reply to post by Fulcrum29
I think the secrecy is so they can use the knowledge for evil and selfish purposes and why man has never been able to avoid fighting and killing each
other over the centuries because man can't resist the temptation to use the nowledge to his own advantage and rule over the more primitive and weak
humans which they look down upon.
Just reading your post I can already sense a tone of condescension towards anyone who is christian as if you are more intelligent than them. Your
intelligence isn't gauged by knowledge of some secret or some understanding of a symbol, it's the spiritual knowledge of yourself and the
realisation that you're allowing great evil to exist by cowardly hiding your true intentions from the public who are humble and good. The whole point
of getting you to join a secret cult is so the guy at the top of the pyramid can get you to be loyal to them and manipulate you by promising to offer
you stuff in exchange for carrying out a bunch of evil things and keeping it secret of the scrutiny of the public or people independant of the secret
organisation who can judge you objectively.
When you join a cult you are loyal to the cult members more than truth. By being secret you aren't able to be scrutinised by the critics. By being
invisible you are virtually allowing people to think there is something to suspect because it's a sign you can't trust your own neighbour (even if
there is good reason to not trust them it's still considered suspect that you are going behind the communities backs to organise things based on
favouritism for people you know and not what is best for the human race. eg covering for people who are part of your cult on the basis that they
can't be evil since you know them vs wanting to see that person be judged fairly)
Think of it like this: say you are the father of a chic in a beauty contest, and the judges are all part of your cult, and because your a high-ranking
member of this powerful cult and the judges are secretly supporting your daughter to win the beauty contest, you know what the result of the contest
will be..
Now does that make you feel good knowing that you are manipulating events and being unfair to all the other beautiful contestants in the beauty
contest? Of course it does! Because it means you have a secret advantage from knowing the judges (but in public appearances you pretend you never met
them in public) and can trick the public into thinking you and your daughter are upstanding people who are honest and true and play by the rules the
rest of us non-members have to play by.
In other words you can cheat, while people who aren't part of this secret club can't.
Christians don't do things in secret because we already admit we are sinners and that jesus was the only guy we can credit for saving us because he
acted on our behalf. But you guys think you are more intelligent than humans because you have some knowledge of occult magick which is only secret
because if it wasn't kept secret you would have been hunted down by all the people that you used the magick powers against.
All of the great wars were caused by people who thought they were in some way superior from the people they ruled over or were supposed to be
responsible for looking after. And what resulted was a degradation of trust in our leaders because of this idea that you had to do stuff in secret
because you thought we were just too dumb to understand you. But in reality you guys were tricked into following satan's plans to massacre millions
of people.
Hitler himself could get away with the stuff he did because people just don't believe in the occult and have enough knowledge to know that's what
these people follow. It allows their body to get possesed by a evil spirit and commit horrors on the human race. I blame all the high-ranking members
of secret cults using occult means to achieve goals.
[edit on 17-7-2008 by Snake Plisskin]