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A Half a Million Plastic Coffins?!

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posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:24 AM
Ya, ok so what? Look at the FEMA trailers....ordered and sitting and rotting.

So now it's coffins........big deal. Geezzzzzz

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by prevenge

I'm not saying that they are not reusable body containers. I am saying that This is an inefficient form of transport for a mass die off. Sorry, but in the event of a cull as this thread seems to go for, transporting the bodies is a waste or resources.

This isn't preparation for a terrorist event, this is a manufacturing job. In the event of such a mass killing it would be easier and more cost effective to haul the bodies via a 10 wheeler to a mass grave and dump them in. Sorry I don't see the conspiracy here. The reason is that if they are going to kill off that many people. Disposing of the bodies would be a local task and no long distance transport would be needed.

Sure they might be bins for transporting bodies, So what? Would it not be more cost effective to mass produce a large quantity of such bins and store them on pallets awaiting use than to make them as needed? There plastic for crying out loud. The manufacturer would more than likely produce an abundance of these bins to ensure supply.

Think about it, your a company that makes body bins, it is more cost effective to create lots of these. Buying the material and using the equipment to create a lot of the product, rather than wait and have to catch up creating product with demand far exceeding supply. When your company cannot supply the demand, the customers will go to another company that can. Therefore you loose revenue over the long term.

These bins were not ordered, this is supply, this is where they can just send a company however many pre-built bins they need and not worry about having to run out in a rush.

Mass graves however are more cost efficient. A large excavator can dig out a large mass grave in hours, relative to the amount of time it would cost to package up all the corpses and transport them across the country.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:36 AM
OK, so I am looking up info online at this moment about plastic burial vaults. Apparently this is becoming the rapid, cheaper way to bury a person. Not only that but the plastic burial vault is stronger than your wooden coffin. Having buried my husband a few years ago, cost can be an important factor. Especially in the US.

When my husband died it cost just over $5000.00. That was the service, coffin rental for the viewing and his cremation. We didn't have him buried cause he didn't want to be. But when a person dies you look at all options. A cheap casket was $10,000.00, and that was in 1995, the most expensive one that I saw at the time was almost $200,000 ! I can only imagine what they cost now.

A couple things come to mind when looking at the situation. First the plastic vaults are made from petroleum products, all plastics are. As we all know that petroleum is not cheap now I can see stocking up on a lot of things. Second, the US government buries a lot of people, besides war related people every single year.

The data, if I understand it (link below), that in November of 2007 deaths in the US were one short of 200,000. The stats also state that in 2006 over 2 million people died in the US. So I know a few of those the government had to pay for, one way or another. That doesn't include bodies coming back from the war. If over 2 million people died in 2006, can you imagine how much that increases each year. In the year 2007 census in the US counted 6.6 billion people living in the US. A half a million boxes is a small amount in comparison. Think, how many millions are in a single billion alone...

National Vital Statistics link below

As far as the way the plastic vaults are sealed, well let me tell you what do you want to do, bury people in a Tupperware dish? Of course they are gonna seal them as tight as they can. You ever seen a rotting body, or smell one? They will be putting dead bodies into the ground where who knows what is around them... does a water pipe run anywhere near the area? Are they being buried near a lake, or a river? The vaults are 2000% lighter, and more structurally sound than concrete. If you want to know how popular this is becoming see the link below, there is pages and pages of them on Google.

I too think that A. Jones tends to fear monger, and this is just another nail in his coffin to prove that. If we don't know why the government is doing something we tend to think the worse. If they did get some kind of deal with this company on the vaults what do you want them to do? Put it on the front page of the Washington News? "Wow, Great Deal at Joe Smiths Vaults, 50% off, NOW! US Government Saves. ".

And for your viewing pleasure they now come in varied colors... this is a true photo from a plastic vault site. But I don't expect the government would bother with color and all. I just want everyone to see that plastic vaults are the new trend. They are ALL sealed the same way, so bacteria and all the nasty stuff stays in.


[edit on 19-7-2008 by Zaimless]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Exactly.. If the government is going to crack down on opponents and enemies of the state come time to initiate Marshall law, and then murder American citizens in cold blood after torturing them and basically putting them through hell and throwing them in concentration camps, WHY would the government be spending ALL these resources into giving people proper burial.. For the government, that doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever...

It does if you think the government is that stupid (which is a valid argument), but if the planning for such an NWO takeover is really so intricate and careful it doesn't make sense why the government would would waste money they don't need to waste in this fashion, do this in broad daylight for all to see, and over a period of half a decade hope noone gets curious??

But don't forget.. These have been stockpiled for years.. There is no company that sells these (to my knowledge)... and exhaustive searches online have, for me at least, yielded no results of any company selling these in that location. yet they supposedly have vast numbers of them (somewhere in the hundreds of thousands from what I've been reading)?


[edit on 19-7-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:59 AM
The morale of the story is that you should not start up a plastic burial vault business. You won't sell many.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by BlasteR

Are you in the market for a coffin liner/airport, body transport container? No, your not, I looked myself because in the beggining of the video I also saw two cement trucks and thought they might be something to do with cement footer anchors.

But is it so hard to understand that buying and manufacturing in mass is better for a company?

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:12 AM
First of all, it's not an infowars story, they just posted this news from another website. So it's like CNN reporting about some story who is reported as a hoax later... CNN didn't make it up, they reported it and in the end it was false.

So. Second, those cheap ``coffins`` could be for those who will die in the streets because there's food shortages when the depression hits... ? The deaths wouldn't be centralized... so no mass graves.

But... too much people dying, so no time to do everything we do now because no money, no food, others things to think of?

That's just my crazy theory.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Well, considering (as I stated before) some septic tank companies have the capability to manufacture these polypropylene burial vaults (because the production process is identical to polypropylene septic tank production), it almost makes sense why there would be a cement truck there like you are talking about.. Perhaps some septic systems are still manufactured using a cement mixture (I know some of them used to be).

It's one possible explanation. I'm just tossing ideas out there..

And No I'm not in the market for a plastic burial vault (which I am both lucky and thankful for).


[edit on 19-7-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:46 AM
They use these vaults in VA cemetaries. The VA cemetaries fill up fast (no kidding) and new ones are planned every few years. Most of the Korean War Vets have died. Vietnam Vets are dieing as well as Desert Storm and peacetime Vets. Not to mention all the people dieing in the Middle East.

The first baby boomer just applied for Social Security Benefits, so more boomers will probably be getting up there in years. Keep in mind that many of the boomers were drafted, so there are many more folks qualified for VA cemetaries than ever before.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by jimmyjackblack
reply to post by winged patriot

I hope you're being sarcastic, cause seriously, if you're being for real, then you just made yourself sound like a big fool.

Just because people don't agree with what the prez does, does not make them a "liberal". I'm not a liberal and I don't agree with what the prez does, honestly I believe that a lot of things that we are seeing has to do with what's prophesied in the book of revelation, being a Christian I sorta have to believe that there will be a one world government controled by evil people. THese are just my opinions and thoughts though.


Well then you ain't patriot.It sounds to me your a yank or a liberal terrorist lover. What is not to like about the president, unless you ain't a real conservative who don't believe in the lord our savior and conservative value.You just don't make sence you talk one talk and then go off huntin

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:18 AM
You know pinky sometimes a leader need to do a thing that ain't easy.The lord showed us the way of greater goods if their is a great siner then the world will be better without um all. The terrorists will get it and the liberal thinking like a monkey will to!

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:36 AM
Well its interesting to say least. I was spooked at first, until I thought about it.

1st I believe that in many areas it is illegal to burry a coffin without a vault these days. They used to be made of concrete. Plastic seems to be an "eureka" idea for this as a cheaper alternative. Since millions of us die every day, this might not be so strange after all?

2nd I would like to know how the military became wrapped up in this theory? How do we know its not just a yard of burial vaults? If they were military wouldn't they be on a base? Is the filmer military personnel?

3rd How do we know the maker of these things? The company who allegedly makes these things (the link under the video) does not offer the model in the film (look closely folks). The web site sells vaults with two triangular groves, or four straight grooves.

4.) I agree with the other posters, such deaths would be cremated. Initial transport would most likely utilize air tight body bags. This would take up less space, thus making it easier to conceal & transport the bodies.

One last thought. How do we know these are not munitions containers for military amphibious craft? Given their size, makes sense?

Very interesting post, indeed


posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by BlasteR
reply to post by whatukno

But don't forget.. These have been stockpiled for years.. There is no company that sells these (to my knowledge)... and exhaustive searches online have, for me at least, yielded no results of any company selling these in that location. yet they supposedly have vast numbers of them (somewhere in the hundreds of thousands from what I've been reading)?


[edit on 19-7-2008 by BlasteR]

My exhaustive search took about 4 minute.. they do sell them in Atlanta and they make them in Georgia.... check the following link...
If they aren't made in the state the serve the state, but if you look close you can see many of them are in Georgia already... So really here... how exhaustive was your search, just wondering, thats all.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 05:58 AM
Take those plastic containers, drill holes in them and turn them into planter boxes. Half a million small victory gardens. Peat moss, seeds, some water and there you go.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:22 AM

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by sp00n1
Instead of coffins think, shipping containers.

Now, watch Rod Sterling's "to serve man".

David Icke, Alex Collier and Peggy Kane have been saying all along, we are food.

When I lived on farm, all of our cattle were tagged. Some were "breeders", some were "milkers", some were "beef/meat".

Just a idea thown out there nothing for certain. Sometimes the craziest ideas turn out to be factual though.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Zaimless
In the year 2007 census in the US counted 6.6 billion people living in the US. A half a million boxes is a small amount in comparison. Think, how many millions are in a single billion alone...
[edit on 19-7-2008 by Zaimless]

6.6 BILLION IN THE US? Are you sure you've read that right? Do you not mean World?

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 11:11 AM
I don't see anything that conclusively says these are "coffins". It could be housing for some kind of electrical stuff, who knows.

I also don't see why the government would bother with 500,000 "coffins". Wouldn't bags be much easier, or just bulldozing people into mass graves? Seems like a waste of plastic, and a huge waste of space. It looks like you could fit 4 bodies in each of those things easily.

Also some company must have made these things, and the name of the company is likely imprinted on the boxes somewhere... why no shots of these? If a company is producing 500,000 giant plastic boxes, that should show up somewhere on their financial records and give a pretty good indication of what these things are.

Look at how much land these "coffins" are taking up just sitting there neatly stacked, do you think there is actually enough ground to bury all of these things? It would stretch for miles.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by winged patriot
Well then you ain't patriot.It sounds to me your a yank or a liberal terrorist lover.

Lol, you are the funniest guy I've heard on here yet, I really think you must be sarcastic.
I love my country, but the government that controls my country is taking away the liberties and freedoms that were given to us by the founding fathers. I am a patriot and just so you know my political standpoint, I'm a Consevative Constitutionalist.

Originally posted by winged patriot
What is not to like about the president, unless you ain't a real conservative who don't believe in the lord our savior and conservative value.

Well for one the prez has passed multiple legisaltion that has taken away are freedoms and liberties (e.i. Patriot Acts 1 and 2, ect.), the thing is, is the president is not a real conservative, he's just another person who is pushing for globalization.
Are you saying that because I don't agree with what the president says that I'm not a Christian and don't believe in the Conservative values? My, my, you must not be a real Christian then because you bease your salvation on a political stance and not a relation ship with Yeshua (Jesus's name in Hebrew). You see the main reason why I'm agianst what the president has been doing is BECAUSE I'm a christian, what he has been doing goes agianst my faith. Jesus told us to love our enemies, to turn the other cheek. Also our war is NOT agianst Flesh and blood but principalities. Nowhere in the New Testiment (which is the New Covonent) does Jesus or any of the desciples condone the killing of another person, nor do they condone war. You see war and killing is a part of the fleshly sin corrupted part of man, it's something Jesus told us to deny, we are to die to our flesh daily.
I'm a preachers kid, I grew up in The Word, so it's best not to challenge me in that area unless you want to know more about your own faith

Originally posted by winged patriot
You just don't make sence you talk one talk and then go off huntin

I'm sorry, but I really do'nt understand that statement, I talk one talk and then go off huntin?

Well I talk one talk, that much is true (i try to live by it too, but my flesh gets in the way). I don't hunt however, I'm a vegitarian (which is the way Gods originally intended us to be, i.e. Adam and Eve) and I couldn't really bring myself to killing an animal, they are God's creation and to destroy that is a rather bad thing to do in my opinion.

To wrap this up though, it sounds to me like you are a southerner who has not seen the inconsistancies that the rest of us have, and if you did, you decided to ignore them so that you don't have to worry about thinking outside your comfort zone (I'm not bashing you, I've been there). THe thing is, is we don;t want to think that the people in our government are lying to us, yet the truth is they are.
So many Americans just want to be happy and they will pay ANY price to be happy, that includes surrendering there freedoms and liberties that this country was founded on.

One day wing patriot the gov is going to tell you that you have to get a microchip implanted in you right hand or forhead, they will tell you that it is a new prcedure to prevent terrorism, so they can keep track of everyone, they will tell you that Christians are terrorists (they will probably stage some false flag and blame it on Christians), they will tell you to renouce your faith or die. If you don't believe any of this will happen, then you obviously have'nt read the book of Revelation, it describes things that are happening right now (the set up of a one world government) and things to come.


posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:39 PM
According to international law the Government is required to make preparations for the opposing sides casualties. Therefore, this is the reason these were built up at the beggining of the Iraq war if thats in fact when and why they were produced.

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