posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 08:51 AM
Originally posted by TruthTellist
reply to post by audas
Could you please back up your statements with some facts and /or documents as does David Icke?
[edit on 15-7-2008 by TruthTellist]
I actually disagree that David Icke does back up the things he says with fact and documents. I don't mean everything he says, but subtle things that
are very easy to miss are not backed up by facts.
Actually the more I watch David Icke videos the more I start to look for the disinformation. David is a pro at this, I don't know if he does it
accidentally or as I rather suspect on purpose, but in every film he does there are subtle bit's of disinformation and if you are not quick you
completly miss them.
David in the film read from an artilce that said they were starting to micro-chip the homeless, when I first heard this I was alarmed. I was watching
the movie for a second time and decided to check this fact out. The article he read from was an April fools joke.
I am not knocking David, it could have been an honest mistake, but I really am starting to think it's not. It happens too frequently with him, and he
is so good at slipping this stuff in, that most times it's missed.
David Icke speaks to millions with his speaches and videos. It took me five minutes to check the validity of this one thing, why didn't he take the
time or have someone check the validity for him? Or maybe he did?
I just start to see a pattern with him, but since I am starting to know what to look for, I am starting to catch it when he does things like this.
Again, I missed this the first time around, and it was only after a second viewing that I caught on to this.
Much like his stuble bits of disinformation, is there a subtle hidden agenda not being seen.?