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June 20, 2008

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posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by dedalive

Ok, I believe I know what he saw. I myself have seen this happen on many nights where I live. I and a few of my friends like to go star watching every so often, and when we do, and we even watch for this to happen. What we see are satellites that are traveling from the light that is hitting then from the sun, into the dark where there is no sunlight. We often see them grow brighter as they make that transition from daylight to dark. In other words, they are just catching the last rays of sunlight as they orbit the earth. I hope that I made this clear enough. (LOL, even had me confused for a moment.)

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:16 PM
I get you. The thing of it is, this was in the dark, at night. The thing grew brighter apart from any outside influence. The biggest question he has is where was the flight path after this? It was still dark.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:18 PM
Sorry I almost feel like I'm taking dictation here. He says he also did not say it was a satellite it only appeared as such. And it did not deviate from any flight path. Gas bubble reflecting the moon from Venus? ;-)

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:24 PM
I have to agree with Zaphod on this. No way in tarnashons would a singular nuclear missile be launched.

It's all or nothing in the end game.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:26 PM
I am bad at this.. sorry for the triple post, in response to the aforementioned Satellite reflection theory... he left my place after midnight, dead darkness... so figure 2 AM he left. In MN its dead nigth at 2 AM.. just saying I appreciate the theory and I would like to watch for that sort of thing now that you've pointed it out, but I do not think it's the case here.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by skooby

thanks for the input and welcome
I was trying to draw a contrast between high payload launches -- shuttle, etc. and ICBMs. The former has to achieve escape velocity along with hefting a bunch of mass/fuel; the latter has only to push its own modest self along a suborbital path.

I appreciate the way you responded...... fair and backed up with evidence. Respect


posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Mainer

I surely hope you are right. The alternative is too frightening to consider. I feel a lot safer following in your path, friend. I know I'll sleep a lot sounder tonight thinking that it was all a ruse played upon Steve, by a writer who has shown muster for several years.

Steve must be really pissed.

Ahh, the sweet slumber of happy dreams. There, now that I'm finished with my passive-aggresive sarcasm I can tell you that I still respect your way of approaching this story. I don't agree, but respect. I too, question it, just have perhaps more time invested in watching the original reporter and forming opinions as to his veracity.


posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by dedalive
I am bad at this.. sorry for the triple post, in response to the aforementioned Satellite reflection theory... he left my place after midnight, dead darkness... so figure 2 AM he left. In MN its dead nigth at 2 AM.. just saying I appreciate the theory and I would like to watch for that sort of thing now that you've pointed it out, but I do not think it's the case here.

The fisrt time I ever saw this happen, I was around 15-16 years old (I`m 52 now) and my brother was home on leave from the Air Force, we were up late (around 1-2:00 am), and I saw one of these things going overhead going East, it grew brighter then anything that was around, then it was like someone hit a switch and it went out. It made the hair stand up on my neck. I asked my brother if he saw it, of which he said yes. he explained the same thing to me that I told you. Hey, if you do go and watch, let me know what you see, I`m going this weekend for a night of star watching, I`ll keep track of how many I see and let you know. Happy hunting.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:51 PM
Like I said, I hear you, but was this in the middle of the night? I have no clue on how the reflections etc work, just wondering. This happened at appx 2 AM June 21 midwest time

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:54 PM
Again before I talk I should read.. damn I am bad at this. So it was at 1 or 2 AM, and I am definitely not saying you are wrong. Did you witness any flight path after the fact? That is my main question. I'd invite you to come to northern Minnesota to look at the skies sometime. We get all kinds of interesting phenomena.

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 02:53 AM
As for seeing it after the light went out, it is hard to do when it is against a black background. About the only way to do it is watch and see if it crosses or goes in front of any stars that lay in the path it is taking. A very hard thing to do.

Hey, thanks for the invite. I live in Northwestern Ohio, it`s not a bad place for watching the stars. Were far enough away from the large cities so the lights don`t bother at all.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Mainer

I've found ZERO supporting reports on this. SOMEONE would have rung a bell. I've like Quaye before this, but TR3-Bs? Only one missile? No "leaks" from all those militarily involved, especially Clinton-era holdovers?

There needs to be supporting evidence, HAM opeators that can report what they heard....

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
reply to post by justamomma

ok sorry about that i was on the 3rd page when i wrote that, i should have went all the way thru the thread...hey i believe your sister saw something, but WHAT is the question, tell her she is not crazy

lol no problem. again, was excited (not in a positive way, mind you). and she knows she isn't crazy. we were talking about it friday (while watching meteor after meteor fall from the sky) and the way we figure it, too much of a coincidence not to take notice. whether others want to or not, that is their misfortune (not like we are going to have better fortune for noticing lol).

i feel no need to prove anything at this point as those who don't believe that something happened that night have reason for feeling skeptical. i would too had it not been for the circumstances i was witness to.

but yeah, i am still and may always be up in the air about what

[edit on 30-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 11:53 AM
Text Blackreply to post by FlyersFan
Ok first of all a nuclear device cannot be launched without pres approval. there is no way that this could have taken place! As a retired military man i can assure you that. to even get the codes for such a launch, it would have come from the very top. these steps are taken into consideration, for the rouge general who went nuts one day. Granted Military test of sort happen without media attention but this thing could not have happened . To many failsafes.

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