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Life in the U.S. is a joke

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posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 09:27 PM

Can you please clarify the last statement in your post?

"Nuclear obliteration couldn't really damage us any more, who knows, it might be just the thing we need to start over. I wouldn't be opposed to it."

Are you saying that if you knew of a plot that involved the nuclear destruction of the country that you live in you would say nothing and let it happen?

Or...are you saying you would welcome the nuclear destruction of America and would help out if you had the chance?

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by slackerwire

Originally posted by slackerwire
We live in a country where....

We are shown basically real time bombing campaigns on TV, but people go nuts if a nipple makes an appearance.

So what is your complaint here? That people go nuts if a nipple is shown on primetime? I'm confused - do you want to set the standards for every parent in the US?

Or is it the fact that you are being deprived of seeing a nipple? Then get HBO.

Originally posted by slackerwire
Where they bleep out words like "drugs" and "heroin" on radio stations.

Get XM Radio or Sirius.

Originally posted by slackerwire

People are arrested and sent to prison for a very long time for committing victimless crimes.

Debatable on several fronts.

Originally posted by slackerwire
Lots of feeble minded twist like to carry on about how "free" they are. These people must not pay attention to what happens if they forget to pay their property taxes. In a truly free nation, the government couldn't come take your house.

Please tell us where these "truly free nations" are where the gov't won't penalize you for paying your property taxes. And please tell us how an advanced society is going to survive if paying your taxes is a penalty-free choice,

I've modified your next paragraph so that it reflects reality:

Originally posted by slackerwire

We live in a nation where elected first time politicians ambitious people go to DC work and are worth maybe a few hundred grand, but when they leave office retire, they are worth millions.

Lets be honest here, the US culture provides you with the opportunities and choices to live a happy, prosperous, and free life. If you choose not to take advantage of the opportunities, then that is your own fault.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by slackerwire

You make it seem like America is a really bad place to live in. Go trade shoes with a poor Iraqi and then come tell me how bad America really is. The temperature is about 45 C, and water only runs for about 5-10 minutes every couple of days.

Yup, you have it that much worse then them.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by super70
I take it you haven't done much traveling.

You have no idea of the privilege we have as Americans.

Have to agree with Tron Guy on this one. If you think America is bad I would invite you to tour these fine places:

* parts of Africa where people are having limbs cut off on a daily basis, some just for being at the wrong place at the wrong time;

*go to Cuba where ou are told what job you will do and what kind of life you will live;

*how about China, where if you disagree with the government and are vocal about it they will most likely machine gun you to death;

*or how about North Korea, one of the countries that still employs the use of concentration camps on its own countrymen

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Lets be honest here, the US culture provides you with the opportunities and choices to live a happy, prosperous, and free life. If you choose not to take advantage of the opportunities, then that is your own fault.

That's a great quote, jsobecky. Worthy of being a rallying cry during this next election against the leftists who want to turn this great nation into a socialist, Marxist third world country.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by downtown436
You are brainwashed, man you should seriously quit watching fox news.

Let me guess you think you are a "conservative". So that means you like huge government, huge taxes, and total liberty loss.

Really? That's what the Dems are asking for when they take office. Big Daddy White Government to hold your hand and take care of you. They'll have a committee to determine if a conference will be need to establish some new office or some such. Plenty of people to suck off the government teat with jobs.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by sos37

i hear where all of you who are saying "you should try living somewhere else" are coming from. i do. i don't think that is the point of the OP, and should i be wrong, i have no problem being corrected.

it doesn't seem to me that he is complaining about anything, especially his lot in life; but rather that he is feeling anger and distress towards the focus of america in general, in all aspects. let me make this more subjective as i don't want to be wrong in speaking for him.

for me, personally, i have it tough. i say that in comparison to other women around me (women i call friends) who have husbands and someone w/ whom they share responsibility of their children and the state of the over all well being of the family. i am alone in making sure the over all well being of my family is taken care of.

HOWEVER, i would not tell them they have no right in being upset or distressed over their personal family problems, even though they have more help than i do. it doesn't lessen their anxiety and their right to be distressed over their situation just bc they have that extra help that i don't have.

in general, that is the same way that i view the OP's distress over the state of america. yes, FOR NOW, he has more of an advantage than third world countries and even other places that aren't currently third world, but it doesn't lessen the anxiety of the wrongs and the dangerous trail that we, as a country are headed down. and if this country is headed down this dangerous path, then every single one of its citizens are headed down it as well; which should be enough to jolt us all into not accepting this path anymore, even those who "feel" comfortable for the moment.

think about it.

[edit on 25-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 09:53 PM

Right on Brother. Many of us feel the same way! What I was taught to belive in, in school , at home..... such a shame.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:00 PM
I have the answer!

To the owner of this site, administrators, etc- And to the prosperous but disgusted with the way things are,

Why dont we buy that island for sale off the coast of Fiji, and call it ATS Land???

Since i came up with the idea, i want a royal highness tittle.

Hows that for an idea???

But it really hurts to see this country deteriorating so rapidly, and my compliments to the OP for a very truthful thread.

The ruler must be sane on the island and be submitted to a battery of psychological tests.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

i love this idea, however, it has been done in real life. and look where we are now in america


Replaced big quote of previous post with reply with.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 26-6-2008 by GAOTU789]

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Stop talking dirty or i'll be forced to enforce the punishment for the potty mouth policy.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:09 PM

I didn't mean to come off snarky in my reply if it sounded that way, and I do agree with the OP in being upset in the direction this country is going. The decisions coming out of our government almost on a daily basis these days have me saying "what? WHAT?" I think everyone has a right to be angry or upset. For example, right now isn't the greatest time to be a teenager graduating high school. You get your first car and suddenly you get hit in the head with your first life lesson - gas prices suck right now. You need a job just to gas up your car and go places. The question is, how do we change the state of things?

Personally, I can't wait for the congressional elections. That seems to be where the real power is. I'd love for many of these old, comfortable incumbents to suddenly be thrown out into the cold and replaced by people who represent more sensible ideals.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by sos37

believe me, compared to some of the posts in reply to this thread, yours was far from snarky.

like i said, i hear where you are coming from. my parents live in zambia africa where if you are EVEN ACCUSED of stealing, you are subjected to multiple beatings, incarceration that makes amercia's prison system look like a cake walk, and THEN you get trial that is subjected to the scrutiny of a ppl that is more crooked than the country roads i have to navigate my vehicle on.

so, i by no means would dare complain where the good lord has placed me. i am just saying that even given my good place of existence doesn't mean that i don't have the right and/or SHOULDN'T speak out about the path that we are headed down as a nation; bc the way i see it, the more we keep feeding into the 'you could have it worse' bs that keeps our eyes shut and mouths closed, i will soon find myself in the state that the zambians are in............. perhaps even worse.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by slackerwire

I'd like to add one more item to your list: If you're 18, you are old and responsible enough to go off to war and kill or be killed but you are not old enough to drink.

The seatbelt law is another moronic law that makes no sense in states where you have to wear a seatbelt but not a helmet if riding a bike. Why don't we just wrap our bodies in bubble wrap so we can feel safe 24 hrs a day.

We had a chance to vote for real change but Ron Paul is out, Kucinich is out. They were the only folks I actually supported. Life in the U.S. is like taking part in a circus side show. I am enjoying it, hope you are too.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by slackerwire

Good post, but I don't totally agree. It is WHERE you live in America that makes the difference. In TX we are pretty free to do what we want, or at the least use a loophole to do so. States are all different and you can always move.....At least now.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by slackerwire

i hear ya brother!!

we need NESARA now!! for the love of humanity and all that is good...

much love to all

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by TXMACHINEGUNDLR
reply to post by slackerwire

Good post, but I don't totally agree. It is WHERE you live in America that makes the difference. In TX we are pretty free to do what we want, or at the least use a loophole to do so. States are all different and you can always move.....At least now.

i live in tx and see the same thing that OP sees everyday. not sure if you are wrapped in that bubble wrap the previous poster mentioned, but i sure as hell am not. in fact, i am witness every day to ILLEGAL immigrants getting more rights than this state's citizens by birth. (not trying to be rude, just feeling pretty damn passionate about all of this).

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:45 PM
I miss playing in the dirt as a kid
Life has too many worries being an adult me thinks no matter what country you recide in

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:48 PM
bwahahahahaha....Youre saying what ive said for a long time. (original poster) For some reason America thnks violence is natural and should be taught and shown every given moment, and sex..........OH NO! Its a sin, you'll go to hell. (Guess whos behind that?)

America is one of the least FREE countries ive ever lived in, I live in LA now, and have lived in Europe for many years.

Granted I love the weather, but is that it. America is more communist and big broterish than MOST other western societies.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by slackerwire

who is holding a gun to your head to stay???


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