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Did Aliens Write The Bible?? And Any Transcripts Relating Toward Religions [Must Read!]

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posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:18 AM
Did Aliens Write The Bible?

Ok hear me out - I don't believe this - but I don't know everything either.

You know I used to think, that if Aliens did exist, that God did not. And if God did, then why would he ever create a different, ruling species like us humans ? - hence believing only one or the other existed.

So I thought to myself for a minute or two and put some numbers together. If Aliens reached Earth back before Christ, then they could space travel, obviously. Proving they were smarter, ten million more times advance. If they were that advance, lightyears ahead of us, if they had went through a bunch of wars or crisis situations on their home planet and realized that they could help prevent us from doing the same, what would stop them from trying to writing a book or something that would help govern our laws so we wouldn't turn out like them and their nation-like world? A book with morals, reasons to obey the morals, obligations and duty's to ful-filling life. Now: If you notice, every singly religion on the planet, revolves around either a God, God's and Goddesses, or mother Earth. And their all based around the same basic principles. And they all date back to the beginnings of races, or within the race, but the religion itself is not forgotten.

Who's to say that these Aliens didn't take it upon themselves to write these books, to give us the knowledge? I know that's a big leap, but really, who knows? We weren't there to say no it didn't happen. And I wouldn't put it past the different human races to know that at the time that these beings weren't Gods, just advanced races. Would Aliens actually do that, attempt that? I don't see why, but considering were a weaker race, I don't see why not feel pity for us, why not conquer us for the better good? Would they realize that they changed the world??

What do you think? I'm not sure if I believe in this, cause I can't say I do. But I cannot say something like this couldn't have happened.

A Few Problems
One though, if this were possible, the religions are so very different. The Muslim religion and Allah is very different than the Christian religion and God. As with the God's n Goddesses of many different relgions. As goes the Pagan, witch religions, I believe people created that themselves. But I cannot say for sure, like I said before.

Also it can be debated between everybody's own opinions as to whether these God's exist, so ....

Now I don't mean this against any religion! I'm just point out the mere thought about this...

Had to edit cause of mispells.

[edit on 16-7-2008 by ConMi27]

[edit on 16-7-2008 by ConMi27]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:54 AM
ive often wondered the same thing there are references in the bible that could be called extra-terrestrial in nature. one story that comes to mind was .. i think elija and the fiery chariot (correct me if im wrong)

a sites that look ok on this subject:
UFO's in the bible

without starting another us vs them argument between religeons and islam, i think you will find most of the koran was plagurised from other sources having come into existance 600 years after christ was allegedly crucified.

Many of the sayings and ideas in Suras two and three appear to be A REPLICA
OF PSALMS 104-108." Ibid., fn. 10.

The Quran itself ACKNOWLEDGES Muhammad's familiarity with the Psalms: Quran
21.105 (Yusuf Ali translation):

"Before this WE WROTE IN THE PSALMS, after the Message (given to Moses): 'MY
The latter phrase repeats Psalms 37:29 (King James Version):
"The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever."

Here is a non-exhaustive compilation of material Muhammad cribbed from
Psalms . . . and then tried to "pass off" as "original" revelations from

All references are from the Pickthal Translation of the Quran and the King
James Bible.
1. "Better than a thousand"
Quran 97:3: The Night of Power is BETTER THAN A THOUSAND
Psalms 84:10: For a day in thy courts [is] BETTER THAN A

2. "The straight path"
Quran 1.006: Show us THE STRAIGHT PATH,
Psalms 27:11 Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a PLAIN PATH . . .

3. "The righteous shall inherit the earth"

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Demandred

Hmmm... that wouldn't be the only religion transcript that repeated some of the same bible values in its text.... makes you wonder, where and why do these people keep looking towards one religion or the other, if their's was created or came from their own god/goddess? you see what I mean?

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 01:29 AM
what i find strange is the god of the old testament was a wrathful god, and the god of the new testament was a loving god, did this hapen because of a war between alien civilizations or factions, the good guys won so to speak.

even when you look at the gods of different civilization they appear to be custom made for the particualr civilization, is this a reflection of different aliens trying for dominion on this world or are they nothing more than a reflection of the prejudices of the prophet/high preist etc...

without being there im not sure these questions will ever be answered.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 01:47 AM
I don't think aliens wrote the bible.I think man wrote it.From a series of lessons and story's they learned, passed down generations from a time when Aliens/Gods/Whatever you want to call them, possibly were involved in the earths civilizations.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Demandred

Sure, I agree with that. The "paragon model" of religion says that the main characters are exemplifying the most valued or the most needed traits in the humans who worship them. Hercules, Mithra(s), Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha are a few examples.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 02:45 AM
I've always believed that there is life outside the Earth and I've always believed in the existence of God, but never have I thought that there could only be one or the other. Rather, I've come to understand that our perception of God doesn't allow our current frame of thought to accept both as truths.

People speculate that if alien life were to openly contact us, there would be dire effects on organized religion and this is due to our personification and personalization of what we consider to be God. As the following member posted;

Originally posted by Demandred
even when you look at the gods of different civilization they appear to be custom made for the particualr civilization

Exactly. Each culture has their own interpretation of a universal truth, and as such, each culture has developed a distinct and unique religion based around understanding and practicing this truth.

If you look at Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Sikhism, Hinduism, etc, they are essentially all the same. They all teach that it is best to practice good will towards all, and that there is something more to life than the physical state we occupy. Something else will occur after this state has ended. Although they all go about it in different means, the core message remains the same. I chalk up all the minor differences to the influence of culture (and in some cases, politics).

I've read a lot of material regarding the e.t./god theories, and it still is one of my favorite documentary subjects to watch. It's really the one topic I can never get enough of. But after much time researching the subject, there is only one solid conclusion that I've come to:

If it were revealed that aliens did bring us the concept of god, then many if not all religions would fold.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by ConMi27

How do you know space exists because of some "images"? What if the sky is nothing more than a big dome and the sun and the moon and stars were really attached to the dome while the land stands still cushioned with water with the dome rotating around it? Archimedes screw type design? Why is it every time they do a launch into space they must wait for the proper "window"? Enoch said there are six portals threw which the sun moon and stars pass threw in circuit.

Why in all of recorded history has an eclipse always been the same; the moon fits perfectly in front of the sun or the earth fits perfectly in front of the moon? Thousands of years and no change? When did people stop trusting there own eyes? I know that we are not on a spinning ball, why does no one else? Play on a marry go round and you will know this. I know that there is no force called gravity because gravity means weight, hence weight is what holds you down. Material things have mass and mass in turn has weight. Density is the key here. Density is controlled by electricity. The secrets of what is really going on in this hemisphere or ark of the sky has not been truly known.

All of the wonders of your minds are known in this hemisphere and so is the control of them, this is the spiral, and it is electric. Listen to Tesla, listen to the ones that want you to have a better life, see things again for what they are for all of the secrets are right in front of you. peace

[edit on 16-7-2008 by letthereaderunderstand]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 03:08 AM
What exactly do you mean when you speak of God? A grey bearded old man in the heaven or "something" that created mankind?!

If you thinking of God as the old man, so he (or she or whatever) must be somehow human. If you saying "God" is the entity (or alien) who created us, that means that the aliens are our God. Regarding to the Terra Papers it was EA who made man.

Maybe in this whole universe thing going on, God is just, hmm how can I say this?.. Like a mayor of a planet. He or she or it does a good job, for reward "Mayor God" gets a planet to create some.

What you thinking about that? Hope I didn't post BS again

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Demandred

You know, I don't know.
As you could have well guessed. I'm agree though, I do believe somewhere around there, sadly lol, that some priests or whoever was in charge and writing their sacred documents, did put their 'gods' opinions in there - and changed whatever was correct (in their opinon) around to fit more... 'moral' laws of the world. Such as stoning any man that steals something. Very moralistic.

o_o the mystery kills.

And I don't get that either, though I don't think anybody quite does. The bible was very condescending and hypocritical to itself. It'd say stone so and so for doing this, and then in the next paragraph it'll say like "But! Have sympathy on the person..." And so forth -
somewhere around those lines.

But I guess part of that was to blame for the very human like people that wrote it. ^_^ though they could had at least been smart enough to realize their hypocritical teachings.

[if they wrote it at all that is

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

That is very true!! Nobody truly knows, we all believe what they tell us to believe! History could had been created for all we know, books that tell us lies because we believe books! Especially if not people! It's all very unclear... and I see why if the government wanted to take control, how easy it would be for them. We are so conditioned to believe, soak up nearly every story that they say, that we don't look with our own minds, our ears and eyes. It would be a great help if we did. Perhaps we wouldn't be in some the times we are now.

I sometimes wish I was born in the time of Socrates and his students. He sounded very enlightening. Especially how he drank poison in a rebel to his death sentence. [Even though women at that time were house wives and very few received education - I would had wanted to be a man.
just kidding, just kidding. ]

[edit on 16-7-2008 by ConMi27]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Being_From_Earth
I don't think aliens wrote the bible.I think man wrote it.From a series of lessons and story's they learned, passed down generations from a time when Aliens/Gods/Whatever you want to call them, possibly were involved in the earths civilizations.

And that very well may be so.
Anything after all, is completely possible. And I for one did believe human's wrote it, though along with that, I thought it was influenced by outside of nature. [As in Angels, paranormal phenomenon.] You never know. You really don't.

I'm thinking now though [despite the obvious, and torturing fact that I won't know until death do I part...] that either God was transpired because we humans need something, crave something more than just the recycled process of life and death. Or -- indeed something spiritually is connected it all together. I don't know if I believe this spiritual existence created all of what there is and everything in between, but I do know that if it existed it probably wouldn't agree with some of the beliefs in each religion. And could be a much much more passive God than some perceive it [he,her,it? does it matter?] to be. Where did we, after all, get our since of humor? ^_^ And the Giraffe.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by ConMi27
reply to post by Demandred

You know, I don't know.
As you could have well guessed. I'm agree though, I do believe somewhere around there, sadly lol, that some priests or whoever was in charge and writing their sacred documents, did put their 'gods' opinions in there - and changed whatever was correct (in their opinon) around to fit more... 'moral' laws of the world. Such as stoning any man that steals something. Very moralistic.

dont remeber stoning so much in the bible, sounds like something from Deutronomy or leviticus, if i remember correctly (and i may not) they were allegedly written by Moses (OT)

Jesus said to us who ever is without sin cast the first stone.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 06:49 PM
Good posts.

There two ways that God is mentioned by the ancients.

Cosmic God - This is the Source of all things in the universe. The whole and we are the parts. Science might describe God as the wave function of the universe or the sum of all probable states.

The gods - These are advanced civilizations who would be years ahead of us in technology and evolution. Their technology would have been godlike to primitive man.

Our generation would be able to understand what the ancients were trying to describe.

So when the Bible talks about clouds that hover for days and people enter into the cloud, we can have an idea as to what they are trying to describe.

When John says in Revelation that the two witnesses will be left in the streets for the world to see, our generation knows how this is possible through TV and the internet. For years, people didn't know how this was possible.

The ancients described these things in the language of the day which was myth, magic and mystery.

They wouldn't have described these things like they were reciting a Stephen Hawking paper.

Look at this from 300 B.C.

Bhima flew along in his car, resplendent as the sun and loud as thunder . . . The flying chariot shone like a flame in the night sky of summer . . . it swept by like a comet . . . It was if two suns were shining. Then the chariot rose up and all the heavens brightened. (Mahabharata)

And on this sunlike, divine, wonderful chariot the wise disciple of Kuru flew joyously upward. When becoming invisible to the mortals who walk the earth, he saw wondrous airborne chariots by the thousands. (Mahabharata)

We beheld in the sky what appeared to us to be a mass of scarlet cloud resembling the fierce flames of a blazing fire. From that mass many blazing missiles flashed, and tremendous roars, like the noise of a thousand drums beaten at once. And from it fell many weapons winged with gold and thousands of thunderbolts, with loud explosions, and many hundreds of fiery wheels. Loud became the uproar of falling horses, slain by these missiles, and of mighty elephants struck by the explosions . . . Those terrible Rakshasas had the shape of large mounds stationed in the sky. (Mahabharata)

[edit on 16-7-2008 by polomontana]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:01 PM
The issues you speak of are the main subject of Von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin. I don't necessarily believe them, but they are interesting reads.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:12 PM
When I was in High school, I read a book called "Chariots of the Gods". It was the first thing I ever read that really opened my mind up to new possibilities. The book goes through the bible and points out areas that read like Alien encounters.

Chariots of the Gods?: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past is a book written in 1968 by Erich von Däniken. It is centered on the hypothesis that many ancient civilizations' technologies and religion were given to them by space travelers who were welcomed as gods.

[edit on 16-7-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:22 PM
Check out the Terra Papers, I really know nothing about it's authenticity (ha as if any of this could be checked out) but it's an interesting read none the less. It covers a lot of religious dogma which is explained as alien politics/war/personal struggle.

Terra Papers

ATS thread on topic

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Demandred

Originally posted by ConMi27
reply to post by Demandred

dont remeber stoning so much in the bible, sounds like something from Deutronomy or leviticus, if i remember correctly (and i may not) they were allegedly written by Moses (OT)

Jesus said to us who ever is without sin cast the first stone.

Oo I know. In the Mayan or what was it?? Mycenaens? I'm not sure, but it was very brutal race, and they threw everyone that did something 'against the rules' out into the river, or would put them in slavery until their debts were paid off. And often times they never were delivered from their slavery. I vaguely remember these being laws and not their religion. ^_^ but that their religion was very stern as well. Perhaps that was where I got the stoning idea from?? Too much history : )

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Parabol
Check out the Terra Papers, I really know nothing about it's authenticity (ha as if any of this could be checked out) but it's an interesting read none the less. It covers a lot of religious dogma which is explained as alien politics/war/personal struggle.

Terra Papers

ATS thread on topic

Wow this is going to be very interesting to read. I know it was mentioned before but now I have it.

Thank you. It sounds like a great read.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Dronetek
When I was in High school, I read a book called "Chariots of the Gods". It was the first thing I ever read that really opened my mind up to new possibilities. The book goes through the bible and points out areas that read like Alien encounters.

Chariots of the Gods?: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past is a book written in 1968 by Erich von Däniken. It is centered on the hypothesis that many ancient civilizations' technologies and religion were given to them by space travelers who were welcomed as gods.

[edit on 16-7-2008 by Dronetek]

I was pretty sure it had to be mentioned sometime before. I mean people can't live throughout all of their existence and not think twice about everything else? Oh but yea I guess most do. Hmmmm.... makes you think. Why are we so gullible? Were we trained to be decieved, taught from birth to believe the man in armor, or the man in power and whatever that man believes? It's like how we would never vote for an agnostic to become president, though wouldn't you think that'd be wise considering -- they wouldn't have any prejudice against any race as they would keep whatever they thought to themselves and fight equally?? Hmmm all very interesint.

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