As readers may have gathered from my previous post, while HowardRoark may be willing to "discuss chemtrails" with me, I have no interest in
discussing them with HIM, because there would be no point. On the other hand, I'm happy to share information with the group in general. In reverse
3) Wind directions vary quite a bit from ground level on up. This is why hot air baloon pilots can change their direction of flight by changing
altitudes. You can easily find wind speeds, directions and TEMPERATURES for your own location via the WINDS ALOFT charts published for pilots and
updated every six hours. I'll post a link later, with advice on how to use them. Check Google if you are in a hurry. Only the levels up to
10-12,000 feet are significant, since normal spraying does not use higher altitudes.
2) Determining, or just estimating, the altitude of large aircraft is not terribly difficult. Europeans are better at it than we are, perhaps due to
memories of Allied bombing raids in WWII. This is probably why they are told chemtrails are from pollution, rather than contrails which are altitude
dependent. Remember that on the rare occassions when you might have seen a contrail as a child, the aircraft was only a tiny dot some distance ahead
of the actual contrail. You could see no aircraft detail at all because if it was in fact leaving a contrail it was six miles high, and that much
distance or more from the observer.
If you wish to train yourself to estimate aircraft altitudes, you will focus on how much detail you can see, and compare that with aircraft at known
altitudes (listen to the local controllers via a scanner) or at known distances. If you are two miles from the airport, how much detail can you see
on a large jet that is landing or taking off? How large does it appear. If you drive in to one mile (~5000 ft) or out to three miles (~15,000 ft)
how much can you see of wings, windows, engines, and so on. You will find that at ten to twelve thousand feet, with the naked eye, you can still see
the shape of the aircraft, maybe how many engines it has, but not much more. This is the general level of naked eye detail observed on the tankers.
Of course a good pair of binoculars will give you plenty of detail, including the identifying configuration of Air Force and National Guard tankers,
while even really good binoculars could not do this if they were up at 30,000.
If you have several people involved, and anyone has woodworking or metal working gear, you can do as we did and build a simple rangefinder system. It
takes two units, and two people with cellphones because you need to be about 1000 feet apart for accuracy. Both units must be able to display the
horizontal angle to the aircraft, preferably to a tenth of a degree. This fixes it's location in reference to the ground, ie. the point directly
below the plane. One unit must also be able to display the vertical angle to the aircraft. This lets you determine it's altitude. The math used is
simple, involving computing the dimensions of a triangle when you know two angles and the distance between them. To check your accuracy, you want to
take five or six readings on a tanker while it is making its run. Altitude should remain the same. Deviations can be averaged if they are not too
great, otherwise review your procedures and math. Our tankers actually dipped below 10,000 at times, but generally stayed right at the bottom of the
10,000 - 30,000 ft box that air controllers say they reserve "for national security purposes".
1) there are so many differences between chemtrails and contrails that it would take way too long to list them all. One thing to remember, though, is
that on very rare occassions some natural phenomenon will mimic a particular spraying characteristic. You see it with spray operations virtually
every day, but once in a while, on the outskirts of a hurricane for instance, or near the arctic circle, something similiar will appear. Don't let
the Thought Police persuade you to disbelieve your own eyes. Whatever it is, it does not occur naturally five days in a row, over Phoenix. Or
Baltimore. Or your hometown either. Those who present themselves as weather experts, conveniently omit this fact.
Focusing on things that you can easily observer yourself, and which are therefore self-proving, here are some of my favorites:
A. This is an oldie, that you won't see very often now. In 1999 many spray plumes appeared to emerge from the aircraft in clumps or puffs. It was
actually rather comical. It caused such an uproar on the web, that the government actually laid out big bucks to fix it. Here's what was happening.
Even the oldest of the aging tanker fleet had been called out for spray duty, and in many cases the older pumps had a pressure pulsation that became
quite visible in the plume trailing behind the aircraft. Many pics of this went up on the web, and you can still find them (self-proving). Within a
few months, Boeing announced that they had received a major contract for new, high speed refueling pumps, despite the fact that there were no orders
for new tankers. If you compare the 1999-2000 chemtrail photos with current photos, or your current sky, you will see that the problem was fixed.
However the idea that the exhaust from jet engines was coming out in clumps and globs before it could freeze into contrails was sheer comedy. Again,
just hunt around in some of the photo collections and you will see this clearly.
B. Simple observation that will only take a few minutes of your time will show that the white spray plume appears so close to the aircraft that it
appears almost attached to it. Binoculars will make this even more clear. During the initial frenzy of information requests, the Air Force admitted
that over the U.S. and aircraft had to be close to 30,000 feet up before it would begin leaving a contrail. (They also insisted their tankers had no
reason to fly that high - and didn't) At this altitude, where temperaturs are just cold enough to freeze some of the moisture in 1000 degree (F) jet
exhaust before it is completely dispersed, it takes TIME to do the freezing. Consequently, the contrail appears far behind the aircraft. As
altitudes increase, going up through 40,000 and 50,000 ft (higher than commercial aircraft usually fly over the US) the freezing time shortens, and
the contrail appears closer to the airplane. No one really knows how high you would have to go get jet exhaust to freeze instantly, but a physics
professor told me it's probably so high that jet engines wouldn't work anyway. Regardless, you can through close observation, or a little math
based on an estimated 350 mph flight speed, and a many times faster jet exhaust speed, discover that it is some tiny fraction of a second for the jet
exhaust to travel from the engine to the tail of the aircraft. At the tail, as you can see with your own eyes (self-proving) the stream is now
densely, solidly white. Refer to any current Winds Aloft chart to get temperature data, and you will see that no temperatures are cold enought to do
this - at any altitude given. Borrow some binoculars! You'll get a kick out this.
C. Perhaps the most interesting feature of chemtrails stems from their jet fuel composition, and that the two main components, gasoline and kerosine,
slowly separate. If you don't want to watch for this in real life, there are plenty of pictures on the web. If you will watch ordinary clouds, you
will see that in no-turbulent air the whole cloud moves as a unit. There may be some slow churning from temperature variations, but since the cloud
is all made of a single thing, water vapor, it pretty much hangs together. In hot weather you can observe a haze around clouds. As the air warms up
around them it can hold more moisture. The cloud appears to get smaller and smaller as it slowly disappears. Chemtrails, and the "clouds" that
they become, do not behave this way at all. Chemtrails never get smaller. They always expand. The fact that there are two components, of different
volatility, creates fascinating effects.
The kerosine is not so volatile, and is somewhat sluggish when compared to the gasoline. The gasoline is much more effected by the slightest change
in the wind. For this reason, you can often see with your own eyes that the upwind side of the chemtrail appears more dense and "heavy" than the
downwind side. The movement of the wind itself is enough to separate the heavier and lighter compenents, blowing the lighter gasoline vapor on ahead,
often creating imazing whisps and swirls, almost an angel-hair appearance. To verify that you are seeing a fundamental difference in behavior from
the way a single-substance cloud would behave, simply look around for a natural cloud, assuming there are some (days with no clouds used to be common,
you know), and compare. You will see that the natural cloud, composed only of water vapor, is not behaving like this. This is true, even though the
natural cloud is probably at significantly lower altitude where wind can be more variable in speed and direction. You will never see a water vapor
cloud (or ice crystals for that matter) appear to shred, or grow hair, except under the most bizarre conditions.
D. The final characteristic of chemtrails that you can easily verify for yourself, regards the timing of spray operations. Again, you can easiliy
verify this for yourself, so no proof is required. First, spray operations run from just before dawn until sunset, in two shifts. In five years of
observation I have never seen chemtrail spray operations at night, with the exception of two evenings under very full moons. You will also see that
while spraying tends to increase when a weather front is on the way, it halts abruptly, I might even say instantly, when a cold front actually
arrives. In fact, the spraying will remain stopped until winds below 10,000 ft. return to a predictable direction and their speed returns to aprox. 6
- 26 mph. The point is - when night falls, and when a cold front arrives, temperatures DROP. If we were dealing with contrails, dropping
temperatures would make them more pronounced, especially if you "humidity" to the equation. Instead, they simply stop. Of course you can use this
time to identify "normal air traffic" because "normal air traffic" is still flying. The same routes and schedules as always. Of course, even
though it's much colder, or even a little bit colder, normal traffic is not leaving white streaks in the sky. They never did.
[Edited on 29-5-2004 by Strider]