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Cesarean Section vs. Natural Childbirth

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posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:07 AM

They didn't use any suction cups on my kids, but one of my nephews they cupped his head and pulled him out...yep a real cone head
Took a while for that cone head thing to go away

Poor kid....

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by jensouth31

I'm tellin' ya it freaked me out. lol The little baby hospital hat wouldn't even fit over it! And yeah, it did go down by the time I went for visit #2.


posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 10:40 AM
Thanks everyone!
Have a great day!

[edit on 18-7-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Clearskies

They are absolutely precious Clearskies. So cute. Thanks you for posting the pics.

It was all worth it, every discomfort that we have all shcared is completely taken over by the joy we felt as soon as we saw their faces for the first time.

Then they turn 13!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe


posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by hsur2112

Oh yeah! 13 going on 30 for sure.
My oldest daughter is 17 and tries to act like MY mom..:shk:

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by hsur2112

Thanks hsur!
I couldn't thank you before, because my internet went down for a bit.
I'm going to take the pictures down, now.
Peace to you.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 03:04 PM
Thanks clearskies and thanks to all of those who posted with their stories. I've enjoyed reading all of them.


posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 06:43 PM
With my first child they miscalculated the tim they had and began giving me an epidural, then realized they didn't have enough time so I only got a partial one and could pretty much feel everything.

With my son they knew they weren't going to have muh time so they gave me this thing called an "introthecal" which is like an epidural only it works harder faster but doesn't last that long.

I will say that both Epidurals and introthecals are scary. They tell you that if you move on tiny bit they can miss and paralyze you. So in the meantime you ar having all these heavy contractions trying to stay completly still. It's agonizing!

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 07:55 PM
My two childbirth experiences were strangely similiar. The only difference ws my daughter was born 6 weeks early and my son was on time. Other than that They were both c-sections for the same reason, drops in heart rate during early contractions, so both were emergency, same doctor, same hospital,Both times having extreme trouble getting the epidural in, i mean trying 7-8 times.(i rather have a child completly drug free then have that needle in my spine again, but, as i said it was an emergency) and even same room in NICU. My son was in NICU because he was born with a cleft lip and palate. My daughter because of her weight. She was 4 pounds 11 oz. My son was nearly 10 pounds. But as for the question, idk, i think i got a a little lucky, because of the whole vaginal stretching issue that comes with childbirth, but i would have liked to experience the actual pushing and birth. But im more dissapointed that i didnt get to breast feed either of them. because of their problems, although i did pump, and they were getting their nutrients, still i really wished it were different.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by snowflake_obsidian
With my son they knew they weren't going to have muh time so they gave me this thing called an "introthecal" which is like an epidural only it works harder faster but doesn't last that long.

Hi snowflake and thanks for posting. I have never heard of an "introthecal". And there is so much truth to what you say about how scary it is to only have a teeny tiny space between your ability to stay completely still and being paralyzed. Yeah, having the baby is easy, staying still for the epidurals....the hardest thing I ever had to do.

reply to post by 23Eulogy23

Hi 23Eulogy23. We have certainly come to the conclusion that epidurals S*CK!!! hehe You're deliveries were hard and how scary that must have been, and I know that it can be very disappointing to not be able to breast feed. How are your children now? Are they ok and have they had any complications?


posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by 23Eulogy23

My gosh honey you get a star from me.
I was 4 pounds six ounces at birth, born six weeks early.
First time I ever heard of it happening to someone else.
What YOU went through takes far more courage than my deliveries combined.
Kudos to you Girl!

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:10 PM
I had my fraternal twins by c-sect. back in 1981, I did not even know I was in labor. Just thought my back hurt realllly bad. I had to keep stopping and either barfing or puking or pooping for an hour long drive home from the inlaws for the night.

My ex finally said, you are in labor, you are stopping every 5 minutes. We got home and had to call the cops as we had been broken into, and at one point the cop even figured it out and said get her to the hospital!

I did not want to be embarrased by it being false labor, had done classes and had full intent to go natural all the way. Wanted leboyer method (water) just was not able...

My labor had been going for over 15 hours at that point and they discovered my sons head was too big and he even turned at the last minute so he was breech. They said no way, emergency c-cect.

I wanted to get home so bad I faked the pain level and was released a day later, got home, made love and got pg. again... Another set of twins...

He said, well your (private) was not involved and he offered to (?) and one thing lead to another and I was making love...

I did not have the twins, another story, divorce...

You never get over your first love...not really.

I then had my now 13 year old, my 9 year old and my 8 year old all by c-sect. So for me it was 'natural'.

There are pros and cons to c-sect. One being that you never get stretched out... Or mutilated by a child too large to pass naturally. I know that for many the stretching is not an issue, they have the elasticity to recoup.

The con is that the area they cut never looks good again. Not really, I mean some think they look ok, but it is always a weird scar.

The child, has to come into the world in a very brightly lit room during c-set. whereas in natural they can have a more subdued lighting.

I have to say that only during my first was I put out, and I had an OBE to watch the entire event.

On the rest, the hardest part is not having the ability to really hold my baby and that was always a tearful event. I mean you can with help, but right after they are born you are numb from the chest down.

The c-sections got eaiser with each one, and the last child I never even needed tylenol. Never felt any pain at all. I had just left the recovery room and he was brought to me in my room, I got up out of the bed and picked him up before I knew what I was doing.

On my 9 year old 1 week after the birth I was sitting on the couch and went to pick him up from the bassinet, and ripped open the cset! I was pouring blood out holding my hands together to hold the guts from spilling out. Yelling and crying for my hubby, this was christmas morning...

Soooo, I think that it is all natural, whether or not you have your baby vaginally or through the aid of medical help. There are pros and cons to both ways. In c-sect. the baby suffers less trauma, but in natural they enjoy a bond with mom that is not experienced in most c-births.

BUT... The real bond starts the minute you concieve so natural or c 'really' makes no difference in the bonds.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by antar
I wanted to get home so bad I faked the pain level and was released a day later, got home, made love and got pg. again... Another set of twins...

Wow antar. Thanks for sharing your story. I couldn't really wait to get home either. But all I wanted to do was rest. The pain of the second one wasn't nearly as bad, but I also had to have my tubes tied at that time, and that hurt alot, it was a completely separate pain. UG

On the rest, the hardest part is not having the ability to really hold my baby and that was always a tearful event. I mean you can with help, but right after they are born you are numb from the chest down.

Aw, that is still hard for me to think about too (wipes tear). You want nothing more that to hold the child that you carried for so long. After both of my deliveries I came home and stayed in bed for about 3 days with the baby on my chest. I couldn't let go.

Soooo, I think that it is all natural, whether or not you have your baby vaginally or through the aid of medical help.

So well said, antar. That really sums what how I think we all feel.


posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 04:19 PM
Ive had 2 c-sections.
The first one was very scary. At 71/2 months I only weighed a 102 pd. But then I got toxemia. My body was so swollen that I didn't look recognizable . At the end I had put on 55pds. Mostly fluid.
my dr. told me I couldn't have a natural birth because my pelvic area was to small. Even though I looked like a blimp.

My son's due date was dec 25th. My dr. called me at home to come and have some x-rays which determined, no natural childbirth.
I was taken to surgery on Jan 4th. and was given to much anesthesia, so they couldn't bring me out of it. They had my family try to get me awake.
I was three days out of it. And to beat it all, I got double pneumonia while in surgery. But my son weight in at 10 pds.
I was also RH negative.

Anyway, waited 10 years to have another baby. My second delivery went fine. My daughter weighed 8 71/2 oz.
The only thing about the second c-section was I woke up in recovery with the lung tube still in place. I kind of panicked. That was scary. It felt like I was choking to death.. UGH!!

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by LiquidCrystalz

Hi LiquidCrystalz and thanks for posting your experience. My goodness, I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that for your first delivery. I can't even imagine, being out for three days? Your family must have been so worried. Did you realize how long you were out? Well, I'm so glad that were 2nd delivery was (relatively) problem free. I hope you are all doing well.

I think that we are all very brave women. We just do what we have to do don't we? I've so enjoyed hearing about all of your experiences.


posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by hsur2112

That's nothing wrong with Caesarean....I just want a child, I dont want a child birth. I LOVE my child more than anyone !!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:18 PM
I gave birth to my first child in May of this year. I gave birth at home, unassisted.
For me it was an intimate, private experience, and I did not want anyone there.

Most intense experience of my life, and I would certainly do it again. Labouring and birthing unassisted is incredibly empowering and I highly recommend it if you feel it is something you are up to doing.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Brittany

Aw Brittany, thanks for posting and congratulations! I'm really happy for you and it sounds as if it was an amazingly beautiful experience. I hope that you the baby are well and that some of our birth stories haven't scared you.

I guess that I never even considered that because I somehow always knew that my body wasn't equipped for natural birth. Well, that and I'm a big chicken.

Enjoy your precious baby.


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:40 PM
Both my kids were due the 25th of the month.. Both times my water broke the night of the 22nd.. watching the 10:00 news.. ( maybe the anchors voices?? )
With my son it was AWFUL. They took me to a "maternity purgatory" for a day and a half since my water broke and i couldnt seem to BUY a contraction. NADA.. ZIPPO.. No activity in the bullpen so to speak. By 6 am they had me hooked up to that dang pitossin.. Talk about going from 0 to 120.. Holy crap..

Add to this that the belt across the belly wasnt registering any contractions. I think they were ready to nominate me for an academy award. Add in a catheter, internal contraction monitor and an internal stress monitor and i was NOT a happy patient. I do recall asking the nurse if i was being used for cable access as well. _javascript:icon('

After 14 1/2 hours of this i was begging for a section. ( no dice ) Finally after an hour and a half of pushing , i had a son. and some vicodin

With my daughter, it was memorial day weekend. No contractions, same "holding pen" * sigh*.. pitossin was my 6 am wake up call. ( who invented that ??? _javascript:icon('
The idea of going through another 14 hour ordeal was too much to fathom. No contractions were registering on the belt yet again . This nurse was not as pleasant .. and no meds were offered AT ALL.

I have to say FEELING the labor without the epidural was painful yet productive. 4 hours later and 2 pushes, i had my girl . I believe my words to the Dr were : "catch !! "

If i had to do it again.. i would go drug free.

Based on the surgery and recovery time of a c section, I am grateful that they didnt give in to me the first time. But i do not believe that having surgery to deliver your child would in any way diminish that joy when you see your lil booger .

Moms are the shiz =)

[edit on 8/13/08 by SugarJ]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by SugarJ
I do recall asking the nurse if i was being used for cable access as well. _javascript:icon('

Holy moly, Sugar....what a story! Cable are too funny! Just needed some rabbit ears on top of your head to complete that look. lol

If i had to do it again.. i would go drug free.

If I had to do it again...I would ask for more drugs.

Based on the surgery and recovery time of a c section, I am grateful that they didnt give in to me the first time. But i do not believe that having surgery to deliver your child would in any way diminish that joy when you see your lil booger .

I'm glad that you didn't have to have those C's, and yes, that is certainly the feeling here that we couldn't love them any more no matter how they came into the world.

Moms are the shiz =)

Amen sister. I think that you are all amazing women.


[edit on 8/13/08 by SugarJ]

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