posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:43 PM
i have 2 children, a is nearly six and b is nearly 3, oh gosh doesnt time fly?
both were natrual, with a i had a 30 hour established labour
, didnt want epidural but had one in the end as i was very tired, she was at an angle
away from my cervic. they got me ready for c section and i told them to wait, that i wouldnt need it, i pushed for england and out she popped. with b
i only had one hour established labour (went from 1 cm effaced to fully in about an hour), he was born in his bag of waters. with both children i had
retained placenters. im not haveing anymore children (and anyway im divorcing my husband) but if i did i wouldnt have the cord cut untill the
placenter has been birthed, i have found out that the baby 'helps' the placenter to come away and out. oh well.
m x