posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 02:09 AM
Apple caters to the casual, no-nothing about consumers, lazy consumer. I've been in involved in sales at various electronic stores and I can tell you
one thing, the OP is damn right when it comes right down to it. The flashy white light LCD's, glossy plastic covering and the same company slogan
everyone who buys one keeps spouting "It just works".
Studies have shown people who buy a certain brand tend to pay closer attention to the commercials for that product a lot more. They want to feel
validated with their purchase, and the more expensive that purchase is (Say, like a car, TV, computer, etc - large purchases) the more they become
insecure about that purchase afterwards.
All Apple has done is made commercials that don't sell the product, but are aimed to reaffirm the people who bought them. This is why a
culture has been born with Apple. I sold on that very technique many times when a customer had shown interest in the iMac or Macbook line. Its easy to
sell an Apple product, the real challenge is keeping it sold as it was the most returned product in the store not including peripherals.
The culture associated with Apple is a very shallow one which is founded on the insecurities of people whose instincts are suppressed with a false
sense of worth/value or accomplishment. I could very well tell someone on the sales floor "Listen buddy, this Mac here is nothing special. I could
give you my number and I can build you a computer with OSX that is superior to that model for half the price." and they still wouldn't bite.
There is definitely a place for Apple though. Graphic designers, artsy-types and such can really put them to good use. There are good customers who
understand the Mac and I respect them. However, its the clueless folk who buy them for no other reason than a fashion statement or web browser that
really irk me (Mind you, this was after they were funding me with copious amounts of sales commission).