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A Widow's War on Yobs.

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posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Shazam The Unbowed

Alas, The state of Florida didn't deport me, the federal government did. The fact that I had lived in the United States since I was a toddler, spoke only english, had went to college, paid taxes, worked all my adult life and led a law abiding life made no difference in the end. In the end it was actually voting that got me booted - It's a crime to vote if you aren't a citizen and that alone is what doomed me. I was told by my very expenisve lawyer that he could probably keep me in the country for about 25K. Instead I went back to Switzerland, the country of my birth but of which I knew nothing, and had my eyes opened to what life could be like. Relativley safe, economically sound and I got that pesky mole removed for free on the excellent Swiss health care system ( for free ).

I still think "American". I was shocked when I first came to the UK that I couldn't own a gun! I've gotten used to it though. I consider the UK my adopted country now and think it is a great place and the people are generally good and true.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Cantwara

Then you really need to review the way your posting because as it happens son, you're coming across exactly like that.

No thats how you interpert it.

And it's 999 (I thought you'd been here and were an expert on us Brits??)

Never claimed to be an expert. Again, when you put word in soemone else mouth, it just proves you cant deal with what they actually said.

Our govt, police force and institutions are so soaked with political correctness and our streets are rank with pathetic, cowardly little gang bangers, both of which came flying across the pond from your neck of the woods.

Nice try. Check your history though.
1) England has had gangsters since before there was an America.
2) PC was developed on your side of the pond, which is why our liberals adopted it in the first place.

But i suppose your right, when the powers that be fail to act in the best intersts of the people sooner or later they need to take matters into their own hands. We may be a people that are inured to allowing the authorities to take their sweet time but sleeping lions are still lions for all that.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Cantwara]

Up untill the moment an elephant tramples thier slleping bodies underfoot. Sleep too late, you never wake up again. Just ask the german jews. They slept too late as well, and by the time they woke up, it was too late for most.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Shazam The Unbowed
Or you could try to reform your nation.

Nice thought but it's way past fixing.
Unfortunately it's not the UK government we have to contend with.

People still can't get used to the fact politicians are puppets for the real powers.
Yeah OK this is the topic of conspiracy and NWO..
But fact is fact.

The 'politicians' are there to be the public face,take the flak and make as much cash as they possibly can out of it.. and the worst offenders are the US..

You think Bush makes any real decisions?Coz I don't I wouldn't trust him with the remote for the TV.

Uk is without a doubt a huge 'testing ground' for new laws and ever expanding removal of freedoms..US is only a step behind.

When people start to complain too much about CCTV and new restrictions... Hey ho.. slap them with new price hikes,threats of oil and food shortages,war,climate change.. well basically anything you can think of to take their minds off the new surveillance crap..

When a politician is really voted into office.. not placed.. and when he or she DOESN'T have vast controlling stakes and shares in companies that make millions or billions out of war or meds..and WHEN he doesn't 'sell his' story.. hire out his 'consultation' for companies..take 'donations' etc..

Then and only then I will believe a politician is in it for 'the people' and respect his decisions,however controversial or negative they may seem to me personally..

Until that happens you can only realise that there is a bigger picture and the increasing lawlessness is also part of that picture.

If we're all criminals then they have the perfect excuse to tag us..
well my twitching corpse anyway..

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Merigold
reply to post by Shazam The Unbowed

Alas, The state of Florida didn't deport me, the federal government did. The fact that I had lived in the United States since I was a toddler, spoke only english, had went to college, paid taxes, worked all my adult life and led a law abiding life made no difference in the end. In the end it was actually voting that got me booted - It's a crime to vote if you aren't a citizen and that alone is what doomed me.

Well then the fed made a good decision for once. No offense, but you shouldnt have been voting.

I was told by my very expenisve lawyer that he could probably keep me in the country for about 25K. Instead I went back to Switzerland, the country of my birth but of which I knew nothing, and had my eyes opened to what life could be like. Relativley safe, economically sound and I got that pesky mole removed for free on the excellent Swiss health care system ( for free ).

Its safe, because virtually every swissman is armed. LIke i have said elsewhere, and armed populace reduces crime. Economically sound? They damn well better be considering they are the world's bank. As to socialised healthcare, its not hard to make work in a tiny country with a high income.

I still think "American". I was shocked when I first came to the UK that I couldn't own a gun! I've gotten used to it though. I consider the UK my adopted country now and think it is a great place and the people are generally good and true.

I could never stand it there. Had to go to london a lot for business and the only good thing was the Txi's. Expensive but they could speak english and knew the city.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by AGENT_T

Personally I dont buy into the NWO idea. I just dont think it passes the smell test. In order to be even half of what people claim it would require litterally thousands of people to be cooperating in conspiracy, and no conspiracy of that size can remain hidden. I guess you could say I see no need for conspiracy when basic human apathy and ignorance can explain the exact same trends without any conspiracy.

However I think you may be right thats its too late to save the UK. Between the omnipresent surveilience, confiscatory economic policies, and the disarming of your citizenry, all the tools necessary to overthrow the government, either through elections or through revolt, seem to have been lost to you.

And thats the real reason Americans guard thier 2nd A rights so fiercley. We know that once that one's gone, the rest will follow lickety-split.

Freedom of speech, of religon of assembly, none are worth the paper they are printed on if you dont have the tools to gurantee them.

[edit on 7/7/2008 by Shazam The Unbowed]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Shazam The Unbowed

Its safe, because virtually every swissman is armed

No. It's safe because the Swiss are socially more mature then the Americans or the English for that matter.

Yeah - I know what a horrible crime it was when I turned 18 and went to vote for the first time. I was so proud and so excited to be part of something! I remember in school how they encouraged us to vote and to become responsible citizens, and having grown up in America, speaking only English, hell I kinda felt American - damn right I voted, I felt at the time it was my duty as an American ( even if only in thought ). Oh well.

Now, ironies of ironies they are still begging me to send in my vote almost 5 years after telling me I didn't deserve to stay in what I beleived at the time to be my home, my country, the idea that I still to this day love and admire. I forgot sometimes that I wasn't legally an American because in my heart I was as much an American as you. Being an American is a lot more then a lapel or a fluttering flag

Now that I have chosen England to be the keeper of my patriotic heart I find it is my duty once again to become involved and to care which is why the OP resonates with me. It is our duty as citizens ( or legal residents as I am of the UK) to act.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Merigold

No. It's safe because the Swiss are socially more mature then the Americans or the English for that matter.

Switzerland has one of the highest per capita gun ownership rates in the world. If you really think that doesnt have a major effect on "social maturity" (whatever the ehck that is) you might want to think again. Or to put it another way, men in the old west were usually very polite, The fact that everyone had a gun had nothing to do with it of course.

Yeah - I know what a horrible crime it was when I turned 18 and went to vote for the first time. I was so proud and so excited to be part of something! I remember in school how they encouraged us to vote and to become responsible citizens, and having grown up in America, speaking only English, hell I kinda felt American - damn right I voted, I felt at the time it was my duty as an American ( even if only in thought ). Oh well.

Nice spin. Really, vote fraud was your duty as an american? Why havent the dems come up with that one?

Now, ironies of ironies they are still begging me to send in my vote almost 5 years after telling me I didn't deserve to stay in what I beleived at the time to be my home, my country, the idea that I still to this day love and admire. I forgot sometimes that I wasn't legally an American because in my heart I was as much an American as you. Being an American is a lot more then a lapel or a fluttering flag

Not where the law is concerned. Stop whinging, you broke the law, you paid the price. Thats how a healthy society is supposed to work. The absentee ballots? Well thats how beuracracy DOES work.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Shazam The Unbowed
In order to be even half of what people claim it would require litterally thousands of people to be cooperating in conspiracy,

I don't pretend to know 'what half of the people claim'.
But all I think it would take is the handful of elitist d£$*wads who financially control everything.


After all these are the things that everyones seems to want most.

The rest of the people involved just go about doing what they do..but pretend to be in charge.

Getting off topic so I'll quit there tho..

Back on topic.. it seems that there are two choices..

Since the lines have been so badly smudged now and the system is giving better rights to the unlawful..then join them in your own unlawful way..

Just don't join the dregs in the way you choice to practice your 'new rights'..

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by AGENT_T

I don't pretend to know 'what half of the people claim'.
But all I think it would take is the handful of elitist d£$*wads who financially control everything.


I understand the idea, but I still dont buy it. Mainly because at least here in America, the elites from 50 years ago, no longer are. Over 75% of those on the forbes 500 list made their fortune themselves.

After all these are the things that everyones seems to want most.

Which is why they are so hard, if not impossible IMO, to control.
Interesting study I read once. Researchers placed bacterial spores on a petri dish with a perfectly geographiocly even supply of food. After just a few hours however, the bacteria had reached a point where a small percentage of bacteria had possesion of most of the resources. Whats interesting is that as this experiment ran, the reasearchers found that even though there was almost no way to predict which particualr bacterial descendents would be the "rich bacteria" and even though the actually linage of those "rich bacterium" changed with each generation, the distribution remained nearly cnstant. Alos interesting was that it almost perfectly mimiced the balance of assets among US income quintiles. The point is, in any system with finite resources, the most competitive life forms are going to dominate and take most of the assets, sicne they are the ones who are most adept at competition.

The rest of the people involved just go about doing what they do..but pretend to be in charge.

Again, its just too far fetched for me. Given the ego of our last few presidents, I cant buy any of them as "puppets"
Well maybe clinton, as long as they supplied him with women he probably would have been relived not to make decisions.

Back on topic.. it seems that there are two choices..

I prefer right and left (aka wrong :roll
But seriously, it doesnt have to be that black and whiteor It shouldnt have to be anyway.

Since the lines have been so badly smudged now and the system is giving better rights to the unlawful..then join them in your own unlawful way..

Just don't join the dregs in the way you choice to practice your 'new rights'..

I always figgered an unjust law wasnt worth followign anyway.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Shazam The Unbowed
Well maybe clinton, as long as they supplied him with women he probably would have been relived not to make decisions.

And GW's coke and alcohol?

Reagan's Jellybeans?

You just have to look at the dork 'in power' now in the UK.. he's had to do more u-turns than me with my stoopid retarded satnav..
Someone had to be pulling his strings when he went too far.
It wasn't the people because who cares what we think?

And unjust laws? well where do you start ignoring them.. me? it was around the time schools were getting sued because kids fell over and scratched their knees in playgrounds.. or they put warnings on packets of nuts saying
"warning.. may contain nuts"
.. you don't say.!!!

Sniffer dogs have to wear hush puppies??

They're generating enough Nancies here which is why I disagree with importing more.. and putting them in red berets and camo.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by AGENT_T]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 11:02 AM
So you're born and raised on foreign soil with a clean background, no criminal record, a good works ethic and a patriotic heart only to get kicked out for doing what you were told to do and vote.


They could of said naughty-naughty, given you a slap on the wrist and kept your ecomony boosting work ethics instead of paying for all the legal work and the cost of deportation. They could also have saved trees, too.

Oh, and having visited Switzerland many a time, not very many people carry guns around with them - they're issued by the army and for the most part, stay at home.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Shazam The Unbowed

No thats how you interpert it.

Because that's how you present it, and I've just checked a few other posts of yours as well, troll with a chip on your shoulder about the Brits.

Never claimed to be an expert. Again, when you put word in soemone else mouth, it just proves you cant deal with what they actually said.

Then don't tout opinion as fact, or tell us all what we are and aren't. You're no expert at all.

Nice try. Check your history though.
1) England has had gangsters since before there was an America.
2) PC was developed on your side of the pond, which is why our liberals adopted it in the first place.

Matter of semantics here, but, regardless of who originated the idea, how PC has come to be interpreted and applied, caught on there first then came here Likewise the gangsta culture, ie, infants running around with no self control acting like the whole neighbourhoods their big schoolyard to terrorise is very much a departure from any previous models and originates from your shores.

Up untill the moment an elephant tramples thier slleping bodies underfoot. Sleep too late, you never wake up again. Just ask the german jews. They slept too late as well, and by the time they woke up, it was too late for most.

Then that would indeed be a tragedy, that it could happen to such a fine people as the British, and it should serve as a lesson for all, that if it happens to us, it can happen to anyone. Still though we have a habit of fighting hardest when the hour is darkest, so I wouldn't write us off just yet. And I'm sure you only have the best interests of the British people at heart, so would hope for that outcome too.

From now on I'm discussing the OP that I put up, not getting sidetracked by p***ing contests.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Cantwara]

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Cantwara]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Cantwara

Because that's how you present it, and I've just checked a few other posts of yours as well, troll with a chip on your shoulder about the Brits.

Ohh nice try. Whenever you cant argue someones position, just call them a troll. Works every time ey?

Then don't tout opinion as fact, or tell us all what we are and aren't. You're no expert at all.

I can however recognise objective reality. If you disagree, then why not try actually posting opposing evidence rather than simply saying "your wrong cause I said so!"

Matter of semantics here, but, regardless of who originated the idea, how PC has come to be interpreted and applied, caught on there first then came here

Not semantics. PC was invented and devolped on your side of the pond. Our liberals only adopted it, becasue of thier euro-fetish. Which is also why, unsurprisingly, your culture is far far more PC than mine. Afterall we dont put people on police watch lists simply because they state unpopular opinions.

Likewise the gangsta culture, ie, infants running around with no self control acting like the whole neighbourhoods their big schoolyard to terrorise is very much a departure from any previous models and originates from your shores.

I take it they dont teach british history in british schools anymore?
The simple fact is the earliest "ganster culture" in America was a direct import from england. The earliest gangs were all irish and british, mainly from rural areas. Nice try, but again wrong.

Then that would indeed be a tragedy, that it could happen to such a fine people as the British, and it should serve as a lesson for all, that if it happens to us, it can happen to anyone.

No, just those who trust government to guarantee thier rights and protect thier freedoms. If on the other hand you dont trust, and dont abdicate your rights, it doesnt happen.

Still though we have a habit of fighting hardest when the hour is darkest, so I wouldn't write us off just yet. And I'm sure you only have the best interests of the British people at heart, so would hope for that outcome too.

Dont care either way, either you all serve as further proof of natural selection, or you wise up. Either way, it dont hurt us none.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:53 PM
To be frank, I'm British and have very little faith in my own people any more. We've record levels of drug abuse, underage drinking, and kids pissing on cars, leaving us with little to be proud of.

My partner is a proud liberal and while I respect her views, I can't say I often agree with her. I believe things are going down the drain for a number of reasons, and I've listed these below;

1) 'Human rights' have made it virtually impossible to discipline our increasingly de-sensitized youth. If I was screwing about, a whack with a wooden spoon would put me back in place. Do I resent the use of force? Hell bloody no - it made me who I am today. Surely it's a human right to walk down the streets without being mugged?
2) Underage drinking and increased drug abuse. If you're caught with either of the aforementioned but fall under the age of responsibility, the police can only issue warnings and confiscate your booty. This doesn't stop them from walking down to the local newsagents five minutes later and restocking.
3) Bloody poor parenting. While this isn't directed at all parents, there are quite a few that ignore their childrens behaviour or even reward them. TV and videogames are no substitute for parents, and downing your sorrows in booze doesn't set a good example.
4) Limited powers of authority. If I were a cop and I saw a crowd of underage teenagers drinking, I can only slap their wrists and poor the alchohol down the drain. I can't fine them, arrest them or even haul their arses back to the parents. Neither can I subdue a troublemaker without taking special precautions to make sure he/she doesn't graze their knees. Oh, and assuming I did arrest them, the courts will make sure my work is wasted with a petty sentence barely worth the effort.

There's plenty more to add to that list, but I feel those are the main points. The real question though, is where do we go from here to save little ol' England? It would be nice if cops didn't have to ignore crime because the eight year olds doing it weren't carrying uzi's, no?

1) National service. Harsh measure p'raps, but I don't see an issue with instilling discipline, pride and an urge to punch rap artists whose lovely songs about killing cops and shooting drugs have taught our youth so well.
2) Wooden spoons! Good parents trying to discipline a child shouldn't be punished for their efforts. Disagree if you will, but there are PLENTY of good examples how a light tap can make for a better future.
3) Greater police powers. Now I'm not calling for youth to be thrown into pits or sent into Battle Royale, but they've a limited cashflow so why not fine 'em? Even better, if they don't have the money you can fine their parents who'll love the news that they now owe £100!
4) Brainchips. If you plant them in their wee heads when they can't crawl away, you can cont- ...OK, maybe not... tempting though, you've got to admit...

A little rushed, but you get the idea. Our future lies in the hands of those little bastards on the corner there that won't stop scratching my car. Unless radical changes come to pass, I won't have much paint left but I will have head-shaped dents on the hood, and will get summarily arrested for it.

Toodle pip.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by RealisticExpectations

An interesting point was made by a clomnist (I can't remember his name)in the Evening Standard, regarding youth crime. He points out that, seeing as the majority of victims of youth crime are other youths, rather than fearing for the future, we may find the next generation of politicians, police commissioners and judges - in his words - more liberal than there parents in many ways, but not when it comes to crime.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by RealisticExpectations
To be frank, I'm British and have very little faith in my own people any more. We've record levels of drug abuse, underage drinking, and kids pissing on cars, leaving us with little to be proud of.

hey I do understand buddy. You used to have Thatcher, we used to have Reagan. We need leaders again to get all the damn beureaucrats scared.

My partner is a proud liberal and while I respect her views, I can't say I often agree with her. I believe things are going down the drain for a number of reasons, and I've listed these below;

Mine grew up under communism. She'll never fall for liberalism as long as she lives. I know, Im a lucky man.

1) 'Human rights' have made it virtually impossible to discipline our increasingly de-sensitized youth. If I was screwing about, a whack with a wooden spoon would put me back in place. Do I resent the use of force? Hell bloody no - it made me who I am today. Surely it's a human right to walk down the streets without being mugged?

Heinlein said it best. Immediate punishment, dilivered harshly, is more humane for the child as it imparts the lesson swifter and more certainly. (Im paraphrasing)

2) Underage drinking and increased drug abuse. If you're caught with either of the aforementioned but fall under the age of responsibility, the police can only issue warnings and confiscate your booty. This doesn't stop them from walking down to the local newsagents five minutes later and restocking.

here I disagree. Kids getting drunk, or high, (soft drugs, and late teens ) aint a problem if the children have been raised to have respect.

3) Bloody poor parenting. While this isn't directed at all parents, there are quite a few that ignore their childrens behaviour or even reward them. TV and videogames are no substitute for parents, and downing your sorrows in booze doesn't set a good example.

Preach on Brother Friedman

4) Limited powers of authority. If I were a cop and I saw a crowd of underage teenagers drinking, I can only slap their wrists and poor the alchohol down the drain. I can't fine them, arrest them or even haul their arses back to the parents. Neither can I subdue a troublemaker without taking special precautions to make sure he/she doesn't graze their knees. Oh, and assuming I did arrest them, the courts will make sure my work is wasted with a petty sentence barely worth the effort.

AInt that bad here yet, but its getting there.

There's plenty more to add to that list, but I feel those are the main points. The real question though, is where do we go from here to save little ol' England? It would be nice if cops didn't have to ignore crime because the eight year olds doing it weren't carrying uzi's, no?

Same thing we need. The people need to get fed up. Thats what happened the last time. Only way we got the opportunity to fixed the country

1) National service. Harsh measure p'raps, but I don't see an issue with instilling discipline, pride and an urge to punch rap artists whose lovely songs about killing cops and shooting drugs have taught our youth so well.

No. Military drafts produce bad armies unless the national will is united. And national civilian service just increases worship at the alter of state.

2) Wooden spoons! Good parents trying to discipline a child shouldn't be punished for their efforts. Disagree if you will, but there are PLENTY of good examples how a light tap can make for a better future.
Hickory switch.

3) Greater police powers. Now I'm not calling for youth to be thrown into pits or sent into Battle Royale, but they've a limited cashflow so why not fine 'em? Even better, if they don't have the money you can fine their parents who'll love the news that they now owe £100!

Nany state would just pick up the tab. Nahh. Tase the little bastards. You ever stick you finger in a light socket as a kid? I bet you only did it once.

4) Brainchips. If you plant them in their wee heads when they can't crawl away, you can cont- ...OK, maybe not... tempting though, you've got to admit...

Cut the vocal cords till 18 maybe..........

[edit on 7/7/2008 by Shazam The Unbowed]

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