the current White House tenant, George W. Bush.

Obamania grips Europe ahead of visit by "John Kennedy of our time"

The Illinois senator is no messiah but his appearance in Europe will inspire those disenchanted with America

Hysteria alert: Barack Obama starts world tour

Many Europeans see Obama as a very different kind of politician in that he reflects hope for the rest of the world, and would be a welcome change from the Bush mentality of fear and war. He is actually spoken of as "the Kennedy of our Generation" by them.

Now if we can just make more Americans see him in this sort of light.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by yankeerose]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by yankeerose

Yep, If we Elect Obama, we will definitely get our reputation back as a benevolent super power. Bush has done more to damage this great country of ours than any terrorist ever could dream of.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:52 AM
Sorry, John Kennedy is the John Kennedy of my generation and Obama is no John Kennedy!

When Obama actually says something (other than change) maybe America will listen.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:02 AM
The actual quote is "the John Kennedy of our time", I used the word generation. I understand what your saying... big difference in the meaning. My bad...

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:05 AM
If Obamalot is elected he will get us out of Iraq. Instead of Iraq and Afghanistan, it will be Afghanistan and Darfur. But the world will love him cause we left Iraq.

He will lower the price of oil due to his alternative energy plan. Instead of higher gas prices we will have higher energy prices. But the world will love him because we will be polluting less. The middle East will be elated that we no longer need their oil.

He will ensure bill S.2433 is passed. The world will love him for fighting against worldwide poverty at US taxpayers expense. Corrupt third world governments will love him for sending more money to them.

He will lead by example and close down Guantanamo, the US Torture Palace, and the world will cheer him for ending torture in the US, The same world that turns a blind eye to the daily torture committed in the Middle East and China.

He will bring peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Hezbollah and Hamas will finally fulfill their dreams of living side by side with Israel in Peace. The same Israel that they promised to destroy. The world will rejoice.

He will meet Middle East nations and invite them to become democracies. They will embrace his vision of change. Democracy will become the latest American fad in the Middle East. The world will love him for creating more Americans.

He will talk to Iran face to face and Iran will destroy its nuclear ambitions. Europe will love him because he removed the greatest threat that Europe faced, not the United States.

He will ask all Nations to destroy all their Nuclear weapons. The Nations agree and wonder who will go first. Obamalot will lead by example and and destroy ours first. The world will celebrate and party like it's 1999. Only after the party, will the world show Obamalot and the United States how much they really love us.

I will be the first to say that we have to improve our image within the world. However, I don't believe that it is a one way street. They have to meet us halfway and understand us as well. Mutual respect and understanding will go along way in helping to mend soured relationships. Countries also have to learn to let go of the past and work toward the future.

Governments are no different than politicians. They want to be important, respected, involved, informed, and get the upper hand on every deal. Dis them on any of these and you have problems with that country. Bush has proven this theory time and time again. Why else would the French want to ban English words?

Obama may be liked at the present moment. But just like any other President, some foreign countries will learn to hate him. The bottom line is that you can't please everybody. The US election is a prime example. Some people like Obamalot and some people don't.

Personally, I wish the next President, Obama or McCain, the best of luck. The next President will need it. There are just too many issues, domestic and foreign, and not enough time to resolve them all. As for adding lot to Obama's name, no disrespect meant. I just want to keep with the Kennedy theme. Kennedy had Camelot and we have Obamalot.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Quazga
reply to post by yankeerose

Yep, If we Elect Obama, we will definitely get our reputation back as a benevolent super power. Bush has done more to damage this great country of ours than any terrorist ever could dream of.

Christ, the last few years has re-written history for a lot of people. Sometimes I feel like I live in an alternate reality.

You and people who think like you need to re-learn the last several decades of History.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:11 AM
Obama's rock tour will backfire on him. Old World Europeans going gaga over him will not help him in the USA.

Next week will be All Obama All the Time. People are going to get sick of it.

I hate to bring it up, but this would be an interesting scenerio for an Anti-Christ situation.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by RRconservative


Seriously though, people are giving this guy way too much undeserved trust.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by RRconservative

I agree completely. This could potentially backfire on him in a couple of ways. One, as you say, is the fact that many will view such a trip as inappropriate if it comes across as an overseas campaign rally (a seed the McCain campaign has wisely planted already). If a few hundred thousand Euros go nuts over him, and I think they will, it will indeed come across as a campaign rally. That type of thing may not play well among moderates and certainly not conservatives. The people in those two groups mostly want a President of the United States, not a President for the World.

Second, and just as importantly, this is probably going to come across as a 24/7 Barack Obama lovefest from the media. That's not going to help when there's already a widespread (and growing) belief that the media strongly favors his campaign, both now and previously in the primaries against Hillary.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:05 AM
I think after what the US has done in the world, just about anyone would look good. But Obama looks REALLY good to so many people in the world. I am excited about his trip and wish him the very best.

Originally posted by Dronetek
Sometimes I feel like I live in an alternate reality.

I don't doubt that.
Might as well get used to it. This is the new reality.

Originally posted by RRconservative
Obama's rock tour will backfire on him.

Wishful thinking, I believe...

Next week will be All Obama All the Time. People are going to get sick of it.

Not this "people".
And if I do, I can turn off the TV. Does yours have one of those buttons?

BUT, I think there will be a lot of opportunity for people to get to know him. And I think that's good. People still don't know who he is. And the fact that 3 network anchors will be with him, we'll get to see a lot of the real person and hopefully, that will give the people here more of a feel for who he is.

I hate to bring it up, but this would be an interesting scenerio for an Anti-Christ situation.

I can tell you hate to bring it up.

Originally posted by vor78
If a few hundred thousand Euros go nuts over him, and I think they will, it will indeed come across as a campaign rally.

It IS a campaign rally! Who is living under the illusion that this is a vacation or trip an Illinois Senator would make? He will certainly find out what Iraq is like, learn more about the war, talk to the generals and gather information for his future plans as president, but make no mistake, ONE main purpose of this trip is to win votes and influence people!

That type of thing may not play well among moderates and certainly not conservatives. The people in those two groups mostly want a President of the United States, not a President for the World.

Certainly most hard-core conservatives won't like it. They wouldn't like him no matter what he does, and would like to spit on him, but there are already many Lifelong Conservatives Supporting Obama who will like it. And I wouldn't be so sure about what "the moderates" will be thinking. You might be surprised.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:20 AM
Obama visits Afghanistan to tour war zone

KABUL, Afghanistan - Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama started a campaign-season tour of combat zones and foreign capitals, visiting with U.S. forces in Kuwait and then Afghanistan — the scene of a war he says deserves more attention and more troops.

I think this is going to be a very positive experience for many of our troops over there who feel betrayed and lied to by Bush & Co.

Few citizens in impoverished Afghanistan were aware of Obama's unannounced visit, and few have been following the U.S. presidential race, being too busy eking out an existence amid soaring violence and with limited access to news media.

But some interviewed Saturday said they would welcome an Obama presidency if he could help their country end the fighting, corruption and poverty that have crippled it for so long.

"Obama is a good person," said Abdul Basir, 40, a former army officer. "During his campaign I heard he was saying that if I become president I will withdraw the U.S. troops from Iraq and bring them to Afghanistan and I will attack on the terror center on other side of border (in Pakistan). It is very important and I appreciated that."

This entire tour has such "good vibes" to it. I think we are going to see the world respond very positively to Obama and his vision of our future.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by yankeerose
I think this is going to be a very positive experience for many of our troops over there who feel betrayed and lied to by Bush & Co.

Most definitely! I'm so glad he's going there... When I heard, the other day, that the troops in Afghanistan sometimes call it "Forgot-istan", I nearly cried. This is an old article, but worth the read...

"The truth has become a casualty of the campaign to support the war"

Reclaim the Media

The first casualty of the coverage has been the forgotten war – Afghanistan. Paul Rieckhoff, who served in Afghanistan and Iraq, said the troops refer to it as “Forgotistan.” When Rieckhoff returned to the States he said he assumed people would be having discussions about the war, but people were mostly focused on Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction. The war has personally affected Rieckhoff, and while he was wondering why it wasn’t affecting those back home, he realized it was because of the lack of coverage. Those back home weren’t seeing the depth of human sacrifice -- they’d never see a dead soldier, they’d never hear soldiers’ voices. Now, he said he’s asking the important questions because those in uniform didn’t get the chance to.

For the most credible information he recommended reading soldier’s blogs. “This is the only war where I can go out on patrol and go back to base and write a blog on it,” Rieckhoff said. Unfortunately the Department of Defense is shutting these blogs down.

So I'm SO glad that Obama will be visiting the "forgotten" troops that the media and the government have not allowed us to hear about.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I think its definitely just a campaign rally, but I'm not sure that's what they're trying to sell it as.

As far as moderates go, again, I'm not so sure how well he's selling among that group. Remember, he's consistently polling around 47-48% overall, which suggests that his support is not all that deep and his overall support and his leads are about the same as what Kerry was pulling through the summer of '04. And much like his overall numbers, he's polling about even with McCain among moderates and independents, again, suggesting that he's struggling to gain traction. Those people, generally speaking, aren't big on political grandstanding anyway, and combined with his already lackluster numbers, he'd better be careful with this.

And as for that conservative guy, yeah, you will find a few, but that's nothing unusual. About 10% of the Republican party votes for the Dem in every election, and vice versa. Myself, I know several lifelong Dems who are not voting for Obama. That includes my 80+ year old grandparents who have never voted Republican in their lives.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 10:57 AM

So I'm SO glad that Obama will be visiting the "forgotten" troops that the media and the government have not allowed us to hear about.

Oh please, I've kept up with just about everything that's gone on in both Iraq and Afghanistan for the last 5 years. You cant expect a media that's only looking for angry, anti-Bush soldiers to report on. I can tell you right now there aren't many of them. In my experience, most troops see right through the home media propaganda. They h ave a real disdain for the left wing media in this country.

Thats why you never hear from them. It has nothing to do with government cover-up. I find it pretty funny that some of the people involved on "reclaiming the media" in the article you posted, are actually part of the problem! Media Matters for example., is a left wing media tool that is only interested in what it sees as right wing bias in the media.....

I think it might even be owned or started by the Clintons.

From your article:

“Tell me where is the liberal press, so called? I say bring them on,” Thomas said. “We’ve been intimated for so long, and I don’t really see the liberals popping up.”
Thomas said a free press in indispensable from a free country; you can’t have a free country with out a free press.

This from a crazy old woman who uses her podium to spread Hammas and Hezbollah propaganda. Give me a break! Who is silencing her? IF anything, its her side that's trying to silence people they don't agree with (fairness doctrine).

[edit on 19-7-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 11:28 AM
Obama In Afghanistan for Visit with Karzai

Upon his arrival, Obama was greeted by a group of Air Force personnel at the bottom of stairs leading to the military Boeing 737 transporting his congressional delegation. Obama's traveling companions, Sens. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., and Jack Reed, R.I., were not visible to the reporters, but Douglass confirmed they were already on board the aircraft.

Both senators, each a veteran, have been mentioned as potential Obama vice presidential running mates, but Reed has said he's not interested in the job.

As Obama boarded the plane, luggage in hand, a pair of uniformed Air Force officers at the foot of the stairs saluted simultaneously, as they do each time President Bush boards Air Force One.

I liked this article. He's making Afghanistan the focus instead of Iraq.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Obama In Afghanistan for Visit with Karzai

Upon his arrival, Obama was greeted by a group of Air Force personnel at the bottom of stairs leading to the military Boeing 737 transporting his congressional delegation. Obama's traveling companions, Sens. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., and Jack Reed, R.I., were not visible to the reporters, but Douglass confirmed they were already on board the aircraft.

Both senators, each a veteran, have been mentioned as potential Obama vice presidential running mates, but Reed has said he's not interested in the job.

As Obama boarded the plane, luggage in hand, a pair of uniformed Air Force officers at the foot of the stairs saluted simultaneously, as they do each time President Bush boards Air Force One.

I liked this article. He's making Afghanistan the focus instead of Iraq.

What you don't seem to understand is that simply saying doesn't make it true. Unless hes going to invade Pakistan, Iraq is just as important if not more. We lose Iraq and you can guarantee Afghanistan will follow.

No offense, but what do you actually know about the conflicts? I get the feeling you just like the way it sounds.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Dronetek
What you don't seem to understand...

What YOU don't seem to understand (other than ATS quoting guidelines) is that this thread is about Obama's trip to Europe and the Middle East, not the validity of the various conflicts or me and what I know or don't know.

I won't be baited into a pissing contest with you.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:28 PM

I won't be baited into a pissing contest with you.

You're the one who posted the link about Obama's trip to Afghanistan and got excited about "focus on Afghanistan". You're asked to back up your enthusiasm and suddenly you don't want to be baited. Give me a break.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by darkelf

When Obama actually says something (other than change) maybe America will listen.

what would you rather him say?

"bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"

with a chorus of "for a hunnnndddreeeddddd yyyeaaaarrrrs"


[edit on 7/19/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:32 PM
The fact is the world supports our mission in Afghanistan, and largely sees it as a just response to an attack. Not so in Iraq.

The focus should be there - our presence there is both justified and necessary.

As far as his trip to Europe, the message is implicit: Obama is the best candidate to restore American prestige and honor overseas.

The right has pushed American military power as the sole focus of American actions in the world, and this policy has cost us dearly in terms of "soft power" - our economic power and moral influence.

The fact is we are no longer seen of guarantors of stability and prosperity, but as agents of war and disorder - a self-appointed global cop gone crooked and mean. This costs us, and not just in security terms - it costs us in the value of our currency, and thus what we pay for things: fuel, for instance.

It's time for a new approach, and Obama is offering one.

McCain, while a far wiser man than our current President IMHO, is not.

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