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posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:32 AM
15 was the age that I really began questioning everything I thought I knew. I began meditating on a regular basis, and had more than my fair share of unusual experiences (although I'd had them my whole life). I believe meditation, openess, and practice were the main reason those "doors" were opened to me in the first place. But, speaking from my experience, be very cautious with what doors you "open".

Also, some of the things you learn/experience through life are meant just for you. You don't have to validate your experiences/beliefs through the approval of others.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Flux8
Also, some of the things you learn/experience through life are meant just for you. You don't have to validate your experiences/beliefs through the approval of others.

Amen to that

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess

Originally posted by -midnite-
How are you guys seriously going to sit here and bash this kid? If its really that bad of a post ignore it and move on to the next.

AMEN to this post...sheesh poor LilWillQ...

My son is 15 and attempting to learn things, and interact with all kinds of people and if he was posting on ATS I would HOPE he got more of a welcome than this young person is getting....
If you all are so intellectual share a little wisdom with the kid as OBVIOUSLY they are seeking some.

I agree, this is disgusting, are ATS members getting so desperate to flex their ego, that they have to jump all over some kid? Really?

To me, your, 'religion' didn't sound too great, but it is what you feel to be right that matters, we don't all see and experience this world in the same way and if this helps you with your current development, then keep at it. Any religion embracing the possibility of ET's is an upgrade from what we have now, although the vatican have said "it's ok, to believe in aliens".

When you feel it has 'run it's course', search for something new.


posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:51 AM
I was also about 15 when I began to question everything, especially what I was taught in the Christian church. Belief in the Great Mother of all is way older than anything the Christians came up with, and BTW the name "Jesus" is made up anyway, anyone who studies can figure that out. IMO, Christianity is directly taken from Egyptian rituals and Sun worship.
LilWillQ, Don't take the bashing seriously, follow your own mind, not that of the brainwashed masses of cult followers. May the Goddess bless you in your quest.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by LilWillQ

I think you should watch this video and this goes to all the believers of faith too.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by LilWillQ

So I started praying to my father and mother divine too see something extranory.

What about being a human being, ultimate fruit of a thirteen billions yrs universe, silently meditating in the middle of the world ?

That's the miracle.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by LilWillQ

Try remote viewing through meditation. Say like to see or remote view mars. I tried it, but never got there. Maybe an ET will pop up. Meditation and prayer are good habits. You can always ask/seek the well being of those close to you.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:16 AM
To all:

I would have never commented on this thread if the OP would not have said he was Christian and pray to aliens. That is totally against the Christian belief system. We don't pray to no other beings/spirits other than Jesus Christ.

Also, I won't get people to come in here and provide better wording than I can, because a lot of the religious members here on ATS tend to stay out of these forums. I do for one, since recently, but once he brought Christianity into this, I had to comment.

Side-Note: If you come to ATS, why should I have to address a topic differently because of the posters age?

[edit on 30-6-2008 by jhill76]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:46 AM
Samuel Aun Weor is sort of laughed at among modern gnostic christians, some think of it as a cult, whatever that entails. Sex magic and meditation are the fundamentals that he teaches, it really shouldn't be called gnostic. I have some problems with some of his ideas but I won't get into them too much

As for "God, mother divine, or our higher brothers." The gnostic system can be viewed as the tree of life. God at the top, which is Keter, from which everything eminates from. The two below it are the lowest of the aeons. Sophia and Christ are paired together. Sophia is often called the divine mother. It's kind of laughable to interprit the gnostic myths as somehow speaking of aliens.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by ghaleon12]

[edit on 30-6-2008 by ghaleon12]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by gauncents

Originally posted by LilWillQ
Its a teaching that explains to you all sort kind of stuff

Such a profound statement.

This seems to be more about an advertisement for a crackpot type of a religion than it has to do with ufo's or aliens.

I was thinking the same exact thing LOL

*high five*

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:55 AM
Xenu, lol.. 75 million years ago.. Ok (mo)Ron Hubbard...

uhhh.. this does sound like an ad, sadly..

I think Tom Cruise might be Xenu the 2nd... hope no one follows him to any volcanoes..

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:49 AM
Just want to say I have been with ATS since 04 and I still put things in the wrong location.

We have mods here that are very good and move what needs to be moved.

I get along with almost everyone but when I read rude and insulting and belittling things I usually put said person on ignore myself.

I usually just read and don't look to see who posted what but lately I have seen extreme rudeness and ignorance from gauncents to our members that I actually sent an alert and complained, thought I would never do that but I have.


I would like to say you impress me, 15 and doing what you do by meditating, I stand up and say, """bravo to you.""" This planet needs more youth doing what you are doing and maybe Earth would become a better place.

My mama always told me if you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all. I know we all have bad days and slip at times like some members here but maybe they will think about there tones and try to better themselves as you are doing.

From my computer chair to yours, this old Grandma is proud of you.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by observe50]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:01 AM
Hi LilWillQ, I also practice gnosis of sorts but am only recently familiar with Aun Weor. While I disagree with some of his methods and beliefs he does strangely enough seem to borrow heavily from Crowley, So..... do what thou wilt.

Seems to me your practicing magick, good for you!

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by gauncents

Originally posted by LilWillQ
Once I got up and turned my head up in the sky I saw 6 stars going pass. I got so scared I went home I woke my mother up and told her.

That's just the best.

If I were your Mother, i'd have punched you in the mouth for waking me the hell up!

You know for the life of me I cannot understand how you have avoided being banned this long?

OP. thank you for sharing your experience. Be it your faith or your state of mind when meditating it was sucessful for you in what you were hoping to acheive and thats wonderful. Please do not be discouraged by rudeness.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by spectre76

Well the gnostic thought me something that some people might find offending and against chirstianity. Sorry if this topic goes to someother place then where I started. I went to church and I asked this same very question if god was fair why is not everyone equal. I went to many church too find this awnser but nothing came out then I started goin to these classes they explain stuff that makes sence and if you practice it you can achieve it. They explained too me that we have more the one life. We have 108 lives and 3000 times for those 108 lives. Our purpose is to wake up our conscience we only have 3% awake or less, the other 97% is what we do like right now we on the computer we do the things and the task through out the day. Our Spirtual side is the 3% this is what we meditate or what we think about our selfs. We spent more time worrying about other people then takeing care of our selfs and the only way by wakeing up our conscience is by doing good stuff. Elimateing our egos for example Jealousy is one. Now this is where I was going. We can't not wake up our conscience in one whole life time that is the reason why we have these lives. Lets just say in your past life U aborted a child that you didn't In your next life you will want a child but couldn't get it because of what u did in yoru last life. Newtons law I think cause and effect. If you were born a mute in this life you were a person talking about a lotbad stuff too other people in your past life. If you were born deformed in this life it was because you changed what god created in the life you had. Now the same applys to the good stuff you get what you want. If u do good in this life u do even better in the life this one we have. Now we only have 3% and less Einstein only had 5% awake imagine that. If all of us had 6% we would all be freinds and wouldn't care about races colors or religion. if we all had 8% we can do a lot more things now imagine 100%. Jesus once said "With just a little tiny bit of faith you can move mountains with your mind".

[edit on 30-6-2008 by LilWillQ]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by LilWillQ
Well I woke up in about 4 clock in the morning I couldn't go back to sleep for some reason. I took a bath and put on my clothes on and went outside to meditate. So I was outside all alone looking at the stars. So I started praying to my father and mother divine too see something extranory. I asked show me a sign if there is life out there I prayed and prayed. I gave up hope thought I would not see nothing at all. Once I got up and turned my head up in the sky I saw 6 stars going pass. I got so scared I went home I woke my mother up and told her. She belived me.

I believe you. I wouldnt admit it to people but I have had similar situation where I asked to see something in the night sky and I did. In my case it was a bright star. I flashed my flashlight and tried to give it morris code, no word of a lie, it flashed back, dimmed and moved across the night sky down the horizon like a satallite.

The most recent one was days ago during a serious day storm here. I love heavy storms and I usually goto the door and watch them. As the storm was winding down I said out lout..."Is that all you got?!" and then moved to close the door, all of a sudden lightning struck the top of the light post infornt of my house discharging bright orange sparks.... the sounds was so lound it almost broke my windows and of course the power went out.

I usually dont share these stories for they boarder lunacy or just mere coincidence and I find they are not worthy stories to tell around very close minded people.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by gauncents
I woke up at 3 am the other day and couldn't sleep. So I took a bath, got dressed, made some nachos.

Then I went to the bathroom for a big "sitdown" and meditated and prayed to ATS why threads like this continue to happen.

Well it's 2 am here and I'm off to meditate on why people make continuous pointless posts in a threads they think are worthless.
Sorry to be off topic, had to get that out.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:25 AM
Our members ages will not be questioned or attacked in this thread.

Civility and Decorum are Required

Civility and Decorum are Required

Any further off topic, insulting or useless posts will be deleted and the member warned.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by LilWillQ

First of all religions are just spin offs of another religion. Religion is just a way for peoples to make an outward appearence of how I'm holier than thou. yet in church there's so much immorality (not all,but many) and most are hypocrites.

I believe in christ and practice in my own way w/my family (if they choose)and from my heart. Anything that brings you peace and tranquility and opens doors to new realms of subconciousness is a good thing. Most people are so grounded in this pathatic attempt that we call life and have absolutely no ideals, goals or paths, it's pathetic.

Just so you know even christianity has all it's faults. For starters the whole celibacy thing is a crock of horse [snip] . IT was stated by the apostle paul in 1 Corinthians as his personal opinion as to how HE could better serve the lord. It was misconstrued and much of the rest of his teaching was ignored by the church on this topic. It's just unnatural to be celibate. If you read it you will understand what I'm talking about.

And I'm not going to mention any names but alot of threads I have been reading always have this one knuckle head and his idiotic comments degregating people and their beliefs. Get a life pal. You truly need to do some soul searching and get some inner peace.

Ignore the negativity being bred by people trying to lead you astray.It's forces way beyond their control, manipulating them like puppetsThe fact is that there is only one true GOD and the only way to hear him is to meditate and get your mind,body and soul in sync.Keep focus and GOD will reveal the truth.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by elevatedone]

[edit on 30-6-2008 by 19DCW71]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by IvanZana
You just admitted it,LOL. I totally understand what you mean. Trying to share an experience is not for the close minded but there are those of us who do have true experiences and know it's real.

I noticed I had my most in depth experiences when I turned my life around in the face of adversity for the better. My personal attacks I believe were based on the demonic forces losing grip on a soul they had no control over.

I always wished I had a skull cam to record it because the thigs I went through were honestly better than any fictitous hollywood story. Yet people don't have problems believing fantasy. After all a multitude of society are living a fantasy.Crazy world.

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