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Cover of the New Yorker: Barack in turban, Michelle with AK-47??

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posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 05:49 PM
Chris Mathews was all offended by this on Hardball tonight, he than went on to call Obama, Osama.

Now that flag supposedly only hangs in the Houston office and Obama supporters will say "Maybe Obama doesn't even know about it", but after all the flap about it in the media I can't believe that he wouldn't know something about it.

Its more than one. I posted at least 2 in a previous post and I know there more than that.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Dronetek
Chris Mathews was all offended by this on Hardball tonight, he than went on to call Obama, Osama.

This is no surprise since he also gets that 'feeling' in his leg when obama speaks.

Mathews is nothing but a political hack.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by Dronetek
Chris Mathews was all offended by this on Hardball tonight, he than went on to call Obama, Osama.

This is no surprise since he also gets that 'feeling' in his leg when obama speaks.

Mathews is nothing but a political hack.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

No he actually said he feels a "tingle" up his leg.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by sos37
the "rumors" Dronotek listed aren't rumors and they do make a lot of sense:

This is Dronetek's post (bolding by me):

Originally posted by Dronetek

Oddly enough people do believe these rumors are fact.

Oddly enough? Perhaps it has something to do with:

1. Mentored 20 years by an anti-American hatemonger.
2. Friends with an outspoken terrorist who bombed pentagon
3. Initially refused to wear US flag pin.
4. People in Virgina are "bitter" and that's why they "cling" "guns and religion".
5. Hammas/Hezbollah endorsed him
6. All of our enemies seem to love him
7. Many of his offices seem to adorn Che Guevara flags.

So, lets not pretend like this is all coming from thin air.

He was directly responding to someone talking about "these rumors". and he gave reasons why people might believe them. So it's no I who originally called them rumors.

1. Mentored 20 years by an anti-American hatemonger.
We know this to be fact - Jeremiah Wright.

That Jeremiah Wright is an Anti-American Hate-monger is an OPINION. Not a FACT.

2. Friends with an outspoken terrorist who bombed pentagon
We know this to be fact - Obama was friends with Bill Ayers.

Obama was 8 years old when Ayres bombed the Pentagon. They were friends many years later. Obama is not responsible for what everyone in his life has ever done. But it's true. He WAS friends with this guy. But it has no significance now.

3. Initially refused to wear US flag pin.
We know this to be fact as pointed out in the previously posted pics.

So what? He was making a point that patriotism isn't something you can just pin on your chest. It's something that comes from your heart. Why do you think he stopped wearing the pin? Because he hates America???

4. People in Virgina are "bitter" and that's why they "cling" "guns and religion".
We know this to be fact - It was made during one of his campaign speeched and it spawned the term "Bittergate".

That's not exactly what he said, but so what? It's the truth.

5. Hammas/Hezbollah endorsed him
We know this to be fact and we can guess why -

If you can only guess, then it's not a fact. Again, so what?

6. All of our enemies seem to love him
See above - this is obvious why

"Seem"??? It seems like it? That makes it a fact? Oh, it's obvious, huh?

These suppositions and extrapolations sound much like a bunch of old gabbing ladies sitting around at a quilting bee, gossipping because they have nothing better to do.

7. Many of his offices seem to adorn Che Guevara flags.

"Seems" again?

Think whatever you want about these ridiculous inferences and assumptions and opinions. But calling something a fact does not make it a fact. It's the inferences that are the rumors. So he didn't wear a pin. Am I supposed to think that means he doesn't love his country? BS. In fact, he was doing it because he DOES. And people who are afraid of him made it into something it wasn't. I hope you're all happy now. He's wearing it again. NOW he's patriotic, right?

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 06:17 PM
I for one, think the cover is hilarious. I also think that it hits closer to the mark than the average American wants to believe.
FACT: Barack HUSSEIN Obama went to a muslim school. The same type that breeds fundamentalism.
FACT: In one of his books, he states that if there were ever trouble, he would side with the muslims. You decide what "trouble" is.
FACT: The man has next to no political experience whatsoever. None on the world stage.

Barack HUSSEIN Obama is just another Chicago socialist d-bag that has big dreams.

ANOTHER FACT: Everybody I work with, or speak to during a work day, feels that a vote for Osama (oops!) Obama would in essence be a vote for the VP candidate. In other words: do you really think the man would survive his first year in office? C'mon folks... Racism is alive and well in America, and the door swings both ways.

Ask yourself: Why would the KKK endorse Obama? So they aren't left holding the bag when he's assassinated!

Sorry for the dose of harsh reality folks.


posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 06:21 PM

That Jeremiah Wright is an Anti-American Hate-monger is an OPINION. Not a FACT.

Hmmm, I suppose spewing Anti-American Hate-monger rethoric and blaming the "White America" for everything is neither anti-American or racist? There are videos of it out there. Not too mention, the Hama's manifesto on the church wall and web-site. Recently removed now of course.

BH, these are facts. You are dismissing facts as speculation when clearly the data to show otherwise is right in front of you.

Obama was 8 years old when Ayres bombed the Pentagon. They were friends many years later. Obama is not responsible for what everyone in his life has ever done. But it's true. He WAS friends with this guy. But it has no significance now.

Obama was 25 when he last wore full Muslim-dress? Does that make him a closet-Muslim?

He is still friends with this guy, did you not think Obama was aware of his past deeds and his incomprehensible lack of respect for America and her people, enough so, that bombing them wasn't enough? He wanted to kill more has he stated.

Obama has separated from these figures only publicly as to get votes. Start using logic BH.

So what? He was making a point that patriotism isn't something you can just pin on your chest. It's something that comes from your heart. Why do you think he stopped wearing the pin? Because he hates America???

Well, since 9/11 it has been a tradition to respect those that died in that act of Terrorism along with renewed Patriotism and solidarity for our country. Obama does hate America, he is even embarassed by American's like yourself, yet you still choose to worship this man.

Think whatever you want about these ridiculous inferences and assumptions and opinions. But calling something a fact does not make it a fact. It's the inferences that are the rumors. So he didn't wear a pin. Am I supposed to think that means he doesn't love his country? BS. In fact, he was doing it because he DOES. And people who are afraid of him made it into something it wasn't. I hope you're all happy now. He's wearing it again. NOW he's patriotic, right?

Why don't you show us some facts that would lead us to believe Obama is Patriotic to this nation? He is wearing the Flag-pin to get votes, that flip-flopper will do anything to harness the power of the world's greatest nation for his own agendas, none of which are public.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by lee anoma
it was taken during the singing of the national anthem and at a "steak fry".

So you're rebuttal is that the National Anthem isn't important if someone is cooking food nearby? Please list the conditions where you feel patriotic and those where you don't feel patriotic.

United States Code, 36 USC Sec. 301, states that during the playing of "The Star Spangled Banner" ...Those in attendance who are not in uniform should remove any headwear with their right hand and hold it at their left shoulder, with their right hand held over their heart.

Does a steak fry fall under the category of "Patriotic and National Observances"?

Well, if I was at an event where they were displaying a flag the size of a house as the backdrop, I'd call it a patriotic event. You tell me how big flag has to be and exactly who has to sing the song before you consider it patriotic to sing the National Anthem

Obama's ignorance of U.S. code of conduct isn't a free pass. This just shows his naivety, ignorance, and inexperience. While this isn't a flag burning event I can see how the New Yorker links this to the flag burning satire. It's a clear connection that sticks with the heartland of America. Although I suspect the heartland doesn't read the New Yorker.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Dronetek

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by Dronetek
Chris Mathews was all offended by this on Hardball tonight, he than went on to call Obama, Osama.

This is no surprise since he also gets that 'feeling' in his leg when obama speaks.

Mathews is nothing but a political hack.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

No he actually said he feels a "tingle" up his leg.

No, he actually said he feels a 'furrowing up his leg'.
I only gave a general description of what he said and did not feel the need to be precise as it really does not matter.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by dbates

United States Code, 36 USC Sec. 301, states that during the playing of "The Star Spangled Banner" ...Those in attendance who are not in uniform should remove any headwear with their right hand and hold it at their left shoulder, with their right hand held over their heart.

Don't forget the part you left out:

when the flag is displayed, everyone except those in uniform should stand at attention while facing the flag with their right hand over their heart.

Well, if I was at an event where they were displaying a flag the size of a house as the backdrop, I'd call it a patriotic event.

Then NONE of the 4 on stage were following the code because they weren't facing the house-sized flag.

Obama's ignorance of U.S. code of conduct isn't a free pass.

There's no indication that he's ignorant of the code. After all, there are plenty of other pictures of him with his hand on his heart. Again, what does this imply? That he didn't have his hand on hes heart this time? What does that say to you?

[edit on 14-7-2008 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 06:58 PM
Is it obvious to anyone else that the New Yorker did this just to give Obama another chance to play the victim card and make his opponents look bad for something they didn't even do?

That said, it's a hilarious picture.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Dronetek
Chris Mathews was all offended by this on Hardball tonight, he than went on to call Obama, Osama.

Now that flag supposedly only hangs in the Houston office and Obama supporters will say "Maybe Obama doesn't even know about it", but after all the flap about it in the media I can't believe that he wouldn't know something about it.

Its more than one. I posted at least 2 in a previous post and I know there more than that.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by Dronetek]

Seriously, he called him Osama?

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Originally posted by Dronetek
Chris Mathews was all offended by this on Hardball tonight, he than went on to call Obama, Osama.

Now that flag supposedly only hangs in the Houston office and Obama supporters will say "Maybe Obama doesn't even know about it", but after all the flap about it in the media I can't believe that he wouldn't know something about it.

Its more than one. I posted at least 2 in a previous post and I know there more than that.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by Dronetek]

Seriously, he called him Osama?

LOL, yes. I watched it live.

I'll post a video link of it if there is one. Which I'm sure there will be.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Dronetek

COOL, hasn't he done this before?

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by Dronetek

COOL, hasn't he done this before?

Here is a transcript.

MATTHEWS: Well the problem, the problem, Ryan is and you're as smart as I am about this. Let's face it there are lot of people out there who want to believe he's a Muslim, who want to believe that he's too exotic to vote for, for a lot of ethnic reasons. They prefer to think of a guy named Osama Bin, not Osama, there I make the mistake. Barack Obama with a middle name "Hussein," as a Muslim, as someone who is exotic and un-American. It's useful to them to have this kind of art.

He also went on the lament on unsophisticated Americans are.

Yes, hes done this before. Hes even called Osama, Obama.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 07:59 PM
Just the other day Phill Gramm declared us a "Nation of Whiners."

Today Obama proved it.

It's a parody from a magazine known for its parodies.

Never heard Bush whining about any of the several parody covers of him on the New Yorker.

Just more proof that you can't criticize Obama.

Do we really need a "Whiner-in-Chief?"

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 08:03 PM

Never heard Bush whining about any of the several parody covers of him on the New Yorker.

Furthermore, Bush complains about very little, if any of his criticism.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Then NONE of the 4 on stage were following the code because they weren't facing the house-sized flag.

There was probably more than one flag there. It doesn't matter which flag you face. In addition they're most likely watching the person who is singing. (Singing terribly I might add) Yes, there were flags and flags and flags in the audience. Probably all over the place.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 08:55 PM
He looks like the only atheist at a religious prayer.

Who the F*&*% is that "singing"? My stomach hurts from laughter. It sounds like a MAD TV skit or something.

Also, to those saying people dont put their hands on their hearts for the national anthem.

You'll notice some people stand at attention or "at rest". Either way, most people show respect.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by TKainZero

No argument there... BHO has good buddies who ARE KNOWN TERRORISTS... lets them use his house... Do we realy need a president, during our war on terror, who is actuly friends with Real live terrorists, who kill americans, and are mad that they didnt kill more???

What about the Taliban who visited the Bushes Texas ranch in the late nineties?
Or how about Saudi Arabians who made up 15 of the 19 911 hyjackers? I'm pretty sure the current President knows a few Bin Ladens.
Or how about trading arms for hostages like the Iran Contra deal?

So yes, BHO is the only individual to negotiate with terrorists... unfortunatly, he is nogotaiting with them to let them use HIS HOUSE... I cant wait till BHO invites some of his terrorist buddies to the white house... what a scene that will be...
[edit on 7/14/2008 by TKainZero]

I disagree that BHO is the "only" individual to negotiate with terrorists.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 09:18 PM
thing is, knowing the new yorker and having followed all the ludicrous stories about the obamas, it was obvious at a glance what they were doing with this cover. made me laugh...i thought it was very effective at conveying all the lunacy. now, maybe i'm missing something huge, but i have a simple question. how could this NOT be satire?


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