posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:26 PM
Hello everyone,
Beware, for you're being milsed dangerously, to the brink of the world as we know it, pushing you to upheaval again something you don't really have
a clue about, and the real evil force, which is not what David Icike is describing you will crush you in the chaos...
David Icke, knowingly or not, is actually working FOR the enemy...
Don't forget that a good manipulation requires a great deal or truths!
Ask yourself how can one sanely mix everything up, like the Knight Templars work for the global elite! Bul#! Remember : DONT TAKE ANYTHING AS A FACT
Today Knight Templars are very different groups, and some like the knight of Malta are even claiming the heritage, despite that they're directly
related to the Vatican which, along a corrupt royalty, destroyed the Templars organisations ... Today many Knight Templars are AGAINST this huge
manipulation, and usurpation! Look deeply in history, and search for the true meaning of Illuminati... We need to know what we're talking about! And
here's the point : saying that the Templars, Illuminati, occultist and magicians are responsible of the conspiracy against the human race is deadly
wrong! The real enemies are behind the fraud, which is not about Illumanated beings! The so called royal bloodlines Icke is talking about, don't go
really further back the years 800, when the Vatican eradicated the ancient Kings and replaced them by their puppets. That's your "aristocracy"
which is actually a fraud, which is the front of the real enemy, indeed in shadows! And here's the very sensitive point : if, by various influences
such as Icke's speaches and books (should I say?) you see as the enemy everything that bears a link to magic, occultism, kabbalah, etc. and by this
influence somehow to rush against them, you play the game of the real enemy which looks forward to destroy every souls truly able to defeat them!!!
Dig this, brothers and sisters! These very Arcane Keys you're being led to see as evil, are the very keys that can help us all! That's why they try
to destroy everything about it, in a massive public popular outburst of rage and rebellion... The real enemy will just have to finish you in the
end.... And believe it, it will be very easy...
So dig this out my friends, things aren't what they seem to be. Remember that the enemies are the deceivers...
God Bless You and Help us All