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Worst child abuse in history - dont read if easily upset

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posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by DuneKnight

It wasn't all at one time. If I gave you that impression, I'm sorry. This was over months of dnlds including some movies, whole albums. This has happened. I didn't make it up.


posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

concerning computer safety, what you talk about is very rare. my own experience is limited of course since Im just an average user, but never has that happened to me or anyone i know. the 2 gigs of porn he talked about were 2 gigs! not small files- someone would have noticed at least, he said they only downloaded songs. it still amazes me that people are unaware of the files on their computer but im sure those files were there for another reason, as its probably someone else's stuff. im sorry but thats the truth. its too much porn to be from one external malicious source.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by DuneKnight

Well we'll agree to disagree on this issue, as i've been in the computer business and found such files on many computers, usually intermingled in a music collection dispersed over several albums. People wern't trying t hide it, it's just sme horrible people think it's funny to include it in a compressed archive.

However yes i agree people should check everything they download as soon as it lands on their hard drive, they should also check compressed archives before downloading them, if you use bittorrent you'll know you can view the files beforehand.

Basic common sense will save you from most of it.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 08:31 PM
i am strongly pro life in general, but i believe a sick mother#er like this deserves the death sentence in the worst way possible.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
One things we're all forgetting here: nearly 70% of convicted child molesters in the United States are middle class, educated, married white men.

Yeah and that makes it a rare crime indeed huh! White middle class guys actually outdoing others in convictions.

And that is the key; convictions. I am sure many of those convictions are the result of wives and other family members outting the offender. That right there could seriously affect the conviction rate. If the family overlooked it, if they were in denial, if they did not like to call the authorities on family members, etc...and did NOT press charges the conviction rates would be much lower!

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 11:43 PM
This story is beyond horrible. I think that the perverts that do such a thing to a child, should be put to death. Period!
It is what is going through that child's mind during this that breaks my heart.
My 10 yr old niece(at the time) was involved in a pornography case.
She was involved with a modeling agency for young girls .

To make it short, this photographer had been buying these young girls alcohol, marijuana and the police found a bed set up in the back room of his agency. Sickening.....

My niece told me the details and I thought I was gonna lose it. I called my brother-in-law and told him he had until the morning to call the FBI or I was going to.. He got 20 or 30 years. But unfortunately they found her photos splashed on the internet.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by EverythingYouDespise

Given your sigil and

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by EverythingYouDespise

Everythingyoudespise fits your persona given your satanic avatar.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Dune

First of all, I started with windows 3.1 in 1990. In the past I have been an AOL guide, Ranger, as well as a beta tester for them and Microshaft. I actualy do know what I'm talking about. Kasaa, was one of the worst P2P sites for at least 4 years for Virus and worms, backdoors all kinds of mischevious programming. I spent untold hours on AOL in help chat rooms showing people how to fix the crap that they're kids and other family members managed to load on they're machines. Maybe next time someone try's to give some well learned advice, you might want to ask where they got the expertice before you attack them. You obviously no nothing of my abilities or what kind of trouble you can get into by being ignorant of the problems of unsecure sites.


[edit on 6/29/2008 by ZindoDoone]

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by Sonya610
And that is the key; convictions. I am sure many of those convictions are the result of wives and other family members outting the offender. That right there could seriously affect the conviction rate. If the family overlooked it, if they were in denial, if they did not like to call the authorities on family members, etc...and did NOT press charges the conviction rates would be much lower!

That's a very important point. In the past this was heard of less because families kept it quiet out of shame, even sometimes blaiming the child. I'm glad we live in a society that reports it more often.


I'm deeply sorry that happened to your niece, i know someone who was abused starting very early in life, to hear her talk about it is horrible beyond words. I'm glad the offender got a decent sentence, i wish however it had been a life sentence, meaning life. These offenders cannot be fixed at this present time and so they should be kept away from society as once they act upon their thoughts they are a very real danger.

I admire your self control, because although i'm usually a peaceful person, i'm not sure i could have just waited to call the police.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

Yes that's what i was trying to point out, especially in regards to apps like Kazaa (which i mentioned above). I remember that program on customers machines and every single time they searched it bought up a ton of fake files containing trojans. You could always tell the trojans, an mp3 that was only 58k, yeah right that's an audio file. A whole list of them all the same size, i remember scrolling through an archive that was thousands of files, all mp3's, all different names, all teh same size

I wasn't downloading btw, just showing a customer the dangers of P2P software as it was i think the fourth time i had cleared his computer. The point is, you were correct, trojans are very nasty pieces of software and if someone wants to use one on your system they can cause you a lot of problems.

This is how bot networks get setup. Incidentally it's also where most of the spam comes from.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Not only that but mirrored sites that link your computer to a porn network. I'm an administrator for to message boards. I spent the better part of today getting rid of Bot members and blocking IRP's from China and Russia. I found out they had mirrored two servers on Comcast network here in the states. They generated 25 to 40 screen names and accounts on each board twice a day. Its time consuming to catch them and delete them for the security of the members/

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

Yep, that was my arguement agains tthe recent FBI website used to catch paedophiles who clicked through the links. That someone could abuse that and frame someone else.

The internet cases need to be very carefully addresses. How they caught this man seems to have been the correct way of going about it. I only hope that the police can keep infiltrating the big rings, like the one the FBI cracked, catching hundreds of very predatory, dangerous men. I'm not sure if any women were found during that raid so i'm jsut saying men for now.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 08:58 AM

I think it would even be a good idea to provide pedophiles with lifelike sex dolls designed to look and feel like children (similar to those Real Dolls they make to look like women). This way, they would be able to satiate their desires without causing any harm to another member of society.

ohh..thats awesome...what an amazing idea...not.

You dont get it do you?

There is no solution, you dont give them a way out and say ' try that for a bit, then let the authoritys know if you think its not working and you want to hurt a child'

All the 'do-gooders' on this thread may as well have the blood on their hands - these people are not human, by that i mean there genetics and thought processes are completley unaccesible to the masses, just like with a vote - the majority wins.

If you take a tally of people in society that would permanently remove peodo's and child abusers against the ones that 'want to help' and 'understand the problem' there would be a massive vote in favour of the first and a volley of disgust aimed at the latter - that has been clearly demonstrated by the response to tnhis thread.

god forbid that it ever happened to any of your own children but i would be amazed if you kept the same point of view after the event had effected your loved ones personally.

The world is such a mess because you lot dont see the clear difference between good and evil, there are somethings that simply have no objections to be raised against - child abuse in any form along with the rape of anyone cannot be excused, reformed or accepted on any level, the perpertrator as an adult has already progressed along a thought process that is unreversable - this has been proven indefinatley by the statistics of re-offence - Countrys wouldnt have 'sex offender' lists if there was even the slight chance of reform and cure.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by optimus fett

The world is such a mess because you lot dont see the clear difference between good and evil, there are somethings that simply have no objections to be raised against - child abuse in any form along with the rape of anyone cannot be excused, reformed or accepted on any level, the perpertrator as an adult has already progressed along a thought process that is unreversable - this has been proven indefinatley by the statistics of re-offence - Countrys wouldnt have 'sex offender' lists if there was even the slight chance of reform and cure.

Agreed in full, the ones who actually offend and act upont heir actions cannot ne fixed, prison for life and end of the story. However i think the sex doll idea was designed to get to them before they used a real child, i may be wrong but that's what it seemed like the poster was saying.

If it stopped them from hurting a real child, are you saying that wouldn't be a valuable thing?

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by A curious cat

This man has abused and raped children, he has convictions and now he has been caught for possessing, making and distributing child pornography. You actualy think that we are not putting the abused children first? He is an abuser! And you are a fool!!!

Maybe you should read the article cited before you make these kinds of erroneous statements. He was not caught making porn, he downloaded it and, probably, shared it. Where was the porn made? Lets go back to the original article.

The material which has been described in detail by the Crown depicts the most serious abuse of the youngest of children, even babies.

"The images appear to have come into existence probably in eastern Europe and North America ... in the last 5-10 years."

The legal charge of "distributing, making and possessing" is a single charge with covers distributing OR making OR possessing child porn. But nowhere does it say that he created the porn.

Your rant is exactly the sort of self-congratulatory red herring that I am concerned about. You seem to feel that it is now case closed and those children have been saved somehow by arresting this man. They have not. They are still out there being horribly abused and, apparently, now no longer a concern to those smug and self satisfied "protectors" of the public good who irrationally seem to feel that punishing this man is closure to the whole affair.

If you really are concerned for the victims, then take some of that anger of yours and demand to know what the authorities are doing for those infants and children. These images are of current abuse in many cases. Demand more funding for those who are trying to find these victims, agencies and officers who are terribly underfunded and understaffed because all the resources are put into high profile cases like this that play well in the press.

Personally, I don't really care what happens to the old pervert that was arrested, he made a decision and now he has to accept the consequences. I care about what we are doing for the victims, and right now, I don't see a single word in the article that gives me the slightest hope for them.

You seem like a person who cares passionately about this matter. It is so important for people like you to take that passion and become the champions for those who are brutalized, victimized and abused and not waste it on pointless vengeance.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn
As far as the UK is concerned, Lately I've noticed alot of news coming out of there where some seriously totalitarian initiatives have been taking hold...It's really beginning to make me feel scared for our British brothers and sisters, who may be on a much faster decline into fascism.

What does this have to do with the UK declining into fascism?
I doubt this case will affect the Labour Party's political stance, and the court ruling isn't fault of any recent government decline.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by EverythingYouDespise

By your logic, we should not only punish the serial killer you mentioned but every one of the millions of people who enjoy watching fictional and non-fictional depictions of murder. Presented like this, does that really make any sense to you?

You're an idiot. You can't tell the difference between FICTIONAL AND NON FICTIONAL MURDER!?

And snuff movies are illegal. Duh.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by A curious cat
"Just because they view child pornography?" IT IS NOT A VICTIMLESS CRIME!! Why can't you people see this? These children are not willing actors, enjoying their performance! Your argument is ridiculous, stop trying to defend them. There is no defence!

Having unusual sexual tastes, when between conscenting adults is perfectly fine, what we are talking about is as different as black from white.

Those two points, which have been made by curious cat, are fundamental to this debate. No matter what certain perverts have tried to argue in favour of in this thread those two points made above remain FACT.

I notice that those same certain members who have made their pro-paedophile posts fail to argue any actual point that has been argued against them. they simply come up with more ridiculous and disgusting suggestions. I suggest they read the two points made in curious cat's post quoted above and ANSWER THEM DIRECTLY.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984

This man should be kept in prison for life, i read an article today that said he may be out in as little as 2-5 years. If that's true then i give up on our prison system, because this man will reoffend, he'll just be more careful.

The judge stated that he should serve at least two years but technically he has been given an indefinite sentence, which means he could be out in a few weeks, months or the two years. Most sentences take off a third 'for good behaviour' which means if they don’t break the rules for their sentence they get a third off their sentence automatically. I guess he will serve about 12-16 months. He could even be sent to an open prison with day release or transferred to a mental hospital with non secure access (which means he gets to go out during the day unattended).

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