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JFK missed Brain, the key of his death's mystery:supressed or Destroyed Evidence?

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posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:53 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear Readers,

This 22nd of November of 2008 we are going to have the 45th aniversary of the most horrendous Assassination of the XX Century and probably also the biggest unsolved criminal mystery of the History.

During all those years after that fatal afternoon of Friday in Dallas, Texas, many theories have appeared about what really happend with JFK in his last minutes crossing in the official Lincoln Continental vehicle Dealey Plaza toward his appointment with the death.

The Warren comission report, the official investigation version of the facts, by our time is vissibly contradicted and weaken with more and more evidences and testimonies of direct witnesses that during all these years have contributed a lot to support the theory of the Conspiracy.

To talk about a conspiracy is grave, specially when that can be in the core of the most sacred circles of the political power, but there are not only opinions supported it, also facts, that remain unexplicable and perhaps the worst is the missing of a crucial evidence that can show the truth in one direction or other, about what were the real causes and circumstances of the Assassination and, moreover, if Lee Harvey Oswald could be the only murderer or not, part of that evidence is the Brain of JFK.

The brain of JFK was carefully removed by forensic physicians in Betesda and must be, with other evidences also missing, stored in the National Archive but everything looks to show that in some moment in between April 22nd of 1965 and October 31st of 1966 somebody took it, of course illegaly.

Let me give some information that about this mystery appears in the Volume VII of the HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON

114) On April 22, 1965, then Senator Robert F. Kennedy
sent a letter to Dr. Burkley directing him to transfer in person
the autopsy material being kept at the White House to Mrs. Evelyn
Lincoln, the personal secretary of President Kennedy, for
safekeeping at the National Archives.
The letter also said that
Mrs. Lincoln was being instructed that the material was not to be
released to anyone without Robert Kennedy's written permission and
approval. This demonstrates Robert Kennedy's firm control over
the disposition of the materials.
(117) In his testimony before the committee, Bouck stated
that he is quite positive all the autopsy-related material that
came into his possession was given to Mrs. Lincoln at the time of
the 1965 transfer. He also stated that he was uncertain whether
Dr. Burkley had custody of the brain, but that if the brain was
part of the autopsy materials in the custody of the Secret
Service, it was transported to the National Archives.
(120) The next documented transaction involving the
materials transferred to Mrs. Lincoln occurred on October 29,
1966, when Mr. Burke Marshall, on behalf of the executors of the
John F. Kennedy estate, sent a letter to Lawson B. Knott, the
Administrator of the General Services Administration, outlining
an agreement for formal transfer of materials related to the
autopsy to the U.S. Government
123) Upon inspection, the officials realized that the
footlocker did not contain any of the material listed under item
No. 9 of the inventory. This material included:

1 plastic box, 9 by 6 1/2 by 1 inches, paraffin blocks of
tissue sections.
1 plastic box containing paraffin blocks of tissue sections
plus 35 slides.
A third box containing 84 slides.
1 stainless steel container, 7 by 8 inches in diameter,
containing gross material.
3 wooden boxes, each 7 by 3 1/2 by 1 1/4 inches, containing
58 slides of blood smears taken at various times
during President Kennedy's lifetime.

(126) Mrs. Lincoln stated that within approximately 1
month, Robert F. Kennedy telephoned her and informed her that he
was sending Angela Novello, his personal secretary, to move the
footlocker that Dr. Burkley had transferred. She believed they
wanted the materials moved to another part of the Archives,
presumably where Robert F. Kennedy was storing other materials.
Angela Novello soon came to her office with Herman Kahn, Assistant
Archivist for Presidential Libraries, and one or more of his
deputies, to take the trunk
. Lincoln believes she had Novello sign
a receipt for the materials, which was Lincoln's routine practice,
but she is uncertain where it would be today. Lincoln also said
that she gave Novello both keys to the trunk. She added that the
trunk was never opened while it was in her office.
128) Because of Lincoln's statement and other reports that
Novello produced the key to the footlocker in December 1966, the
committee interviewed Novello and also obtained an affidavit. She
informed the committee that she had no recollection of handling
a footlocker, of possessing a key or keys to such a footlocker,
or of handling any of the autopsy materials
129) The committee also contacted Burke Marshall and
Senator Edward Kennedy to determine their knowledge of the missing
materials. Senator Kennedy indicated that he did not know what
happened to the materials, or who last had custody of them.
132) The next reference to the missing materials and the
other autopsy materials in the custody of the National Archives
occurred in 1968. Ramsey Clark, the Attorney. General, arranged
for an independent review of the autopsy evidence by a group of
pathologists-commonly referred to as the Clark panel--as a result
of growing skepticism concerning the assassination and Warren
Commission investigation
. ...........
(148) Despite these efforts, the committee was not able to
determine precisely what happened to the missing materials. .......
After the removal from Lincoln's office, Robert Kennedy most likely acquired possession of or at least personal control over these materials.
Burke Marshall's opinion that Robert Kennedy obtained and disposed
of these items himself to prevent any future public display
supports this theory.

And that is all that we know about this so important evidence.

Lets start this discussion, comments are welcome.

please chk the full report


The Angel of Lightness

[edit on 7/17/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:35 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

Let me continue this thread by posting a brief resume of the life and facts of every person that had in its hands the missed materials of the autopsy of President John F. Kennedy, in any moment before they were officially reported as lost.

Lets start with Evelyn Maurine Norton Lincoln (June 25, 1909 – May 11, 1995), she was the personal secretary to John F. Kennedy from his election to the United States Senate in 1953 until his 1963 assassination in Dallas.

Mrs. Lincoln was in the motorcade when Kennedy was assassinated. She made it a point to visit Kennedy's grave at Arlington National Cemetery every year afterward on the anniversary of his death.

She was born Evelyn Maurine Norton on a farm in Polk County, Nebraska. Her father was John N. Norton, a member of the United States House of Representatives. Evelyn married Harold W. Lincoln in 1930, and moved to Chevy Chase, Maryland.

In 1968 she wrote a book, Kennedy and Johnson in which she wrote that President Kennedy had told her that Lyndon B. Johnson would be replaced as Vice President of the United States. Lincoln wrote of that November 19, 1963 conversation, just before the assassination of President Kennedy,

from the book Kennedy & Johnson by Evelyn M. Lincoln:

“ As Mr. Kennedy sat in the rocker in my office, his head resting on its back he placed his left leg across his right knee. He rocked slightly as he talked. In a slow pensive voice he said to me, 'You know if I am re-elected in sixty-four, I am going to spend more and more time toward making government service an honorable career. I would like to tailor the executive and legislative branches of government so that they can keep up with the tremendous strides and progress being made in other fields.' 'I am going to advocate changing some of the outmoded rules and regulations in the Congress, such as the seniority rule. To do this I will need as a running mate in sixty-four a man who believes as I do.' Mrs. Lincoln went on to write "I was fascinated by this conversation and wrote it down verbatim in my diary. Now I asked, 'Who is your choice as a running-mate?' 'He looked straight ahead, and without hesitating he replied, 'at this time I am thinking about Governor Terry Sanford of North Carolina. But it will not be Lyndon.' ”

Explosive declaration that would suggest a so important political spacing between JFK and LBJ days before the assasesination, it was irresponsible from her side?, was she only trying to earn fame at any cost as an author? something that is possible but difficult to imagine in her position, or just only the crude facts? .

Of course this declaration looks to be more Pro-Conspiracy theory than to support the lone man's, given by the Warren comission report, and it opens space for a lot of speculations that would be probably the origin of new theories like the one showed in the seventh & last chapter of the Tv documentary series of History channel The men who killed Kennedy: The Guilty Men.

That program was banned after energetic protest of former President Gerald Ford, by the way the youngest member of the Warren Comission, Former President Jimmy Carter, and Fomer President Lyndon B. Johnson's widow. History channel decided to cut the publication of that chapter to avoid more legal consequences.

Although it looks almost impossible to find now, for my surprise, this so explosive & polemical documentary appears available at youtube in two different formats : segments of 10 or 20 minutes, under the titles of TMWKK, The Final Chapter, ep.3 The Guilty Men or Was It Johnson ? .

After watching those links, I can understand the reactions that caused at the end of 1980's, as I am sure anybody can feel the same. In some sense, this material is shocking, it doesn't matter if we think that it is probable or not, is something that does not allow to sleep calmly for days.

According to the National Archives, Mrs. Lincoln gave away or sold many of Kennedy's documents and artifacts that she had been entrusted to collect after Kennedy's assassination.

In 2005, a legal settlement was reached that enabled the National Archives, the Kennedy Library, and Caroline Kennedy to recover thousands of pages of documents and other items that had been improperly sold or given away by Lincoln.

Lincoln died at Georgetown University Hospital in 1995, after complications that followed surgery for cancer. Her ashes were placed in a niche in a sepulcher at Arlington National Cemetery.

Well of course nothing was proved and there is no open official investigation about these speculations but they remain as an intriguing and worrying theory and Mrs Lincoln was who throw the first pebble in that so sinister and also obscure direction.

Biographical portrait of Mrs Lincoln based on her page in

Thanks for your atention,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 7/17/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:41 PM
Are you on some kind of new, socially unknown drug? I TRULY cannot make head or tail of your writings being as they are only partially part of my native language, English. Please to be trying again sir! Less Engrish this time!

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:07 AM

Please don't mix drugs to this business, nothing to do with that, just only do a little effort from your side to catch the idea.

Please chk the respective page of Evelyn Lincoln at if you have doubts about anything.

When you do that probably you can verify that I followed a lot the original redaction.

I tried to respect the way in which this information is explained over there,but adapting it to the format of a thread of ATS, is not an easy task and of course the quotation of Mrs Lincoln must be taken without any change.

Sometimes it is not easy to explain briefly, as the available space here demands, some kind of complex ideas or theories without cutting the sense & by the way altering the style too.

Thanks for the participation in the thread.

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 7/17/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:17 AM
While it would make a lot of sense that there would be political motivations behind the assassination, at least, at the core of it..what exactly does his missing brain have to do with it?

I do find it strange that it is still missing (presumably)..but i don't see the connection between the brain and LBJ..

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by pstiffy

originally posted by The angel of lightness:
Let me continue this thread by posting a brief resume of the life and facts of every person that had in its hands the missed materials of the autopsy of President John F. Kennedy, in any moment before they were officially reported as lost.

Lets start with Evelyn Maurine Norton Lincoln (June 25, 1909 – May 11, 1995), she was the personal secretary to John F. Kennedy from his election to the United States Senate in 1953 until his 1963 assassination in Dallas.

Well, of course nothing was proved and there is no open official investigation about these speculations but they remain as an intriguing and worrying theory and Mrs Lincoln was who throw the first pebble in that so sinister and also obscure direction.

That probably answer your question.

Thanks for your participation in the thread,

your friend,

The Angel of Lightness

[edit on 7/17/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by The angel of light
That probably answer your question...

Uh not really..I assume you are saying that Mrs Lincoln either played a role in the assassination and/or cover up...but what does that brain have to do with any of it? How is the brain, or the missing brain, the key?

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 07:44 AM
I understand, the brain would show the entry wound. How many times it was hit and the direction of the fatal blow. Also his dna would be their.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 07:50 AM
I tried to post without signing in, so here goes. Having the brain would not only show the entry wound, but in which dirrection it came from. I also understand that disinfo and attacks are away of voiding this post. So keep finding new information and post it. You may find that , younger JFK had his brain and knew the entry wounds and had allot more information than we.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by pstiffy Uh not really..I assume you are saying that Mrs Lincoln either played a role in the assassination and/or cover up...but what does that brain have to do with any of it? How is the brain, or the missing brain, the key?

Hi pstiffy,

You are assuming something wrong, I am not saying that Mrs. Lincoln was involved in the assassination or cover up, but if we are dealing with the problem to know what happened with crucial evidence that could clarify the entire horizon about the JFK's death, it is quite logical, in absence of any other track to follow, to check carefully the characteristics of each person that had access to that box.

Of course, it is possible that somebody took this evidence without having the keys, in that case we would have a qualified robbery of one of most precious pieces stored in the National Archive, in that way it would not possible to divorce that Institution of the responsibility of this loss, like it is clear they are trying to do at the end of the official report.

I decided to start with Mrs. Lincoln since she was the first person that had it , she received it directly from the hands of Robert F. Kennedy, at that time General Attorney. So she appears in this thread the first of the list, just only following the chronological order of the persons that had the custody of box in any moment.

Now, after check carefully the profile of Mrs. Lincoln, it appears that her book is so compromising, but probably for other people mentioned on it, like the Vicepresident.

In fact, if any other person of the Kennedy staff would be saying this same probably would not have all this weight, but comming from the lady that was 10 years personal secretary of JFK, since the epoch he was elected for the Congress the first time, represents something really important.

So we can think without fearing to fail in our judge that actually he was going to change Johnson in the ticket for the 1964 reelection, that of course constitutes important information in many aspects, one to determine that LBJ never would have been President of USA if the 22nd of November of 1963 the History would be other.

That explains to me how can somebody, like the authors of such documentaries of History Channel, could develop new alternative lines of investigation, following the theory of conspiracy.

Concerning the Missed evidence, Mrs. Lincoln had all the opportunity to take the box but probably not the reasons, why she would want to do that? She was a confident of JFK during years, a so reliable person on his service and not only in the 1000 days of his rule, and that is the point in which it would be possible to discharge her as guilty.

The third aspect to consider is if she really had the resources to do such a robbery? She had the keys at certain moment but she needed to have access to the room in which this was stored in the National Archive and that must be registered by functionaries of that dependency.

Something is clear, if that box entered through a memorandum or receipt to that place by signing it, must be taken out only in the same way, if that was legally or at least formally done by a well known person like her.

So she couldn’t take it normally,but only if she would be part of some Mission Impossible to be able to enter at midnight and being not detected by any alarm of the building. Of course we are talking about a professional secretary not about an expert spy to do such a job, she does not have the profile for that.

However to finish with Mrs Lincoln, it is clear she got money with some private documents of JFK, at least that is the situation that appears reflected in her biographical profile when it says:

In 2005, a legal settlement was reached that enabled the National Archives, the Kennedy Library, and Caroline Kennedy to recover thousands of pages of documents and other items that had been improperly sold or given away by Lincoln.

Was this actually a fault ? Or just only a disagreement or divergence of opinions between she and Caroline Kennedy?

Thanks for your participation in the thread,

Your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 7/17/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by zman, Having the brain would not only show the entry wound, but in which dirrection it came from.


Yes zman,

With the brain of JFK we would have the must important piece of the puzzle of his death. There is no way to falsify it since any DNA test can detect that. Additionally, with it we could know a lot about the possibilities to confirm the presence of a second or even a third shooter in the right side, the grassy knoll, or the front or the presidential limousine, the bridge, as the film of Abraham Zapruder looks to show, also many witnesses told to have watched or felt , including the driver of the Lincoln.

This explains perfectly why RFK was so jealous of the custody and protection of that evidence, that he requested to keep it in the most safe place of the national Archive.

Ironically the official report of the National Archive suggests that he would be the only responsible of its loss, by the way a man that 5 years later would be killed in also so obscure circumstances, and being the strongest candidate to follow LBJ in the Presidency. I dont want to be lack of confidence or respect but somebody could think that this looks to be an attempt to wash their hands in this mystery.

Thanks for your participation in the thread,

Your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 7/17/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 06:22 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

I found that it is quite important to revive this thread that has been slept for a while and that was waiting for the begining of a new administration, a democratic one, that allow to progress more freely in our speculations about the mystery that surround the missed brain of JFK, a key evidence that can finally demonstrate that the Warren Comission report was perhaps the most tricky lie ever told to the American people.

It is true that the Brain itself is complety missed from the National archives at 1968. However, another crucial source of valuable information of what really happened, that 22 of November of 1963 in Dailey plaza in the downtown of Dallas, is the clear contradiction among the two autopsy reports, the one done that day in Texas vs the one that was appearantly manufactured by the military physicians in Betesda.

This contradiction has been many times pointed by the supporters of the conspiracy theory as a necesary step commited to get the complete coverage of the supposed Coup d'etat that would end with the life of the most beloved President of the USA, to start the sad cycle of three of the most dark administrations on the white house ever happened, curiously presided each one for central figures of the so called conspiracy theory: Johnson, Nixon and Ford.

While the report of the Autopsy practised at Parkland Hospital in Dallas stated that there was a whole in the back of the head, where the bullet exited the crane, the report of Betesda suggest that the bullet exited from above and to the front of the head, this of course is a key piece of evidence supporting the Warren comission conclusion that Oswald might be the only Assassin.

The so different versions can be graphically understood if we check the information posted in the following links:

Although the Brain is not still present as evidence, this huge contradiction between the two teams of physicians revive the polemic and shows that if there was a plot to kill JFK and cover the truth it might come directly from people in Washington DC, in the core of the political power, and not necesarily in Texas.

The core of the polemic is precisely on the fact that if the information of Parkland Hospital is believed there is no doubt that the faltal shot came from somewhere infront and to the right of the Presidential car, perhaps the Grassy Knoll or the bridge. This of course means we would be talking about another shooter different than Oswald that was the real responsible of the death of Kennedy, since the first two shots were not necessarily fatal.

It is also interesting to underline that the Dallas County recently has released the official version of its own investigation of the assasesination in which they arrive the conclusion that actually there was a conspiracy that was orchested by the Maffia of Chicago and possibly also New Orleans and that didnt have anything to do with people of Dallas, besides of course of Jack Ruby, by the time owner of very well known night club in the city.

thanks for your attention and lets continue in our discussion of this topic.

your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 2/8/2010 by The angel of light]

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 08:18 PM
There was an online forum called some years ago. To my mind, it remains head and shoulders above any other conspiracy forum, past, present or future. A lot of the time, it was very intimidating for those with average or even slightly above average IQ. Most who went there contented themselves with reading the posts, rather than attempt to contribute. The regular posters on didn't suffer fools at all. Anyone they believed to be forum dead-weight was swiftly dispensed with. The standard of information was, imo, generally very high is no more. It vanished under suspect circumstances some years ago. It was believed, at the time, that government and agency whistleblowers used as a means of outing information

It was on that I first read information about Kennedy and Johnson which shocked and sickened me and made me truly appreciate the level of depravity which existed in US politics. And I see no reason this shouldn't apply to politics worldwide

It was claimed that Johnson 'had sex with' Kennedy's skull in the hours following the assassination. The phrasing was coarser than I've used in deference to ATS's sensitivities

The field of DNA studies was in its infancy in the 60s. So, if the claims about Johnson's depraved actions have any basis in truth and were DNA analysis to be conducted today on Kennedy's remains (with particular emphasis on his skull and its contents) the findings would be too shocking to release. Nevertheless, if the claims about Johnson have basis in fact, we might suspect that certain persons believed it prudent to engage in sleight of hand re: Kennedy's remains, again particularly with regard to his head. In addition of course, the conspiracy theories concerning the identities of Kennedy's assassins continue today, close to 50 years after the fact. And there are still alive certain influential figures who are believed to have orchestrated Kennedy's assassination.

At the same time, Israeli scientists have stated frankly that DNA evidence can be so easily manufactured that it is well within the abilities of high-school students to achieve

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Dock9

It was on that I first read information about Kennedy and Johnson which shocked and sickened me and made me truly appreciate the level of depravity which existed in US politics. And I see no reason this shouldn't apply to politics worldwide

It was claimed that Johnson 'had sex with' Kennedy's skull in the hours following the assassination. The phrasing was coarser than I've used in deference to ATS's sensitivities


Hi Dock9,

Well I cannot imagine how this information you are bringing about a possible sexual perversion of LBJ it is really true, I think it is important to be careful with it, it could be the invention of some obssesed mind, in fact I am extremly surprised of what you are commenting, in some sense shocked or perhaps is better to say disgusted.

First at all, it is important to don't forget that the body of JFK was transported in return to Washington DC in the same Airplane in which it was traveling not only LBJ but also Lady Bird Johnson and also Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy, so I think even in the most twisted mind is really impossible to admit such possibility, being these two women traveling there.

So my friend, I think probably this kind of rumor can be admited in some other genre of Thread, lets say obviously less objetive than this one, where anything imaginable can be posted, but here, I sincerely found it outside due to its evident lack of seriousness, possibly that may be related with the ending of the website in which you comment was posted.

Nevertheless, what it is indeed a fact is that LBJ had a lot of emotional problems that sent him to psyquiatrist attention during almost all his own administration (1965-69).

There is a lot of speculation of the real nature of these problems, that according with the versions showed in the famous movie JFK could be directly related with an acute guilty complex.

What could be the origin of that blame he was trying to deal with?

There some biographers that claim it was stricktly related with his feelings about the way in which he provoked the Vietnam war and his subsequent inability to win that conflict, but others suggest that it was the weight of his own concious concerning the way in which he arrived to the power, the assassination of JFK, of course.

However, to confirm or deny these versions require the release of the confidentiality of those psyquiatric files, that of course is pretty difficult to obtain since it must be done through the legal ways that protect the privacy of the patients information.

About LBJ there are even other versions, nothing to do with his mental health, that point directly to very obscure episodes of his own life, before to be VicePresident, to arrive to the conclusion that he could be at least was very well informed of the plot to kill Kennedy even before it actually happened, other go even beyond that point to suggest a pretty worst implication.

All those rumors were completly exposed in the controversial TV series of documentaries The men who Killed Kennedy , that were produced by Central Television for the ITV network in the 1980's, and that it was transmited only twice in Britain and America ( History Channel) before it was banned by demand of the family of LBJ, as well as by request of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, in particular due to content of the ninth episode, title the Guilty men.

Pls read its general description at:

Every body can access that so polemic documentary in you tube at:

Although this material can be classified as a sensasionalist one for many, and in particular attacked as irresponsible by former President Gerald Ford, the youngest member of the Warren comission, there are some elements on it that really makes anybody thing carefully about the possibility of a huge Plot in the most high spheres of the Power to cut the Kennedy administration at any cost.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

[edit on 2/9/2010 by The angel of light]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 07:45 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

Talking about our Former Vicepresidents, that eventually became also Presidents, I think LBJ is in non case the critical case concerning the mystery that surrounds the crime of JFK in Dallas, another relevant protagonist of this story is of course Richard M. Nixon, that was in that same position on the Eisenhower administration.

In particular I found quite intriguing the version that appear in the same documentary of History Channel I mentioned in my previous reply in which it is exposed one very dark version of what were doing Richard Nixon and Edgar Hoover in Metroplex the eve of the Assassination in a private celebration, that appearantly took place in the house of a very rich personage at Fort Worth.

There is no way to deny that Former Vice-President Richard Nixon was in Dallas that 22nd of November of 1963, he was interviewed by the press short time after the crime to ask for his opinion of it. What can be this man doing in the precise time and place in which his rival of the 1960's election was brutally killed?

There is of course an official version of his visit to Dallas , that you can track at:

other good source of this information is:

However, the suspicions around Nixon's possibly links with any conspiracy have been a constant denominator for many researchers, especially since many have suggested that Nixon was during the Eisenhower administration incharged to arrange a National security program which mission was to eliminate statemen of enemy countries even using the assassination in their tactics.

These operations were during the Eisenhower administration developed in particular to deal with the Cuban Revolution and looking to cut it by killing Fidel Castro. Nevertheless, it is interesting to point that during the second term of Richard Nixon a very similar procedure was used to eliminate Salvador Allende in the famous coup d'etat of September of 1973.

So it was Nixon present in Dallas on the JFK death day just only as a coincidence in an event of a private company as he always claimed?


as it was suggested by the conspiracy theory followers being witness of one more operation of the elite group of Political assesins he personally created few years ago?

thanks for your attention,

Your friend,

The Angel of Lightness

[edit on 2/9/2010 by The angel of light]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 10:38 PM
Peace be to ya.
According to "JFK II" video or one of those conspiracy videos
on youtube about JFK, Oswald was picked by J. E. Hoover to
find the Cuban Anti Communist Campaign Camps which he did.
So why would he shoot JFK.
That would be like shooting your boss's boss.
And not like the Who song.
The Cuban Camp promoters are suspect.
Or was there another $3T DOD lost funds in those days.
Get Oswald a cushy job in the Dallas Book Depository.
Get Oswald a rifle.
Take a photo in his yard and an airtight case is ready on order.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 12:38 AM
While seemingly sinister, JFK's "lost" brain can be explained quite easily. The family didnt want anyone else to examine it. While unknown at the time, JFK had Addison's disease, which affects the adrenal glands. This would have been humiliating to the family had it been revealed at the time.

He also had various STDs, something else which the family did not want to become common knowledge. Because of these two issues, much of the information has been withheld from the public. I believe Macadams even points these issues out on his website that the OP linked to.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 01:18 AM
After reviewing Volume VII of the HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS, I don't see that there is a "mystery" as to the whereabouts of JFK's brain, or what was left of it.

The report says, fairly specifically, that Robert Kennedy assumed possession of the remains for private disposal. This makes sense. Now, whether the Kennedy family buried or cremated the remains is private knowledge, unlike the autopsy photos that entered the public domain.

I'm pretty well convinced that the "gross material" that Bobby carried away was JFK's pulverized cerebrum.

The impact of the lethal bullet no doubt caused extensive tissue damage, as is evidenced by the large fragments of skull that were blasted outward from Kennedy's head. The impact concussion would have not only ejected the skull fragment and some brain tissue in one direction, it would have pulverized the remaining cerebral tissue inside the president's skull.

If it was my family member, I also would have demanded the return of the tissues for private disposal. Which is why that story makes the most sense to me.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

After reviewing Volume VII of the HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS, I don't see that there is a "mystery" as to the whereabouts of JFK's brain, or what was left of it.


Hi Doc Velocity,

As everybody can see in the final part of he JFK movie,that is about the investigation done by Jim Garrison ,the General Attorney of the New Orleans District, Lousiana, about the possibly complicity of the well know Maffia leader of that city Clay Shaw in the assassination, the brain was requested by his office to be evidence of the judgement, and the National Archive reported it as lost, so that is the origin of the version we are discussing here.

Now, concerning the hypothesis that RFK had took it in the way you describe, why the Kennedy family has sistematically denied to be in possesion of it, during many years?

Here I am reproducing part of the material you have brought and that clearly says that Mrs Lincoln, private secretary of JFK didn't know what happened with the brain and how Senator Edward Kennedy also deny to have had any knowledge of where were the autopsy materials you are refering to at the time the House comittee asked him about:

(127) Lincoln had no further direct contact with the
material, but did state that after the assassination of Robert
Kennedy, she began to wonder what happened to it. Consequently,
she contacted Kenneth O'Donnell, former aide to President Kennedy,
to make sure the family was aware of its existence. Mrs. Lincoln
said it was her understanding that Mr. O'Donnell then called
Senator Edward Kennedy, subsequently calling her back to tell her
everything was under control.

(129) The committee also contacted Burke Marshall and
Senator Edward Kennedy to determine their knowledge of the missing
materials. Senator Kennedy indicated that he did not know what
happened to the materials, or who last had custody of them.

To deny the possesion of crucial evidence that can clarify the existence of a conspiracy in the death of their most important member, is almost than to comit Perjury in a court, something that is of course impossible to imagine in one of the most emblematic and influential political families of America.

The fact that the brain of JFK became lost is not the only case in the History, also the Albert Einstein's one was missed for many years until it was found in a public library in Kansas in a bottle.

thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

[edit on 2/11/2010 by The angel of light]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by ChiliDog
While unknown at the time, JFK had Addison's disease, which affects the adrenal glands. This would have been humiliating to the family had it been revealed at the time.


Hi ChiliDog,

Considering the nature of the investigation we are talking about, around the Assassination of JFK, it is quite difficult to believe that at illness that was no longer important in any aspect, since anyway he was already death and logically there was no longer a political career to protect could explain the supposed mysterious decision you are saying the family took to deny the posession of the brain.

I am not convinced of this explanation, I am sure nobody were more interested in this country to know the truth behind the crime of Dallas than the attorney General RFK and after his death Senator Edward Kennedy.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

[edit on 2/11/2010 by The angel of light]

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