posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis
Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
I know you don't consider chem trails to be a suspect in all this
You're right, I don't. Heres why;
The concept is not feasible. It relies on too many factors involving the need to incorporate too many people into a single coordinated effort to make
it worldwide in order to load up 1000's of aircraft per day affecting the planes load capacities and flying characteristics and, not only that
Barium is consistently found when chemtrails have been analyzed
You can't "analyse" anything on the ground thats been sprayed from high level. For a start theres the dispersal factor, where particulates sprayed
at height are liable to drift hundreds of miles from where they were put into the atmosphere before they hit ground level, usually in the direction of
prevailing winds. Then there are local conditions to take into consideration, previous uses of the land, low level contaminents and other particulates
that may be prevalent in the air within the region you are looking at.
Simply, you cannot "sample" something like that unless you are right behind whats spraying it, at the time of spraying.
Anyone who stands under a flight path and says "whats in the air here came from that jet flying at 20-30,000ft " has no clue what they are talking
about, because that jet is
four to five miles away from them vertically, and probably has some horizontal distance seperation that is hard to
make out as well. Its like claiming you can analyse the specific exhaust of a single vehicle on the motorway (freeway) from five miles away. would be far far easier to dope the water supplies covertly if you wanted to introduce something to the populace.
Thats why I don't believe in chemtrails, and thats why I discount them