This post is in now way an attempt to "flame" the OP, or really, achieve anything negative for that matter. I believe in a lot of crazy things, and
even some that have no facts to provide substance.
First off, thanks for sharing the story.
This story is hard to believe... rather, more appropriately, it is hard to stomach. At first I felt pretty darn skeptical about it due to the nature
in which the story was relayed to the public. It started off with many explanations as to why it was presented in the manner that it was, then
preceeded to a sensational story with many references to "the good news"...
This is what initially strengthened my skeptisism. Though we know next to nothing about extraterrestial entities, it is hard to imagine a species with
the technology to get in the house without a hitch then make a sound to awaken its owners. The point made by... it's way back in the thread so
forgive me for not finding the appropriate owner... about the cleaners being able to scrub down (human terms) the room without a sound yet the
singular alien was goofy-footed sounds contradictory. Though the possibly remains that they could have put the fam to sleep during this clean-up, why
would they not have done it initially before the first event? And if the alien's friends were up in the craft, why didn't they come and get his
back? If they saw their kind get mangled, why did they not come through and blast the entire house to kingdom come (pardon the disturbing imagery)?
Now, I think it's important to see this thread being written by somebody who has garnered some respect on this site, but in reverse, we have to
analyze this post minus that detail just the same. I can imagine if somebody without 10000 points (like me) had written that story... just as we can
embrace credibility for the reason that he is respected here, we must also look at the 10000 points of ATS experience as training and methods with
which to relay the story in the best, most convincing manner that would hit upon all of the points that would be brought up associated to such a story
(such as a witness, a family-type situation we all can relate to, pictures, sketches, etc.)
To Dan, I am trying to understand your emotional state, but it's pretty critical that you welcome
all reasonable posts, as you can witness how
any thread on here gets dissected (any unreasonable post, of course, is unwarranted).
Another part that felt really weird was when his wife started to post. This is pure speculation on my part based on zero expertise so... the writing
seemed... off. It could be the language relay... it could be a style, a preference, a peculiarity... but it just felt off. The points that were
mentioned rang a bell, and so did other little things such as the... almost forced-style in different writing. The other, better (jk
) half of the
same person. Perhaps this is what marraige is like, but I found oddities with how "husband" was used. I cannot put my finger on it but the text was
just... off.
The mundane meandering on ATS in the days right after the incident rang a really big bell. The delay in the response and the response itself to
inquiries about this rang strange. Indeed there was sufficient time to come up with the reply, but it could have simply been a matter of sleep time
and no response time. Perhaps if the OP was indulging in similar encounters and experiences, or doing mad research on the subject, this would have
been a wee bit easier to stomach as a victim of a traumatic, life-
altering experience.
The anger expressed in the posts directed towards the opposition also alarmed me. The only way that I could understand this reaction would be due to
the comments made against his family. But, as any sensational story here, all of the questions/debunkers/sleuths are going to have their take on this.
If me, and many others felt one way about the peculiarities of the text (another one besides the one stated earlier would be how certain things are
capitalized and then they're not, which is apparent in both) from both Dan and his wife, then it warrants a discussion, no?
It has to be admitted that, despite the gracious postings of many pictures and drawings, they are far from proof and lack the ability of being fact.
The events that Dan may have gone through... seem to speak of a primitive sort of ET, as one getting stabbed a hundred times would speak of the ET's
ability to use his wits and technology to avoid such a confrontation.
It must be hard to retain a job after such an experience, with messing up your sleeping schedule and mental health and all.
Another thing to note is how the mood of the storytelling has abruptly changed from a descriptive, stab-by-stab account of the events, to an
introspective one. This is reasonable, but the thoroughly descriptive recollection
mixed with the weapon-mongering, and the constant reminder
of "the good news"... this methodology seemed pretty inconsistent with the topic at hand, plus the peculiar emphasis on certain things made the
story seem fabricated, rather than honest. This is just an opinion, so take it for what it is.
I just read the post on the anomoly of the picture of the ring finger being posted from the States, but I will wait for the OP's reply.
And last, but not least, is the tone taken from the OP as the thread gets bigger and bigger. I cannot quite put my finger on it... but the tone does
not feel like it is, at all, matched to the genesis of this thread. It is utterly different, and rather than engage in a fascination of the subject,
it wanders off into just another run-o'-the-mill chit chat.
I state, again, that these are my opinions (and some other opinions I agree with), and I could be wrong, no doubt. But these questions/inquiries still
Engaging, at the least.