posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:15 AM
I think that, as usual too many miss the point when it comes to GOD's plans for the human race, and all of the individuals that comprise of it.
First of all, how many of yall have kids? Do you reward them with candy and ice cream when they jump of the couch, knock over the entertainment
center and smash your TV on the floor?
Would you run out and buy them a car after you catch them banging heroin and they tell you to go F yourself and mind your own bussiness? Should GOD
grant you eternal life if you act like this to him? After all the bible does tell us the WE ARE ALL GODS CHILDREN.
Second, Would you want to have robotic children with no personality and no free will? Free will IS a gift from GOD and is what makes us all unique
individuals. People without free will mindlessly spouting praise for GOD would be a pointless creation, not the great and dynamic thing that the human
race is, not to mention if people were mindless robot servants to GOD then we would not be HIS CHILDREN MADE IN HIS IMAGE.
Third, if you read the bible you'll find that sin was unleashed into the world by man, not GOD. Two people ADAM and EVE, by their own free will
disobeyed HIS command to leave the tree of knowledge alone and not eat it's fruit. All sin, and evil in the world is ultimately perpetrated by man.
You cannot blame GOD for what another person does. We all have free will and knowledge of good and evil. We can all choose our path through life. GOD
cannot directly affect our freedom to choose, HE cannot make anyone do anything, good nor evil. If we choose to do what we know is right and just then
we are serving his will, if we choose the other side then we are most likely hurting someone else. Again, do you give your son twizzlers and soda pop
after he cold cocks your daughter? How about if he murders her?
Too many people associate the seven deadly sins with something that is similar but different enough to be actually good. Take lust for example, lust
is not sex, the act of sex, nor the apreciation of beauty. Lust is the animal desire use another person for your own gratification with no regard for
that other person whatsoever. It's objectification and abuse, sex without love, which leads to broken hearts, STD's, Dead beat Dads dumpster babies
and abortion. Lust is the animal instict absent of the spiritial responsibility and control, as well as love.
Greed, is not just wanting more fore yourself so that you can share with friends and family, or perfect strangers. Greed is love of money, or
wealth, it is the willingness to kill, destroy, steal, and defraud. To do whatever you can no matter how low to get more.
Gluttony, If you weigh four hundred pounds and shove whole turkeys and pigs down your gullot in one sitting, while people around you are starving, how
is that not acrime against your fellow man. If you have plenty you should share it, not desecrate your body with it. Gluttony is like Greed and Lust,
instinct without spiritual control.
Sloth, laziness to the point of being a constant burdon on others. There really is a theme on all of theses sins in that they epitomize selfishness.
Those who are sloth do no work, and rely on the work of others to live,. The sloth waste their existence as parisites, sucking down all the charity
and good works they can get while doing none themselves.
No matter which sin you pick it can be found along with one or more of the rest in the same person, and all of these sins result in the suffering
of others sooner or later, these are not victimless crimes, when you commit them you're going to be punished because of the people that you've hurt,
unless you've asked for forgiveness. Because no matter how low you're children may go, if they apologize, straighten up, and ask to be forgiven, you
still love them and want to forgive them. The whole deal is not that you're going to be punished for your sins, but that GOD loves you and doesn't
want to punish you, and will forgive ANYTHING if you ask HIM.