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Gas Only 2.55 A Gallon!

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posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:06 PM
Taxes? I don't think so. Taxes account for less then a dollar. And the actual gas stations get like 6 cents a gallon.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:16 PM
I was watching an analyst yesterday evening on CNN money and they were predicting that oild prices could reach up to $190 per barrell by the end of the summer.

Take it with a grain of salt I suppose.

Im not sure exactly what that would equate to for gas prices here in the states, but it doesn't sound good.

$8-$10 per gallon = people will revolt

[edit on 7/2/08 by BlackOps719]

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719

$8-$10 per gallon = people will revolt

No they won't. Most likely they'll ask for gas allowance from their employers and the employers will increase their fees for their goods or services.

Some companies will even do what others already are doing or will be doing... lay offs and foreclosures.. get out while they can.. Exxon is selling their gas stations.. not for profit.. but to ensure their future assists still have value.

When I was out in the country side.. I was surprised and saddened by the amount of farms that have been abandoned. How many more farmers will give up? How many city slickers know how to live off the land?

Society as we know it will be taking a dive... dang.. never thought I'd be living those days when people lined up for blocks for soup kitchens....

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Willbert

Well I guess I would like to think that people would finally react once prices become unmanageable and folks arent able to foot the bill.

We will see I guess.

I moved back to the country for this very reason. I wouldn't go back to L.A. right now for all the money in the world.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Krieger

Why is oil and gas so high? Because the oil companies are working together to inflate the price of oil. Speculators cause it to go up. And recently the Dems tried to pass a bill to ban price gouging but the GOP and Bush Admin stomped it out so we now know for a fact the oil companies are gouging prices at the pumps.

If the Bush Admin wasn't in charge and the oil companies weren't allowed to price gouge and the speculators were canceled oil would be under 60 a barrel and we'd all be paying a lot less for gas.

Name the bill and link to it. I haven't heard about this. Anytime there's been a defeat in Congress lately related to taking action that might lower gas prices it's always been the Democrats that find a reason to kill the measure, not the Republicans.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by sos37

Except that is bull.

Here is the Grand Oil Party legalizing price gouging.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:33 PM
you all seem to be shocked by $8 dollers a gallon.

what ever you do dont travel to the uk at the moment you would be lucky to find petrol for less than $11 per gallon.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by antuk

England is a little smaller than America. Not that it justifies anything, including our complaining, but really... Two completely different ways of life.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:42 PM
Found the ad on YouTube, straight from McCain's own YouTube channel.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:42 PM
I will go out on a slim limb that the dems will drop gas prices down to $2 - $2.55 a gallon just like they did on the last election of congress. Kind of like a little incentive to vote dem.

Shicain must be planting sublimital messages into the voters heads with that. So when we see the gas prices drop just before elections to $2.55, we will naturaly and mysteriously vote dem in.

What a mind job..........

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:45 PM
Paying $4.50 per gallon what is the world coming to is it no longer modest transportation or what?

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Krieger
reply to post by sos37

Except that is bull.

Here is the Grand Oil Party legalizing price gouging.

Did you read the stories you linked? The two from the desk of Stupak didn't give the reasons why the GOP voted against the bill but the Newsweek article does, and points out something else rather interesting:

Supporters of the bill argued that gouging is widespread, while opponents said it is not and would be difficult to prove even if it occurred.

Right now we can't even agree what's causing the high prices. Saudi Arabia blames spectators. Others blame supply and demand. Many Americans blame Bush's administration directly and others blame big oil.

If you can't figure out who's driving up the price, how are you going to know who's price gouging?

Second, there's a very interesting tidbit of information in that article, almost too small to notice, but it speaks volumes:

The House has passed similar gouging legislation previously, as has the Senate, only to be abandoned.

If similar legislation was passed previously and then abandoned, why would we expect this bill to be any different?

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:11 PM
Just thought I'd add a little note to our friends not in the US or unfamiliar with US infrastructure. Unless you live in a city like New York you're gonna be driving EVERYWHERE. I would wager a guess that Americans drive (due to necessity) at least four times as far each year than people in most European countries.

Also, the only places that have adequate public transportation are in the big cities where most people don't own a car.

Oh, and for the people that say the US sucks up all the oil. I'm 25 and have never owned a car, I've never bought even one gallon of gas. I walk where ever I can and opt for the Subway if I can't walk there. My building has steam heat and I don't support any of the major chain stores if i can help it. My "carbon footprint" is pretty tiny I'd say.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:18 PM
My home state of Mississippi has 4 oil refineries and there are dozens more spread out through the southeastern states (except Florida). Couple that with the Gulf Coast shipping lanes and the Mississippi River and I would think that is a big reason why we enjoy slightly less expensive gas prices versus the rest of the US.
Currently, the state average is just under $4 USD per gallon and the places I shop are currently around $3.85 USD. There are some grocery stores that offer discounts based on how much you spend on groceries each month, so that lowers the price to currently less than $3.80 USD per gallon.

For those of you in the US and the rest of the world that would like to see a comparison, I found this chart that gets updated pretty regular:

US Gas Prices

I know this is going to make some people cringe in the rest of the world, espeically based on the mathematics that have already been provided.
It was also stated by one that the US should have higher prices due to the enormous amount of fuel that we consume. I disagree. The higher gas prices get, the less people are using. I cant speak for the nation, but I can say that in my small corner of it, there has been an increase in bicycle and foot traffic as well as carpooling. People are opting for fewer big machines and buying smaller, more efficient vehicles. This lowers the overall consumption, which is good for the planet, but it also lowers the amount of money going into the pockets of the fat cats. Its just good business to prefer mass purchase at median cost versus low purchase at inflated cost...IMO.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by sos37

Name the bill and link to it. I haven't heard about this. Anytime there's been a defeat in Congress lately related to taking action that might lower gas prices it's always been the Democrats that find a reason to kill the measure, not the Republicans.

Here's a YouTube video that goes over the basics:

I don't know how you feel about Keith Olbermann, but he seems to have the story on this one.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Peepers
I will go out on a slim limb that the dems will drop gas prices down to $2 - $2.55 a gallon just like they did on the last election of congress. Kind of like a little incentive to vote dem.

Shicain must be planting sublimital messages into the voters heads with that. So when we see the gas prices drop just before elections to $2.55, we will naturaly and mysteriously vote dem in.

What a mind job..........

Whoa there, wait a sec. First of all if that were true, it would mean that our government actually does have control over the price of oil.

Secondly, and if they did, wouldn't people be mad as hell that Congress didn't drop the price beforehand? The difference between now and the last election is that gas prices weren't anywhere close to $4/gallon.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:57 PM
Remember at the beginning of the summer when all the talk was, "Prices of oil are expected to breach the $100/barrel this summer" and people were guesstimating when gas would break the $3/gallon mark?

Now we're well above the $4/gallon mark?

American's are so complacent that they don't even care. If they really cared, they'd organize something to make a statement. Issue a threat of some sort. Threaten to use public transportation. Organize a mass walk-out. Boycott gasoline. SOMETHING. Alas, all go about their normal daily routines with no effort to protest.

We passed the $3 mark without so must as a fuss. We've now passed the $4 with barely a remark.

Some might complain and whine about it, but that's not really helping to fix the problem.

I've talk to some of my friends about it and they don't seem to mind. They drive only around town. So, they're only spending $20/week on gas. They think it doesn't really affect them. Meanwhile, they're wondering why the price of groceries are rising.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Krieger

Why is oil and gas so high? Because the oil companies are working together to inflate the price of oil. Speculators cause it to go up. And recently the Dems tried to pass a bill to ban price gouging but the GOP and Bush Admin stomped it out so we now know for a fact the oil companies are gouging prices at the pumps.

If the Bush Admin wasn't in charge and the oil companies weren't allowed to price gouge and the speculators were canceled oil would be under 60 a barrel and we'd all be paying a lot less for gas.

Not saying bush is not some what responsible for the prices but to think he wants gas prices to be high is a joke. Now Al Gore is loving this and so are all the enviormentalists. I remeber when he was VP and he said gas prices should be 5/gallon. He thought that would help the enviorment by people having to cut down on driving big trucks and suvs and carpooling etc. Looks like the Dems. got their wish. Maybe they have something to do with it. I mean why not drill offshore or ANWAR. So it will have no effect for 5 years on prices, that is a lame ass excuse. We should be drilling and looking for alternate energy. Because if we do not find more oil gas will be up to 8-10$ 5 years from now. Maybe it is the democrats that are behind this artificial price behind the pump.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by sos37

I kid you not.

The elections of 2006 for congress showed gas prices dropping from 3.19 - 3.29 to $2 a gallon here where I live.

People can't remember yesterday let alone a couple of years ago.

The gas dropping for 2006 congress elections

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Peepers
reply to post by sos37

I kid you not.

The elections of 2006 for congress showed gas prices dropping from 3.19 - 3.29 to $2 a gallon here where I live.

People can't remember yesterday let alone a couple of years ago.

The gas dropping for 2006 congress elections

The conclusions they draw, or get at, are interesting.

With gas at $3 a gallon, a lot of folks might head off to the ballot box steaming mad at politicians and Big Oil. That would be bad for incumbents, i.e., Republicans. Imagine the cost to Big Oil of a Congress in the hands of the Democrats next year. Can you spell p-r-i-c-e c-o-n-t-r-o-l-s?

The cost of Democratic control of Congress to Big Oil might reach well into the billions -- a lot more than keeping a lid on gas prices between now and November.

So I see where you are coming from in that the price of gas dropped before the election, but remember that was a Congressional election gas prices that high had never really happened before. We really didn't see the onset of high gas prices until after Katrina hit in 2005, which was after the 2004 election.

So the big question with regard to this article is, now that the Democrat-controlled congress who was elected back in 2006 has had two years to do something and gas prices are up to a dollar higher than they were at the time of that writing, I wonder how or if it will affect the people's vote?

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