This is why I buy gold... physicly buy and store gold... at home.... in a big heavy safe.Its really the only thing of value. Paper money has no value
to me. When the economy collapes gold will still hold value. I hope to aquire enough to sustain me and my family through any rough times ahead.
Great for you. So you have tons of cash, and therefore you are free. Not the same for all of us here. Thanks for taking more than you need and leaving
others out on a limb.
There's only a limited amount of cash pal, so what you take, you take from others.
But hey, we plebs probably deserve it. We just can't match you. You are obviously a superior being. And we should exist just to serve people like
you. Our limited intellects cannot grasp how great global capitalism is, or truly appreciate what a wonderful place the world has become thanks to
your pairs.
That is because we are lazy tramps, and spend far too much time wanting to help parasites, by develloping silly ideas like generosity, love and
compassion. Yep, none of them ideas ever earned any money.
I agree with the point that a socialist democracy is the way to go but I don't know about redistributing wealth. In my mind, government control of
key industries will become necessary at some point.
Originally posted by counterterrorist
The only hope for this country is democratic socialism & equal redistribution of wealth.
We must immediate liquidate the Fed and redistribute wealth equally in the WHOLE WORLD.
That way, a person will stand or fall by their greed or love.
It's very simple.
Fortunes like Bill Gates' that were built by ripping off wage-earners -- he never would have gotten so rich unless he over-charged for computers.
There's only a couple hundred dollars in each one. The parts for the orig mac were $38.
Think about what you are saying. This road leads down to communism. You will be better off figuring out how to help the poor and encourage the rich
to burden more responsibilities. Seriously, don't take this path.
Nothing wrong with being generous with your own money. But I have noticed that richer people tend to prentend that "that homeless guy on the street
corner just isn't there, ladeeda, I can't hear him asking for change, I'll look away as I walk past."
I have next to nothing, but I'll share with someone who has even less. Even if it means buying less food for myself. As long as I have enough to get
by. Lot's of people have far more than me, and because they do, they generaly think that they must keep it for themselves. There are exeptions. But
they remain exeptions.
Well, if I could solve the problems with my own wallet, believe me I would. Unfortunatly, as I said before, there is a fixed amount of wealth out
there mate, and when your bank account rivals with that of a small country, it means that somewhere along the line, you are responsible for fair
dollop of famine and poverty. But hey, you're enjoying that third king size swimming pool with bubbles and #, and you can't care less about people
dying. Hell, you can't see them, they may not even be real. Your private security guards make sure you never see any tramps, so you can just live
away in your personal fairyland full of cash and champagne.
My mouth is where my pocket is when it comes to being compassionate. In proportion, because I don't have much as I already said. A couple of years
back I lived in town, and when I couldn't give cash to the homeless, I gave them somewhere to sleep. B&B in my flat (25 m²). I don't know any
middle class traders or lawyers who are prepared to to that. I know for sure you're not.
There was this one guy I really liked, he lived in the street with his dog, and played the guitar for a living. He was the son of a heart surgeon. He
was so disgusted by his parents wealth, mentality and contempt for others that he left at 16 and became homeless just to show them that they were
wrong. Well he's going 25 and still there today so I guess they still haven't changed. People like you don't change. Because they don't care.
the only people who should be needing any kind of financial assistance are those that are truly unable to work...the elderly, the handicapped. anyone
who can work, should be getting the money they need to support themselves and their families from their jobs!
so, I don't think that our economic system is the major problem.
we have way too many people taking the easy way out and just finding a reason they shouldn't be working when they can work, and we have way too many
people working, but making far too little to actually live on. if we were to go socialist, how would it help this problem...there still wouldn't be
enough jobs for all the abled bodied workers, there still would be people coming up with a hundred an fifty reasons why they shouldn't have to work,
and the powers that be would still not want to give your average everyday laborer enough to provide them with anything more than a miserable life of
hunger and homelessness. and we'd still have divorce, deadbeat dads, and people creating more babies than they have a means of supporting. what
we need is more responsible people....running their lives more responsibly, running their businesses in a more socially responsible way, and running
the government in a way that is more responsible for your everyday average citizen.. changing our system isn't gonna do squat to change people! if
you took all the money in the world and divided it equally amounst every human being on the planet, you would have some who would drink every cent
and then fall into the drunken slumber, you would have others who would sit on it and do absolutely nothing, and you would have some that would
find a way to use that money to exploit their neighbors when times got rough. you would then have the government forced to step in with measures
trying to get everyone doing what the government thinks they should be doing, we would be right back to where we are now, and onward to your
tyrannical, all controlling central government controlling every aspect of your life, since so many just can't handle the responsibility that freedom
brings with it. which, I don't care if we ran on a totally liberal or a totally conservative way....this is where we are heading. a bunch of rich
elites on the top, unwilling to let their money trickle down to all the rest of society to the extent that even the least of us able bodied workers
can live a life of non-dependance, without the right to dictate how those people spend everycent of the elite's money. charity isn't the answer,
neither is a bunch of government programs to keep them propped up. a path to independance is. then we can redesign the government programs so that
they serve the few in the society that just can't work. it doesn't take our government doing squat for an employer to realize that their
employees can't live independantly on $6 or $7 dollars an hour and decide that he would rather his employees have that independance, and take that
load off our failing government budget! and, nothing can be changed till that is. the government has no choice but to let those social programs grow
, the alternative would be a massive breakdown on the bottom, because people aren't gonna keep going to work if their home is a cardboard box and the
next meal is picked out of a trashcan, and the majority of their money is going to the government so they can keep helping the rich get richer because
it's "good for business" .
Originally posted by zephyrs
I agree with the point that a socialist democracy is the way to go but I don't know about redistributing wealth. In my mind, government control of
key industries will become necessary at some point.
the key is that taxmoney that is flowing all over the place that is keeping our economy running! if I am running my business, and not taking from
that pot, and my employees are being paid enough that they don't have to, well, the government doesn't have anything that gives them the right
really to come meddling in my business as far as I am concerned (as long as I am not dumping toxic waste into the backyard or producing dangerous
products or the like. but if they are taking from that pot (and yes, paying your employers so little that they have to take from it is taking from
the pot!!) well, then ya, the government does have the justification to come into your business and start meddling....they should have a right to say
how that money is spent by your company!'s kind of like a natural law! our government is letting the money flow all over
the place, with way too little strings attached to it. everybody who is being help by those social programs should be required to spend a little
energy finding a way so that they don't need those social programs any longer. they should be required to look for a better paying job in other
words... they might never find it, and this might be a headache for the businesses, but since this company chose to be dependant on those funds also
when they opted to pay their employees so little, well....they are in the same boat as their employees. the same goes for all the money that the
businesses are getting. if you take from the pot, you accept that the government should have some say in what is going on in your business...if the
government decides that you should be doing something differently, well, then you should be doing something differently. if they decide that your ceo
should only be getting 50% more than your lowest paid worker, well, that's it! don't like it, don't take from the pot! and ya know what,
considering just how much money is flowing into the healthcare system.....ya, it should be socialized! the government has every right to run it in an
attempt to keep their costs down! those in our society that doesn't like it should start actively finding ways so that there isn't so much
government funds flowing into it to begin with! ya know, keeping the cost of drugs affordable, keeping the cost of training the doctors and nurses
down, ect. maybe the ceo's of blue cross and blue shield could bypass their next series of pay raises or something!
The only hope for this country is democratic socialism & equal redistribution of wealth
The only hope for this country is democratic socialism & equal redistribution of wealth.
We must immediate liquidate the Fed and redistribute wealth equally in the WHOLE WORLD.
That way, a person will stand or fall by their greed or love.
It's very simple.
Fortunes like Bill Gates' that were built by ripping off wage-earners -- he never would have gotten so rich unless he over-charged for computers.
There's only a couple hundred dollars in each one. The parts for the orig mac were $38.
Counter - One of the very best posts I have seen on ATS. You've hit the nail on the head. Unfortunantly you're probably about 300 years ahead of
your time as it will take the rest of these smucks that long to realize that the elite rich are not rich because they "worked harder" or worked
smarter" then the rest of humanity. They were able to rip everyone off "legally".
The richest one per cent of the world's population owns 40 per cent of the total household wealth, while the bottom half of the world makes do with
barely one per cent, according to a research report released Tuesday.
The study, which further underlined the continuing disparity between rich and poor, is by the Helsinki-based World Institute for Development Economics
Research, part of the United Nations University.
'Income inequality has been rising for the past 20 to 25 years and we think that is true for inequality in the distribution of wealth.'
-Canadian economist James Davies, an author of the reportIt took more than $500,000 US to be among the richest one per cent of adults in the world,
according to the report. The richest 10 per cent of adults needed $61,000 US in assets.
In contrast, 50 per cent of adults owned barely one per cent of the household wealth.
Wealth was defined as the value of physical and financial assets minus debts. The study differentiates between wealth and income. The authors note
that "many people in high-income countries — somewhat paradoxically — are among the poorest people in the world in terms of household wealth"
because they have large debts.
The bulk of the wealthiest adults (almost 90 per cent) are concentrated in North America, Europe and Japan, the researchers said. For example, North
America accounts for only six per cent of adults, but held 34 per cent of the globe's household wealth.
"Income inequality has been rising for the past 20 to 25 years, and we think that is true for inequality in the distribution of wealth," said James
Davies, one of the report's authors and a professor of economics at the University of Western Ontario in London.
"There is a whole group of problems in developing countries that make it difficult for people to build up assets, which are important, since life is
so precarious," Davies said.
Having assets worth just above $2,200 US would be enough to put an adult into the top half of the world's wealth distribution.
Canadians averaged $70,916 US in assets Canada's net worth per capita came in at $70,916 US, putting it just ahead of Denmark.
Average net worth in the United States amounted to $143,867 per person in 2000, while it reached $180,837 in Japan.
At the bottom end of the scale were Ethiopia with per-capita wealth of $193 and Congo at $180.
Global household wealth amounted to $125 trillion in 2000, roughly three times the value of total global production, or $20,500 per person.
given that you live in a flat, obviously you are not a U.S. citizen. You should try checking out the U.S. Constitution, and see if you can find the
part which authorizes the federal government to act as a charitable organization.
Originally posted by Gorman91
God forbid you should TRY to counter those with God like common sense compared to you.
That's right, pet the cub but ignore the lion. Soon, the lion will devour you.
[edit on 25-6-2008 by Gorman91]
Last time I checked, the capitalists were trashing the entire planet, staging 911/WTC, engaged in about 30 ongoing wars for the last 30 years,
exporting all the jobs in America to India and importing Chinese goods, making food and gas too expensive to buy, raised the minimum wage to about
Why don't you work for $5.50 ... and would you please stop defending the NWO and FED ... THEY ARE THE CAPITALISTS not you.
I really don't understand how people can defend Bush, Cheney, Harriman, Warburg, Rothschield, Lehman Brothers and all the NWO venture capitalists.
(Note: this was posted twice by mistake and so this is removed. The first time I posted it I forgot to get the url as a reference, so had to repost it
in order to get a url. Then I came back here and removed the orig post and left this note.)
Originally posted by Creedo
This is why I buy gold... physicly buy and store gold... at home.... in a big heavy safe.Its really the only thing of value. Paper money has no value
to me. When the economy collapes gold will still hold value. I hope to aquire enough to sustain me and my family through any rough times ahead.
That's very smart. Also platinum and silver and other precious metals. I, unfortunately, am not in a position to do so ... once I was, but I blew it
because I'd hadn't had too much spending cash my whole life, and when I got some, I spent it ... it was a lot of fun and I wouldn't have traded
that fun for anything. Now that it's gone, my life went back to normal.
You’re not a capitalist. No one on ATS is a capitalist. You are a wage-slave. Only capitalists NOT wage slaves should be divested & THEIR fortunes
redistributed to wage-earners.
We are wage-slaves of the capitalists who OWN our MONEY & rent it to us & make us financial slaves – like being a slave? …then keep defending the
capitalist NWO. Keep defending the international bankers who ARE the capitalists.
Only capitalists
--have financial freedom & don’t have to work ever because they live off interest.
--own currency.
--issue currency.
--print & own the currency & rent it to you.
Do you print money? If not, you are not a capitalist.
You’re not a capitalist because YOU DO NOT PRINT THE MONEY OR OWN IT ... THEY PRINT IT & OWN IT. You don't have a trust fund. You're not a venture
capitalist. You're not an international banker. YOU'RE NOT A CAPITALIST -- YOU JUST THINK YOU ARE.
Following video of companies (see charts below) owned by the CAPITALIST BANKERS -- THE FED & BANK OF ENGLAND and is accompanied by Bob Dylan singing,
‘Master of War’
http ://www .youtube. com/watch?v=g0ELgFGd2fs
Capitalists are the bankers who own & print & own the money. Are you a banker? Can you legally print money? Do you have the right of fractional
banking & can loan the same dollar out to ten different people. If not, you are NOT a capitalist. You just think you are.
Do you issue credit cards? …or, do you use credit cards? ONLY capitalists issue credit cards.
Capitalists are the currency-issuing class, above the ruling class & above the ruling elite that control the upper class, the middle class, the
working class & the immigrants & prison labor.
‘taxation without representation means’ – THE INTEREST YOU ARE CHARGED on privately owned money owned by the money-issuing capitalists that is
‘rented’ or loaned to you.
Why you defend a corrupt MONOPOLY OF CAPITALISTS like the FED or Bank of England? … who dictate the life of a wage-slave. Don’t you want to be
You think that capitalism is the same word as freedom. If they are the same word, then why are you a wage-slave?
CAPITALIST mythology is psychopathic & sociopathic & preys on wage-earners. Over 95% of Americans die with no savings. That’s your capitalism. Just
1% of the population owns 99% of the wealth. That’s your capitalism.
WAGE-SLAVES to keep us poor & in debt & subservient slaves.
courtesy of Antony Sutton
who are THE CAPITALISTS that own the Fed that owns the banks that own the oil companies & utility companies & 99% of everything?
courtesy of Eustace Mullins & U.S. Congress
courtesy of Eustace Mullins & U.S. Congress
American Revolution of 1776 was against British capitalism imposed on Americans.
Read Eustace Mullins (here, online, free) ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve’,
You can read it in 30 days.
U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights was created to provide a publicly-owned central bank that prints publicly-owned money & charges no interest –
that is socialism. The American Revolution was AGAINST privately owned capital & AGAINST THE PRIVATE OWNERSHIP OF MONEY BY THE BANK OF ENGLAND.
DEFINITION OF SOCIALISM – “advocating collective ownership & administration of the means of production & distribution of goods” Now, in terms
of the CONSTITUTION & BILL OF RIGHTS … That’s the definition of the Republic, & INDIVIDUAL HUMAN SOVEREIGNTY of ‘We the People’.
Are you in the Social Register, the Blue Book? Who do you think you're supporting ... the NWO robot mind control will marginalize & you into a total
wage-slave if it hasn’t, already.
Corporate socialism is okay? …giving billions of tax dollars to oil companies & other corporations is okay. But, giving billions of dollars to
socially disadvantaged kids, the sick, the old, the weak, the poor is wrong.
add'l FED chart info
research courtesy of Eustace Mullins & U.S. Congress
UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT the Christian West Concept was bringing Nazis in America to found CIA as a hit squad for the FED, skim through, For neo-Nazi
holocaust deniers
also, I can’t understand this ‘patriot’ stuff at all, if you do, can you explain it
do you understand? U.S.A. is a corporation, not a country.
The ‘soviet’ revolution was for democracy against the Capitalist totalitarian bankers but was infiltrated, destabilized & destroyed by a coup by
the "Bolsheviks", who were financed by Rockefeller and Brown Brothers Harriman & the Bank of England & the Fed, & true 'worker's governing units'
were replaced with 'capitalist-financed communism'.
The ‘soviet’ revolution for democracy spread like wildfire through Europe & the U.S. until it was stamped out by financial destabilization –
reply by MidnightDStroyer.
U.S. PRESIDENTS DEFINE CAPITALISM -- a publicly-owned central bank ... a 100% socialist institution owned by & for the people. They are arguing
against the private central bank that had been installed by the Rothschilds in the U.S., then twice thrown out. It was re-established in 1913 by a
stupid congress, so we now owe THE CAPITALIST BANKERS nine trillion dollars ... very stupid congress, like today's.
“If the central bank continues to control our currency, receiving our public monies, & holding thousands of our citizens in dependence, it would be
more … dangerous than the … military power of the enemy.” ~ President Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837
“If American people allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks & corporations …
will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless ... The [money] issuing power should be taken from the banks & restored
to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” ~ President Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809
“Capital must protect itself … by combination & legislation … mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. … By dividing voters
through the political party system, we get them to … fight over questions of no importance. ~Aug. 25, 1924 USA Banker’s Magazine
Capitalists eliminate the sick & needy, & artists, musicians, dancers because they are 'non-wage slaves. CAPITALISTS KILL FREE SPIRITS, THEY NEED
Don't forget compassion, your spark of life & immortal soul.
Are you starting to understand what a CAPITALIST is? …a badge of treachery & being a traitor. It is nothing to be proud of.
The only hope for this country to return to prosperity and legality is to convert from a capitalist banker-dominated society to a fair society based
on democratic socialism & equal redistribution of wealth.
All incomes of the money-issuing, CAPITALIST class of money-issuers must be nationalized and redistributed to wage-earners, popularly known as
We must cap corporate and personal income levels and profits. All wage-earners should earn the same wage, regardless of profession. Working should be
entirely voluntary. Everyone should be given one million dollars on which to live and excessive inheritances and trust funds must be stopped.
We must nationalize the privately-owned FED and make it a publicly owned bank that doesn't charge interest, as our founding fathers mandated.
Job placement should be determined by the MMPI psychological inventory used to determine what professions high school graduates are most suited for
and which is based on matching personality traits of the students to those traits of people currently working in established professions and
Everyone should be entitled to one million dollars free, in additional to working or not working. How many, if any hours you work, is up to you.
Again, working should be voluntary and competition based on the myth of scarcity natural resources should be marginalized.
We must nationalize the privately-owned FED and make it a publicly owned bank that doesn't charge interest, as our founding fathers mandated.
We must do a better job than the British when they nationalized the Bank of England in the 1950s, and NOT pay dividends to the current private owners
of the FED after it's nationalized, like the Brits do. We must nationalize all the holdings of the interlocking corporate directorate of the FED
because, according to the U.S. Congress that mapped out the interlocking directorate of the FED and Bank of England, these FED-owned companies
dominate business in the U.S.
Once the FED is returned to a public bank status, no interest will be charged on mortgages, car loans, credit cards, etc. and the current FED
fractional banking mechanism that allows them to loan out one dollar ten times will be quit, as will the FED collecting ten times the interest on one
dollar, or collecting any interest at all.
We must establish an alternative to the corporate-controlled media in order to tell the truth and remove our the traitors who run this country in the
White House and in Congress and imprison them or otherwise rehabilitate them.
We must free all prisoners in U.S. prisons who did not commit violent crimes but were instead the victims of poverty and eliminate the three-strikes
law as it applies to minor drug offenses. And legalize drugs to stop trafficking and money laundering by the biggest banks in the U.S., Britain and
We must remove the profit motive from war by nationalizing the military-industrial complex and capping individual wealth and corporate profits.
We must criminalize or otherwise outlaw or successfully limit the growing, processing or production of food using chemical additives or fertilizers,
sugar or artificial sweeteners and prohibit the production and sales of alcohol, sugar, tobacco and other unhealthy &/or addictive substances. All
land owned by CAPITALIST BANKING forces must be taken back and all land, including front lawns and back, and countysides used for the growing of
We must convert overnight to a water/hydrogen/oxygen-based fuel economy and eliminate nuclear power. We must nationalize and sell oil and derivative
products at cost.
Education must be real. Professions and trades must be taught from preschool and students must be proficient in trades and professions when graduating
high school. College will continue to offer additional specialist training and will be provided at no cost. Public school will teach the truth that
FED and Bank of England and Bundesbank CAPITALISTS have funded the communists and the nazis and the terrorist organizations from the start of each,
and these same capitalists are responsible for all major drug, weapons, and conventional and nonconventional warfare, as well as human slave
trafficking of children and adults.
In this way, and only in this way, will America return to prosperity and physical and mental health and financial freedom and equity, and justice will
be restored here, and the U.S. will stop being the 'world's fascist police' and instead, become the healers of the world, as we were intended by
our founding fathers and mothers, and designed by God, to be.
Originally posted by onlyhurtsu reply to post by MaMaa
Umm you wont have to work your azz off, thats the point ...there are plenty of people who know how to work it out to be pretty good for all, its not
hard... the elite know it can be done, but they are too greedy to do it.
You're right about that.
We just need everyone to stop believing the lies and jump on our side and help overthrow the elite ... once people realize the corruption
theyll see we must have much stronger checks and balances ...its much easier to do these days with the visibility the internet can bring.
Well I agree with this except for cutting out the government. People can't have no government. if there is no government, the people will make
[edit on 25-6-2008 by Gorman91]
Here are the urls to my argument as of today. The U.S. government was designed to serve the citizens, NOT mandate the citizens. The Rothschild central
bankers and Rockefellors have destroyed this country and now we must take away their power by taking away their wealth. The idea is to take away the
wealth power and control of the CAPITALIST MONEY-ISSUING CLASS and distribute it equally to the wage-earners ... and to nationalize the FED.