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A Widow's War on Yobs.

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posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 03:15 PM
A Widows War on Yobs

Did anyone in the UK catch this on Channel 4 tonight? It was a powerful and thought provoking programme.

At last we’re being given a chance to hear from the real people on the street, the average Joe and not the gangs and yobs or their liberal champions, who do nothing but parrot the same old tripe about how they are the real victims and their rights should be paramount, and society brings these atrocities on itself.

One scene which I found particularly sickening and equally illustrative of the problem came when Helen Newlove – Gary Newloves widow – was trying to interview a man who, after being the victim of a gang attack, has been campaigning to make his local community a safer place. Throughout that segment they were followed and intimidated by a group of teens, culminating in a football being booted, very hard, at them and only just missing Helen Newloves’ head. The sickening thing was all the youths involved had their faces blanked out on camera. Even now they’re protected from the consequences of their actions.

Her meeting with Jack Straw was depressingly predictable. As she herself said, he listened but he never took it in. It was a series of trite sound-bites. When will politicians, for that matter all the public institutions that are so soaked in left wing liberal ideologies, grow a set of balls, stop treating children, teenagers and the supposed disadvantaged like sacred cows and realise the public are under siege from brutal, sadistic thugs. I cannot see another ten years going by with this kind of ineffectual approach to crime and anti-social behaviour being touted, with out some serious consequences. Either the thugs end up ruling society or society looks to itself to take back its liberties. I might not agree that vigilantism is a satisfactory alternative to law and order but, when there’s no actual law and order to speak of can we really be so surprised when those who are denied justice eventually go looking for vengeance. If it’s a choice between the thug’s welfare or the victims, I’ll go with the latter.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 03:54 PM
How about we fight fire with fire?
Vigilante justice might be the only way for the political ponces to take notice.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by smokey101

As much as I don't want to agree with that, I'm starting to think some kind of backlash will be the only thing that truly galvanises politicians to start implementing some real policy's. I hope it doesn't come to that but, as I said before, if I have to make the choice between the lesser of two evils I'd rather see that than the thugs running wild as they are now.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:05 AM
Yeh I'd be up for some type of vigilante action. Or more organisations like the Guardian Angels to protect people on the street.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by PeaceUk the Guardian Angels to protect people on the street.

Oh Puhleease.. What we DON'T NEED is more American Nancies parading around in their Village people outfits pretending to be soldier boys.

What you need is a real pro-active stance.. enlist your local 'Mafia boss' if the police won't help.

There's nothing more guaranteed to keep the 40kg 'hard men' away when a car-load of 130kg guys regularly stop off at your place for coffee and biscuits.

No violence required.. A mental picture is worth a thousand asbos.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by AGENT_T

Oh Puhleease.. What we DON'T NEED is more American Nancies parading around in their Village people outfits pretending to be soldier boys.

What you british nancies need is some American style freedom, not to mention American Style Balls. Look up "Joe Horn" and youll see how we deal with "yobs" in our country. But then for that to happen, Britian would have to still be a free country with politicians who at least pretend to listen to the "will of the people" Of course given the EU consitution and the UK's "referendum" (hee hee) Its readily apparent that is no longer the case.

What you need is a real pro-active stance.. enlist your local 'Mafia boss' if the police won't help.
Just like a brit, his best idea for defending his home and business is to get soemone else to protect it. Just like y'alls defense policy for the last 50 years.

There's nothing more guaranteed to keep the 40kg 'hard men' away when a car-load of 130kg guys regularly stop off at your place for coffee and biscuits.

Actually there is. Its the knowledge that the people living in that home are armed and willing to defend themselves. Instead of bendin over for the modern vikings.

No violence required.. A mental picture is worth a thousand asbos.

Actually, in your scenario, its the threat of violence that you assume will keep the peace, except of course, as is usual for you lot, you want soemone else to provide the threat.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:43 AM
Shazam - as the author of this thread - I'm taking the liberty to point out you're acting like an obnoxious little troll at the moment with the anti-British slander. Quite apart from the fact that waving a gun in the air doesn't make you a hard man just a man with a gun, you're welcome to think what you want, it just sounds kind of childish.

If you really want to put it to the test come over and visit some pubs in south-east london or my soon to be new home in Newcastle, (this is where they still fight with there fists not follow the US model of tooling themselves up for any kind of disagreement) here you can sound off about cowardly Brits as much as you like.

If you think about it, it's actually a testement to the courage of the average British man and woman that so many are still willing to step in when the odds and consequences are so clearly stacked against them.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Shazam The Unbowed

O. Wow.. I'm sooo in awe of your 'freedoms'..

I'm humbled that you came to our assistance.. all be it many many years late..
I don't remember any Germans invading UK..

What happened in Vietnam again??

Gawd.. typical 'bring up the war' attitude. Yawn!!! Change the record pleaaase..

For your information I was referring to a widowed female.. (You know.. the O.P post ) following that particular course of action..
Or did I hurt your feelings so much you didn't read it?

I happen to be one of the 'larger' types that DOESN'T require any aid
but thanks for your offer anyway. I'll treat it with the respect it deserves.

Blumme.. what ARE you guys gonna do when they take your toys away?

[edit on 7-7-2008 by AGENT_T]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Cantwara
If you really want to put it to the test come over and visit some pubs in south-east london or my soon to be new home in Newcastle,

Well welcome to the neighbourhood.

Drop me a u2u and it's beers all round in Newcastle..

Glad you took the time to test the water before moving..

It's very friendly..straight up.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by AGENT_T

O. Wow.. I'm sooo in awe of your 'freedoms'..

The truly sad thing is your too blind, or too brainwashed to see the chains binding you as we speak. But hey, even though you dont have the right to bear arms, the right to self defense, or the right to speak freely, you still have a universal healthcare and schooling. If you can survive the waiting list that is.

Gawd.. typical 'bring up the war' attitude. Yawn!!! Change the record pleaaase..

We cant untill you lot take responsibillity for your own safety.

For your information I was referring to a widowed female.. (You know.. the O.P post ) following that particular course of action..
Or did I hurt your feelings so much you didn't read it?

I did read it. You just dont seem capable of understanding the point I was making. Why shouldn't these "yobs" terrorise any and all. Whose going to stop them?
Answer noone, because you have been disarmed, castrated, brainwashed, and turned into slaves of the state.

I happen to be one of the 'larger' types that DOESN'T require any aid
but thanks for your offer anyway. I'll treat it with the respect it deserves.

Sure you are. Cause being big will keep a knife from cutting you and spilling your thin blood all over the streets. being big will help when 4 guys come at you with knives, or when someone just as big, who actually is familiar with violence, comes at you.
But even if thats the case, how bigs your mom? Your sister? Yopur daughter? Is she bigg enough to fight off the same attackers if shes alone? Would she also need no help? Or do you not care if your family is victimised and incapable of defending themselves so long as you are OK?

Blumme.. what ARE you guys gonna do when they take your toys away?

Dont pay attention to the news much do ya there Professor Hawking? Maybe you arent aware that the idea of them "taking our toys away" is even less likely now that it used to be? Or the fact that even before the Heller decsions most politicians in America had stopped working for gun control laws since they were political suicide? You see we "septics" we guard our freedoms jealously, unlike you lot, we dont simply bend over and abdicate them to government on a whim.

But then none of that really matters, since you all will be living under sharia law in 20 years anyway.
God save the Shiekh!

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Cantwara
Shazam - as the author of this thread - I'm taking the liberty to point out you're acting like an obnoxious little troll at the moment with the anti-British slander. Quite apart from the fact that waving a gun in the air doesn't make you a hard man just a man with a gun, you're welcome to think what you want, it just sounds kind of childish.

Perhaps if I had actually said "owning a gun makes you a hard man" You might have a point.
As to anti-british slander, what slander. The simple fact is you are less free than I. You have fewer rights, fewer freedoms, and more authoritarian government than do I. This is not slander, but an easily proven fact.
Furthermore, the simple fact is people who are known to be armed, are less likely to be preyed upon. Those who are known to be unarmed are more likely to be preyed upon. As to sounding kind of childish I think perhaps you may be projecting an accurate description of your own views onto mine.

If you really want to put it to the test come over and visit some pubs in south-east london or my soon to be new home in Newcastle, (this is where they still fight with there fists not follow the US model of tooling themselves up for any kind of disagreement) here you can sound off about cowardly Brits as much as you like.

Ive been there, and many other places in the UK before, Ive dealt with people with my fists when necessary, and I prefer to not to need to. You see son, contrary to your childish opinions, I dont consider a gun to be a substitute for either courage or prowess, I do however consider it to be a neccessary tool when faced with superior numbers, force, or in many other situations where even bruce lee and steven segals love child couldnt survive unarmed.
Unlike you, I come from a nation which respects a mans right to defend himself and his property. It also happens to be a nation whose founders were intiilegent enough to undertsand that any government that doesnt fear its people at least a little, is predestined to become totalitarian. A lesson us "septics" learned over 200 years ago, which you lot still haven't.

If you think about it, it's actually a testement to the courage of the average British man and woman that so many are still willing to step in when the odds and consequences are so clearly stacked against them.

If the british are "so courageous" why does the idea of avergae law abiding citizens being armed make them #e thier pants?

The problem you described will not be solved, because its not a problem that can be solved by government. Only the people themselves can, and we both know the british lack the will, as a people, to do so.

Sure there may be a few scattered people here and there who would be willing, most of whom are probably in your Armed Services but you know as well as I do that most britons have been so compeltelty brain washed by your society that they would rather be raped while on the phone with 311 (or was it 611 over there?) than actually fight back.

But yes, simply dismiss my statements as "chidlish" rather than actually thinking, Ill be more than happy for you lot to remain victims untill darwin finally gets his due.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:28 AM
Here is a true story which is, I think, indicitve of the problem.

My family moved to America in 1979 from Switzerland. Our first home was a mega apartment complex in Orange County California. One evening my parents were outside enjoying the wonderful California weather when a young lad of about 14 called my mother a "Bitch". My parenst didn't know much english at the time, but enough to know that said punk had disrespected an elder, my mum. ( sorry, mom I know you were only early thirties then ) . My father promptly grabbed said punk by the ear roughly and marched him to his home where he demanded that the parents of said punk deal with him appropriately. Needless to say the offenders parents were none too pleased, the police were called and my expasarated father explained that he was only trying discipline a neighborhood youth. Something that was very common in Switzerland ( and in fact still is). My father went to jail that night. The punk had a laugh and we realized that in our newly adopted country the neighbourhood took no responsibilty for its youth.

That I believe is the problem. Everything is about "me". No one can see the big picture, it's all about minding your own business, so what if that means you can't ride the bus without being harrassed by feral 12 year olds? Afterall they aren't YOUR children.

Now the mayor of London has come out and publically said for people not to interfere! I think that's wrong. It is imperative that we speak up. Name and shame! If your children misbehave, then damnit you should be accountable and CHILDREN should be too!

My partner gets angry at me because I confront misbehaviour when I see it. If I am on the bus and young people act inappropriately I speak out. If I'm walking to the shop and see young people drinking and acting generally obnoxious I speak up. If I walk through the park and see young people using drugs and harassing people, I speak up. If we all did that, consistently, I think things could change for the better.

Instead we are all so wrapped up in our own lives, in our TVS and our mortgages that we don't dare confront misbehaviour - That is a shame.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Merigold

Excellent points. Of all our states, cali is the most like the UK.
Try florida, in this state your pa would have gotten a reward.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by AGENT_T

Hey mate, will do

Truth be told though, I'll actually be just over the border in Durham, but only 15 mins drive to Newcastle all the same.

I'm still trying to learn the difference between Geordie and Maccam, and playing down me cockney accent

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Shazam The Unbowed

You know what? I kinda like you.. You seem fairly intelligent and believe it or not I agree with most of what you say. You have repeated what I have said in other threads.

It's just your use of the word 'YOU' when you are preaching that bugs me.
Call it my 'alpha male ego' or whatever.

I'm certainly NOT unaccustomed to violence or 'brainwashed' as you put it.. That's a Darnglabbit big ole yankee brush you have in your hand there.

I'm not sad or stupid enough to list my 'credentials' or 'equipment' here.
It kinda takes away the element of surprise for potential attackers you think?

I'm just intelligent enough to know that because this government is deliberately pushing towards a lawless society you have to make your own preparations and alliances.

There HAS to be law in one form or another for society to exist.. It just doesn't appear that the current 'legal' one is working so what else can you do.?

Best just said no-one touches my family anytime .. anywhere..
How I achieve that is MY business.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by Shazam The Unbowed

Unlike you, I come from a nation which respects a mans right to defend himself and his property. It also happens to be a nation whose founders were intiilegent enough to undertsand that any government that doesnt fear its people at least a little, is predestined to become totalitarian. A lesson us "septics" learned over 200 years ago, which you lot still haven't.

You also come from a nation that:

Has the highest incarceration rate of any nation
63% of of its population are overweight
The second leading casue of death of your young people is assault
47 million people have no healthcare

I could go on but I won't because it seems pointless and I'm just typing because I'm annoyed.

Get over yourself already, you may have once been the "greatest nation on Earth" but alas, that title is now up for grabs - my vote is Switzerland.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by AGENT_T

You know what? I kinda like you.. You seem fairly intelligent and believe it or not I agree with most of what you say. You have repeated what I have said in other threads.

It's just your use of the word 'YOU' when you are preaching that bugs me.
Call it my 'alpha male ego' or whatever.

If the shoe dont fit, dont wear it.

I'm certainly NOT unaccustomed to violence or 'brainwashed' as you put it.. That's a Darnglabbit big ole yankee brush you have in your hand there.

By and large the populace is. Whether you are or not, you suffer becuase the rest are.

I'm just intelligent enough to know that because this government is deliberately pushing towards a lawless society you have to make your own preparations and alliances.

Or you could try to reform your nation.

There HAS to be law in one form or another for society to exist.. It just doesn't appear that the current 'legal' one is working so what else can you do.?

Honestly, you guys are so screwed Im not sure there is anything. You cant scare the pols because they know you are unarmed, you guys couldnt even get them to to hold the supposed referendum on the Eu constitution, how do you expect to get them to do anything?

Best just said no-one touches my family anytime .. anywhere..
How I achieve that is MY business.

One of the first things I did when my wife and I moved back to the US was teacher her how to shoot, get her a CCP, and buy her a gun. I wont always be there, we both work, and shes not a child who should have to rely on me for protection. Now, I know that she can defend herself, and wont be an easy victim, if one at all.
Bototm line, if your love you family, you should arm them.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Shazam The Unbowed

Wrong there, mate. Once we left Cali we moved to Tampa, Florida where I grew up and lived for 25 years. I was deported from there in 2004. You know the funny thing? I still have my voters registration and am sent my write in ballot without fail every time there is an election. I think I shall cast my illegal vote for Obama.

Ok, I'm kidding - not about the ballots or registration I DO keep getting those but about actually voting illegally, I would If I thought it actually made a difference but I know it won't.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Merigold
reply to post by Shazam The Unbowed

Wrong there, mate. Once we left Cali we moved to Tampa, Florida where I grew up and lived for 25 years. I was deported from there in 2004. You know the funny thing? I still have my voters registration and am sent my write in ballot without fail every time there is an election. I think I shall cast my illegal vote for Obama.

Ok, I'm kidding - not about the ballots or registration I DO keep getting those but about actually voting illegally, I would If I thought it actually made a difference but I know it won't.

well then you should know that Florida has the most "defender friendly" use of force laws in the nation. Not too mention incidents like you described have happened here, with the result I mentioned. BTW how the hell did you get deported? Flroida doesn't deport anybody for gods sake.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:58 AM

You see son, contrary to your childish opinions, I dont consider a gun to be a substitute for either courage or prowess, I do however consider it to be a neccessary tool when faced with superior numbers, force, or in many other situations where even bruce lee and steven segals love child couldnt survive unarmed.
Unlike you, I come from a nation which respects a mans right to defend himself and his property.

Then you really need to review the way your posting because as it happens son, you're coming across exactly like that.

And it's 999 (I thought you'd been here and were an expert on us Brits??)

Our govt, police force and institutions are so soaked with political correctness and our streets are rank with pathetic, cowardly little gang bangers, both of which came flying across the pond from your neck of the woods. But i suppose your right, when the powers that be fail to act in the best intersts of the people sooner or later they need to take matters into their own hands. We may be a people that are inured to allowing the authorities to take their sweet time but sleeping lions are still lions for all that.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by Cantwara]

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