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June 20, 2008

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posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:01 PM

Does anything ever concern you? I have never ever seen you in agreement with anything posted here. Not bashing, just an observation.

Steve has been very upset lately over things to come and this is NOT a prophecy, this is something that was witnessed, and i imagine along with the previous poster on this thread, there will be more news on this.

Maybe it was an accident?

I remember during the Nixon years, there was almost an incident one night that almost sent us all to kingdom come- i forget the details.

As far as the North Atlantic surrounded by Russian submarines, i can beleive that! The HOT war is on with Russia and they mean business.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:25 PM

U.S. Has No Knowledge of an Attack on Iran (Update1)

By Camilla Hall

June 24 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. has no knowledge of an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, Lieutenant Stephanie Murdock, a Fifth Fleet spokeswoman, said.

``To our knowledge there has been no bombing activity in Iran or on its nuclear sites,'' Murdock said in a telephone interview from the Persian Gulf.

``It's not something we have any knowledge of at this time,'' she added.

Dated 6/24/08



posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:28 PM
*sighs* i am gonna ask one more time, and i realize that i no one may know the answer, could this have been seen as far away as texas you think? i read the link, but am sick and tired and just can't seem to grasp this.

i am highly intrigued (and i'll admit this) ONLY bc my sis said she saw what she believed were two satellites hitting each other in the same exact manner as was mentioned on the link. the fact that she claimed this FRIDAY night sometime btw 10ish and 1ish (can't remember exact timing, just that it was somewhere in there) friday night and none of us really believed her and then BAM, this gets posted, i am HIGHLY NERVOUS!!!

not sure if my post was overlooked or not which is why i am asking again... if anyone thinks it would have been possible

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:29 PM
Look, this is all very interesting but there is absolutely no reason to believe this fantastic tale is true. As others have pointed out, there is no way the Military would be broadcasting on non secure frequencies.

Also, had events happened as they are described, how is that no one, saw this? Think about all the reports we hear about when a UFO is spotted? How is it that an event of this magnitude goes unobserved?

I don't know anything about Steve Quayle but a case could be made that making such an outlandish claim would drive traffic to his website. You must always ask how the claimant stands to benefit by going public with such an unsubstantiated report. I think it's pretty clear how Mr Quayle would benefit.

I'm of the belief that anything is possible these days but I require at least some substance before giving this type of wild eyed story a second thought.

Your mileage may vary.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:30 PM
Just the voice of some sanity. For whatever reason people are no longer questioning the basic assumptions of the more "far out" material on the website. You would think after all the hoaxes that have used ATS as a vehicle there would be a little more questioning concerning the fundamentals of extravagant claims.

Near nuclear holocaust last Friday night, and ATS only gets the news on Tuesday? So far the only witness to write about it was the program's co-host? A nuclear missile launch with an interception by a super secret laser emitting hyperspace flying thing and nobody else saw anything? Nothing on the news, every teenager in the country has a phonecam and a youtube account. Nobody with one was looking at the sky on a Friday night in the Summer? Just trying to inject some common sense. There needs to be some basic level of verification before everyone starts swallowing threads hook line and sinker.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:32 PM
helllllooooooo!!! *jumps up and down and waves* i had to leave to the store just to get away from the fact that no one is taking note and came back thinking SURELY someone will have noticed i am posting that there is a similar claim of what was being described here in tx!! hellllooooooo

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:32 PM
And yet IRAN denies anything happened as well. Don't you think that if something happened Iran would be screaming about it? This was just an excuse to push oil prices higher.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by justamomma
*sighs* i am gonna ask one more time, and i realize that i no one may know the answer, could this have been seen as far away as texas you think?
not sure if my post was overlooked or not which is why i am asking again... if anyone thinks it would have been possible

If an event happened like that in the sky that could be seen from Bozeman, Montana to Texas it would have been in the view of half the continental United States and Canada. Word would have gotten out by Saturday AM.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

I'm a little confused. How is an erroneous rumor about an attack on Iran's Nuclear facilities related to this alleged Nuclear brinksmanship? Unless you are suggesting that neither of these reports are remotely true.

In which case, we agree

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Yes and no. It's possible to have seen something of the launch, but the chances of seeing the shoot down aren't good, since from the sound of things the ICBM was still in the boost phase when it was destroyed. It wouldn't have been high enough to appear as a satellite yet. And it wasn't shot down by hit to kill vehicle, but some sort of laser type weapon system supposedly.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:38 PM
ok.. well, damn it!! i was so excited (not in a GOOD way) thinking she may have witnessed it, but she (well, all the guys saw them too, just not the supposed impact that she did) that although they were going faster than normal satellites, they looked pretty much like satellites. but still, weird that they would have seen that on friday around the approximate time this guy said. but, yeah, ok. gotcha

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:42 PM
I was wondering if someone would pick this story up. Kudos on the OP for doing so.

I've looked into Steve Quayle for several years. I think he's the real deal, and I personally place him in the same category as Holly and Stan Deyo and George Ure. They all say what they think (IMO), don't pull punches, and report what is in the news. They add their own opinions to things, and those things are, again, IMO, very well thought out, without an apparenty agenda towards swaying people to their line of thinking.

I think it's real. I probably wouldn't place so much faith on it had it not come directly from Steve Quayle and those who he trusts.

This is just exactly how I thought it would come down too. Like a thief in the night, to borrow a familiar religious phrase. I've always thought that the big X would not be with warning for us, the little lifeforms most impacted, but ZAP! here it is.

If this doesn't make you want to prepare in a sensible manner for the cone of probability, then I guess you might be inclined toward the muses of government protecting your tails. They don't seem to have done a stellar job so far, nor is it really their duty. I think the preceeding two sentences most likely apply to every country.

Cheers and................ peace

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Night Watchman
I'm a little confused. How is an erroneous rumor about an attack on Iran's Nuclear facilities related to this alleged Nuclear brinksmanship?

I;s safe to say that if there is going to be a Nuclear exchange in the near future, Iran, Israel, North Korea, The United States, and Russia will likely be involved. As far as the event actually happening, every time a camel breaks wind in Iran it is assumed to be an American strike of some sort. It the next big thing, people are waiting for it. The Pentagon could just post a stock denial up at the podium and have reporters read that daily. That article was just a false start. So any mention of Russian/American nuclear exchange may have shades of Iran to it.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by argentus
I personally place him in the same category as Holly and Stan Deyo and George Ure. do I.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:45 PM
My point is to let you all know that there is stuff going on that

may not make the nightly news.

never mind.

I'm just a pessimist, thats all. Everything is beautiful.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by argentus

If this doesn't make you want to prepare in a sensible manner for the cone of probability, then I guess you might be inclined toward the muses of government protecting your tails.

So, let me understand what you are suggesting here. If we don't believe a completely unsubstantiated claim about an event that, had it truly occurred would have been witnessed by hundreds, if not thousands of people, then we are somehow misinformed?

Is that really what you think?

You believe that this event happened and there is no independent confirmation or claims? How could that possibly be? Do you also believe that Ham Radio Operators are able to intercept highly classified transmission?

And you are willing to believe this without a shred of supporting evidence?

Good heavens. They really have succeeded in scaring us beyond any rational thought, haven't they?

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:59 PM
I agree, I think there is a lot going on that has some solid credible theory behind it. Peak Oil, The collapse of the dollar, Global food shortages. These get more play on the news now, but I have been in agreement with these things here on ATS for years. You can look at these things and say "hmmm..they may have something here, they line up a bunch of dots and connect them to make a reasonable picture." I don't buy into the 9/11 truth movement, but I respect the amount of research and thought that goes into their arguments.

You just cant swallow it every time someone posts on the Internet that apocalypse is around the corner. Especially when they have something to sell! Frequency Jamming, Explosions over Montana, a nuclear missile launch, and no corroborating evidence at all nobody in Montana would notice this, the whole thing just happens to go off in Steve Quayle's eyesight that evening?

There are interesting concepts (Titor), compelling theories (Peak Oil), Alternative explanations (9/11) and then there are things that are on fire on your porch begging to be stamped out. This story is one of those.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

Thanks Deeg! I hear ya. I peruse SQ every so often and, though, his predictions are less than spectacular, this does merit more investigating.

Oh, and Mainer? Yeah, we get it. You're skeptical.

I'd like to hear more from the Amateur Radioers, if possible. More actual eyewitnesses to the launch/interception action.
But, starred and flagged because it's interesting and obscure.


posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by Night Watchman

Witnessed by hundreds, or thousands. Very very unlikely. A single ICBM would likely not even be witnessed by t he gentle folk of Great Falls.

No, you missed somewhat what I was saying, or I worded it poorly. I think events like these, whether they are a fraud, as some are claiming, or substantiated, as I believe..... are portents of probability which CAN and MAY happen. If you believe they are false, and cannot happen, then go on with your life as if nothing is the matter. If you believe they CAN happen, this can be construed as a kick in the posterior to bump up your preps. There's no need, as far as I can see, to make one's life into a hellhole for the sake of preparedness.

Please understand..... I think that if you do little to protect your family and loved ones against an unknown future, you loose the right to whine about it later.

I believe this event was real. I'm not prone to siding with dramatic internet posts, but I know something of these people and I personally believe that they mean the best. Their websites are all self - sufficient, as this one is. The books they sell are cheap, dirt cheap and are meant to further the efforts of folks who wish to prepare, to know, to see.

So, no, I don't believe that belief in one thing necessitates disbelief in another. If you don't want to prepare for a time beyond your current sight, then don't. Nobody cares. I'm not selling anything on the internet. I just want people to survive. I want YOU to survive. I look forward to posting with you again in the future.

Be well.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 09:05 PM
Unfortunatly, we are not going to be told by the "media" about something like this- so i think its a wise thing to at least have an open mind, research it and keep looking for signs.
The Steve Quayles of the world are the ones who will be talking about these things. Remember that.

Sometimes these things dont come to light for months or years after the fact.

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