Originally posted by King Ronald
I guess the big problem facing man politically in these years is about where you draw the line between control and freedom.
It's a double edged sword - do you allow people to live as they want and then kill other people in atrocities, or do you control your population so
nothing ever happens like that, but lose any sense of individuality.
No you ignore the Hegelian Dialectic:
"development through the stages of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis in accordance with the laws of dialectical materialism " - websters
"Freedom is slavery" - 1984 George Orwell
For a free market global economy what could be better to achieve this than; Fractional Reserve Banking; Privately owned Central Banks monopilising
control of (Booming/Busting & profiteering) Fiat Money; The Bank of International Settlements (Rothschilds owned as with the Fed & Bank of England);
The World Bank; The IMF; SEC; European Central Bank; NAFTA; European Economic Comunity (now EU).
Third way = Merger of State and power.
Or Fascism/corporatism according to Mussolini. Social democracy according to Enlightened Europeans Neo liberal
chicagoite economics according to Americans.
I think tommorow we'll call this International social democracy but its not socialism really its democratic you voted for it so it must be! YAY!
Social medicne/education/welfare is not Communist dont be a silly billy its socialist not international socialist.
Education to help our children learn and achieve their potential the UN Third way/social democracy.... etc etc
Diversity, achievment and choice via centralised rigid curriculum, enforced to home schoolers, evil people who prevent their kids from achieving the
standards of the State provided schools and thier internationally recognised methods and base of study and achievment. WHY how this has improved
poverty so! Tres magnifigue! Our poor now independantly philosophise about our independant political and economic doctrines. They even think up new
names for them!
Freedom what is freedom? Well as we have seen the classical sciences are all subjective and thus is freedom.
Sooo we will compromise, we will only be free when the state (thats a social democratic state btw not communist thats dead social democracy and state
militarys saw to that) decides that it is not a threat to the state or our freedoms. For example we will be free to work but not free to not pay
taxes, we will be free to educate our youth but not free to do it a non state approved way, we will be free of suicide bombers if we have freedom
cameras on every street etc etc.
In conlusion, everthing is fine we have lots of choices independant of one another and thanks to this we will find the right choice and live in a
utopian wonderland Hegel said so! Well 1 in 10 of us anyhow the CFR & UN (two completley unrelated organisations working for our benefit YAY!) said