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posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by LilWillQ

You say you are a Christian, and are higher brothers are aliens. Where did you get this from, we as Christians do not believe this. Also, you can only pray to the father through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Also, who is mother divine?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by LilWillQ

i wasent gonna reply to this thread but i cant pass up a good chance to be an a$$....

iam willing to bet this is nothing more that a sham. your mind playing tricks on you.

when i used to meditate i found my subconscious used to give me every thing i asked for aswell. this is the same situation. as you get older and wiser you will find your mind can and will acheive the goals you want with out meditation. but i guess every one kneeds a religious belief of some kind weither its of gods or science or what ever hoopla you are speaking of...

[edit on 15amu122007 by DaleGribble]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by DaleGribble

Well let me make this clear. I am an christian with this teaching called "El gnosis". Its a teaching that explains why we are here, what are aliens, what is our purpose. I don't want to explain this teaching it takes years. I belive in god. Our mother divine is in us our conscience. we have 3% of conscince and the other 97% inconscience. In other word our conscience is our spirtuailty and inconscience is what we do all day. We belive that we are awake when we get out of bed but we are not. We are asleep through out the day.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by jhill76

People belive that jesus christ took our sins and we all saved and thats how we get to heaven. Now if god was fair why do we have people who have money and people who dont. Why people born deformed. Why are people born retartred. Why people and fortunate the others. Now explain that to me?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by LilWillQ

Wow. I am simply in awe. You need to leave that place you go to, it is leading you down the wrong path. Aliens are not in the Christian belief system.

***I am not attacking peoples beliefs in Aliens, but the OP said he is a Christian and prays to the aliens.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by jhill76

My bad I don't pray at them I asked for them to show something to me

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by LilWillQ

Okay. I am a Christian. But, I don't go to church, as a lot of people on ATS don't that are Christians. Since we are on the same page. We you ask to be shown something, you are dabbling in the darkness. I believe aliens to be of the other side. Use the search feature on ATS, they have a wealth of information in them.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by LilWillQ

you dont need to bother trying to explain your religion to me. im gonna save you the trouble and tell you i dont really care. i just think you are a confused kid.

praying to mother devine is no christian belief. i went to a well known christian school for 12 years and we never spoke to a mother devine or prayed to aliens. the last cult i heard of doing this all commited suicide, maybe you should rethink the path you are takeing as jhill stated.

[edit on 15amu122007 by DaleGribble]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by -midnite-
How are you guys seriously going to sit here and bash this kid? If its really that bad of a post ignore it and move on to the next.

AMEN to this post...sheesh poor LilWillQ...

My son is 15 and attempting to learn things, and interact with all kinds of people and if he was posting on ATS I would HOPE he got more of a welcome than this young person is getting....
If you all are so intellectual share a little wisdom with the kid as OBVIOUSLY they are seeking some.

WELCOME to ATS LilWillQ ......have a read of this thread its very interesting.
......have your mom take a look see as well, its supposed to be about the hidden historical truth of planet earth. I know you guys will appreciate it given that your taking 'gnostic' teaching classes.....
It is talking about THE TERRA PAPERS which is a way of seeing the Aliens in a non religious way....

Click on the little STAR WARS icon in my signature and that takes you to the ATS HANDBOOK written on all the ways and means of posting and interacting on ATS....once your in the know, NOBODY can pick on you for doing something they think is wrong. Its not a long read and teaches you all about points....loading an avatar...all the kinds of things you might wonder about.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:54 AM
here is a christian take on aliens for you mother devine..

i dont agree with everything on the vids in this link but since it is my thread i am slightly bias to it.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:40 AM
welcome lil , pay no attention to the bashing some people cant stand for someone to have belifes that arent the same as thiers espicaly if you call it christianity. im glad you have decided to open your self to the many possibilitys out in this world. and just a small piece of advice remember when it comes to religon there is no right choice just the choice that is right for you .

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:02 AM
I'm dissapointed in the type of attitude this member has recieved by posting his thoughts on here. If you do not like this thread, then why comment on it. If have nothing of value to contribute to this thread then ignore it.

I hope some of our members can learn a little something about maturity from this 15 y/o member.

Sad. :shk:

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by jhill76
Also, you can only pray to the father through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


So Jesus has a 100% Monopoly on God now?

Nay, I think the Roman Catholic Church, given its multi-century monopoly on Christianity itself, has corrupted the teachings.

According to them.. if you live in a barbaric country, where there has not been contact made by any missionaries, and you live a good life and die, you go to hell and burn for eternity. All because you were in the wrong place/wrong time and it is silly.

The truth is, it states in Revelation that he will return and with his sickle scoop up all of the ripe fruits. This includes dead believers. This is the 1st resurrection, where it speaks of the 144,000 in symbolism. Then theres a 2nd resurrection, after the Armageddon battle, where the remainder of mankind from its inception onward will be raised and judged. Some to everlasting bliss, some not. Considering Yahshua was born around 35 B.C., that is alot of freakin' people! Who will not know Christ...

It's my belief from the scriptures that Christ will redeem even the dead in flesh .. even if they knew him not .. if they lived a good and proper existence.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by LilWillQ
reply to post by jhill76

People belive that jesus christ took our sins and we all saved and thats how we get to heaven. Now if god was fair why do we have people who have money and people who dont. Why people born deformed. Why are people born retartred. Why people and fortunate the others. Now explain that to me?

Some people have more money than others because the financial institution is a system of control created by mankind and therefore governed by free will. I personally avoid the topic of finance when it comes to the creator as it is "the root of all evil" (as the saying goes) and purely materialistic. In nature, money doesn't keep us alive... food does. We are living very unnaturally.

I believe that every human being serves some sort of purpose that is greater than any judgment or observation that could be offered but those born with mental retardation or some deformity might suggest that it is not the flesh that matters (the materialistic again) but rather the soul. Is the soul of the mentally challenged any different than yours or mine? First we'd have to prove the soul even exists... which is impossible. Might the mentally or physically challenged who partake in the Special Olympics inspire people who maybe have all their mental and physical faculties in order? Consider children who are struggling with cancer. If you were to meet these kids they seem to be at some heightened level of "peace" and will often be trying to reassure the parents who aren't taking it as well. It is truly amazing to see a child suffering with an affliction somewhat at ease or peaceful with their situation.
This is in part due to the fact that children haven't had the years to develop their fear of death. It's technically not natural to think about death really. Perhaps "age" is the contributor to a fear of dying. People in need remind us to assist... it's really what you get out of it. Perhaps these innocent children have been called home early for reasons beyond our judgment or rationale. Stephen Hawking has spent his life immobile and in a wheel chair and is also among the top acknowledged minds on the planet.

Not sure if by fortunate you were referring to say "happiness" or again, the more "materialistic" things that we cannot take with us. To get a better understanding, I'd first maybe realize that all institutions or systems are going to be systems of mankind and are therefore governed by free will rather than by the creator... religious institutions included. Money isn't actually the root of all evil though... free will is.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by spectre76]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:29 AM
Wow, some truly disgusting behavior here by some of you. Do not pay attention to any of them. You are acting far more mature then a lot of people here. Keep following you inner voice and guidance. I wish I was doing things like that when I was 15.

EDIT: Why is it so hard for people to get along? This is one of the biggest reoccuring themes. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Please?

[edit on 30-6-2008 by Asmus]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by gauncents

Originally posted by gauncents
I woke up at 3 am the other day and couldn't sleep. So I took a bath, got dressed, made some nachos.

Then I went to the bathroom for a big "sitdown" and meditated and prayed to ATS why threads like this continue to happen.

Gauncents, I have to say attacking this 15yr old SiX TIMES count them IS GOING WAY OVERBOARD in my opinion. Sheesh

We all know your into flaming, most of us here have noticed it's just about everytime you post but can you please limit it to maybe ONE FLAME per thread please.

Thanks a million!

[edit on 30-6-2008 by Alien_Question]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by jhill76

"Wow. I am simply in awe. You need to leave that place you go to, it is leading you down the wrong path. Aliens are not in the Christian belief system. "

jhill76, who are you to say that extraterrestrials are not in the Christian belief system?

Doesn't it say somewhere that:

"All things were created by Him of Him and through Him"

"Worlds without number"

How narrow minded can one be to think this little spec called earth is the only creation and only world or race that God so loved?

ET's are ALIENS same thing and Angels and the city of Enoch that was supposedly taken up into heaven is Alien to this world as well. Anything not of earth is Alien to us.

Perhaps your looking at the word Alien in the wrong way!

Just A thought!

p.s. If there is a Father in Heaven would you assume there is no Mother in Heaven? (A Divine Father, A Divine Mother) Makes sense to me!

To the OP: Thanks for sharing your experience and best of luck to you!

[edit on 30-6-2008 by Alien_Question]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by gauncents

hahahaha you crack me up!!! (first page)

to the op....welcome to ats!

you may find a film called 'the secret' of interest to you, just dont take it too seriously and keep an open mind

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:21 AM
hey there
welcome to ATS

i hope you're not letting all these other negative opinions dampen your spirit too much

i would like to mention that i am catholic, i go to church every week and i pray a lot but i do not necessarily agree with some of the catholic/ christian church's teachings.. this is my prerogative.

i am not restricted to a set of beliefs outlined by any religion because i believe tradition in modern day religion has become obsolete, stagnant and uninteresting - the true essence behind every religion - that of developing and showing love and compassion toward fellow man - has become lost in all the warring and mass control.
i also believe in the existence of higher entities (ETs) AS WELL AS God and His angels (sometimes wondering if they're the same thing) and i think it's admirable how much insight the young OP offers, compared to some other ignorant posters on this thread...

Originally posted by jhill76
reply to post by LilWillQ

You say you are a Christian, and are higher brothers are aliens. Where did you get this from, we as Christians do not believe this. Also, you can only pray to the father through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Also, who is mother divine?

Oh didn't you hear?? THE VATICAN recently ok'd belief in the existence of extraterrestrials

seems like you're a little out with the times...

guess that means you're free now to explore the phenomena as much as you want, whereas before "we as Christians" were not allowed to open our minds to such an influence..

[edit on 30/6/08 by pretty_vacant]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:24 AM
I just posted on a previous thread about the behaviour and comments from certain posters one in particular got my attention and his attitude towards the op was shocking.
Now i come to read this thread and see the same poster with the same crap attidute towards the op,and considering the op is just a child im ashamed to see this.
Oh and i mean YOU gauncents you did the same thing in a previous thread and now you are doin it here,whats your problem pal,you having a bad day or are you just aggresive all the time.

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