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Military official: Iran digging 320,000 graves for invaders

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posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
Saddam was unable to admit he didn't have WMD, because if the US didn't invade then some other country would, in his mind.

That's just not true.

Saddam was insisting for the better part of a decade that they had abandoned their WMD programs. He got quite vocal about it after about 2000. One of the last times I remember Saddam openly denying the WMD programs was on the famous CBS interview he gave, during the run-up to the war. And in that time (1991-), the only threat to the country was from the US and UK.

When the UN teams left in '98 (the US media likes to tell you they were kicked out - but they left on their own) they cited an "un-cooperative' Iraqi government.... but if you look at the hoops they were demanding the Iraqis jump through, it's no wonder. A constant stream of demands of access - to everything from party offices to personal homes, looking for weapons labs and storage facilities, demanding paperwork to prove the non-existence of non-existent weapons systems, constant scrutiny of "dual purpose" objects like aluminium tubes, farm equipment, and on and on...

In the end, it was pretty well known that the CIA had co-opted the weapons inspection teams for their own "research". Regardless of that, Saddam agreed to start up the inspections a second time. Ritter and Blix both agreed there was no evidence of weapons programs. Both also agreed that they were less than welcoming to the endless one-upmanship of US demands. Demand the impossible - and when they get close, up the ante. Repeat.

Iran saw this - and they are seeing it again. They can see the game being played, and where it leads. One concession leads to demands for another, in short order, with the USA decrying an "un-cooperative attitude" at every turn.

Think about it: if they abandoned their nuclear program tomorrow, what would satisfy the US that it was really over? And what would satisfy the chief saber-rattler, Israel?

Nothing short of the complete dismantling of the Iranian government, and the installation of a puppet government who will put the interests of western business ahead of the Iranian people.


posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by doctormcauley
Iran and Russia are Allies. Russia has numerous alliances.

Iran is allied with Syria.

Iran is Allied with Four other Caspian Sea Countries, Some of then are Allied With China and Turkey

Iran and Jordan have a Mutual Defense pact, as does Jordan with Egypt.

These are not just Mutual Defense pacts, most of these Relationships are Strategic Military Alliances. And you can bet there is an alliance/pact with Pakistan in there somewhere, and they also have nukes - just like Russia and China.

If this things starts, it will be World war 3. 320 000 graves won't be enough.

Iran has many more allies than that, take a look at the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)

" Iran currently has observer status in the organisation, and applied for full membership on March 24, 2008"

"The United States applied for observer status in the SCO, but was rejected in 2005."


[edit on 30-6-2008 by kdial1]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by vox2442

Well said Vox.

It will be like Iraq again - in that Iran will be told to prove that the Don't have something. They are being asked - just like Iraq - to Prove a Negative.

I guess that is now the American Paradigm....

"Prove you don't have any WMDS"
"Prove you don't know where Osama is"
"Prove that there isn't a teacup orbiting Mercury"
"Prove you have never murdered anyone"

I can see fox spinning this story as "Iran to Dig 320 000 WMD Spider Holes for Nuclear Weapons Production" or something to that effect

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:25 AM
common... its just the Generals keeping the Revolutionary Guard troops busy,
what are they supposed to do while waiting at their positions, play cards all day?

this is the type of bravado that Saddam and Chemical Ali spouted off in
the time before the 2003 attacks on Iraq...
Saddam warned the coalition to prepare for the -->>
Mother Of All Battles !

that 20 ft sand berms would both slow the invasion and provide sanctuary
for the Iraqi army to attack the invaders from the rear after they had sped past.
we all see that those were all empty threats then... but what about now?

320,000 pits/graves/foxholes could be doubled up as burning pits for oil fires to slow either the invading ground troops or as a way to both pollute the skies for skewing aerial surveillance, etc. the possible uses are numberous.

besides Iran is ratcheting up the population and world opinion about an attack on their soverign nation by any combination of the Anglo-American-Israeli axis

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
Saddam warned the coalition to prepare for the -->>
Mother Of All Battles !

.... but what about now?

March 20, 2003 - June 30 2008.

$532,000,000,000 and counting, over 1,000,000 dead, hundreds of thousands of refugees, and the dead certainty that the USA will have a terrorist threat hanging over it's head for the next century.

I think "Mother of All Battles" is a pretty apt description for a conflict that has no possible resolution, 5 years on.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:05 AM
This whole thing just sounds nuts. I agree that you need to give something to your troops to keep them busy - but this is pretty significant. I don;t like where things are headed.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:12 AM
What if none of the soldiers left, or obeyed orders. There would be no war and the soldiers and real americans will get the sympathy of the rest of the world and then hopefully the rest of the world would remove and pathetic power structure left in the U.s a and other illegal nations.

Then we can watch those fat, rich, mindless, egoic, cowards try to make money with out spilling blood. Good luck.

First release the hydrogen motor and other electrical vehicles. Then you can charge me 10 bucks a gallon but no body will buy it. All the wars in the world will be just for some old mud that nobody needs anymore.

But the point of the thread is 300,000 graves dug..... I dont know who will be in those graves but those graves will be filled with ours and their s...brothers , sisters, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.

Doesnt matter who wins or who dies, there is always someone on top who sleeps well at night.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:15 AM
Why dig individual graves for the enemy? That just seems ridiculous! This is either a morale boosting ploy or preparation for burying their own. I would think that the enemy would be buried in mass graves on an as needed basis, enemy bodies would be burned, enemy bodies would be left to rot or enemy bodies left to be retrieved by their own.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by TruthWithin

I do believe Iran is trying to call bluff. If Israel is going to strike Iran, then the Iranians are just saying "bring it on". It has always been speculated that the Iranians do indeed have chemical and biological weapons. But no one knows.

To behonest, I am sceptical about this potential conflict. Israel would have to be pretty stupid to attack Iran on her own, it would spark a much larger and bloody conflict.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by infinite

Agreed, but we all know that IF Israel attacks Iran, so does the US. Imagine Israel striking first, which would clearly draw retaliation from Iran. The US would be obligated to help defend Iran.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by mythatsabigprobe

reply to post by St Udio

Yeah, because we've done so well in Iraq. We sure showed them... Did you guys turn off the news when the president said "mission accomplished" or something? 5 years later, and we're no closer to resolution than we were on day one.

Does anyone truly believe the "insurgents" are simply going to lay down their weapons and say "alright, I'm bored of this... lets call it a day..."? They'll never stop, until those they're fighting leave. Think about it, if the Chinese showed up one day, dissolved our government, and installed their own, went door to door, kicking them in looking for those who don't support them, you and I would be the "insurgents". We'd be the ones setting up ambushes and road side bombs. Would you give up and accept Chinese rule? No (well I hope not at least). I know I sure wouldn't. Insurgencies cannot be defeated. Only "outlasted", and news flash, we can't do this as long as they can.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:13 AM
'Bring 'em on!'
Our sylvester president at his best. 'You don't fool us twice'. Brain damaged?
Must have been a heck of a pretzel.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:30 AM
It is troubling 320 k graves . I personally think it is a symbolic statement .

They are saying if this is what you want bring it on we have prepared grave yours or ours some one will fill those holes , we are standing firm .

Really who ever wind and who ever losses . The real losers will not be the armies it will be the common folks just wanting to live . And our self respect in the world in days weeks and years that follow .

They will suffer dead children broken lives and families destroyed infrastructure ( which we will hire haliburton to fix ) .

We will suffer the dollar crashing oil $200 + a barrel gas $ 10 15 20 / per gallon . The stress on the economy will will push the possible depression to full fledged one. Food is already sky rocketing. As well as everything else . And paycheck stays the same.

I recall a a quote by a German official during wwii

Man would be happy drinking beer loving his wife raising his family and tending to the fields > Its the politicians job to give them something to hate to whip them into a powerfully fighting force .

I think we have ALL been listening to the politicians WAY TO LONG NOW

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by vox2442

Originally posted by St Udio
Saddam warned the coalition to prepare for the -->>
Mother Of All Battles !

.... but what about now?

March 20, 2003 - June 30 2008.

$532,000,000,000 and counting, over 1,000,000 dead, hundreds of thousands of refugees, and the dead certainty that the USA will have a terrorist threat hanging over it's head for the next century.

I think "Mother of All Battles" is a pretty apt description for a conflict that has no possible resolution, 5 years on.

Over a million dead? in Iraq? in Iran? in Kentucky? As a direct result of the U.S.? I'd like to see where you get your BS information from, sir. Oh that's right, you made it up as you went along.

You're a troll.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by sos37

While the numbers might be a little exaggerated, a lot of people have died as a DIRECT result of this conflict. Do you think all of this has been a success? Do you think that no one has died as a result of this war or that TRILLIONS of dollars have not been squandered?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:50 AM
Yeah, Iran's diging mass graves for potential invaders. Oooh. Scary. Iran's like a little kid screaming threats to a 7 foot giant (Isreal) about how he's going to stomp all over him. Whatever. Iran is fear-mongering. Nothing to see here.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:18 AM
You cant play that game...if you do then we're an ally of so and so who is an ally of so and so and eventually you will find that the US and Iran are both allies of each other. It doesnt quite work like that.

Originally posted by doctormcauley
Iran and Russia are Allies. Russia has numerous alliances.

Iran is allied with Syria.

Iran is Allied with Four other Caspian Sea Countries, Some of then are Allied With China and Turkey

Iran and Jordan have a Mutual Defense pact, as does Jordan with Egypt.

These are not just Mutual Defense pacts, most of these Relationships are Strategic Military Alliances. And you can bet there is an alliance/pact with Pakistan in there somewhere, and they also have nukes - just like Russia and China.

If this things starts, it will be World war 3. 320 000 graves won't be enough.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by sos37
Yeah, Iran's diging mass graves for potential invaders. Oooh. Scary. Iran's like a little kid screaming threats to a 7 foot giant (Isreal) about how he's going to stomp all over him. Whatever. Iran is fear-mongering. Nothing to see here.

its sad to see ignorance that is rife in the above comments;

read up on history ; of the posturing of both countries before making your childish comments.

i pray that the fanatics in both iran and israel are put down like the rabid dogs they both are and peace is given a chance - or the people will suffer whilst the fanatics in both iran and israel will stay safe in there deep bunkers.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Harlequin

Originally posted by sos37
Yeah, Iran's diging mass graves for potential invaders. Oooh. Scary. Iran's like a little kid screaming threats to a 7 foot giant (Isreal) about how he's going to stomp all over him. Whatever. Iran is fear-mongering. Nothing to see here.

its sad to see ignorance that is rife in the above comments;

read up on history ; of the posturing of both countries before making your childish comments.

i pray that the fanatics in both iran and israel are put down like the rabid dogs they both are and peace is given a chance - or the people will suffer whilst the fanatics in both iran and israel will stay safe in there deep bunkers.

Childish? Oh the arrogance of you leftists! What's more childish, choosing not to buy into the fear mongering propaganda and encouraging others to use a little common sense or running around in circles screaming every time Chicken Little yells that the sky is falling?

Use some common sense and quit being a moron.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by sos37

Do you have anything constructive to add? Or are you just trying to belittle everyone? Either way, unless you have something valid to add, do yourself a favor and just don't post. Running around convincing everyone that Iraq "isn't so bad" has NOTHING to do with this thread. Take your agenda elsewhere.

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