reply to post by ConMi27
I spend a lot of time researching the Christian Bible, and the more I understand, the more I realize that we are the product of 'alien' intent. I
could go on for pages but I will keep it brief. First, there seems to have been two creations; the first was the hominids where both male and female
were created at the same time and told to eat the herbs of the field and procreate and fill the earth with their kind.
The second is the creation of 'Adam', a single male without a mate. He was created 'eastward' in the Garden of Eden. There is no reference to
'eastward of what'. The only reference, by implication, is of the original creation. His original purpose was not to travel the globe procreating.
It was to stay put and work the land and flora for 'God's' benefit and pleasure. It wasnt until some time after his creation that Eve was
'cloned' from Adam (his rib).
If you are really interested in understanding the Bible get a copy with Strong's numbers and a Strong's concordance. The problem with virtually
all versions of the Bible is that they were translated and interpreted pre-(industrial and electronic) revolution during which many many more words
were coined. With these two books you will see that the Bible was written so that it couldnt be fully understood until thousands of years into the
Three examples of this is:
1. Eve's cloning; until the late 20th century, it was speculation, science fiction: now it is reality.
2. The cherub (cherubim) of the Bible: Psalm 18: 10 The word translated and interpreted as 'cherub' means: "Cherub or imaginary figure".
Imaginary means: existing in the mind only. The churches will have you believe 'god' rode on a cute little angelic baby. Read Psalm 18 up to about
verse 19 using Strong's Concordance. You may find, as I did, that the 2nd definition (an imaginary figure) is a more accurate interpretation;
meaning there were no words available to describe what David saw. Because there were no words available to express what was seen, the description of
what he saw existed in his mind only.
3. The tree in the Garden of Eden: The word used implies made of wood, not a tree. It was a barrier room made of wood in which the 'serpent'
was captive. The word eat has a very general and generic meaning: ' taking something into the body'. It could mean food for nourishment having an
effect on the body (growth, maintenance or energy, etc.). It could mean seeing or experiencing something and having it have an effect on the body
(some people see a thing or event and become enthralled by it; others become phobic). The word 'serpent' was interpreted from a word that means to
hiss or whisper a magic spell. Beside that, snakes dont have any limbs; the creature in question wasnt limbless until after experiencing God's
Using the Concordance you will see that there is much more to the serpent story, like; "I will put emnity between your seed and the woman's
seed" (speaking to the serpent). Who was the serpents seed? and Who was the woman's seed? Was this why Cain killed Able? Is that why God did not
accept Cain's offering?
In short I believe the Bible is a story of an experiment that went terribly wrong, starting with the Eve, tree, serpent incident. When it is fully
understood I think it is a warning of the consequences of cloning and creating life (genetic engineering). So far one of the messages seems to be
that even a life form inconceivably more advanced than ours cannot control the outcome of its cloning and genetic engineering experiments; so maybe we
should tread very very carefully in this arena.