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Military official: Iran digging 320,000 graves for invaders

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posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
Myth, he is most likely referring to the hijacking of TWA Flight 847 in 1985.

As for Iran, maybe they can make our job even easier if they would nicely stand in their predug graves and wait to be killed. Iran's military poorly armed, poorly trained and incapable of fighting anyone who can actually fight back. Remember, this is the same army that would conscript little kids and make them charge into minefields at gunpoint and then follow it up with pointless human wave charges. Over 1,000,000 Iranians were slaughtered by their own government's stupidity and arrogance from 1980 - 88.

320,000 graves isent anywhere near enough ... because the mullahs wont stop until every last Iranian is dead because of their arrogance.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by ChrisF231]

I was thinking something quite similar to this - the Muslim nations are pretty bad at modern warfare - why do they do it?

It's just going to be a receipe for dead Iranians, so I suppose it's fortunate they have the graves on standby...

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by C.C.Benjamin

You and ChrisF321 are the only ones to get this right IMO. If anyone actually attacks iran (doubtful), it will be done with missiles and warplanes. The only people needing the 320,000 graves would be the ones on the receiving end - iranians. And with U.S. surgical strike capabilities, I can't imagine that there would be anywhere near that many casualties. Unless, as pointed out earlier, the iranian theocracy decides to sacrifice that many of their own people with suicidal human wave type of attacks.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:05 PM
don't worry we have a few months left until the war with Iran will be when the worlds eye are on china and the 2008 Olympics....

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by C.C.Benjamin

I was thinking something quite similar to this - the Muslim nations are pretty bad at modern warfare - why do they do it?

This line also reminded me of Albert Einstein's definition for insanity:

Basically, it said that if you keep repeating an action, all the while hoping for a different result, you are insane.

That would seem to nicely describe the historical war efforts of muslim countries.
It would also seem to describe the people that post endlessly that "the war is coming" and/or "the war will start on xx/xx/xx date" whenever there is any news about iran or Israel.

[edit on 6/30/2008 by centurion1211]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:27 PM
Makes sense to me. It's better to have a plan for disposing of bodies, rather than to let them rot and cause all sorts of biological problems while you figure out where to bury them.

Sounds like rational planning to me.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by sos37
Childish? Oh the arrogance of you leftists! What's more childish, choosing not to buy into the fear mongering propaganda and encouraging others to use a little common sense or running around in circles screaming every time Chicken Little yells that the sky is falling?

Use some common sense and quit being a moron.

ROFL - pot kettle = black ; it would seem you are on your knee`s and swallow for fox , oh the irony ; must be true what they say about texas then.

one must be so deafened by the pledge and blinded by the flag to see the truth burning bright in front of them.

[edit on 30/6/08 by Harlequin]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:49 PM
Iran is never going to attack the terrorist state of Israel. Israel wants war. Israel want to set the time for the attack, but Iran is going to decide where is it going to take place. They already dig graves for the Israelis.

This statement is simple: You want war Jews, come. You'll not go home.

Iran never wanted war, but they have the right to defend themselves. When someone here at ATS, presumably Jew or some sort of liar liberal is stating... but they turned the rockets against Israel. Why did they do that? Because Israel already made massive trainings to attack their land. Never forget that. Iran have the right to defend their land from these mega-lo-man mind distorted mutants. The warmongering liar Israelis wants war, because it's in their distorted genes. But they'll pay the great price for it. And honestly I pray for their ultimate and great failure, because they deserve it.

Well. As many of the Europeans, I'm on Iran's side. NOT Iran is the one, who is are distorting the speech of a president in the media, not they're the ones, whose are starting wars, based on never existed WMDs, not they're the ones, whose are infiltrating and invading the sovereign land of other countries and not they're the ones, whose are lying all day and night and leading the lists of corruption, pedophilia and other capital crimes. That's all Israel. A country without moral values, which should disappear from the planet.

Personal note: And before someone would come with the old Jewish phrase: I cannot say this, because it's Anti-Semite, it's against Jews, I'm an evil Nazi (Hahaha. I never was a Nazi.), the Jews are always the scapegoats, there are too many anger in me (Which is not true), or the best... take a look at your grammar... Honestly, no one cares about with this anymore, especially me, because what I written down is the truth. If you don't like it, don't read this response, or pick up some moral values, and BE A GOOD MAN, instead of a junk who serves lies and considering profit more valuable then life. Plus, in my country it is not against the laws. It's in the constitution.

So, whatever will happen... calculations are showing it will be a total failure in that war for Israel, Israel will deserve, what it will get back from Iran.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
Israel wants war.

This statement is simple: You want war Jews, come. You'll not go home.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

What do you base this on?

Look at this: and then you'll see why the Israelis are not taking any crap from the surrounding Arab nations. The Arab nations have provoked EVERY SINGLE conflict Israel has ever been involved in since it's birth back in 48.

I can honestly say I don't know how you can claim Israel as the aggressor. Israel simply finishes what you guys start, as far as I can see.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by C.C.Benjamin

Do you believe to wikipedia, what is edited by the Israelis and it's been confirmed? You must be kidding. Read some history. Israel provoked all the conflicts. That's why they attacked the U.S. ship Liberty and killed their allies, because they learned this. They provoked the war in the last year, when they went to Lebanon and made a massacre between the innocent civilians. They're barbarians, animals, nothing more. Israel must disappear from the face of the planet, to have a chance for us to live in peace.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

Edited to remove insults against other members. You are expected to behave according to the T&C you agreed to when you joined this site. Any further insults will result in further action. Manners are required.

Forum Mod

[edit on 30-6-2008 by gallopinghordes]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by C.C.Benjamin

Do you believe to wikipedia, what is edited by the Israelis and it's been confirmed? You must be kidding. Read some history. Israel provoked all the conflicts. That's why they attacked the U.S. ship Liberty and killed their allies, because they learned this. They provoked the war in the last year, when they went to Lebanon and made a massacre between the innocent civilians. They're barbarians, animals, nothing more. Israel must disappear from the face of the planet, to have a chance for us to live in peace.

Benjamin. Beautiful Jewish name. They're the victims. Yeah. Sure. Don't lie please, okay? I hate that. Do you know anything else or just lie to defend a terror crime state? If you had any moral value in your life, what I really doubt, you never would defend that state. Never.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

Benjamin is indeed a Jewish name, but I don't find it particularly beautiful. Means "son of the South", for your information.

I've had anti-semites address my wonderful surname before and have had to explain how I am roughly: 1/2 african, 1/4 english 1/4 welsh. British colonies went even into deepest darkest Wales.

The thing about the Wikipedia article is...the have citations. You don't bring anything to substatiate your point of view. And in the face of evidence against your position, you just harden your rhetoric and make yourself look quite...well, brainwashed.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have an axe to grind against the Israeli's, but you can't claim that they start everything when it's clear the Arab nations need to do a bit of navel-gazing too.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline

This appears to be a direct (and anti-semitic) attack on another ATS member and I therefore request the appropriate Mod action. How is this not a T&C violation?

[edit on 6/30/2008 by centurion1211]

edited to remove insult against other members previously edited.

Forum Mod

[edit on 30-6-2008 by gallopinghordes]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

I don't think that was really an attack. He was just stating the obvious.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:13 PM

What do you expect a cornered country to do? Offer us their land, rights, and some tea? Become docile? Hand over their country like many, many others? Let their culture be tattered with the west? Set up Halal McDonalds on every other block? Have a never-ending military occupancy by one or many nations to convert a democratic nation, into a... Democratic nation?

When is it necessary for "us" to recognize our own faults in threats and policy. What our own representatives are saying about their country, their way of life, their lives? We as a people should be rallying against the gross misconduct and skewed lies of Israeli and American media. We can sit here and point figures at the boogyman all we want, but change starts within. And the United States, England, and especially Israel haven't been leading by example, but showing them just why they shouldn't be submissive.

Hopefully men will act like real men. Hopefully we all will seek peace with our neighbors. Hopefully peace will reign over all.

Hope isn't much to go on these days.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:13 PM
so a discussion gets heated and the neo- cons wade in with `anti-semite` , tsk tsk you should know better.

king david hotel `nuff said.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by OrangeAlarmClock
reply to post by centurion1211

I don't think that was really an attack. He was just stating the obvious.

Stating the obvious? What is obvious solely based on a person's avatar name? Does my avatar automatically make me an "NCO" in the Roman army and allow you to assume that I also automatically dislike Germans (the barbarians of the day)?

Hope you can understand this simple analogy ...

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin
so a discussion gets heated and the neo- cons wade in with `anti-semite` , tsk tsk you should know better.

king david hotel `nuff said.

No, the poster should have known better. BTW, are you actually defending them?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

what? no - the poster was fine its the `OMG ANTI SEMITE` comments being made which are out of order.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Dark Crystalline

DK I'm a European too and like most of my fellow mates in Britain I'm bang on behind Israel and the USA. Iran is the main pillar within The Axis of Evil. Sooner this architect of terror is eliminated the better.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin
reply to post by centurion1211

what? no - the poster was fine its the `OMG ANTI SEMITE` comments being made which are out of order.

Sorry for the off topic posts, but this is an important point for many threads.

So, then you're saying you'd be OK with posters that use, for example, a mexican or chinese sounding avatar name to be racially profiled and dismissed as if their opinions were worthless based solely on their avatar name? Or is it only when it's done to a name like "Benjamin" that you're OK with it?

That's it, I'm done with this.

[edit on 6/30/2008 by centurion1211]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:31 PM
There will be no further name calling and insults; keep your posts on topic and exercise the good manners I know you all have. I suggest very strongly that before posting take several deep breaths.

Thank you


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