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Cover of the New Yorker: Barack in turban, Michelle with AK-47??

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posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I'm conservative and I don't buy into Obama being a Muslim. I don't believe he's going to implement Sharia law, swear in on the Koran or anything like that.

I DO find his affiliation with Jeremiah Wright questionable. Obama made Wright his spiritual mentor and attended the man's church for 20 years. You can't tell me that he just ignored the pastor's hate speech during that time and attended just for appearances.

Overall I see Obama as a typical politician. His votes and his flip-flops give him away. The fact that throws his affiliations under the bus for politicial gain gives him away.

When he started the race for POTUS I don't think he expected to be hailed as the "Messiah of Change" but once that train left the station he ran with it and has been putting America to the screws based on that mantra ever since. I think he even bought into some of the sensationalist hype himself even though he knows it isn't true. I think America is going to be sorely disappointed with Obama as POTUS and 2 years later, if he is elected, they will be saying "Why did we elect this man? He hasn't kept any of his promises! He hasn't done anything! The economy is still bad. Gas prices are still high. There's no universal health care! What happened!?"

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 01:50 PM
Even though it's kind of funny i still think the magazine went too far. It really pushes the limits of satire and just feeds into some of the misconceptions that people have about Obama. The New Yorker must know that people have these certain fears about Obama but why push it to these extremes. I mean yeah I can understand the turban but his militant wife and the burning flag in the fire? Give me a break.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

This cartoon lets me know Republicans are truely shaking in their underwear. A very bad move and bad taste on New Yorkers part, that will only open the flood gate of satirical McCainisms to make McCain look like a bumbling aged fool.

Just wait till the retaliatory spoof's of McCain emerge from the left. I've seen one of him tied over a jungle tree with his captors fighting over which testicle they'll send into the Pho noodle soup.

This kind of subliminal "2008 menstral show" charater attack on Obama and his wife is not proper... and borders on being just racist!

New Yorker Editor - " Sketch up two of the most feared characters in recent American history... we'll run with the Black Panters and Bin Laden... throw a little Bonnie and Clyde type of love connection... OK, magnify that fist tap... Now put the face of Michelle and Barak on em... YES... NOW WE HAVE DONE OUR PATRIOTIC DUTY AS A MAGAZINE!"

To the New Yorker... remember, mixed in some of those sheep, there are black ones in the family.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by Dronetek
The whole point is to say, "look, this is what conservatives think of Obama". Even though that's completely and utter BS.

So... You DON'T believe these rumors?

Originally posted by Dronetek

Oddly enough people do believe these rumors are fact.

Oddly enough? Perhaps it has something to do with:

1. Mentored 20 years by an anti-American hatemonger.
2. Friends with an outspoken terrorist who bombed pentagon
3. Initially refused to wear US flag pin.
4. People in Virgina are "bitter" and that's why they "cling" "guns and religion".
5. Hammas/Hezbollah endorsed him
6. All of our enemies seem to love him
7. Many of his offices seem to adorn Che Guevara flags.

So, lets not pretend like this is all coming from thin air.

So, it sounds like you DO believe these rumors...

If you speak out, saying that conservatives don't believe these rumors and it is "utter BS" to think so... and then turn around and provide reasons why the rumors are believable, it is just confusing.

Do you believe them or not?

Those aren't rumors......

This cartoon lets me know Republicans are truely shaking in their underwear. A very bad move and bad taste on New Yorkers part, that will only open the flood gate of satirical McCainisms to make McCain look like a bumbling aged fool.

You do know this is a liberal magazine? Cartoons like this are nothing new to Republicans. Condi has got it from big papers like the NYT and LA Times.

As well as many others.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by SIRR1
Truth Hurts!

And my hat is off to the New Yorker.

We are fighting a religous war with Islam and Obama has a Muslum history that needs to be addressed.

If elected President will Obama back the Constitution or the Koran? do know the New Yorker is mocking people like you, right? proof...the average voter won't get the joke.

So you see, my question remains valid.

- Lee

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 03:00 PM
I think the worst part about this is how most of you KNOW what the truth

NONE of us know Obama...NONE of us know the guy who drew this cover..NONE of us know if Obama has done the things people are saying, or if he didn't.

ASSUMPTION is the mother of all F-up's!!! NONE of us know...we only guess and go off emotion..THINKING we know the truth because some reporter or some writier says so.

Bottom line...he wants to be president of the most multi-cultured, a-- backwards, screwed up, social decayed..yet AWESOME country in the world. If your quoted saying a CARTOON is "offensive" and "tasteless" I can't see you then LEADING the american people.

As for all fools claiming racist BS...lets look at one simple thing. Obama is a MILLIONAIRE...a MILLIONAIRE BLACK MAN...A MILLIONAIRE BLACK MAN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF THE USA!!!....the ONLY people still racist are those still blaming the white man for their lazy no good ways..and not being mature enough to look past the idiots who still spew racial comments. Until the day EVERY white person makes more money then EVERY black person...there is no such thing as holding the black man down...ethere is no such thing as oppression....when I go from making $65,000 a year to making that of:

Obama, Michael Jordon, Denzel Washington, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Will Smith, Tyra Banks, Oprah, etc....SHUT THE F UP about blacks being oppressed, about being held down and definitly about racism being so strong these days....its an EXCUSE...plain and simple...

I personally don't give a whoot who wins the election because neither mcain or obama will change the way this country is going...IT WILL NOT get better....and if you think it will or expect this drastic change...I want what ever it is your drinking!!!

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Level X
Just wait till the retaliatory spoof's of McCain emerge from the left.

This kind of subliminal "2008 menstral show" charater attack on Obama and his wife is not proper... and borders on being just racist!

Umm....Earth to level X, the New Yorker is a liberal (leftist) publication. The cartoon was satire to make fun of republicans and conservatives like myself. Do you get it now?

Oh, and how is it racist?

[edit on 14-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 03:30 PM
Art imitates life I suppose. Half of this comes from real life situations. The only thing I couldn't find in real life was Michelle with a gun.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by sos37
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I'm conservative and I don't buy into Obama being a Muslim. I don't believe he's going to implement Sharia law, swear in on the Koran or anything like that.

I DO find his affiliation with Jeremiah Wright questionable. Obama made Wright his spiritual mentor and attended the man's church for 20 years. You can't tell me that he just ignored the pastor's hate speech during that time and attended just for appearances.

Overall I see Obama as a typical politician. His votes and his flip-flops give him away. The fact that throws his affiliations under the bus for politicial gain gives him away.

When he started the race for POTUS I don't think he expected to be hailed as the "Messiah of Change" but once that train left the station he ran with it and has been putting America to the screws based on that mantra ever since. I think he even bought into some of the sensationalist hype himself even though he knows it isn't true. I think America is going to be sorely disappointed with Obama as POTUS and 2 years later, if he is elected, they will be saying "Why did we elect this man? He hasn't kept any of his promises! He hasn't done anything! The economy is still bad. Gas prices are still high. There's no universal health care! What happened!?"

GOOD on ya !!! Some logic... Not that I agree but I respect your rational - If more anti-Obama folks used the tools of discussion like yourself then we would have a better ATS!

On another note I am voting for Obama for one main reason... The sociopathy that you denied in your post(:up
is very dangerous to me. It can lead to Hitlers because it becomes the death of discussion and logical debate. I have noticed the slow and deliberate march towards anything is justifiable if you it can't be proven.

May be a bad reason to vote but I feel very strongly that the republican party has lost its way! Having used the tactics of --you're a patriot or a terrorist lover for years now... I cannot even conceive of the implications of another eight years of this - the honest reality is that the German people went down the same slippery slope in the late 30's. The Nazis used the same tactics which led to only emotional debate - the death of logic led to the anything my party does is justifiable mentality.

Now I am not saying that any of us are Nazis (well certainly not you)... I am saying that the tactics are very similar to that past political climate- dehumanize your enemy's- marginalize your political opposition by using emotional two sentence arguments. I am voting Obama to hopefully quell this mindset!

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by dbates

Originally posted by dbates
Art imitates life I suppose. Half of this comes from real life situations. The only thing I couldn't find in real life was Michelle with a gun.

Well, I actually had to look twice at the pic of her giving hubby a fist bump; at first glance it looked like she had an AK under her arm!

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by Level X
Just wait till the retaliatory spoof's of McCain emerge from the left.

This kind of subliminal "2008 menstral show" charater attack on Obama and his wife is not proper... and borders on being just racist!

Umm....Earth to level X, the New Yorker is a liberal (leftist) publication. The cartoon was satire to make fun of republicans and conservatives like myself. Do you get it now?

Oh, and how is it racist?

[edit on 14-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

I agree with you "WhatTheory" on the merits of your response - it is satire...
I do see how it can be perceived as racist by some -- although the satire is apparent to me

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 04:18 PM

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by dbates
Art imitates life I suppose. Half of this comes from real life situations. The only thing I couldn't find in real life was Michelle with a gun.

Nah art is not imitating life. Lack of research is exhibiting the traps of ignorance.

This wasn't taken during the pledge of allegiance like the chain email claimed, it was taken during the singing of the national anthem and at a "steak fry".

""You're standing with your arms folded and Hillary's got her hand on her heart," she said, adding that she received so many of these emails she is sick of them.

Obama shook his head and smiled.

"This was not during the pledge of allegiance," Obama said of the picture taken at Senator Tom Harkin's, D-Iowa, annual steak fry and first published by Time. "A woman was singing the Star Spangled Banner when that picture was taken.

"I was taught by my grandfather that you put your hand over your heart during the pledge, but during the Star Spangled Banner, you sing!" Obama said.

ABC news

So was I.

We always stood for the song and sang, but pledged during the pledge of allegiance. I have seen many do this. However according to United States Code, 36 USC Sec. 301 during patriotic and national observances:

United States Code, 36 USC Sec. 301, states that during the playing of "The Star Spangled Banner" (United States National Anthem) when the flag is displayed, everyone except those in uniform should stand at attention while facing the flag with their right hand over their heart. Those in attendance who are not in uniform should remove any headwear with their right hand and hold it at their left shoulder, with their right hand held over their heart. Individuals in uniform should show the military salute during the first note of the anthem and stay in this position until the last note. If the flag is not displayed, people in attendance should face the music and respond as if the flag were present. Wiki

Does a steak fry fall under the category of "Patriotic and National Observances"?
Also none of them seem to be facing the flag. Wait...none of them are facing the flag??


This is from Urban regarding the chain mail and photo:

The accompanying email text reads:

Barack Hussein Obama's photo (that's his real name)... the article said he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE... how in the hell can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief????

The photo, taken by Danny Frazier Wilcox for Time magazine, is authentic. An ABC News video confirms that the picture was snapped during a rendition of the national anthem.

The claim that Obama "refused to say the Pledge" at the event is unsubstantiated. There is no record of the senator refusing to do so on any other occasion, and there are photographs and videos showing Obama reciting the Pledge at various events.

Yuh...because he does pledge the flag.
I wish I didn't have to do this but here:

Since we're on the subject of proper patriotic behavior during the pledge, here is a photo that makes one wonder if the current President has his heart in his stomach.

What's that about? Outraged anyone?
Unless he has a unique condition...this is not proper.
Release the hounds!!

NOW...You said you found all but Michelle with a gun.

Is there a real life situation with Obama burning a flag or praising Bin Laden with a portrait of him on the wall?

P.S. Hey guys, what the heck is a "terrorist fist-bump"?

- Lee

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 04:38 PM

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by lee anoma


Bush crossing his guts

The seat of his moral and intellectual prowess

I think I wet myself!

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 05:11 PM
To BH, I respect your opinion on Obama, but the "rumors" Dronotek listed aren't rumors and they do make a lot of sense:

1. Mentored 20 years by an anti-American hatemonger.

We know this to be fact - Jeremiah Wright.

2. Friends with an outspoken terrorist who bombed pentagon

We know this to be fact - Obama was friends with Bill Ayers.

3. Initially refused to wear US flag pin.

We know this to be fact as pointed out in the previously posted pics.

4. People in Virgina are "bitter" and that's why they "cling" "guns and religion".

We know this to be fact - It was made during one of his campaign speeched and it spawned the term "Bittergate".

5. Hammas/Hezbollah endorsed him

We know this to be fact and we can guess why - Obama is super-soft when it comes to matters of national security and the war on terror! Of course they want him in office! They want our troops out of Iraq, out of the Middle East completely so they can tend to their own terrorist agenda!

6. All of our enemies seem to love him

See above - this is obvious why

7. Many of his offices seem to adorn Che Guevara flags.

I admit that this one I had to do some research on. The flag in question in the Cuban flag with a picture of Ernesto "Che" Guavara superimposed on it. Guavara was a Marxist revolutionary, politician, author, physician and guerilla leader. He was also a mass murderer.

Now that flag supposedly only hangs in the Houston office and Obama supporters will say "Maybe Obama doesn't even know about it", but after all the flap about it in the media I can't believe that he wouldn't know something about it.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by dbates

I'm with you. I don't care what your disposition, this is so over the top... You would have to be a stone to not bust out in an ear to ear grin.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by mental modulator
Bush crossing his guts

Strangely appropriate considering that he leads the nation with them.

Boy...makes you wonder why all those outraged over a potentially president weren't more vocal when this moron was sinking the country.

Eh...maybe we will all be covering our guts after the blow about to be delivered from this financial nightmare on the horizon.

- Lee

[edit on 14-7-2008 by lee anoma]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by sos37
2. Friends with an outspoken terrorist who bombed pentagon

We know this to be fact - Obama was friends with Bill Ayers.

Obama was friends with a terrorists?

I did know that the Bush family has had over thirty years of friendship with the Bin
Laddens ... You mean Obama is friends with Bin Laddens or what???

Are you saying there is more to 9/11 then meets the eye?

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 05:48 PM
It's amazing how pictures like this draw so much reaction from people. Reminds me of the Don Imus thing, people need to get over it. The team was demanding apologies from Don Imus and I'm sure there will be those that demand an apology for this "distasteful" picture in an identical fashion. In a country where we have free speech, this shouldn't be much of a shocker.

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