posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:10 PM
I had my fraternal twins by c-sect. back in 1981, I did not even know I was in labor. Just thought my back hurt realllly bad. I had to keep stopping
and either barfing or puking or pooping for an hour long drive home from the inlaws for the night.
My ex finally said, you are in labor, you are stopping every 5 minutes. We got home and had to call the cops as we had been broken into, and at one
point the cop even figured it out and said get her to the hospital!
I did not want to be embarrased by it being false labor, had done classes and had full intent to go natural all the way. Wanted leboyer method (water)
just was not able...
My labor had been going for over 15 hours at that point and they discovered my sons head was too big and he even turned at the last minute so he was
breech. They said no way, emergency c-cect.
I wanted to get home so bad I faked the pain level and was released a day later, got home, made love and got pg. again... Another set of twins...
He said, well your (private) was not involved and he offered to (?) and one thing lead to another and I was making love...
I did not have the twins, another story, divorce...
You never get over your first love...not really.
I then had my now 13 year old, my 9 year old and my 8 year old all by c-sect. So for me it was 'natural'.
There are pros and cons to c-sect. One being that you never get stretched out... Or mutilated by a child too large to pass naturally. I know that for
many the stretching is not an issue, they have the elasticity to recoup.
The con is that the area they cut never looks good again. Not really, I mean some think they look ok, but it is always a weird scar.
The child, has to come into the world in a very brightly lit room during c-set. whereas in natural they can have a more subdued lighting.
I have to say that only during my first was I put out, and I had an OBE to watch the entire event.
On the rest, the hardest part is not having the ability to really hold my baby and that was always a tearful event. I mean you can with help, but
right after they are born you are numb from the chest down.
The c-sections got eaiser with each one, and the last child I never even needed tylenol. Never felt any pain at all. I had just left the recovery room
and he was brought to me in my room, I got up out of the bed and picked him up before I knew what I was doing.
On my 9 year old 1 week after the birth I was sitting on the couch and went to pick him up from the bassinet, and ripped open the cset! I was pouring
blood out holding my hands together to hold the guts from spilling out. Yelling and crying for my hubby, this was christmas morning...
Soooo, I think that it is all natural, whether or not you have your baby vaginally or through the aid of medical help. There are pros and cons to both
ways. In c-sect. the baby suffers less trauma, but in natural they enjoy a bond with mom that is not experienced in most c-births.
BUT... The real bond starts the minute you concieve so natural or c 'really' makes no difference in the bonds.