posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:46 AM
I have something to share here.
The opening Post reminded me of when my daughter was in second year of primary school here in Australia (age 6). The kids were learning about space
and our solar system, but they all really wanted to know about UFO's and Aliens.
At the time I was president (2001 to 2004) of a small UFO and paranormal research group and my daughter offered to have me come and give a talk!
So I went along armed with some light info for the kids about local sightings, etc. The teacher made a point of telling me I was not allowed to put
any ideas across as if they were definite facts!! I towed the line and just gave some interesting reports and soon enough we got to Question Time.
One small hand went up and asked if I had ever seen a UFO, so I answered honestly that I had seen many in my life. Suddenly the whole class raised
their hands to ask questions... "Where do they come from?"... "Have you seen an Alien?"
I answered truthfully, Yes. A huge buzz went around the room and the questions came thick and fast.. "What did they look like?"... "Did one touch
you?"... "What did they want to say?", etc.
Every question was answered as honestly as I could, then the teacher realised she had lost control of the kids and stepped in to say, "Now thank
Mr...... for his talk and remember that what he said is not facts, it is just what he thinks!!"
Shortly after this I took a video sighting, that we had scientifically analysed, into the class and absolutely blew the teachers, cleaners, and other
assorted interested parties mind's. lol The kids loved it, and one of them finally opened up and showed his extreme intelligence by providing me with
information about propulsion systems and how some UFO's are constructed! At age 6!!
Within weeks we had an unusual request from the Flinders University of South Australia which sent us some questionnaires to be filled out by anyone
who had UFO or Alien experiences. The cover letter stated that some research was being done into how many people believe they have had contact or
abductions, but, only the first two questions covered this.. all the rest were about the after effects or symptoms of the experiences, and delved into
whether people had gained psychic powers etc.
Warning bells went off for me, as a psychic I knew that this was not a simple little questionnaire, it was a fact finding program to discover how many
people had gained abilities from their contacts, and a database was being constructed with the names and full details of the people replying to the
I knew this was the precurser to what I had seen in 'vision' of a time when 'awakened' people would be detained in order to not undermine the
bigger picture Agenda in our not too distant future.
Perhaps your child's official lesson material printed in 2000 might have a similar goal? I hope not.
Good luck and be well.