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Rare Footage -- Flight 93 Shootdown Award

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posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:08 PM
"Happy Hooligan" Major Rick Gibney Wins Airman's Medal For Shooting Down United Airlines Flight 93:

Google Video Link =1&hl=en

[edit on 9-7-2008 by GoldenFleece]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:22 PM
Donald Rumsfeld says UA Flight 93 shot down:

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 02:26 AM
Hi Goldenfleece, where in the video is the airman presented with the medal, and where is it mentioned he shot down flight 93??

I watched the whole video and though he was mentioned (and I believe present), I didnt see reference to this?

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 03:19 AM
I'm not sure if the mods will let me post the entire article, but I'll give it a try because I think it's important information. The Air Force Colonel who disclosed the pilot's name speaks of him as a good, honest man with high integrity who was simply following orders -- a patriot who was lied to and deceived by the Bush administration. I agree.
June 28, 2004

Col. Don de Grand-pre first broke the story of the Happy Hooligans and the shootdown of Flight 93 during his interview on The Alex Jones Show back in February.

Alex spoke with Col. De Grand-Pre today, who confirms the information in this article.

Lets Roll 911 | June 28 2004

LetsRoll has discovered the name of the pilot as well as all other pertinent information regarding this incident;

"At precisely 0938 hours, an alarm was sounded at Langely Air Force Base, and those whom were on call, drinking coffee, were scrambled. Thus the 119th Fighter Wing was off for an intercept.

They, the Happy Hooligans, a unit of 3 F-16 aircraft, were ordered to head toward Pennsylvania. At 0957 they spotted their target; After confirmation orders were received, A one Major Rick Gibney fired two sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in mid flight at precisely 0958;

He was awarded a medal from the Governor one year later for his heroic actions. As well as Decorated by Congress on 9/13/2001. The Happy Hooligans were previously stationed in North Dakota, and moved to Langley Air Force base some months before 911 occured on a "temporary assignment."

Major Rick Gibney did as he was ordered and did nothing criminal. He was merely following orders, of which he had no choice. Please do not harrass this man or bother him for doing what his CO & ultimately George Bush, ordered him to do. Major Rick Gibney has no reason to feel guilty nor regret following orders. The fault lies with his superiors, and a one, certain President George Bush who planned and engineered 911. Please do not heap any kind of abuse onto this man, a crack fighter pilot, one of the best in our nation, for doing what he was trained and ordered to do. He is a good man, honest and full of integrity as well as unlimited discipline. He is a patriot, and was lied to and deceived.

He had no way to know that this plane wasn't a 'hostile.' Nor could he have. The fault lies with his superiors, and President George 'Dubya' Bush.

Flight 93 has now been forever solved by truth, and honest reporting and investigating, from

Major Rick Gibney, please do not read this as anything but the truth that the world deserves to know as true history. You played a part, but it was your superiors who deceived both you and everyone else regarding Flight 93. I didn't relish printing your name, as you're innocent of any evil doing. Yet it's history, and truth, and the world deserves to know.

And you're safer now that this truth is out there, than if it was not.

But the world would appreciate an honest reply and statement from you on this issue, but only when you're able and ready.

The source of this information Mr. Gibney was very careful to point out your high quality of character and lack of malice or malfeasance in these issues. Your integrity is no way harmed by these revelations, as you were ignorant of the total picture of what was happening that day, and following orders as you were trained to do in an emergency.

I apologize for having to print your name, but felt it necessary for both the truth to come forward, and your own safety.

Major Rick Gibney..."Lets Roll"


[edit on 10-7-2008 by GoldenFleece]

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 03:52 AM
And then there's this, from the Mayor of Shanksville:

FBI is silent, fueling "shot down" rumors

Philadelphia Daily News
November 18, 2001
[email protected]

SHANKSVILLE, Pa. - Ernie Stuhl is the mayor of this tiny farming borough that was so brutally placed on America's psychic map on the morning of Sept. 11, when United Airlines Flight 93 slammed nose-down into the edge of a barren strip-mine moonscape a couple of miles outside of town.

A 77-year-old World War II veteran and retired Dodge dealer, he's certainly no conspiracy theorist.

And, when you ask Stuhl for his theory of what caused the jetliner to crash that morning, he will give you the prevailing theory - that a cockpit battle between the hijackers and burly, heroic passengers somehow caused the Boeing 757 to spiral out of control. "There's no doubt in my mind that they did put it down before it got to Washington and caused more damage," he said.

But press the mayor for details, and he will add something surprising.

"I know of two people - I will not mention names - that heard a missile," Stuhl said. "They both live very close, within a couple of hundred yards. . .This one fellow's served in Vietnam and he says he's heard them, and he heard one that day." The mayor adds that based on what he knows about that morning, military F-16 fighter jets were "very, very close."

If the mayor of Shanksville still seems conflicted about what caused the crash of Flight 93 two months ago, he is hardly alone. As the initial shock of Sept. 11 wears off, the crash some 80 miles east of Pittsburgh, and what caused it, is beginning to emerge as the greatest mystery from the worst terrorist attack in American history...

Between USAF Col. Don de Grand-pre's revelations, Rumsfeld's freudian slip, the Mayor of Shanksville's mention of air-to-air missiles and the lack of wreckage at the crash site, this one seems pretty conclusive.

If the Bush administration would lie about Flight 93 being shot down and WMDs in Iraq, what else are they lying about?

I think more than most people will ever imagine...

[edit on 10-7-2008 by GoldenFleece]

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 06:34 AM
SO apart from "The Alex Jones Show" where in the video does it say anything about the flight? GoldenFleece

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by InterWeb
SO apart from "The Alex Jones Show" where in the video does it say anything about the flight? GoldenFleece

Well 1 thing that gives it away is. Its annoucned that Major Gibney made a "special" flight that day.

He also gets 2 awards when the other pilots only get 1.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 06:51 AM
Just curious...goldenfleece, care to post your real name and address on here? So I can give it to Col Gibney next time he or one of the other Hooligans passes through my base?

I've been told he is considering taking legal actions against people who continue to slander him.........

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
I've been told he is considering taking legal actions against people who continue to slander him.........

Why don't you ask him why he recieved the second award.

I will gladly give him my name and e-mail to contact me.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by InterWeb
SO apart from "The Alex Jones Show" where in the video does it say anything about the flight? GoldenFleece

Well 1 thing that gives it away is. Its annoucned that Major Gibney made a "special" flight that day.

He also gets 2 awards when the other pilots only get 1.

Yeah, he flew to Billings, MT and picked up the Director of Emergency Management for New York and flew him back to New York. He flew from Fargo ND. If he was in Fargo, how did he take off from Langley to shoot down Flight 93?

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Yeah, he flew to Billings, MT and picked up the Director of Emergency Management for New York and flew him back to New York.

How fast can an F-16 make it from New York to PA ?

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 07:13 AM
Except for the fact that he was flying TO New York, in a two seat F-16, with a civilian in the back seat, AT THE EXACT SAME TIME that he was supposedly shooting down Flight 93. So unless he shot it down with this guy in the back seat watching, or he found a way for his F-16 to be in two places at once, he didn't shoot the plane down.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
So unless he shot it down with this guy in the back seat watching, or he found a way for his F-16 to be in two places at once, he didn't shoot the plane down.

Why was he given an award for transporting a civilian?

Do we have times when he picked up and dropped off his so called passenger?

Do we know if his plane was armed?

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Zaphod58

That makes a lot of sense now, doesn't it, that F-16s were being used to ferry civilians around on 9/11.

It stretches credulty beyond all limits to suggest that Gibney was given a special award for his high-speed civilian taxi service on 9/11.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 11:05 AM
Fighters have been used to carry civilians around before during major disasters. It's the fastest way to get a gov't official to the scene. They will also be used in the future to ferry a civilian around as well. They are unarmed when they do, because there is no reason for them to be armed. It's not like they're going to be put anywhere near harms way with a gov't official onboard.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 11:19 AM
I am having a hard time sifting through all this different info from both sides. Am I correct in saying that this pilot was a Major when Col. Donn de Grand talked to ?Alex Jones? and said that he shot down the plane, and now the guy is a Lt. Col.(next rank above Major, correct?) and says no comment?

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 11:29 AM
Yes, he was a Major at the time. He's since been promoted to Lt Col. As for him admitting he did it the only "conversation" I have found where he "admits" anything is where it says beforehand "IMAGINE the conversation between them where he admits doing it." Col Gibney has never said that he fired anything at the aircraft that I have ever found.

If you read some of the information that is posted, it's very conflicting, and some of it just downright wrong. For example, it claims they scrambled 3 F-16s. Alert birds ALWAYS fly in pairs. There would have been either 2 or 4 launched, not 3. One identifies the aircraft to be intercepted, and tries to make contact with the aircraft, through either radio, or hand signals. While that one is trying to communicate the wingman is behind them in firing position just in case.

[edit on 7/10/2008 by Zaphod58]

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Zaphod58

That's right, and unlike the information you posted in another thread, he's never denied it.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

So not denying it is the same as admitting it?
So what if he's never denied it, that doesn't prove anything either. He may just not want to discuss things from that day because he's had personal information plastered all over the web, and because he's been harrassed since his name got posted as being the pilot that shot down flight 93.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 11:42 AM


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