posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:46 PM
Came upon this thread due to an email, yesterday.
Will contribute.
First, a magician (for lack of a better word), for decades.
"Mystic," is in there, as well as, "prophet."
"Mad scientist," for electronic and bio-chemistry technological components, for which the appellation, "warped genius," was given in late 70s.
History goes way back, as in childhood.
Specialized program from the 1st grade on....
Must be disappointment to TPTB, as turned back upon, as an adult, in '81.
Enough pedigree.
To points.
People have been, and are, often enough going through reality shifts, i.e. jumping/shifting into parallels.
Most just are not/have not been aware.
Accounts for much of the, "poor communication," and misunderstandings in life.
Some shifts are more radical than others. Most have been/are very subtle.
Count it a blessing (of a sort) to be aware of such.
Going to address some things brought up by other posters in this thread.
It may, or may not, serve other readers well to look at initial posts in reading/interpreting what will be said.
Poster, "Atlantican," on page 14:
That, "being cut off," you mentioned, as well as attribution to wireless technologies, is going on..
There really IS a war of a sort.
If you will get a detailed list of additives in foods, as well as vitamins, you will find that many are used in electronics.
As in electro/piezo and other applications. No accident they are there, and have been for years.
And are in you.
Television, 60 cycle hum as carrier wave, resonance factor, have been sufficient for many years.
The ante has been upped with chemtrail additives, wireless technologies from modest towers to massive arrays.
For control, manipulation.
Poster, "Mirador," on page 28:
You are on to something, having been sensitized to a degree.
And it is, "Big," as in the something large and invisible moving.
A Tripartate, "Thing."
Alchemists who stumbled upon it, wrote of it.
In their excitement they attempted to tell of it without, "spilling the beans."
Analogies exist in every world religion.
It is, "alive," and truly, the bedrock foundation of all that is.
Those who have cognizant access to this, are creators, and at that, from the very foundation, bedrock, of reality.
The Creator of creators has, and will, "give," this to this one and that one.
When it is so given, the receivers are no longer agents for their own behests. They are soldiers, servants, of the Most High.
There are those who Take this, in so far as it can be taken.
It can be taught (though to a lesser degree than that which has been, "given," to specific, chosen, pre-ordained agents).
And used against the grain. Renegades.
Hence, a War on earth, a War in the heavenly (cosmic) regions.
The, "lawful," receivers have this in a purer form, and it is most powerful.
However, being servants, when functioning as operators, they are instruments of something Greater.
Not for themselves.
Those who, "Take," it, are not functioning, Directly, on behalf of The Ultimate Good.
It is for purposes of power, domination.
Arthur C. Clark has come up in this thread.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Those who have, "Taken," this thing, which is a violent act, have it to a lesser degree, as stated.
It is sought to enhance it, unlock keys to greater power, through technological means.
Which is possible, but only to a point. This far, and no further.
That point is where things really hit the fan, which such territory has already been entered into, the beginning of that, "point."
The writer of this contribution became fully operational in late 80s.
Only as required, is this, "Thing," opened, input, utilization, closed/locked, witness/live effect.
As of late, much requirement, opening, input, utilization. This particular Soldier dusted off, upgraded, put into Daily Operation.
The U.S. is slated for great unpleasantness (this is understatement), populace tested/weighed and founding wanting in the balance.
Get your Souls ready.